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The Republic of Faethalria

Fötalrische Republik (Ethalrian)
Flag of Faethalria
Flag of Faethalria
Motto: Frieden, Gerechtigkeit, Industrie (Ethalrian)
Peace, Justice, Industry
"United in diversity"
Anthem: Der Phönix erhebt sich(Ethalrian)
The Phoenix Rises
LocationA Map of Faethalria in Aurora
and largest city
National languagesEthalrian
Ethnic groups
Demonym(s)Faethalrian, Ethal
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary republic
• President
Jane Augusta
LegislatureParliament of Faethalria
House of Representatives
• Independence from Ethalria
1 November 2017
• 2021 estimate
• Census
GDP (nominal)2021 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
Gini (2022)31.76
SDI (2022)Increase 0.768
CurrencyKirib ()
Date formatDD/MM/YYYY
Driving sidethe left
ISO 3166 codeFAE
Internet TLD.eth

Faethalria (formally known as the Republic of Faethalria or Fötalrische Republik in the Ethalrian) is an independent sovereign state in Aurora. It is surrounded by Sarentria to the southwest, Drakaland to the northwest, Great Morstaybishlia to the north, North Ethalria to the northeast, Thalria and Tuvaltastan to the southeast and the Azure Sea to the south. With a largely continental climate, it experiences 4 seasons with snowy winters and rainy summers. Most of its territory is characterised by pine forests and steppe with its interior dominated by 4 large lakes.

Faethalria was formerly a part of the Matriarchy of Ethalria and prior to that a part of the Grand Matriarchy of Ethalria. During that time, it was involved in the Great War and Auroran Imperial War. Faethalria was founded on November 2017 when it gained independence from the Matriarchy of Ethalria. When the Southern Auroran Front and Nationalist Front deposed the government of president Karl Strasser in 2019. Faethalria led an invasion of Kostoria-Obertonia which it eventually annexed.

Faethalria's political system stakes place as a unitary constitutional semi-presidential democratic republic with Jane Augusta as the inaugural and incumbent President. Following the Auroran-Cerenerian War, reforms aimed at creating a non-sexist, non-racist, peaceful and democratic nation have been pursued. Following the Auroran Reunification Summit and ascension to the Treaty of Aura, it is a founding member of the United Nations of the Auroran Continent and Ethaln League. Its military, the Faethalrian Defence Force, is one of the largest in the UNAC and ranks moderately among the list of countries by military expenditure and list of countries by number of military personnel.

Faethalria's economy operates as a predominantly free-market economy with limited state regulation, social welfare and state-led entrepreneurship. The official legal tender is a the Kirib, shared with the other nearly 20 members of the Auroran Central Bank. With a GDP of over 1.2 trillion KRB, it is a major power in the Economy of the UNAC. It benefits from a diverse labour force and abundant natural resources but struggles to compete with other UNAC member states on innovation. Its major trading partners include other UNAC member states, Peregrinia, Free Pax States, Packilvania and Kuthernburg. Its economy is especially strong in the export of machinery, automobiles and foodstuffs.


Auroran-Cerenerian War

On 22 October, 2017, Bursil Alliance Forces had entered the territory of the Matriarchy of Ethalria. The government of Matriarch Amalda Harimann retreated to the Ribenstadt Emergency Underground, a bunker from which what remained of the Ethalrian government attempted to coordinate a response to the invasion and seemingly impending collapse of their state.[1] Harimann is alleged to have gone insane as she faced the prospect of defeat while the rest of her government attempted to continue resisting the invasion. She authorised the launched of the Big Duster, a massive nuclear-armed ballistic missile, however due to the loss of the Kelpade Outpost, her government argued that it would be impossible to execute that request. Moments after, she was informed that Nimvja Outpost was lost. By that point Morstaybishlian soldiers had penetrated the Emergency Underground and were fighting room to room with the remaining Ethalrian forces. Amalda Harimann fled the country to an undisclosed location, presumed to be in Gondwana.[2]


