Timeline of world history

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This is a timeline of notable world history events.

Before the 2nd millennium BCE

  • 3400 BC: Evidence of proto-writing by the Elves in Alva in the form of the Urgabom Script.
  • 2200 BC: Quadratic equations, in the form of problems relating the areas and sides of rectangles, are solved by Valerians.

2nd millennium BCE

  • 2000 BCE: Fractions were first studied by the Valerians in their study of Valerian fractions.
  • 1900 BCE: First recorded Discovery of Driesic Law, later Driesic Theorum by the Proto-Vistari in modern day South Hills

1st millennium BCE

  • 8th century BCE: The earliest documented mention of a spherical Urth comes from the Valerians.
  • 8th century BCE: The four oracles travel South-West Aurora, marking the beginning of Kozam.
  • 6th century BCE: First recorded worship of Ayalagch, beginning the formation of the Ayalist religion.
  • 6th century BCE: Rise of the Ulvrikian Empire, first and only time Northern Concord was fully united into one empire.
  • 523 BCE: Ennulus Jakatei Kalamitas reforms the Kormistazic confederacy into an empire.
  • 235 BCE: Impelanta III is crowned Queen of Arsal after the Lespanzan conspiracy and murder of her brother, Antares I. By Tunseist and historical convention, this event marks the beginning of Impelanza.
  • 200 BCE: The Great Migration sees a majority the Proto-Vistari people sail from Concord to the Isle of Krommentrum, settling first in the modern day region of Koersland.

1st millennium CE

4th century

  • 345: The first Norvians land on Aurora, in modern Emberwood Coast, regularly raiding and conquering Kormistazic coastal provinces in the following decades.

6th century

  • 512: Toré eruption: The most violent eruption in the past 5,000 years. Ejecting over 400 million tonnes of sulphur into the atmosphere, the eruption led to a mini Ice Age. Ash deposits reached every continent and the event is considered to have triggered the Dark Ages.
  • 513: Arsal falls to the 513 Grand Noble Revolution. The House of the Impeles, who ruled the last remains of Impelanza, is expulsed from the city and the Arsalian Alliance is established, in what is historiographically considered the Fall of Impelanza.

7th century

  • 600s: Asatru is organised into a official religion through help of the poet Nori Snorrison.
  • 642: The last Norvian kingdom in the Axdelian Peninsula is destroyed by the Rulique Confederacy

8th century

  • 724: The Second Kormistazic empire is founded

9th century

10th century

2nd millennium CE

11th century

12th century

  • 1128: Temuj becomes Khan of Alva following a brief civil war, gaining the name Gunghris Khan and founding the Alvan Empire.
  • 1140s: Semi-Mythological Figure Aaditya Vidyarthi is credited with crafting the first fire lance, a gunpowder weapon and ancestor of firearms, in Modern Day Suvania: a claim corroborated by archaeological evidence found in the region dating to this period.

13th century

  • 1254: Assassination of Tugri Khan, fracturing the Alvan Empire.
  • 1256: Triarchy Period ends with the establishment of the Kingdom of Tretrid. First Tretridio-Dallacquan War.

14th century

  • 1301-1304: The Vistari States rally under the Kingdom of Vierbak to push out the Alvan Tribes from Northern Kromentrum, forming the First Vistari Empire under Hendrik I.

15th century

  • 18 January 1493: Mount Heaven erupts in the Seligeze Islands. 23 million tons of sulfur is released, leading to a five year drop of 1.3 °C.

16th century

  • 12 March 1506 - 7 December 1509: Vistari Explorer Anton-Koen Taalen is the first to circumnavigate the globe.
  • 3 June 1560: Rosalica is formed with the Westmound Heights Agreement.
  • 1575 - The Third Kormistazic empire collapses
  • 17 May 1594: Kingdoms of Riksheim and Novreheim unites to the United Kingdoms of Norgsveldet.

17th century

  • 1625: Milofite Armada leaves Durdneel towards modern day Meagharia after brief conflict with Durdneelians.
  • 1644: Fortunan Empire breaks apart into multiple states.
  • 1650: Tretrid suffers a severe succession dispute, resulting in the War of the Tretridian Succession. Several splinter states form. South Tretridian coast seized by Lapinumbia. Tretridian West Novaris partitioned between Norgsveldet and Asendavia.

