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Kingdom of Tretrid

ᚦᚱᛖᚾᛁᚪᚾ ᚱᛁᚳᛖ (Tretridian)
Þrenian Rīce
of Tretrid
Coat of arms
Motto: "ᚫᚠᚱᛖᛚᛁᚳᛖ ᚠᚩᚱᚦᚹᛖᚪᚱᛞ"
Ǣfrelīce forþweard
"Forever forward"
Anthem: "ᚳᚣᚾᛁᚾᚷᛖᛋᛗᚪᚱᛋᚳ"
Location of Tretrid
Location of Tretrid
Official languagesTretridian
Recognised national languagesStaynish
GovernmentFederal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
• King
Ælfric III
• Prime Minister
Eoforwine Æthelstanson
• Norþrenia
• Tretrid Proclaimed
• Colonial Empire
• Constitution Established
• Total
1,352,790.112 km2 (522,315.182 sq mi) (11th)
• 2021 estimate
116,150,000 (11th)
• 2020 census
• Density
86/km2 (222.7/sq mi) (88th)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
• Per capita
CurrencyTretridian Pound (TRP)
Time zoneUTC-7
Driving sideright
Calling code+128

Tretrid (Tretridian: ᚦᚱᛖᚾᛁᚪ, Þrenia), officially known as the Kingdom of Tretrid, is a nation located in southern Novaris. It is the second most populous country in Novaris and second largest by area, after Arkalarius. It is situated between the Atlantian Sea to the north, the Bay of Lapinum to the south, and the Nalpian Mountains to the west. Tretrid borders Aponivia and Transnalpia to the west, and Lapinumbia to the south. Tretrid's capital is Cynebury, though its largest city is Sigested.

Tretrid's history dates back to the Threnian Kingdom of antiquity, which lasted roughly from the 1st century BCE to the Toré Eruption of 512, after which resulting famine tore the polity apart, leading to its utter collapse and much of its territory fragmenting into smaller, more isolated city-states. The following centuries were characterized by infighting among these city-states, as well as the rise and fall of Westrice, which was situated north of formerly Threnian lands.

The arrival of Ulvrikian settlers from the east in the 11th century lead to a chain of mass migration and ensuing turmoil, followed by the rapid consolidation of Tretrid into three kingdoms, a state that would last for about 200 years until Ælfric I unified the peninsula and proclaimed the creation of the Kingdom of Tretrid in 1256. Over the next two centuries, Tretrid would expand into Dallacquan lands and gain more and more power in Novaris. This expansionism reached its peak in the 15th century with the establishment of Tretridian West Novaris. After the War of the Tretridian Succession, in which Tretridian West Novaris was partitioned by Norgsveldet and Asendavia, Tretrid maintained a colony in the form of Tretridian Northrenpynt, and later established Transnalpia as a means to easier access Northrenpynt. However, both countries would become independent states under the Tretridian crown in the 1920s, with Northrenpynt in particular ending even its association with the Tretridian crown in 1980.

Tretrid has historically been one of the premier powers of Novaris, which would often brought it into conflict with other nations. Indeed, the first 4 centuries of the unified Tretrid's history was largely characterized by its power struggles with Dallacqua, though this largely ended as Dallacqua declined. During the 18th century, Tretrid fought a war with Ethalria and waged multiple wars against Norgsveldet. However, the rise of Arkalarius as a regional power in Novaris and later as a great power brought it into direct conflict with Tretrid, starting in the early 19th century. This rivalry resulted in the countries taking opposing sides in the Great War and eventually culminated in the Novaran Cold War that pervaded much of the 20th century. The collapse of the Arkian Confederation and the resulting Arkian Civil War ended the Novaran Cold War in Tretrid's favor. However, the rise and fall of Karolingia, among other things, have reignited tensions between Tretrid and Arkalarius, enough to the point where most agree that the Karolingian crisis marked the start of a Second Novaran Cold War.

Despite its many issues and what has been argued to be its decline, Tretrid is still generally considered a great power. Indeed, even though Tretrid has only the third highest military expenditure in Novaris, Tretrid more than makes up for it with soft power; indeed, its admission to the North Concordian Economic Forum and its role in creating the League of Novaris have only served to amplify this. Tretrid also largely maintains its position of power through alliances, most notably the Tolinsk Accords, though Tretrid also maintains observer status in the North Shield Treaty Organization and Interregional Security Accords. Tretrid's system of alliances has been argued to be the main reason why Tretrid still remains the dominant power in West Novaris, especially compared to the significantly more diplomatically isolated Arkalarius.