On 24 October, 2017, forces of the Bursil Alliance marched on the then capital of the Matriarchy of Ethalria. Then head of state of that nation, Matriarch Amalda Harimann fled the country. the remaining officials surrendered.[3] The Bursil Alliance partitioned Ethalria into four new nation states: Vothetria, Kothalria, Thalria and Faethalria.[3] All these nations including Faethalria were given laws and a constitution that strongly resembled the political system of Great Morstaybishlia.[3] These four new nations were forced to pay reparations. The were condemned by the international community. Their armed forces were placed under the supervision of the Bursil Alliance, whose forces maintained an ongoing presence in their borders.[3] On one hand there were people in the country who were deeply repentant and reflective of the role their former nation had played in the war. On the other hand there were people who felt like they were being conquered and the new governments that ruled them were puppet states of Great Morstaybishlia, extensions of its empire. Although these new governments banned fascist parties, nationalist and socialist parties were able to form, many of which retained the ultranationalistic, racist, populist, authoritarian, nativist ideologies of the former Matriarchy.[3]

Due to the harsh reparations, economic isolation and damage to infrastructure and public institutions precipitated by the Auroran-Cerenerian War, Faethalria and the other Ethaln states faced socio-economic issues like high rates of unemployment, poverty and shortages of food and medicine.[3] Increasingly, the public grew resentful of the nouveau-riche that had arisen in part due to Bursil Alliance patronage.

Kostoria-Obertonian Annexation

On January 3, 2019, the Voice of Faethalria reported that a terrorist attack occurred in Ribenstadt, the capital city of Faethalria which led to the deaths of 33 people and the hospitalisation of 50 more.[4] Apparently the incident had been perpetrated by a Kostoria-Obertonian national by the name of Eric Schumacher who was associated with a nationalistic terrorist organisation known as the Southern Auroran Front.[4] Jane Augusta, the President of Faethalria at the time, offered her condolences to the families but also called for a collective response from the United Nations of the Auroran Continent to combat the threat of terrorism emanating from Kostoria-Obertonia.[4] Police investigations discovered that the bomb in fact contained radioactive material, which was in turn dispersed throughout the affected area.[5] On February 2, 2019, Justin Valeria, at the time the Member of the Council of the UNAC for Faethalria, explained at a meeting of that body in the city of Aura in Emberwood Coast at the UNAC headquarters in the Aura International Convention Centre that Jane Augusta had ordered a commission of inquiry to investigate the incident and found that the composition of the material of the bomb used in the terror attacks included materials that could be reliable traced back to the site of the 2017 Nuremkastel nuclear meltdown.[6]

Gertrude Amaliadotter, then-President of Thalria, as well as President Lupita Funkel of Vöhmia, represented their nations in person and jointly offered financial and military support to Faethalria to deal with the crisis. Furthermore, Walter Johannes, then Prime Minister of Great Morstaybishlia, offered his nation's support with an explicit view to prevent future issues of this nature.[7] Additionally, Member of the Council of the UNAC, Polly Newman, echoed these sentiments and pledged support on behalf of Axdel.[8] In contrast, Alyona Petrovavich, President of Tuvaltastan, offered support to Kostoria-Obertonia to deal with the threat of the Southern Auroran Front.[9] On 14 February, 2019, Deputy President of Vothetria, Saoirse Mambat and her husband Fabian Marzi, were attacked at Florist Walk in Karinthus, Vothetria. Mr Marzi was killed by stabbing during the incident. A shootout between the police and the attackers ensued. The attackers were killed and Mrs Mambat and Mr Marzi were rushed to safety. Unfortunately, police were too late to defuse a bomb that exploded and killed several people and destroyed a helicopter.[10] On the same day, the Southern Auroran Front released a statement formally taking responsibility for the attacks in Karinthus and Ribenstadt, vowing to stave off any Ethaln retribution on Kostoria-Obertonia of which they claimed to be the legitimate government.[8]