18th century

  • 4 May 1709: Bursil Agreement signed, beginning over 300 years of alliance between Morstaybishlia and Vistaraland as well as minor territorial exchange between the two.
  • 1770s: The Asatru War of Religion start after the Norgsveltian King Gustaf II proclaims himself as Fylkir over the Asatru religion.
  • 1780s: Morstaybishlia is the first nation to begin the Industrial Revolution with the invention of the spinning jenny.
  • 1793: Norgsveltian Ragnal Volda and his wife Ragnild Volda and fellow scientist, believed observed electrical phenomena were caused by two different metals joined together by a moist intermediary. He verified this hypothesis through experiments and published the results.
  • 1795: First Posolic War begins. It marks the deadliest Continental war for Aurora in 220 years.
  • 1800: Norgsveltians Ragnal Volda and Ragnild Volda created the first true battery.

19th century

  • 12 October 1805: Invention of the first iron-casted rocket by Karl Brouwer, 1st Count of Schildwijc, reintroducing the use of Rocketry in Warfare.
  • 1814: Second Posolic War begins, igniting Continental war for a second time.

20th century



  • 19 July 1917: The Great War ends, claiming the lives of over 65 million people. It is regarded as the bloodiest war in history.



14 Febuary 1938: Gransmeric inventor Wilhemzhon Kurt creates the first purpose-built radio telescope.



  • 5 June 1953: First nuclear weapon is detonated by the Grand Matriarchy of Ethalria in the Azure Sea.
  • 20 July 1955: Ayaupia is officially established as a new country, a federal and socialist democracy, by the three Founding Fathers.


  • November 11 1964: Asendavia lands the first man on Olune, dealing quite a large blow to the Auroran Space Race by being the first nation to do so.
  • 1 April 1966: Completion of Operation Oppermacht/Overlegenhet, with a joint Vistarian-Norgsveltian team successfully testing the first Hydrogen Bomb.
  • 9 June 1966: Durakan scientist/engineer Dr Laura Ansof, in her evaluation of the debris from the first Hydrogen Bomb, discovers and records the exsistance of the synthetic element now known as Ansofium.
  • 4 September 1969: Provincian Astronaut Pieter-Johan Maarten, serving under the Vistari Space Program, alongside the first lunar plaque.


  • 17 January 1970: The Auroran Imperial War begins.
  • 2 January 1975: Norograd strikes the Ethalrian cities of Rivental, Karinthus, Glitzernd and Rorikton with orbital satellite bombardment technology; dubbed 'Kevatuul', it kills millions.
  • 23 July 1975: The Auroran Imperial War ends, claiming the lives of over 29.2 million people, becoming the deadliest war in Auroran history and the second deadliest conflict in the 20th century.
  • 14 November 1975: International Forum signs the Cynebury Accord, which establishes international space law.



3rd millennium CE

21st century




  • 21 June - 10 July 2020: Rodenia invades Puntalia and triggers the Puntalian Crisis.
  • 20 July 2020: Assassination of Frederick Gerritzoon, Grand Duke of Zijrivierland and Head of the Vistari Government by a Vorpestian Nationalist.
  • 27 August 2020: Hafsokt Charter signed by 23 nations, founding the Global Crisis Council under now de facto IFSC Chairperson Klara Sarinov.
  • 11 July 2021: A magnitude 9.2 quake and tsunami hits the southern coast of Aduraszna, killing an estimated half a million people, mostly in Nystatiszna.


  1. STV, 8th September 2017. Typhoon Mable. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/stv-news-t3158.html#p186219
  2. BLCTV, 8th September 2017. Typhoon Mable kills 3,500 people. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/bai-lung-central-television-news-blctv-news-t3218-s2430.html#p186290
  3. Gems Shine Better Free, 8th September 2017. The storm had done quite the number on Gemica as a whole.. https://forum.theeastpacific.com/gems-shine-better-free-t3520.html#p186213