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Article of the day

The 2020 Aduraszna presidential election took place on Saturday, 15 August 2020, between 6.00 a.m. and 10.00 p.m. The incumbent, Nakhas Tsirun of Movement for Ecological Action, supported by AK/ER's recommendation, won a second term in office, challenged by Rankarus Eszeran, a candidate from the moderate ko'Valkrei faction of ReNDaF, and Lóruszan Fvalus, from the left-wing trade unionist party Solidarity. This election was notable for the failure of the ReNDaF candidate to make it through to the final round of two-party preference votes for the first time since 1965, despite being the largest party in the country. This has been explained by various Aszar political commentators as being due to a combination of a relatively uncharismatic ReNDaF nominee, general dissatisfaction with Harun Lunsdzhura's premiership, and the large numbers of traditionally ReNDaF voters satisfied with Tsirun's first term in the presidency, and as such, opting to preference him first. (Full article...)

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  • Mollis pretium lorem primis senectus habitasse lectus scelerisque donec, ultricies tortor suspendisse adipiscing fusce morbi volutpat pellentesque, consectetur mi risus molestie curae malesuada cum.
  • Dignissim lacus convallis massa mauris enim ad mattis magnis senectus montes, mollis taciti phasellus accumsan bibendum semper blandit suspendisse faucibus nibh est, metus lobortis morbi cras magna vivamus per risus fermentum.
  • Dapibus imperdiet praesent magnis ridiculus congue gravida curabitur dictum sagittis, enim et magna sit inceptos sodales parturient pharetra mollis, aenean vel nostra tellus commodo pretium sapien sociosqu.