On March 4, 2019, President Karl Strasser of Kostoria-Obertonia and his cabinet held a meeting with President Jane Augusta and her government via a teleconference. In this meeting, they shared intelligence on the Southern Auroran Front and set the high-level strategy for dealing with them which would entail a Faethalrian military incursion into the north of Kostoria-Obertonia under UNAC oversight. Furthermore, it was revealed that the SAF was working to embed itself in and fundamentally alter the democratic political system of Kostoria-Obertonia through co-opting the Kostoria-Obertonia Nationalist Party.[11] On March 10, 2019, Faethalrian and Vothetrian forces entered Kostoria-Obertonia, locating and attacking several compounds allegedly controlled by SAF paramilitary forces in the north of the country using ground forces and airstrikes. Insurgents not killed during the strikes were detained by the allied forces.[12] Following the successful defeat of the SAF, the government of Kostoria-Obertonia barred the Kostoria-Obertonian Nationalist Party which the party protested through demonstrations in the city of Ezkrau under the leadership of Jared Lodz and Alexander Vandel which police tried in vain to dispel.[13] The KO Nationalist Party got Guy Lieber, the head of security for the KO President,[14] to force Strasser to cede power to Alexander Vandel as the new President of KO[15]. Despite attempts to legitimise his government through the KO representative to the UNAC Council, the Council of the UNAC, at the urging of Franklin Barvata supported a Faethalrian-led UNAC supervised invasion of KO with a view to usurp Vandel's government.[15] In the same month, President Lupita Funkel of Vöhmia visited President Augusta in Faethalria to discuss the possible escalation of the crisis into a war. Despite, the protestations of President Funkel, President Augusta felt that while a war was not inevitable it was necessary to prepare for it and galvanise a coalition of UNAC member states to restore the government of KO under President Strasser.[16] In April, 2019, he remnants of the Southern Auroran Front launched an attack on Rorikton in Thalria with a view to scare the public and dissuade President Gertrude Amaliadotter from assisting Vothetria and Faethalria in their operations in KO.[17] On 26 June 2019, Karl Strasser was executed by the Nationalist Party/SAF government.[18]

In a plot to overthrow Gertrude Amaliadotter and restore an ethnonationalist government in Thalria, Lenski Sarinn supplied Vandel with Ethalrian-made weapons hoping to both paint Amaliadotter as a traitor to the UNAC alliance as well as provide Alexander Vandel with a reasonable chance of victory.[19]


Faethalria is a largely cool, temperate country host to deciduous forests. The country features 6 large freshwater lakes, notable for the unique species of fish present and the natural beauty of the area, the river valleys surrounding them hosting much of the nations economically productive industrial areas.


Confronted with the trauma of the defeat of the Auroran-Cerenerian War, Faethalrian politics have been shaped by a desire to eliminate the fascistic, militaristic, imperialistic, hyperfeministic and dictatorial tendencies of the Ethalrian government. In October 2017, the Occupation Authority was set up by the Bursil Alliance to oversee the partition of Ethalria and the first stages of the enforcement of reparations, basic reconstruction, withdrawal of military forces and refugee management. It gave way to a Transitional Authority in November 2017, that comprised Faethalrian leaders appointed by Bursil to administer a referendum and oversee the drafting of the Constitution. Its leaders secured the country's future by representing its interests at the Auroran Reunification Summit. In January 2018, it that gave way to the Republic of Faethalria.

The primary political agenda is led by the Democratic Movement, a broad front composed of parties that subscribe to a center to left political agenda focusing on demilitarization, environmentalism, cosmopolitanism and egalitarianism. The small National Coalition represents a more Conservative approach but ventures far from the radical fundamentalist jingoistic ideas that pervaded Ethalria in its final hours. Despite concerted efforts at reeducation and reform, a small minority of totalitarian sympathisers, ethnic-purist and expansionists under the Unification Alliance remain in obscure political circuits and attract limited intrigue.


The political system of Faethalria takes place in the framework of a unitary constitutional semi-presidential multi-party democratic republic. The Constitution of Faethalria (Grundgesetz Föthalriens), as the highest law in the land, provides for a three-branch government with checks and balances as well as the fundamental rights of citizens and organization and structure of state institutions. Passed in January 2018 via a referendum and drafted jointly by representatives of the newly established Faethalrian state and the Bursil Alliance (which won the Auroran-Cerenerian War), the Constitution exudes liberal democratic values which characterize Bursil Alliance nations specifically Great Morstaybishlia.

At the apex of the political system is the President (die Präsidentin, currently Jane Augusta since 2017) who is elected by the public every 3 years to a maximum of two terms. As the head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces, she is bequeathed with the powers to veto laws (subject to an override of the Parliament, Parlament), to appoint the Prime Minister (Premierminister, with the consent of the Parliament) as well as the Ministers who form the Cabinet (Kabinet, with the recommendation of the Prime Minister). Furthermore, she represents the country abroad and directs its geopolitical strategy. The day to day running of the state lies with the Cabinet and the Prime Minister. As the highest deliberative and decision-making body in the executive branch, the Cabinet administers and proposes most legislation while individual ministers control executive government departments and advise the Cabinet on policies specific to their portfolio.

