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Flag of Vekaiyu

Motto: Ev rugasivo losenvuri pisikej
There is beauty in decay
Anthem: Vekaiyu Vonesku
Eternal Vekaiyu
Location Vekaiyu Political Map
Area 1,629,600 km2
% Water
Population 76,940,000 (2015 EST)
Density 48/km2
Capital Eldura
Type Republic
Premier Ikrisia Levinile
Legislature Kivreskov
•  Upper Chamber
•  Lower Chamber
Official Languages Unonian, English
Currency Veskono (℣) (VSK)
Economic Structure Market Socialism
GDP (2015) $3.745 trillion
•  Per capita
Unemployment 5.4%
Gini 34.8
Life expectancy 60.3 years
Improved water access 99%
Literacy 99.7%
Enrollment 99.7%
•  Primary
99.9% (compulsory)
•  Secondary
99.6% (compulsory)
•  Tertiary
PDAS rating B+
Measures Metric
Date format day-month-year
Traffic Right-hand
ISO code VEK
TLD .vek
Calling code +45

A nation peppered with a past full of blood and turmoil, Vekaiyu remains one of the more important nations in The East Pacific region. This relatively large nation boasts luscious green terrain dotted with forests and plains, and mountainous regions to the extreme west. The nation benefits from favorable rain patterns, making it an ideal place for vegetation to grow. Rivers near growing plains are typically swollen during the summer months, but irrigation channels built during ancient times have tamed some waterways over time.

Currently at peace after enduring a bitter civil war, its people enjoy a relatively new government which caters to their needs but is still working to undue the mistakes of the past. While the majority of people live in cities, those living in the countryside typically enjoy a better quality of life. Rapid industrialization caused a severe swing in population and, consequently, pollution problems exists in urban areas. The nation continues to march forward despite its bloody past and is currently embarking on a dawning of new discoveries and triumphs aided in part by reportedly stealing technology from nearby Packilvania.

Vekaiyu is a nation that is heavily populated with vulpine people, a race that is scattered around the realm, but is concentrated in Vekaiyu and neighboring Listonia, which historically used to be Vekaiyun lands. Relations with their eastern neighbor have been confusing at times, resulting in a war that was due to a coup in Listonia. The two nations are now at peace, and have both joined the powerful Kerilo Accord and have formally agreed to cooperation upon forming The Vekaiyun Union.

Climate / Location

Vekaiyu is politically bordered by Listonia and Coocoostan to the east, Packilvania to the south, and Allegheny and Bai Lung to the west. The north is dominated by the Gulf of Itur. Farther north, Verania sits between Vekaiyu and Vulshain. Vekaiyu is a relatively large-sized nation in the realm of The East Pacific, and is located on the continent of Yasteria.

The nation enjoys a continental climate which is controlled in part by moisture taken up from the Gulf of Itur and the Ta'lavero Mountains, which winds around most of Vekaiyu's western border. Currents in the sea and air cause cloud movement to propagate from west to east. Consequently, growing seasons are determined by the varying amounts of rainfall, which can exceed 110 inches per year in some locations. Average rainfall is near 45 inches per year. Rainfall is much more prevalent in The Levenasi, a densely-forested region to the extreme south of the nation, and it is believed this phenomenon is a direct result of the long-term desertification experienced in northern Packilvania. Most coastal areas boast a Mediterranean climate. Extreme elevations in the Ta'lavero Mountains have a subarctic climate.

Growing seasons tend to last for eight months - from March to October - in which the average temperature hovers around 70 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer months and 58 degrees Fahrenheit in the fall and spring months, with average temperatures at about 30 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter. Winters in Vekaiyu are generally heavier near the Ta'laveros, though average snowfall overall in the nation tends to be about 15 inches per year.

Economy & Industry

Serene landscape in Vekaiyu.

The Vekaiyun economic model is heavily based on market socialism, allowing for limited private enterprise. The government determines how many companies and corporations may enter the market for a particular industry and hands out licenses to companies willing to participate. Such practices have become much more relaxed under the early reign of Ikrisia Levinile, and more licenses are being handed out in order to maintain the strength of the Vekaiyun economy, giving significant rise to private enterprise. It is believed Vekaiyu could be on the verge of transition to a social capitalistic model.

