Akuan District

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A Akuan District is a religious enclave of Akuanists located outside of a Akuan majority country, most often located in urban settings. Areas known as "Akuan District" exist throughout the Urth and are present most continents.

The development of most Akuan Districts typically result from mass migration to an area without any or very few Akuanists residents. With the largest Akuan District being in Osfjord, Norgsveldet and was established in 1929 after the Great War. Typically, Akuan Districts draw form a wide variety of Akuan nations who immigrate into a country, such as in Norgsveldet case where Akuanists came from Hvaloaszna, Nystatiszna, Lapliszna and the Federation. Despite their differences in Akuan practice, diet and type of Nys'tat'en, there is similarities enough to form a cohesive community and architectural style. Commonalty, Akuanists immigrate to these countries for work due to the trend of Akuan nations being less developed than other non-Akuan majority nations. With the exceptions being Federation of the Southern Coast and Vakrestrender which have majority Akuanist population.


Osfjord Institute of Language, defines a "Akuan District" as a "a district of any non-Akuanist town, especially a city or seaport, in which the district of the town/city has a above average Akuanist population located with its confines of an area."



The early Akuan Districts such as the in Osfjord, in Norgsveldet were natural destinations for Akuanist due to the easy of entry into the country from the colonies, the newly open job market for low-wage labor and the "Haakon Promise." Promise being not attack or subvert the Akuan rights or customs anymore. Due to the Akuan Atrocities committed by the Norgsveldet during the Great War against Akuanists in the colonies and in the mainland. Akuanists have a tendency being Immigrants or the native born to group together to naturally form the districts. Though due to housing laws in democratic countries, such as in Eyjaria and Atlalandr which prevent discrimination in housing allows Non-Akuanists to move into the districts or neighborhoods.

Example being the Akuan District in Osfjord having a sizeable non-Akuanist population residing within the community. Causing fears of the Akuanists in the Akuan Districts of gentrification and slowly pushing out the Akuanists from the district. In 1980s there was a influx of luxury housing and services within the districts. As a result Ulvriktru Democrats pressuring the Labour Party government of Magrete Kverheim in 2002, had a anti-gentrification bill passed to better protect the Akuan Districts from gentrification and keeping the Akuan culture there without being pushed out. Ulvriktru Democrats being the primary driving force for the bill was primary due to the perception of breaking Haakon Promise of not attacking or subverting Akuanists anymore and to "prevent the LGBT community escaping into those districts."

Architecture of the Districts

The Akuan Districts can be distinguished by the large red arch entrance structures traditionally seen at Akuan shrines with decorative paper lanterns tied hanging from the arch. Usually the wooden arch has a special inscription written in Nys'tat'en by a prominent brewmaster in the district, though it has been noted that local businesses and city governments have also commission writing on the on the arches. Such as in the case for the Akuan District in Osfjord having a inscription commissioned by Haakon III with the inscription being "May time heal all wounds, may the future be bright."

The arches themselves are made from locally sourced wood, though in cases where wood cannot be used or found. Masonry has been used in their stead. The inscriptions themselves are usually made from metal commonly using steel or bronze in a circle shape which fits in the middle of the red arch.

The Akuan Districts use traditional Akuan architecture, making use of greenery and large pedestrians paths for walking. Usually the Akuan Districts have only a few drivable roads. The large pedestrian paths usually due to the "Vi'Kinlge" or the "Akuan huddle" in which Akuanists walk together in huddles.

Benevolent and Business associations

A majority component of many Akuan Districts is a community benevolent association usually head by council of brewmasters. Which provides degrees of aid to immigrants and native born Akuanists. These associations generally provide social support, religious services, assistance with funerals, meals, cultural and recreational activities for Akuanists. It also includes daycare facilities, prenatal care, assist with pregnancies and after school activities for children. The associations tend to provide scholarship for residents of the districts. Usually the associations are assisted by local Akuan business which tend to be restaurants, grocery, laundry and fishing boats in the case for Osfjord.

Impact of Akuan Districts on LGBTQ+ Community

Akuan Districts tend to be a spot for non-Akuanists LGBTQ+ people of the native country such as the case with Norgsveldet. In which the Akuan Districts had a signified number of LGBTQ+ Norgsveltians living in or commonly visiting the districts with some frequency. The Akuan Districts acted as a shield against local authorities from persecuting LGBTQ+ people who frequent the district. Police having a policy since the Great War of not charging Akuanists with anti-homosexuality laws or interfering with Akuan culture due to Norgsveldet actions against the Akuanists during the war. As such, LGBTQ+ could rely on the Akuan Districts as spots for activity and organization in. Such was the case when in 1979 when the Osfjord police raided a club that was frequented by non-Akuanist Norgsveltians and arrested thirty Non-Akuanist Norgsveltians and nine the Akuanist staff at the club. The police charged the Non-Akuanists with homosexuality but released the Akuanist staff. Despite releasing the Akuanists, protests arisen across mainland Norgsveldet due to breaking the policy of non-aggression against Akuanists established by King Haakon III after the Great War. The protests was across the political spectrum including staunch anti-LGBTQ+ Ulvriktru Democrats, which didn't support the LGBTQ+ movement, did support Akuan rights and the Akuan right to practice their customs.

