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People's Republic of Chianski

República Popular de Chianski
Flag of Chianski
Emblem of Chianski
Motto: "Unidade, Trabalho, Vigilância"
"Unity, Work, Vigilance"
and largest city
GovernmentUnitary single-party socialist republic
• President
Ismael Lúcio Mangeira
• Prime Minister
José António Cauma
Legislature People's Assembly
• Total
12,701 km2 (4,904 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• 2023 estimate
1.23 million
• Density
94.5/km2 (244.8/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2023 estimate
• Total
$3.52 billion
• Per capita
Gini (2023)14.80
SDI (2023)0.755
CurrencyChianskian Metica
Date formatdd ˘ mm ˘ yyyy
Driving sideleft
Calling code09
Internet TLD.cs

Chianski, officially the People's Republic of Chianski, is a socialist state located on a chain of islands in the Concordian Ocean. The capital and largest city is Telver which is also the country's commercial and trade centre.

The People's Republic of Chianski was officially formed in 2004 following a coup de'tat of the previous government by a group of radical military officers suspected of being covertly supported and financed by East Cerdani, a country which the current socialist government is closely aligned with and who supported the communist guerrilla movement during their insurgency. Chianski originally gained independence from Great Morstaybishlia in 1979 as the Republic of Chianski, which continues to be internationally recognised by a number of countries.


Early Settlement




Communist Insurgency

2004 Socialist Coup

Socialist guerrillas during the insurgency.


The ten islands that make up Chianski have formed individually over millions of years due to volcanic and tectonic activity. Most of the major islands have significant offshore submerged islands comprising large coral reefs and shoals that have helped protect majority of the islands from the erosion that has been affecting islands such as Telver.

Climate & Weather



The Parliament Building in Telver has been the seat of governments since the colonial days.

Foreign Relations

Chianski is generally aligned with East Cerdani and other leftist countries on international affairs and issues, but takes a more pragmatic approach to regional and bilateral relations. Officially Chianski is non-aligned to any of the major powers and seeks partnerships with most other countries and it's immediate neighbours. Chianski is a participant and member of the International Forum and other international and regional organisations. The Chianskian Contitution and Government advocate for the Condordian Ocean to be a nuclear-free zone of peace, and the government has refused nuclear armed vessels anchorage or access to its waters.


Main Article: People's Forces for the Liberation of Chianski

Soldiers of the FPLC during a training exercise.

The People's Forces for the Liberation of Chianski (FPLC) are the armed forces of Chianski, comprising a small land army, air force and naval contingent with a total headcount of 4,800. The armed forces have been undergoing extensive modernisation and upgrades of equipment at great expense to the government. The army consists of approximately 1,800 soldiers and is organised into one mechanised battalion (Presidential Guard) and eight motorised infantry companies comprising infantry, artillery, armoured and support companies and platoons along with the elite 'Red Beret' company, a band and training section.

The Air Force has approximately 700 personnel and consists of two fighter-interceptor squadrons, two helicopter squadrons, two surveillance squadrons, one transport squadron, and one training squadron along with supporting staff. Most of the Air Force consists of ageing East Cerdan and Morstaybishlian aircraft and equipment, with some modernisation in progress. The Navy consists of around 2,300 personnel and is organised primarily around coastal defence and border surveillance with around 54 light coastal patrol boats, 4 corvettes, 1 frigate and 2 midget submarines of East Cerdan and Morstaybishlian origin.

The paramilitary People's Militas account for some 27,000 citizens who receive military training and are equipped with older weaponry and equipment. Chianski has no domestic arms industry and is reliant on international suppliers. The majority of its material is provided by East Cerdani and other socialist countries, some weapons and equipment left behind after independence from Morstaybishlia are still in use by the FPLC. The FPLC receive significant support and training from the East Cerdan National People's Army.

Registration is mandatory for all people over the age of 18 with selective conscription for 1 year periods of active duty. Any person unwilling to serve the conscription period has the possibility to avoid it by instead serving community service for the duration of their active period.


The Chianskian Economy has historically been heavily reliant upon the export of agricultural products and international tourism. Following independence however oil and petroleum extraction and processing has grown significantly, with the socialist government prioritising it as a means to further the industrialisation of the country. The government has managed to avoid the corruption often seen in states with similar windfall profits and effectively managed the economy, keeping debt to a manageable level and maintaining a profitable trade balance despite sanctions.

Expanding light and heavy industries is a priority of the young socialist government.

The Chianskian Economy is officially organised along '5 Year Economic Plans' in a similar manner to other socialist countries.

Natural Resources

Under Morstaybishlian rule, few geological surveys were done, but after independence geological surveys were conducted on the islands and surrounding exclusive economic zone. New oil fields were discovered surrounding the islands, prompting the development of a limited extraction industry however further expansion was limited due to the challenges at the time. No new further exploration was undertaken until 2008 when further discoveries of huge oil fields were discovered adjoining a number of pre-existing and exploited fields. Following this, the government launched efforts to reverse declining extraction and to kick-start the creation of a domestic production and processing industry.

All oil extraction, production and processing is managed by the state-owned National Petroleum Directorate (DNP) which also has the exclusive right to manage oil exploration permits. The Kunene Oil Refinery in Telver is the sole refinery in Chianski, and was commissioned in 2019 after nearly a decade of construction with assistance and oversight from East Cerdani. The Kunene Refinery has a peak capacity of approximately 138,000 barrels per day and exports around 90-95% with 8-5% typically reserved for domestic consumption and stockpiling.