Vekaiyu enjoys a strong economy rooted in technology, farming, and manufacturing. The nation itself is fairly balanced due to necessity of being moderately self-sufficient throughout its history. Among the more prominent industries are polymer-based synthesis and manufacturing, with Vekaiyun plastics and elastomers having a high reputation of quality across the realm. Vekaiyuns also pride themselves with their chemical knowledge, and consequently their manufacturing of various materials remains among the most sought-after in the realm, with most manufacturing industries located in the extreme western provinces and Provinsk. Mining exists generally in western Vekaiyu near the mountains, while agriculture and livestock tends to be in and around the heart of the nation, with a large fishing industry on the coast. Oil in the extreme southeast of the nation is drilled and marketed extensively, though Vekaiyu's large industrial base cannot survive on the oil it drills alone and much is imported from Listonia. Mining remains as an important industry in the nation, especially iron ore.

Vekaiyu commits much funding to research and furthering technology. Nanotechnology has been obtained, and novel devices have been created to reflect this. Most recently, hologrpahic computers and screens have become quite trendy and have inundated the tech market. Containable fusion has allowed for the advancement of cleaner fusion power plants and magnetic power plants, which have slowly been replacing the nuclear equivalent. The government has been known to award scientists who achieve technological breakthroughs, and competition in the various fields of sciences is fierce. Vekaiyu has also funded The East Pacific's International Sealab.

The tax rate in Vekaiyu is reasonable and tax brackets force those who earn more money to pay heftier tax sums. The Veskono is the nation's currency, with Ivu making up one one hundredth of the Veskono. Inflation is low, as the nation has made a recovery from a depression stemming from the political shift to socialism, but has risen slightly as a result of the 2010 Civil War. Economists predict the nation's economy will recover from the war in approximately nine months to a year from war's end.


Provincial districts of Vekaiyu

The government is currently headed by one Premier - Ikrisia Levinile - and two other branches: the Kivreskov, or legislature, and a system of organized judiciary systems implemented by Max Venavle. It is anticipated the judiciary systems will undergo revisions as the government continues to change. To handle the monumental task of sorting out Vekaiyu's foreign relations, Vekaiyun Foreign Officers work with their assigned nations to assure optimum communication and comfort.

The current setup involves a checks-and-balances system between the Premier, the Kivreskov, and the judicial body. All three branches work in unison to ensure congruency throughout the government. To pass a law, a bill must first pass through both chambers in the Kivreskov by majority vote, then be signed by Ikrisia Levinile. The judicial system then works to interpret the new law into the written laws of Vekaiyu.


Main article: Kivreskov

After successful February 2011 elections, the Kivreskov - the legislative body of Vekaiyu - was formed. The body features two chambers: the superior Ileskari, in which each province is allotted three representatives, and the inferior Ropke, in which representatives are counted by relative provincial populations. The Kivreskov will ultimately remove some power from Premier Levinile and place the power in the hands of the people. Premier Levinile lifted restrictions on political parties, which directly resulted in the formation of six major parties: the Communist Party, the Democratic Party, the Equality Party, the Meritocratic Party, the Progressive Party, and the Totalitarian Party. The February elections saw a dominating performance by the Progressive Party, whose platform is centered around the policies, ideals, and goals of Ikrisia Levinile. Premier Levinile, however, does not claim allegiance to any party.

The Kivreskov will set to work on revising and editing the Vekaiyun Constitution and reviewing particular laws that have been suggested for editing or removal. Without an appropriate legislature, certain frivolous and potentially dangerous laws were passed by Selvala McEva. The people-elected Kivreskov will work to remedy those problems.

Ikrisia Levinile

Ikrisia Levinile

Main article: Ikrisia Levinile

Once Selvala McEva was removed from power after attempting to assassinate the Listonian Premier Stapen Evesuni, the then-Kral Commodore Ikrisia Levinile was sworn in as the second Premier of Vekaiyu. While she waited for the Commonwealth of Independent Nations of The East Pacific (CINTEP) meeting to adjourn in Allegheny, she drew up plans to remove the Maxist threat in Vekaiyu once and for all, believing that Vekaiyu could not progress until their sympathizer were removed. A test subject of the still-covert Project Uveshk, her term was ushered in by killing generals and commodores who were known Maxist sympathizers and declaring war on the Maxist way of thought, specifically the destructive tendencies the philosophies held. This sparked an inevitable civil war, which those loyal to Premier Levinile's policies - the Loyalists - eventually won out with the help of nearby Allegheny and Vulshain. She is recently credited with restoring the Vekaiyun Legislature and continuously removing corruption in the Vekaiyun Judicial System. In the years that followed, she established Vekaiyu as a prominent military and economic power, and has gianed support among the Vekaiyun majority.

