Flag of Vekaiyu

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The Flag of Vekaiyu is the standard political administrative flag of the nation Vekaiyu. Adopted in 1989 by a selection committee of artists, religious figures, and governmental figures, the flag was chosen over some 1,500 designs. The flag has survived three regime changes and one major civil war.

The colors of Vekaiyu - crimson, white, gold, and black - are represented on the flag. In the center is the Vekaiyun Star. The star itself actually symbolizes Vekaiyu's longstanding relationship with the Vayan Catholic Faith. Jaku branches adorn the top-left and bottom-right quadrants, and symbolize purity, innocence, and peace. The symbolism of the red background is two-fold: red to signify the blood shed for the flag and the united provinces of Vekaiyu, and red to signify Vekaiyun culture and way of life, which glows red-hot against a black void.

Main article: Vekaiyu
Important Topics: CultureUnonianVayan CatholicismVeskonoVulpineArmed ForcesMilitary Ranks and Uniforms
Government: KivreskovPremierIkrisia LevinilePolitical PartiesForeign Officers
History: Ancient VekaiyuThe Time of TroublesEra of Good FeelingsTrade LeaguesExpansionist VekaiyuPartitions of VekaiyuImperial VekaiyuVekaiyu Under Max VenavleVekaiyu Under Selvala McEva2010 Vekaiyun Civil War
Important Figures (Past and Present): Ikrisia LevinileLeina KivelevovMax VenavleSelvala McEvaSt. AiyaTodd Leyuski
Sports: Sports in VekaiyuOlympic CouncilSport UniformsFifth Summer OlympicsSixth Winter OlympicsSeventh Summer OlympicsEighth Summer Olympics