The New International Sealab

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Outside view of the residencies
Interior view of the residencies

In 2002, nations in The East Pacific, in order to understand and study at previously unlivable depths, came together to build an International Sealab, a facility used to further education and development in the region, as well as strengthen international bonds in the realm. They created labs in two locations - one in a lower part of the Keigan Sea, named Sealab I, and one at a higher depth in the Loopian Sea, named Sealab II. Construction on Sealabs I and II finished in 2010 and 2012, respectively. Various underwater subs / diving equipment were fashioned exclusively, donated by various nations, for the advancement of underwater exploration and discovery.

Much research has been done by several nations in The East Pacific. Notable scientists include Elana Navinsku from Vekaiyu.

Both buildings have the same general layout, though Sealab II is slightly larger. The sealab, which consists of various sections built and designed by different nations, is connected via a series of tubes and, in some cases, is joined wall-to-wall. Each facility is massive, providing sufficient space for some 40-60 people to live comfortably for an extended period of time. Important points of the lab is a greenery where plants and vegetation can grow (as well as a sufficient supply of oxygen), and a cafeteria where all scientists may eat. Classrooms for students wishing to learn more about the sea on a more personal basis exist, along with personal and communal labrooms. Sleeping quarters and living quarters are located in the central section and east wing. Docks for submarines are located on the west wing. Diving chambers capable of allowing divers to pressurize and explore the waters surrounding the facilities.

A map of a sealab is provided below.


A - Main room / lounge room (two stories)
B - Cafeteria
C - Conservatory
D - Submarine docks
E - Exercise room
F - Restrooms (scientist's quarters contain bathrooms too)
I - Infirmary
J - Diving chambers
K - Library
L - Communal labs (labs everyone uses)
P - Private Labs (designated by supporting nations)
O - Observation area
R - Residencies / scientist's quarters
S - Service closet

Smaller rooms not pictured