Premier Ikrisia Levinile is very concerned with the well being of her own people and has shown resistance to back down from pressure and opposition. Her respect is slowly being earned among those in the nation. While her policies are generally harsh and she is hindered by inexperience, she at least understands the necessity of a united nation, especially when Vekaiyu's past history of division is considered. She is currently trying to establish increased technology through spending, loosen economic restrictions on the nation, promote unity, and remove the specist tendencies established in the nation a generation ago. She is capable of being shrewd and clever, and is very protective of stability in her nation.

Judicial System

In an attempt to implement his own personal laws and policies upon the people of Vekaiyu, then Vekaiyun Dictator Max Venavle instituted a series of judicial courts to replace the courts set up by the Vekaiyun Royal Family. These courts interpreted laws but fell to corruption. Under Maxist Vekaiyu, those who supported the government or had the financial capabilities to sway a verdict often were more likely to win disputes handled by the courts. Selvala McEva attempted to remove corruption in the courts, while current Vekaiyun Premier Ikrisia Levinile has begun systematically removing justices who have been determined to have corrupt records. Those who are removed are often replaced by judges of lesser courts, with the lowest courts often getting new judges.

Vekaiyu has judicial systems on the city, provincial district, provincial, and national levels. Large cities may have sector judges where their jurisdictions may be delegated to certain locations in a city, like a very large business district or industrial district.

Armed Forces

Main article: Vekaiyun Armed Forces

Vekaiyu's armed forces hold a formidable reputation in The East Pacific realm. Among their strongest aspects are tanks. The TU-155 Isonesu Class Tank and the more advanced TU-165 Yiviso Class Tank remain atop the Vekaiyun motorized arsenal. The TU-128 Buresk Class Tank has been phased out and updated with the TU-135 Sulaki Class Tank. Rumors of the VL-100 Light Tank exist, creating a cause for concern. Vekaiyu invests heavily in mobile and static SAM sites, and was historically known to keep some nuclear and biological warheads mobile.

Vekaiyu enjoys a strong navy that has its strength vested in its various submarine classes. Little is spent on massive battleships or aircraft carriers, and most surface ships are at least 10-20 years of age or more. Submarines are, of course, more up to date and consequently have more technological advances. Vekaiyun submarines often sail in "packs" of 5-9 abreast, employing tactics that allow for quick offensive maneuvers.

Aircraft is a strong suit of the Vekaiyun armed forces. The nation still employs bombers, but their strength appears to be in the fighter aircraft, which are used currently for defensive purposes. Drills among the pilots are common and keep them on alert.

Renovations for the armed forces were severe under Max Venavle up to the promotion of Todd Leyuski to Kral Commodore, and experienced a second "revival" when Kral Commodore Levinile organized and approved of new advances for their military strength.

In charge of the nation's forces, especially offensive maneuvers, is the Kral Commodore. The Ler Commodore is charged with the nation's defense. Below them exists a a complex system of officers that maintain organization throughout the Vekaiyun military juggernaut.

People and Culture

Main article: Culture of Vekaiyu

The culture of Vekaiyu is socially-oriented and follows a family-like mentality, especially when concerning vulpines, who constitute the vast majority of the nation. Vekaiyuns value the sciences, but love to challenge themselves on a wide array of fields, from philosophy to athletics to the arts. With the removal of a series of oppressive regimes, Vekaiyuns seem to welcome the international community, but still keep their own traditions and etiquette to heart.