Usually the leader of the largest party or coalition in the Cabinet, the Prime Minister influences the legislative and political agenda of the government. Although the Prime Minister and Cabinet are appointed by the President, the Parliament can force them to resign via a vote of no-confidence which the President can either accept or reject and in turn dissolve the Parliament. Comprised of two chambers, the Parliament passes legislation and holds the executive branch accountable through regular question times and powers of subpoena. The upper house, the Senate (Senat), comprises 46 senators who are elected by the legislatures of their respective provinces with an equal proportion of seats allocated to each province. In contrast the House of Representatives (Repräsentantenhaus) is elected by the people every 3 years via 345 electoral districts of roughly equal population represented by a single member who has occupies a single seat. Nevertheless, the House of Representatives wields most of the legislative power with the Senate being restricted to province-specific issues.

The judicial system draws from Ethalrian civil law but through Morstaybishlian influence, has adopted procedural and substantive law of that nation specifically Staynish common law. The Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgericht), appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister following the recommendations of the Judicial Service Commission (Justizdienstkommission), reviews laws for their constitutionality and is the highest court of appeal for constitutional matters. The Supreme Court of Appeal (Oberstes Berufungsgericht), appointed via the same process, is highest court for non-constitutional matters. Below which lies the High Court (Obergericht) which consists of divisions seated in major cities and has appellate powers and acts as a court of first instance in severe cases. Barring cases reserved for the High Court, Magistrate Courts (Amtsgericht) are courts of first instance and handle the bulk of the judicial load. Largely independent, impartial and well-resourced, the judiciary acts as a bulwark for democracy.

Foreign relations

Responsibility for foreign relations falls within the scope of the powers of the President, Cabinet and Parliament. The President represents the nation abroad including hosting foreign leaders and concluding treaties and international agreements. Under the leadership and direction of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet deliberates on and decides on foreign policy. Specifically, the Department of Foreign Affairs under the Minister of Foreign Affairs (currently Greta Strömberg) oversees the implementation of foreign policy and operation of the diplomatic service. Treaties become binding on Faethalria when they are adopted by the Parliament via statute, thus the Parliament has the sole authority to Ratify treaties with foreign nations.

Faethalria is a member state of the United Nations of the Auroran Continent, the Intercontinental Regional Security Accords, Auroran Central Bank, the Ethaln League, and the International Forum. It is also the seat of the Auroran Science and Technology Research Agency. Faethalria's closest allies are North Ethalria, Great Morstaybishlia, Asilica, Tuvaltastan and Axdel. As a former member of the the Grand Matriarchy of Ethalria, it has, to some degree inherited foreign relations with former Ethalrian colonies especially in Novaris. Faethalria is allocated approximately 44 representatives in the Auroran Parliament. Faethalria is a signatory to international agreements namely the Treaty of Sani Bursil (which ended the APW), and the Treaty of Aura (which founded the UNAC). Prior to ascending to the UNAC, Faethalria was a member state of the Auroran Continental Assembly, having inherited a seat via the Matriarchy of Ethalria until that body was dissolved.


The military of Faethalria consists of the Faethalrian Defense Forces (FDF). The Faethalrian Defense Forces in turn consists of the Faethalrian Army, the Faethalrian Air Force, the Faethalrian Navy. The Faethalrian Navy contains two sub-branches: the Faethalrian Marines and the Faethalrian Coast Guard. The Coast Guard is under the authority of the Minister of the Interior during peacetime but is integrated into the FDF during war. Furthermore, the Faethalrian Army contains the Faethalrian Military Police, a paramilitary law-enforcement body. The President (the commander-in-chief), the Prime Minister and Cabinet are responsible for developing defense and strategic policy. The Department of Defense, under the authority of Inga Brünn, is responsible for administering the day to day affairs of the military. The Chief of the Defense Staff, currently General Heidi Blaustein, is the highest professional officer and heads the Office of the Defense Staff. Since the annexation of Kostoria-Obertonia, integration efforts are at an advanced stage and predicted to be completed in 2024.