The term for Tretrid in its native language, Þrenia, derives from the name of the Yuserist god Thret, or Þret. This dates back to the ancient belief that the land was sacred to Thret.

The name "Tretrid" was largely coined by Staynish explorers, deriving from the Impelanzan Trétid.



The Triarchy

Around the 11th century, a series of wars erupted in Norgsveldet which led to the creation of the kingdoms of Riksheim and Novreheim. Many people fled Norgsveldet, and some of them crossed the Concordian Ocean and settled in places like modern-day Valkerus.

Other Norgsveltians settled in Tretrid, bringing Norgsveltian culture and Asatru to Tretrid. As they assimilated into Tretrid, Tretridian culture started to have certain Norgsveltian influences to them, and Asatru soon replaced Yuserism as the dominant faith in Tretrid.

The migrations of Norgsveltians displaced some of the people already living there, which lead to a wave of migrations throughout Tretrid, as well as a series of wars. The balance of power was severly disrupted, and by the end of the 11th Century, three kingdoms, Norþrenia, Easþrenia, and Suþrenia had consolidated power and become the dominant powers in Tretrid.

The period from the 11th Century to the unification of Tretrid in the 13th Century has been named the "Triarchy" by historians.


Tretrid at the time of its unification


See also: Tretridian West Novaris

The newly-unified Tretrid had a significant amount of power, and so Tretrid clashed with Dallacqua, at that time the dominant power in West Novaris. Tretrid managed to gain a series of territorial concessions in a series of wars from the late 13th Century to the 14th Century.

The advent of gunpowder and firearms tipped the balance in favor of Tretrid, leading to Tretrid seizing all Dallacquan land west of the Nalpians, and also lead Tretrid to seize ports on the coast of West Novaris.

To solidify its control over West Novaris, as well as to ensure its control over West Novaran Trade, Tretrid established a series of trading posts along the west coast of Novaris, and some of these ports developed into cities. Eventually, this network of trade posts had developed into a full colony, known as Tretridian West Novaris.

War of the Tretridian Succession

Main article: War of the Tretridian Succession

The Battle of Sigested, one of the final confrontations of the war.

In 1649, King Cynric III, seeing that he had no male heir, asked the Witenagemot to change the official succession laws in Tretrid so that his daughter Eadgyð could be Queen after his death. After much debate and negotiating, the Witan eventually approved this matter, undoing the laws preventing a woman from ascending to the throne.

When Cynric III died in 1650, even despite the succession laws being changed, Ælfheah of Sigested, Eadgyð's cousin and the heir apparent prior to the change in succession laws, declared himself the rightful King of Tretrid. This was despite Eadgyð being crowned Queen Eadgyð I soon after Cynric III's death. Angry at the lack of recognition of his claims by the Witan, Ælfheah named himself Ælfheah III and raised an army to try to march on Cynebury.

The ensuing conflict lasted ten years, and devastated Tretrid. The war depleted the authority of the Tretridian throne, leading to many opportunistic nobles breaking away from the crown. Even after Eadgyð I won the war, Tretrid had been severely weakened.

Eadgyð I would spend the next twenty years after the war reconquering the breakaway states and reestablishing Tretridian authority. This period, which lasted from 1650 to 1680, has been named the Tretridian Anarchy by historians.

Most of Tretridian West Novaris had been lost in the war, as the collapse of authority in Cynebury caused no amount of troubles for the colonies. It was only a matter of time before Asendavia and Norgsveldet seized most of Tretrid's colonial holdings. Only Northrenpynt was left.

Asatruar Wars of Religion

In 1765, King Gustaf II of Norgsveldet declared himself the Saint of Asatru, declaring himself the head of Asatru over the traditional Asatruar leader, the High Gothir. The following religious schism would split the religion into two denominations: Gustafic Asatru, which recognized Gustaf II as the Saint of Asatru; and Gothiric Asatru, which continued to recognize the Gothirs as the religious authority.

Following Gustaf's declaration, King Ælfred IV proclaimed the Edict of Sweoraport, which refused to recognize Gustaf as the Saint of Asatru and instead reaffirmed the authority of the Gothirs. This in effect enforced Gothiric Asatru as the state religion of Tretrid. Ælfred quickly followed this up by decreeing that anyone who believed that Gustaf was the leader of the religion were heretics and were to be punished accordingly. This lead to a 50 year era of religious fervor and state persecution that only ended in 1802 when the newly crowned Queen Eadgyð II revoked the many decrees enforcing religious persecution in Tretrid.

Around the same time, Tretrid waged a number of wars against Norgsveldet to limit Norgsveltian influence over Novaris and to halt the spread of Gustafic Asatru.