Main article: Vulpine

2009 Estimate:

2014 Estimate:

  • 95.9% vulpine sentient species
  • 3.9% human
  • 0.2% other

The vulpine sentient race dominates Vekaiyu. Historically, this is nothing new, as Vekaiyu regards itself as the vulpine nation and the protector of "lesser" species, that is, species whose numbers are in the minority to humans. While not as furry as the animal counterpart, vulpines do differ in fur markings, with red and white being the most popular colors. Their makeup consists of a slightly larger brain capable of more precise and faster execution along with a higher mental capacity. Senses are generally stronger than most species. Agility is their strongest physical trait, and speed and their ability to swim are also strong. Furthermore, the race is regarded as "thin", as their bodies lack a subcutaneous layer common among humans and humanoid species which work to their detrement. They also live shorter lives, shorter in stature, and are not as strong as humans.

It should be noted that while the vulpine population generally remains bounded by the borders of the nation, there are pockets of vulpine sentient species living in the neighboring countries. This is due to ethnic cleansings the nation endured in the early part of the first millennium, where whole cities would uproot themselves and live wherever the land was best. This produced a handful gypsy varieties among the vulpine people. These gypsies, which are not included in any written census for any surrounding nations, are varied in tastes, beliefs, and lifestyles. Population movements occurred very early in the vulpine history, probably due to ancient land bridges scattered across the region. Today, Vekaiyun laws have made the gypsy lifestyle difficult to get away with.

Other ethnic groups are free to reside in Vekaiyu, though it is understood a small bit of specism exists among vulpines and humanoid species. Despite this, many humans prefer this nation over others due to its hotbed for scientific discoveries and regional security. Specism is becoming less of a problem under Premier Levinile's new programs, but it is not without growing pains.


Everyone within the nation speaks Unonian, which also identifies with Vekaiyun culture. The language itself is beautiful, with different phonetics and a huge vocabulary with words that range from being very specific to broad generalities. It contains over seven times the amount of words contained in English. The language appears to be a creole of ancient Unonian and Latin among other influences, and its survival through The Time of Troubles is due largely in part to the efforts of St. Ignes of Provinsk.

English is a language that is steadily gaining acclaim. While devices exist which allow for a smooth translation between the two languages, English is currently taught in schools and, as of 2001, has been mandatory for primary and secondary education. Generally, the younger the Vekaiyun person is, the better their mastery of the two languages tend to be. In total, only 46% of the country is able to speak both languages fluently. Latin is also spoken in some areas, but today only exists in religion and sciences.


2009 Estimate:

2014 Estimate:

  • Vayan Catholicism: 97.9%
  • Other Christianity: 1.7%
  • Islam: 0.2%
  • Judaism: 0.1%
  • Other: 0.1%
Cathedral of Holy Ambition, Eldura.

Vayan Catholicism has many similarities to Roman Catholicism but differs in rules and approach. This is due to the fact that Vayan Catholicism has seven more books "added" to their sacred texts. These books, known as the Vulpine Addendum, include two letters written by St. Aiya. The debate of their canonization into holy scriptures caused a schism between the Roman Catholic Church, which was skeptical of including the new Catholics in largely due to their non-human species. Vekaiyu officially withdrew from the Roman Catholic Church in AD 600, and chose instead to split and form Vayan Catholicism, electing their first Pope, the then-bishop St. Vinsent of Eldura, weeks later. After the schism, Vayan Catholicism moved father away from the Roman counterpart, establishing a different mass procedure, prayers, even canonizing their own saints and rejecting certain Roman Catholic Saints.

Recently, carbon dating was allowed by the church to be used on the last remaining page from the Bible bestowed to St. Aiya on the night of the presentation of the sacred texts. Tests came back varied - many results dated the page to be from the fourth century AD, but the ink-stained pages seem to date much later. This could be due to monks being used to maintain the integrity of the text, but it is unclear as to how often this was done if at all. Much of what was written in the book was destroyed in a fire in 575.


The education system of Vekaiyu one of the most organized in the entire realm. Both primary and secondary education is compulsory. Depending upon performance and testing among other factors, tertiary education may be pursued. Tuition for colleges and universities is free in Vekaiyu, the only limiting factor being the amount of students which each institution accepts. As nearly all admittances are determined by qualifications alone, the drive to get into a degree-granting institution is highly competitive. Students who fail to enter into a college or university may get into a trade school. Also competitive is the amount of national funding an institution is granted, as a hodgepodge of qualifications bracket colleges and universities into different categories for funding. Various technological achievements have originated from Vekaiyu, which seems undimmed by the governmental changes and transitions endured by its people. Though sources are uncertain as to what realm of study is awarded the most funding, many observers believe military technology has been sliced numerous times by budget cuts. It is unclear how the new government led by Premier Levinile will deal with such things.