The FDF has a total manpower of 150,000 active professional volunteers and 75,000 reservists. Faethalria does not practice conscription. Due in part to stigma surrounding the military due to the expansionist policies of the Matriarchy of Ethalria, most of the military consists of veterans (many of whom were granted amnesty by the Bursil Alliance) and it has struggled to attract the youth or ethnic minorities. As part of affirmative action policies, the FDF has set a target on the minimum amount of males and ethnic minorities. Furthermore, Faethalria allows transgender, non-binary and homo- and bisexual individuals to serve openly without fear of reprisals with training programs and protections in place to prevent discrimination and abuse. Despite these reforms, the FDF remains dominated by Ethalrian women. While it benefits from the experience brought by veterans, it has faced controversy for its highly aggressive and hyperfeministic environment that new recruits have often described as "toxic" and "out of touch with modern political realities". There are about 1 million people coming of military age every year and about 20 million available to serve.

The FDF has an annual expenditure of 1% of GDP which is approximately 5% of the annual government budget. The country's primary foreign suppliers of military equipment include Great Morstaybishlia, Axdel and Tuvaltastan. Although Faethalria successfully contested the Oan Isles ban on the sale of military hardware to Ethaln states, arms sales have not resumed. Key corporate suppliers include Ferrus Industries, Trech, Armstech Inc, and National Sentinel Arms. Faethalria inherited the arms manufacturing industry of Ethalria which includes artillery, infantry, and reconnaissance technology. Furthermore, it inherited the military equipment of Ethalria. Due to a deliberate cap on the military budget and reliance on Great Morstaybishlia for protection, military procurement and research and development has stalled. Nonetheless, it remains a competent military as was proven in the highly controversial invasion and subsequent annexation of Kostoria-Obertonia in the 2019 Ribenstadt Bombings. With access to the sea following the annexation of KO, Faethalria absorbed its navy and shipbuilding industry.

Administrative divisions

The highest level administrative division of Faethalria is the province, known in Ethalrian as the land. Each province is administered by a Premier elected by the people every 3 years and a Provincial Executive Council which they appoint. The Provincial Legislative Assembly known as the Landtag in Ethalria passes laws within the scope of duties allocated to it by the Parliament.

  • West-Obertonia
  • Ost-Obertonia
  • Noord-Kostoria
  • Sud-Kostoria
  • Hedeberg
  • Schönekirch
  • Immels
  • Duinzig
  • Ribenstadt
  • Matildingen
  • Brumansdorf


The economy of Faethalria takes place in the framework of a free market welfare economy whereby free market forces drive the supply and demand of goods and services while the central government protects workers rights, leverages public investments and taxation to provide public services and control key economic sectors. The principal government department responsible for developing and implementing economic policy is the Department of Finance under Minister of Finance, Helga Schmidt.

Faethalria is a member state of the United Nations of the Auroran Continent. Thus, it enables freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labour. Furthermore, through structures such as the Commission of the UNAC and Council of the UNAC, economic coordination with other nations including external tariffs is done at a continental level. As such member states of the UNAC make up by far the biggest source and of and destination for goods, services, workers and foreign direct investment. Furthermore, as a member state of the Kirib Monetary Union, Faethalria's shares the Kirib with over a dozen other nations and coordinates monetary policy through the Auroran Central Bank with other member states. Nevertheless, Faethalria maintains economic relations with nations outside of the UNAC, the most significant of whom include South Hills, Peregrinia, Free Pax States, Packilvania, Volkia, the Union of Commonwealth Alliances and the League of Novaris.

Faethalria has a nominal GDP of 1.205 trillion KRB, making it the fifth largest in the UNAC after North Ethalria. It has a nominal GDP per capita of approximately 20,535 KRB, making it a lower upper income economy. The unemployment rate stands at 8%. Annual consumer price index (CPI) inflation sits at 1.8%. The country has a sapient development index (SDI) score of 0.8, making it a developed nation. It has fairly evenly distributed income among its people with a Gini coefficient of 0.287. The country has 31 billion KRB of foreign exchange and gold reserves (which are managed by the Bank of Faethalria). The country has total imports of 113.7 billion KRB and exports of 112.6 billion KRB, giving it a relatively healthy budget deficit of 0.9%. It has 780 billion KRB in total debt with much of that burden coming in the form of Kirib-denominated bonds and loans, a substantial portion of which are owned by domestic and UNAC-based institutions.

Although Faethalria benefits from a highly disciplined, educated and hardworking labour force, its limited startup ecosystem as well as favourable economic opportunities in neighbouring nations has caused a noticeable flight of financial and human capital to other nations. Nevertheless, the process of technology transfer facilitated by the UNAC, as well as competitive advantages in industrial goods, certain minerals and agriculture has enabled the country to tap into more developed UNAC markets.