Great War

Main article: Great War


The Great War caused a great deal of unrest in Tretrid, to the point that Tretrid was affected by an attempted takeover by revolutionary socialists. To focus on putting down the uprising, Tretrid was forced to give more autonomy to Northrenpynt and Transnalpia, and even outright abandoned Tretridian Southwest Gondwana.

The decolonization of Tretridian Southwest Gondwana has been panned by historians as rushed and careless, as Tretrid's abandonment of the colony was done without any care as to the future of the colony. The region quickly split into smaller states constantly warring with each other.

Interestingly enough, the relatively autonomous regions of Wessæria and Clifport claimed to not have been dissolved by proclamation of the Witan, unlike the administration of Tretridian Southwest Gondwana. Wessæria persisted until its partition and later collapse, while Clifport would declare itself a republic the next year, renaming itself Dræset.

Northrenpynt and Transnalpia were fortunate by comparison. They were still left as part of the Tretridian crown, but were given a great deal of autonomy to deal with their own domestic affairs.

The increased autonomy in the colonies bolstered independence movements, and calls to make Northrenpynt fully independent from Tretrid slowly grew. As a result, a referendum was held in 1980, and Northrenpynt voted to become independent from Tretrid. Talks ensued, and the request for Northrenpynt independence was granted in March of 1981.

Auroran-Pacific War

Main article: Auroran-Pacific War

In late May of 2017, King Lambertus VII of Great Morstaybishlia held an emergency meeting, in which Tretrid reaffirmed its alliance with the empire. The Oan Isles, Axdel, Kuthernburg, and Stratarin also allied with Great Morstaybishlia. However, during this meeting, Mikhail Starikov took power in Stratarin, leaving the previous Strataric Premier, Viktor Drugov, stuck in Sani Bursil. Starikov renounced Stratarin's allegiance with what came to be known as the "Allies". This event is considered to be the start of the Auroran-Pacific War.

After this meeting, the SEPC Security Council, of which Tretrid was a part, held a meeting concerning these new developments. However, any attempts to make SEPC align with the Allies were stonewalled by Stratarin, as Starikov's government made it clear that they had no interest in aligning with the Allies. Stratarin would later ally with Ethalria, splitting the once mighty Coalition into two.

After Ethalrian agents attempted to assassinate Lambertus, instead killing the Morstaybishlian Crown Prince Thadeus, Tretrid declared war on Ethalria, citing both Thadeus's death and Tretrid's alliance with Great Morstaybishlia.

In the war, Tretrid sent soldiers to Aurora to aid in the war effort, but most of Tretrid's effort was focused on the Pacific Theater, where Tretrid and the Oan Isles opposed Stratarin's attempt to invade Aurora.

Puntalia, Irnac, Karolingia, Balistria, and Kanor

In June 2020, when Rodenia supported a coup d'etat in the neighboring country of Puntalia, the UCA and the NSTO acted immediately, deploying forces in Puntalia. Tretrid worked with the NSTO in deploying forces, including 30,000 Tretridian soldiers and a naval task force that included an aircraft carrier. Tretrid also successfully petitioned the League of Novaris to condemn Rodenia. However, the seemingly inevitable war was halted when Great Morstaybishlia's Prime Minister, Franklin Barvata, threatened both sides in the crisis with sanctions unless they would sit down and talk. Tretrid was one of the signatories of the Puntalian Compromise Treaty, as it would become known.

Following an incident on the border between Durakia and Vakarastan on July 15, 2020, Tretrid publicly declared support for Durakia. They deployed 50,000 soldiers and a naval task force. Several other nations, including Arkalarius, Norgsveldet, and Meagharia also declared their support for Durakia. The Joint Strategic Command of Anti-Vakari Forces (JSCAVF) was formed between the five nations to coordinate the resultant Irnac War. Tretrid formally declared war on Vakarastan on July 21. It participated in several decisive battles in western Irnac, including the Battle of Kretsburg and the Nov Martovgrad Offensive.

However, on July 24, only days after the Irnac War started, Neu Arkia was couped by Julius Karling, who proceeded to proclaim Karolingia. Arkalarius responded by pushing claims, while Tretrid reaffirmed its alliance with the new Karolingian state. What resulted was an escalation of tensions. The culmination of this was the sinking of the Karolingian frigate KKS Konstantin Böhm by a ship flying the Arkian colors. Arkalarius immediately denied responsibility while Tretrid attacked the incident as an attack on Karolingian sovereignty.

The two nations likely would have come to blows as a result of brinkmanship had the League of Novaris not interceded. The LN ordered that Karolingia hold a referendum to determine its future. However, heavy election interference delegitimized the results, and Karling's harsh crackdown on protests only escalated instability further. Ultimately, Karling was forced to flee to Gräntierik, and Karolingia collapsed. The LN authorized the occupation of the formerly Karolingian lands, which was once again named Ostarkeland.

