
From TEPwiki, Urth's Encyclopedia
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TEPwiki was created in April 2019 but was it was not until around September 2019 by Emjay with the idea of being a replacement for The East Pacific community's use of NSWiki as the software had not seen any updated since 2014. As the Login with NationStates functionality completely malfunctioned in December 2019 which led to the Urth forum roleplayers to move to TEPwiki. Originally TEPwiki had namespaces for The East Pacific gameplay (TEP) and Valsora but they have since moved away from the idea of a shared wiki. TEP currently does not have a dedicated wiki and ValsoraWiki was created in 2024 and uses the Valsora subdomain of tep.wiki.

Since 2020 the tep.wiki domain is managed by Tep Network, the community's nonprofit, and as of 2024 is still hosted by Miraheze. This could change in the future with discussions and development of a self-hosted wiki by community members since 2023 due to the announcement of Miraheze's shutdown that has since been averted with its merger with WikiTide.

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