Famously a moderate and prominent member of the Ulvriktru Democrats, Torvik Bjørndaling, made a statement behalf of the party on the matter.

"I am no friend of the homosexual community, I, like many of you oppose it. But what happened at that club cannot happen again, it will stand against all we have agreed with our Akuan siblings. As such to avoid further tension between the followers of our faith and those of the Akuan faith, we should work together to end the current laws which criminalize homosexuality. Though I urge all of you to teach your children to not turn homosexual."

Later on the Norgsveltian parliament held a vote against the NCP minority government of Jakop Storhaug, done by a joint vote from the LNP, LP and UD parties. Leading to the LNP, LP and UD forming a grand coalition government with Torstein Knust from the LNP becoming prime minister. The police commissioner was forced to resigned shortly after the police raid due to public pressure.





  • Lotharne, Veria - Originally a starting as a merchant district acting as a middle point between from Novaris and Borea in medieval times. Later evolving into a large Akuan District with a diverse architecture using materials from both continents and mixture of designs.
  • Ruinaith, Veria
  • Seanaire, Veria - Largest concentration of Akuanists in Veria.
  • Handelvaar, Aduraszna[1]
  • Zlovskavaar, West Borean Federation[1]
  • Kasirstrom, Vorpest - The Kontinentaler Quarter[2] of Kasirstrom is the location of the majority of the Akuanist population on the island, and the largest concentration of Akuanists in Vistaraland, dating back to a late-16th Century edict on species separation made by the City Council of Sint Arend. The quarter hosts the headquarters of both the Qalbtajja Spiritual Confederation and Communal Shrine Party, though its pedestrian-oriented architecture has been lost during the urbanisation of the island and subsequent overpopulation.
  • Tordalen, Rikevaarland


  • Osfjord, Norgsveldet - The largest Akuan District in the world, with a diverse community coming from the various Akuanist immigrates coming from Akuan majority nations across the Urth. Immigrates arriving not only from the Norgsveltian speaking world, but from places such as Nystatiszna, Musetszna and Ny’Natrotomi as well others. The Akuan Districts in Osfjord according to the 2022 census, contain a estimated population of 3,000,000 out of the estimated 9,000,000 population in Osfjord proper. In other words, one in three people living in Osfjord are Akuanist.
  • Hirdvik, Norgsveldet
  • Wergby, Norgsveldet
  • Vargbo, Norgsveldet
  • Torheim, Norgsveldet
  • Sydtårri, Norgsveldet
  • Ny Osfjord, Norgsveldet
  • Midtårne, Atlalandr
  • Veridal, East Atlalandr
  • Rerirheimr, Kaldrbuth



  • Anara, Acronis - Made up of Paratani immigrates coming in the year of 1568 and later Quattians from Quattiolszna in Volscina, coming as refugees from the Volscina Civil War in more recent times.
  • Nandrat, Tavaris - Paratani immigrates arrived later than their Anara counterparts, arriving in 1960s to seek work in the growing manufacturing sector in the city.


  • Grimvik, Cryria - Primary made up immigrates, refugees and visa workers from Nystatiszna.
  • Lielsta, Cryria -  The Ctaalpi District of Lielsta was originally founded by Aikkian workers brought in to build roads and railways in the Cryrian Highlands, and became a destination for later waves of Aikkian immigrants. The District has since become a part of the city's multicultural patchwork. Its original buildings still display traditional Aikkian architecture and are protected by the Cryrian Historic Commission
  • Valngi, Cryria - Made up of Quattians from Quattiolszna in Volscina, with the bulk of the population origin coming as refugees from the Volscina Civil War.
  • Kapik, Kuduk



  1. 1.0 1.1 Note: West Borean Federation and Aduraszna do not legally recognize Akuan Districts and is considered to be uncouth or rude to refer to Akuan Districts in the press.
  2. In Vistaraland, a District is recognized as an administrative unit of urban areas. The term Kontinentaler, referring to mainland Boreans, is used instead of referencing the religion due to persecution of minority religions in Vistari holdings. Colloquially, the term Katoorkwartier (literally “Cat-Ear Quarter”) was common, though it is now generally viewed as an offensive term.”