Around this time, the Witenagemot passed the Resolution Concerning Schlesia, which formally ended the Occupation of Schlesia. Prime Minister Eoforwine immediately approached George Gray, the last president of the Arkian Confederation, and he agreed to head the new Schlesian state.

The Karolingian crisis had shown how unexpectedly delicate Tretrid's position was, and Eoforwine immediately started re-examining his foreign policy. Among other things, he largely ended the Tretridian investment in Meagharian infrastructure, and he had Tretrid join the North Concordian Economic Forum. This diplomatic maneuvering resulted in the creation of the Tolinsk Accords. Another result of this diplomacy was his concerted efforts to bring Meagharia and Tavaris to the negotiating table.

A Tretridian crew loads an incendiary bomb in Ballistria.

Tretrid was also extending its feelers into Arcturia around this time, having publicly supported the Alksearian King Eldras VI in a power struggle against nobles who opposed the democratization of Alksearia. When Eldras was murdered on live television on October 16, Tretrid was one of the many nations to declare war on Balistria. In the resulting war, Tretrid soon came under heavy criticism for its use of incendiary weapons, especially white phosphorus munitions, and was even accused of attempting to carpet bomb industrial targets with no regard to civilian casualties.

Eoforwine's efforts in getting Tavaris and Meagharia to talk eventually succeeded. On Feburary 19, Tavari and Meagharian officials met in Suþrimaburg, Tretrid, to settle their issues, with Eoforwine mediating. The resultant Kanor Accords brought about the normalization of Tavari–Meagharian relations, where Meagharia gave up its claims to Kanor while both parties agreed to have an independent, LN-sponsored tribune to prosecute Rodokan whalers fishing in Meagharian waters.


Tretrid is mainly situated on the Tretridian Peninsula, and is southeast of the Nalpian Mountains. Tretrid is surrounded by the Bay of Atlantia.


Tretrid's climate ranges from temperate to subtropical, as its southern regions experience a humid subtropical climate (Cfa) while the northern parts of Tretrid experience an oceanic climate (Cfb).



The King is the head of state, and gives royal assent to all laws passed by the legislature. However, in practice, the king does not hold very much sway over Tretridian politics.

The Prime Minister is the head of government, and is elected by the legislature. The legislature makes use of a parliamentary system.

Tretrid has a federal government, and so is divided up into provinces. These provinces are governed by folkmoots, but are also ceremonially lead by eorls, in the same way the King ceremonially rules Tretrid as a whole.


Tretrid's body of law traces its history to the common law passed by the Witenagemot in medieval times. For most of Tretrid's history, law came in two forms: common law, passed both locally in cities and across the kingdom, by the Witenagemot; and royal law, passed by decree from the monarch.

In the 17th and 18th Century, a series of reforms that moved power from the King to the legislature, eventually effectively abolishing royal law.

Foreign Relations

Main article: Foreign relations of Tretrid

Tretrid is a member of the League of Novaris and an observer state of the North Shield Treaty Organization, and was a member of the South-East Pacific Coalition. Tretrid holds an alliance with Great Morstaybishlia and with Kuthernburg, and have been friendly with both Morstaybishlia and Kurthernburg since the 17th century. Tretrid also maintains a very cordial relationship with its southern neighbor Lapinumbia, and the two nations have open borders with each other. Tretrid also maintains close ties its other neighbors, Transnalpia and Aponivia.


The Royal Tretridian Armed Forces has about 300K active soldiers in peacetime. The RTAF currently receives about 80 billion SHD in funding.



Ethnic groups

Tretrid is mainly dominated by Tretridian people, though there is a small minority of Lissians throughout the peninsula. In the eastern regions of Tretrid, there are significantly more ethnic Norgsveltians.


About 44% of Tretridians are of the Asatru faith, as that religion was brought over by Norgsveltian settlers in the 11th century, and slowly became embedded in Tretrid over time. When Gustaf II of Norgsveldet made himself the head of the Asatru religion, the Tretridians following the Asatru faith rejected the authority of the King and instead continued following the Gothirs.

In recent decades, Tretrid has become increasingly irreligious, and an estimated 49% of Tretridians do not identify with any religion.

About 1% of Tretridians are Thaerist, as Thaerism spread to Tretrid as a result of increasing interaction with Great Morstaybishlia. Around 1.6% of Tretridans are Ademarist, and around 1.3% of Tretridians are Akronist.


Tretrid in Alternate Universes