The country is a service sector-dominated industry meaning that tertiary and quaternary sectors comprise the vast majority of its economic output, currently roughly 78%. The biggest industries within this sector include financial services, telecommunications, electricity, retail, entertainment, public services and government institutions, as well as online services. This sector is followed by manufacturing. Due to Faethalria's lower cost of labour, labour intensive manufacturing has arisen even in sectors that have gradually moved to greater automation including chemicals, refined metals, mechanical machines, wine, beer, cars and construction and mining vehicles. While Faethalria acts as a substantial assembly, processing and components manufacturing hub, marketing and research and development largely takes place in neighbouring countries. Policies aimed at making Faethalria a more attractive extremely high value-added destination have been adopted such as establishing collaborative partnerships with Axdelian, Emberitian, Oan, Tuvalt and Morstaybishlian universities, and establishment of government-backed venture capital funds.

Agriculture sector produces barley, oats, wheat, cattle dairy, red meat and related products. The mining sector benefits from abundant coal, iron, copper and tin deposits.


Science and technology


Ethnic groups

99% of the population consists of Bipedaliforma. By species, the country consists of the following: hominines (84%), elvines (14%) and others (2%). Hominine ethnic groups as a proportion of the total population are as follows: Ethalrian (44%), Kostorian (14%), Obertonian (9%), Altfers (6%) Marish (4%), Staynish (3%), Kaltariz (2%), Salovian (1%) and others (1%). Of the total population, 13% of elvines are Usprian and 1% are others. Of the non-Bipedaliforma, 1% are Cava (almost exclusively from Axdel). Of the remaining sapient species consist of those outside of the Priminid group namely 0.55% who are Vulpines (mostly from Stratarin) and 0.45% who are Felines (mostly from Free Pax States and Packilvania).


The official language is the Ethalrian language but Staynish has special status as a recognised national language. Although government business is conducted in Ethalrian, international commerce and science are conducted largely in Staynish. Ethalrian is compulsory for all non-minority and foreign children to learn. Staynish is the second-language of choice for non-minority and foreign children. Alferic and Marish languages are taught as compulsory first languages in minority dominated communities with Ethalrian being the second language of choice. First language speakers are divided largely along ethnic lines as follows: 81% Ethalrian, 6% Altferish, 4%, Marish, 3% Staynish, 2% Kaltareg, 1% Salovian and 4% other. 99% of the population speak Ethalrian as a second language, and 90% of the population speak Staynish as a second or third language.


The distribution of religions is as follows: Reformist Thaerism (35%) Traditional Thaerism (24%), Gadelthene (6%), Verk'ohism (1%), 24% non-religious and 1% other. The level of religiosity is very low with only 20% of people attending religious services frequently. Nevertheless, religious figures, myths and events have significant cultural following even among non-adherents due to commercialisation and secularisation.


99.9% of the population have access to portable water, flush or chemic toilets, electricity and other basic public amenities. Coupled with access to free high quality public healthcare, the average life expectancy is 71 years. Due in part to war-related trauma, noise, air and light pollution arising from urbanisation, as well as high-intensity fast-paced working environments and long working hours, depression, stress, post-traumatic stress disorders and related mental health issues have reached all time highs among adults. Furthermore, the proliferation of salty, fatty and sugary fast food, drinks and snacks, and a lack of exercise due to increasingly sedentary lifestyles, diabetes and heart related health conditions have also seen an increase. The nation faces a very low birth rate (to which the militaristic nature of the nation is partly attributed). Coupled with high life expectancy, the nation has a high old-age care burden with 3 young people supporting 1.5 elderly people putting strain on welfare schemes. Pro-natal policies have thus far proven unsuccessful however an open-door policy on migration playing on the strengths of Faethalria's lower cost of living has somewhat offset this issue.


100% of the population is literate, 99% of the population has formal education, 98% of the population has a high school diploma while 34% of the population has a post-school qualification with 27% having bachelor degrees and 7% having postgraduate degrees. Due to opportunities in higher wage economies as well as free movement between UNAC member states, a considerable portion of the educated population migrate to neighbouring countries for work. Although decent at global standards, the mathematical literacy and reading abilities of Faethalrian children fall below the UNAC average. Schooling consists of a compulsory 12 years including 2 years of optional early childhood and 2 years of optional pre-university education. Degrees are standardised along UNAC lines.