Education is one of the few areas citizens are free to choose what they make of it so long as they put forth the effort. Students may select any profession they desire, though arts and sciences are glamorized often. Honor is highly important in Vekaiyun society, and the amount, choice, and quality of education heavily weigh in on honor. Eldura University remains a very noteworthy school to attend, and in any given year tens of thousands of applications can be expected from foreign students alone.


The media in Vekaiyu was formerly controlled by the state. Control has been greatly relaxed under Premier Levinile, and broadcasting freedoms have increased since her seizure of power. Vekaiyuns however must still watch what they say as the government and the church keep a close eye on what is said, though historically the church has been much more liberal than the government. Maxism and Maxist ideals are outlawed. Media outlets include the internet, radio, newspaper, and television. Arguably the internet has become a major source of information and political opinion, as it is the least regulated due to escaping much of the restrictions instituted under Max Venavle. V3 News Services has been granted complete freedom of the press, and it is expected such freedoms will increase with time for other media services.


Vekaiyun speed swimsuits as used in international swimming competitions (left: female, right: male)

Main article: Sports in Vekaiyu

Perhaps the most important sports to Vekaiyuns are those that involve water. Teams from secondary school to a professional level are followed closely. Vekaiyu ensures spectators get a first-hand experience by having their aquatic arenas 'raised' so that spectators can view the action from transparent sides of the playing field, much like display tanks in aquariums, in addition to watching from an above-ground perspective in upper seating. Aquatic sports, such as water polo, underwater rugby, [Wikipedia:Underwater handball|underwater handball]], and Loveri, which is a sport similar to underwater lacrosse, are treated in this manner. Perhaps the most popular sport in Vekaiyu is underwater hockey, which has a very dedicated following and multiple leagues in school, colleges, and professional venues exist. Other sports such as swimming, diving, and sport diving have a following.

Outside of aquatics, Vekaiyuns enjoy baseball, where a number of teams have been playing the sport for well over eighty years . Basketball has a light following and, due to the small stature of vulpines, is mainly comprised of human athletes. Soccer is also very important and has a dedicated following. These three sports, combined with a games similar to lacrosse and street hockey, help to establish healthy rivalries within cities and provinces.

In 2010, the Vekaiyun National Olympic Council was formed. It was charged with creating and maintaining a roster for both Summer and Winter Olympics, among other international sporting competitions. Vekaiyu first participated in the Fifth Summer Olympics, in which Vekaiyu placed eighteenth overall, but second in all swimming events. Vekaiyu attributed the success of their swimmers to their talents and their sport uniforms, which in most cases are state-of-the-art and are coveted by other nations. The nation also participated in the Sixth Winter Olympics, where they again placed eighteenth overall. Most recently, Vekaiyu participated at the Sixth Summer Olympics in Lasft, Cafundeu where they placed eighth overall, with a strong performance in gymanstics, finishing first overall among all participating nations for that sport. Vekaiyu followed this up with a third-place finish at the Seventh Summer Olympics, a fourth place finish at the Eighth Summer Olympics, and a third place finish at the Ninth Summer Olympics. Vekaiyu's performance and love for competition will no doubt facilitate its participation in future competitions.


Art has historically been an important facet of Vekaiyun lives. Early art showcased battles, kings and other important people, and religion. Within the last one hundred years, Vekaiyun art has taken a distinctively macabre and more abstract flavor. For Vekaiyuns, the more expressive, the better. Among the thousands of themes within the art world, however, current Vekaiyun art is typically dark and sobering. Only religious art has seemed to escape these themes, as it is generally uplifting and full of hope.

Some common Vekaiyun themes have permeated into movies, which remain fairly popular across the realm. Movies constitute a large industry within the nation and cover a wide variety of themes, with action movies, artistic expressive pieces, and drama flicks being the most popular. Movies are traditionally subtitled for English audiences, are are rarely dubbed, with the Vekaiyun Film Industry, based in Ilielsa, holding to the belief that Unonian is a more beautiful language than English.