Crop production, forestry and fishing are seen as key industries in Chianski. Plantation agriculture has historically been the mode of operation during the days of colonisation with priority given to cash crops over food production. Following the socialist revolution all the plantations under foreign control have been passed into state-owned agricultural combines and enterprises. Main agricultural exports consist of fresh and canned fruits, maize and tobacco goods such as Chianskian Cigars.

Domestic food production and processing was historically inadequate to meet the food consumption of the local population, with most of the food being imported internationally. After the socialist revolution the new government has implemented policies to expand domestic food production, officially achieving self sufficiency in maize, rice and wheat in 2021. Despite this Chianski continues to import as much as 25% of its food, primarily from East Cerdani and other friendly countries.


The pristine beaches of Telver and Chianski attract tourists across the world and form a significant part of the economy.

The tourism assets of Chianski are primarily it's natural environment consisting of pristine beaches, dense forests and coral reefs. Tourism has historically been a very profitable industry in Chianski. Prior to independence Morst Tourists would regularly vacation and visit Telver and Chianski's beaches. Tourism dropped in the wake of the 2004 Revolution, but international and domestic operators have regained their confidence and tourism has surged from 2016 with a growth rate of 34% in 2022.

The Chianskian government has been careful in it's management of the tourism industry, as it provides a large amount of much needed foreign currency and attracts more foreign investment than any other part of the country's economy. The government has been actively promoting Chianski as an eco-tourist destination internationally and has successfully hosted a number of international sporting and aquatic events to promote the industry. Cruise Ships are also an important factor for attracting visitors, and the government actively engages and invests in c

Heavy & Light Industry

The Light & Heavy industrial sectors are relatively new in Chianski, only emerging after independence but quickly diversifying into a large import-substitution manufacturing sector. These included food processing, textile manufacture, consumer goods production, cement production, chemical and medicine production, oil refining, glassware manufacturing and tyre manufacturing.

Following the the socialist revolution in 2004 the new government has placed special emphasis on expanding heavy industries such as oil refining, wind-turbine manufacture and ship-making and maintenance. A number of these industries are still being developed, with ship-making limited by a lack of significant international customers and interest along with under-investment into the expansion of floating drydock facilities, many of which are used for maintenance, upgrades and jumboisation.


Telver International Airport is the main airport in Chianski.

There are over 1,000 km of roads across the islands, but much of the network is unpaved and undermaintained. The main international airport is at Telver, 3 other major paved airports, 2 paved aerodromes and around 12 airstrips with unpaved runways make up the network of airports across Chianski. The state-owned Chianski Airlines (LAC) is responsible for all regular domestic and international air services. The Chianskian General Aviation Company (COMAG) is responsible for local, light aviation service between islands and offshore platforms along with crop dusting and search and rescue services.

Chianski has three major ocean ports at Telver, Gorjão and Baixa Coimbra. The main international port at Telver has been undergoing extensive rehabilitation and improvements. About 13 smaller ports are used for inter island traffic, many in a state of disrepair and undergoing rehabilitation.



Chianskian is the official and most widely spoken national language of Chianski, with about 81.4% speaking it, a significant share of this as their native language. Restructured variants of Staynish or Staynish creoles are also spoken across different islands with an estimated 36.5% speaking Staynish as either their primary or second language. Cerdan/Ethalrian (3.8%) is the most widely taught foreign language in schools.


As of 2024 a majority of the population (60-65%) are adherents of various indigenous and local religions. Around 15% profess no religion or atheism, with the largest organised religions split across Thaerism 12%, Akronism 6% and Paxism 2%. The constitution grants the right to practice (or not to practice) religion, although the governments relations with churches have been particularly cool owing to mass anti-religious and anti-superstition campaigns.


Healthcare in Chianski is entirely socialised and provided free of charges or fees. The emphasis is on preventative healthcare, immunisation, sanitation, hygiene and nutrition are usually delivered by specially trained locals in medical posts and clinics. Fully trained physicians and nurses are still minimal, but growing steadily thanks to training and education initiatives. Most of the physicians in the country are currently foreigners on temporary duty. Mass healthcare campaigns are typically run every 5 years, with the previous two being a mass immunisation of the population and a hygiene and sanitation campaign, primarily around latrine building and clean water availability. The success of both of these campaigns have been substantial.


All schools are run by the state and provided for free for all children and divided into a four year primary school and seven year, two cycle secondary school. Trained teachers are often in short supply, so most students are taught by their senior peers or attend classes remotely. Telver University is the sole provider of domestic higher education and opened in 1992. Prior to independence literacy was estimated at 10-20% for the native population, by 2024 adult literacy is now estimated at 78%.

National holidays

Date National holiday designation Notes
1 January New Year's Day Celebrates the new year
29 February Chianskian Heroes Day In tribute to the heroes of the Socialist Revolution
3 April Day of Chianskian Women Celebrates Chianskian Women and their achievements
1 May International Workers Day Celebrates workers and their achievements
15 July Independence Day Celebrates independence from Morstaybishlia
18 September Day of the Revolution In tribute to the 2004 Socialist Revolution
10 November PFLC Day In tribute to the foundation of the People's Forces for the Liberation of Chianski
21 December Picnic Day Traditional day for rest and family activities


Energy & Utilities