Society and family

Faethalria, as a part of Ethalria, has historically been a female dominated society. Due to the end of the Auroran-Cerenerian War, egalitarianists aligned themselves with the Bursil Alliance and dominated the new political order and have worker to fashion an egalitarian society. As such policies such as affirmative action have been adopted, the rights of males and the LGBT+ community have been legally protected and education has been reformed to promote coeducational spaces and curricular that foster an egalitarian mindset.

Nevertheless, feminocentric social structures continue to exist. For insfance, when men and women get married, men adopt their wives last names. Women dominate high level corporate and political leadership positions. A disproportionately higher number of women complete higher education and in turn get better paying jobs. Men are 4 times more likely to be stay-at-home parents. Furthermore, in a survey conducted in 2021 by the Redrugus University comprising a sample of 10,000 sampled households, men take on over 4 hours more domestic duties per day than their female spouse. Furthermore, of the 180 domestic violence cases reported in 2021, 177 of them were of female-on-male domestic abuse.

In social settings, women typically approach males. Women are expected to support their husbands. The state provides disproportionate financial support in the form of tax breaks, welfare grants and other mechanisms to mothers despite a survey by the Department of Health discovering that men bear most of the domestic and child raising duties. Divorce rates in Faethalria are lower than the continental average. Women tend to be older then men in relationships. Single parent households are virtual non-existent. Faethalria has extremely high rates of adoption especially after the APW which left several thousand children without parents.

Arts and literature


Calendar and holidays

Faethalria adopted the Common Era calendar. It is located within the +6 Universal Time at Christie (UTC) Time Zone known officially as Central Auroran Standard Time (CAST). The nation typically works from Monday to Friday and most businesses work from 9am to 4pm. Schools tend to have the year split into 4 terms of 3 months each separated by a 2 to 3 week long school holiday except for term 4 and term 1 of the following year which are separated by a month-long holiday between 15 December and 15 January. Public Holidays are recognised by statutes and employers are required to pay their employees a full day's wage as well as allowing time off for workers. The following table contains a list of all the public holidays:

Holiday Date Note
New Year's Day 1 January Celebrates the start of the New Year
Constitution Day 18 January Celebrates the referendum which passed the present Constitution
Winter Solstice 21 June Public holiday
Thaer's Day 15 August Thaerist religious holiday
Matilda's Day 13 September Thaerist religious holiday
Peace Day 24 October Celebrates the end of the Auroran-Cerenerian War
Reconciliation Day 21 December Celebrates the signing of the Treaty of Aura which established the UNAC


  1. November 27, 2017. The Last Matriarch. Post #1 by User:Dylan. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/the-last-matriarch-t3569.html#p189781
  2. January 18, 2018. The Last Matriarch. Post #2 by User:Dylan. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/the-last-matriarch-t3569.html#p192706
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 March 18, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. Post #9 by User:Dylan. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938.html#p209528
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 2019. Terror attack on Ribenstadt kills 33. Voice of Faethalria.https://forum.theeastpacific.com/voice-of-faethalria-national-television-t15708.html#p207794
  5. January 30, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. Post #1 by User:Pagistar. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938.html#p207795
  6. February 2, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. Post #2 by User:Pagistar. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938.html#p207867
  7. February 13, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. Post #3 by User:Dylan. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938.html#p208295
  8. 8.0 8.1 February 15, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. Post #5 by User:Pagistar. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938.html#p208728
  9. February 24, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. User:Tuva. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938.html#p208761
  10. February 14, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. Post #4 by User:Dylan. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938.html#p208317
  11. March 4, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. Post #7 by User:Pagistar. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938.html#p209090
  12. March 10, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. Post #8 by User:Pagistar. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938.html#p209330
  13. March 20, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again by User:Pagistar. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938.html#p209537
  14. June 22, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. Post #29 by User:Pagistar. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938-s15.html#p212041
  15. 15.0 15.1 June 26, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. Post #30 by User:Pagistar. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938-s15.html#p212173
  16. April 6, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. Post #13 by User:Dylan. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938.html#p209897
  17. April 22, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. User:Dylan. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938.html#p210369
  18. July 9, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. Post #31 by user:Pagistar. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938-s30.html#p213032
  19. July 20, 2019. Ethalria Will Never Rise Again. Post #33 by User:Dylan. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/ethalria-will-never-rise-again-t15938-s30.html#p213667