Dance and theater remain very popular in Vekaiyu, as showing off the acrobatic vulpine body is important and considered a thing of beauty in their culture. Different styles of Vekaiyun dance remain popular. Within the last few centuries, water acrobatics has become very important. Playwrights from Vekaiyu have produced hundreds of plays, most of which are acted out across the country.


Vekiayun music has historically consisted of singing, guitars, drums, violins, and various other instruments. Later on, the piano and other foreign instruments were incorporated into the fold, yet they are by no means considered "traditional". Today, Vekaiyun music is typically varied, constituting of raw emotions mixed with melodramatic themes. Vekaiyuns will argue their style is distinctly their own.

Music is uncensored as of 2002, when the the first series of bans on questioning and critiquing the government were lifted. Vekaiyun music remains popular across The East Pacific realm, and record sales are healthy.


A well-prepared bowl of Kekale.

Main article: Cuisine of Vekaiyu

Vekaiyun cuisine is defined by meats, vegetables, herbs and spices, fruits, and some breads and pasta. Differentiation in food and the preparation of food exist from province to province, but due to nationalization and chain restaurants, more consistency has been given to Vekaiyun dishes. Vekaiyuns like foods that are light and loaded with spices, but they do not prefer "heavy" foods or foods high in fat and grease. Healthy foods seem to rule the land. Perhaps the most internationally-known dish is Kekale, which consists of various herbs and spices (including cloves, thyme, sage, etc) cooked in a sauce mixed in noodles with vegetables, nuts, and/or seafood or beef. The dish can be simple or complex.

Vekaiyuns drink a wide array of juices and milk. Tea is very popular as a morning beverage, and coffee is gaining a following. Soda made in Vekaiyu is not sweet. Their soda drinks include clove soda and jaku soda, which is described as a very sharp and slightly sour root beer. Beer is produced in Vekaiyu and major spirits include vodka, cognac, and whiskey.

Vekaiyuns enjoy a good breakfast in early morning, a relatively large lunch in the very early afternoon, and a very small dinner near sundown.


Below is a comprehensive list of major Vekaiyun holidays. Official religious holidays are marked in red, solstices are marked in orange, and all other non-religious holidays are in yellow. All holidays are marked with their English and broken Unonian names. Dates are also marked, as Vekaiyu follows the Gregorian Calendar.

Holiday Name (English)Holiday Name (Unonian)Date
New Year's DayVeyuni sen Erlo DeiJanuary 1st
Spring SolsticeViviseri-ve-NesuMarch 1st
EasterSasani sen ChristSecond Sunday in April
St. Aiya DayVeyune sen Sanka AiyaMay 5th
Summer SolsticeKesuni-ve-NesuJune 21st
Workers' DayVeyunes sen LervensessiJuly 31st
Revolution DayVeyunes sen PobirvurgSeptember 15th
Fall SolsticeOseseviri-ve-NesuSeptember 21st
Winter SolsticeNur-ve-NesuDecember 21st
Christmas DayAldiasoh sen ChristDecember 25th

Travel and Vacation Spots

Premier Levinile enjoying a dive off the Vekaiyun coast.

Travel to Vekaiyu has opened up since the removal of Max Venavle from power, and access is continuing to improve. Vekaiyu is fast becoming a friendly and easy nation to travel to. The nation supports many airlines and is seeking to open relations with other nations. Currency exchanges are fast and easy, and special devices used to translate between Unoninan and English are readily available, though the nation is rapidly accepting English as its second language.

Vekaiyu is a picturesque nation that offers many sites, both natural and sentient-made. Nature enthusiasts would enjoy various forests, mountains, coastal areas, and other natural beauties. The Vekaiyun coast offers many beaches, swimming, and diving spots during the warmer months. The Levenasi, Vekaiyu's largest and lowest population density province has a mix of lush forests, mountainous areas, acres of farmland, and medieval-style cities and villages. Vekaiyun cities also offer much in terms of both modern and historical wonders. Odul, the village where St. Aiya initially had visions leading to the formation of Vayan Catholicism, is a popular pilgrimage site. Vekaiyu's architecture, both modern and historic, continues to inspire and welcome travelers. Every Vekaiyun city has much to offer, and the Vekaiyun people have become more accommodating of foreigners and outsiders who wish to know about their culture and history, shedding their once standoffish stereotype under the direction of Ikrisia Levinile.


See also Vekaiyun History

Vekaiyu expanding. 1400 (red), 1437 (red and green), 1448 (red, green, and yellow), 1478 (red and green).

The people of Vekaiyu are very nationalistic, especially when it comes to history.

Ancient Vekaiyu initially consisted of small vulpine tribes existing in and around the Vekaiyun borders, with documentation of such tribes existing as early as 25,000 years ago. These tribes eventually formed city-states, and with those city-states the emergence of complex farming methods appeared. A series of complex unions and empires forming from various city-states rising to power, then bowing to another group of city-states, existed for thousands of years until the city-states of Vesaria, Ivu, and Lesa formed the state of Vekaiyu after incorporating the lesser city-state of Yurik in 487 B.C.

Good times continued until 255 A.D. when the presiding king, Renuli V, was powered off by a much stronger kingdom, Nugala. The Vekaiyun lands were absorbed into Nugala and a period of three centuries of suffering began which saw the eradication of nearly half of the state's population. It was during this time Vayan Catholicism under St. Aiya began and flourished. When Vekaiyu won its independence in 585 under a fiery young leader named Todd McCloud, the state re-formed under a revamped language, a new religion, and a completely different direction.

As the nation moved into the seventh century, a consistent abundance of talent, technology, and advancements in the arts and sciences characterized the Era of Good Feelings. Here the Vekaiyun state flourished in what was arguably the golden age of the nation. This era would last about seven hundred years until the various cities within Vekaiyu would grow restless. This unrest was quelled under a steel-fisted king Kaslo I restored order and, with the help of the brilliant gypsy general Fevunik, Vekaiyu expanded its territory. This expansion was short-lived, as less than one century later a civil war would restore unrest within the nation and Vekaiyu's neighbors would take advantage. Vekaiyu would be partitioned, and the state would adopt socialism as its economic structure.

The state remained fairly stable until Max Venavle ascended to power and ruled the nation as a dictator in the early 1980's. His reign was characterized by allowing capitalism to take form in the nation despite having a society completely removed from free speech and the ability to openly critique the government. The nation did however excel in its military prowess, gaining new innovations, new organization, and overall improving on all fronts. When Max was murdered, Selvala McEva took the reigns, but did little to really improve the state. She did however restor socialism and waded through a depression but her foreign dealings harmed the nation, especially her involvement in the fight for Listonian Independence. When Selvala was extradited for attempting to murder Stapen Evesuni, Ikrisia Levinile, the then-Kral Commodore of Vekaiyu was sworn in. This sparked a civil war among Loyalists and Maxists, which resulted in a systematic removal of Maxist presence in the nation.

In the years that followed, the nation underwent a complete re-structurization of government which included the establishment of a legislature, less corrupt judicial courts, and a less powerful executive. Socialist economic policies have moved toward capitalism, with commercial licenses that used to restrict private business now existing akin to a bureaucratic handshake. War existed with Listonia when Stapen Evesuni was overthrown in a coup, reaching a low point in relations between the two nations. Restoration of the Listonian state produced a viable national partner, which culminated in the formation of The Vekaiyun Union in 2014.

Main article: Vekaiyu
Important Topics: CultureUnonianVayan CatholicismVeskonoVulpineArmed ForcesMilitary Ranks and Uniforms
Government: KivreskovPremierIkrisia LevinilePolitical PartiesForeign Officers
History: Ancient VekaiyuThe Time of TroublesEra of Good FeelingsTrade LeaguesExpansionist VekaiyuPartitions of VekaiyuImperial VekaiyuVekaiyu Under Max VenavleVekaiyu Under Selvala McEva2010 Vekaiyun Civil War
Important Figures (Past and Present): Ikrisia LevinileLeina KivelevovMax VenavleSelvala McEvaSt. AiyaTodd Leyuski
Sports: Sports in VekaiyuOlympic CouncilSport UniformsFifth Summer OlympicsSixth Winter OlympicsSeventh Summer OlympicsEighth Summer Olympics

The Vekaiyun Union
Main article: The Vekaiyun Union
Member-States: VekaiyuListoniaSouth DveriaIsklevyuYishevyu