New Leganes

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Cooperative Commonwealth of the Impelanzan Ocean (Staynish)

Volióke Tukosqále Coperátia Comunedát (Cukish)

Mancomunidad Cooperativa del Océano Impelántico (Impelanzan)

Flag of New Leganes, the Cooperative Commonwealth
Motto: Arhwánir áme Váloqe

Unides en la Confianza

United in Confidence
and largest city
Privetia Taurillien
Official languagesCukish, Impelanzan and Staynish
Ethnic groups
(2018 Estimate)
85% human, 10% elves, 5% other species. 60% Cukish
Demonym(s)Cukish, Leganesian
GovernmentCooperative Commonwealth
• Mórna (Head of government)
Areuína Karnéias
• Commonwealth Government (Head of state)
Efrázh Aqádhwar, Fórndinge Deputy; Jaíl Mastáne, Rhúnstell Deputy; Qúns Enálon, Lácherins Deputy; Bolúni Kárno, Matrélik Deputy; Yago Núñez, Shoneria Occidental Deputy, Julia Antárez, Shoneria Oriental Deputy; Ezhíltir Arnós, Mayor of Privétia Tauríllien
LegislatureCommonwealth Senate
• October 2019 estimate
• 2019 census
GDP (nominal)2019 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
CurrencyCukish Qíle (NLQ)
Date formatDD/MM/YYYY
Driving sidethe right
Calling code+235
ISO 3166 codeNLE

The Cooperative Commonwealth of the Impelanzan Ocean, alternatively the Cooperative Commonwealth or CCI, common and mistakenly known as New Leganes (njuː le.ɣa.ˈne:s) in various countries, and formerly the Cooperative Commonwealth of New Leganes, the Oblivion Islands and Shoneria, is a nation, located on Urth, which consists of several islands near the equator in the South Concordian Ocean or Impelanzan Ocean (in Cukish Volióke Tukosqá, literally "the Great Water of Vóliok"), between the continents of Gondwana and Arcturia. The New Leganes people are called "Cukish", and so the native and one of the official languages, Cukish. New Leganes shares borders with Shatterhorn and Alksearia to the northeast and East Cerdani and Aivintis to the southwest. They also share the special shared territory of the Isla de la Amistad with Alksearia and Peragen.


Several theories exist about the name of New Leganes. The tradition establishes an etymology from Alég Mainéas, the grandfather of Nepámir the Nári. The name of the first town founded by Nepámir was Lipát Alég Mainéasle Kárt, literally "the New Town in honour of Alég Mainéas" and it would have been located on Fórnstell. However, there's no archaeological evidence of such town, and the first properly Cukish-considered towns appeared on Rhúnstell. Consequently, nowadays the name of Nepámir's grandfather is considered by most experts to be made specifically to bring an etymology, not being an original name itself.

This is, however, the only certainty about the origin of the term "New Leganés". In the earliest references to the term, it appears usually as "Livalénqasia", and this is often taken as the basis to search for an etymology. Thus, this "Livá", which means "New" in Cukish, wouldn't be nothing but a false cut, and such "Livá" should be included in the original root.




The origins of New Leganés

Kálergo Kingdom

Insert other phases here

The Commonwealth Empire

The Cukish Republic and the Morstaybishlian domination

The Great War and the birth of the Cooperative Commonwealth

20th century

21st century


New Leganés is constituted as a Cooperative Commonwealth, according to 1920's constitution. It emphasises on the term "Cooperative" in the literal meaning of "to operate at the same time": each constituency and division has the same amount of power as the ones in their same level. In this way, the constitution defines three areas of administration; these are regional, district and national.

The regional power is held by each Commonwealth Regions' administrations. Usually each region is defined as "an area of predefined common geographical and cultural characteristics that includes a settlement defined as "city" by the Commonwealth Law for Major Settlements". Hence, the Cooperative Commonwealth does not include municipalities in its administrative system, and delegations from the region's government are in charge of lesser settlements' administration. Regional elections are called by the Commonwealth Government in a period of minimum three years and maximum 4 years, although each region can request the Commonwealth Government to call for elections if it has been previously approved by its Regional Senate. The capital city of the Cooperative Commonwealth, Privétia Tauríllien, is meant to be on the next higher administrative level, so its internal divisions, the Departments, are the ones included in the regional level.

The next level of power is held by the District Deputies, which are also the members of the Commonwealth Government, the highest representation of the Cooperative Commonwealth. There are seven districts: two per archipelago and one for Privétia Tauríllien, the only city that is included in this level and not in the regional one. In this last case, the Major acts as Deputy for the Capital District. The other districts are Fórndinge and Rhúnstell in New Leganés, Láçerins and Matrélik in the Oblivion Islands, and Shoneria Occidental and Shoneria Oriental in Shoneria. Each deputy is elected in Commonwealth elections within a three years period and must be approved by the regional presidents, which are forced by law to do so. The most basic capacity the Commonwealth Government has is acting as Head of State, hence representing the Cooperative Commonwealth in the international scale or naming the person to do so. The Deputies are also in charge of ratifying the National Government and the regional presidents, acting as the de iure maximum body of the Cooperative Commonwealth.

The de facto maximum level of administration and the executive power's holder is the National Government. The National Government is composed by the Ministers and their leader, the Prime Minister. The Commonwealth Senate, holder of the legislative power, appoints the National Government, usually after a Senatorial election, held every 3 years maximum. After them, the Senate presents candidacies, from which the one with more than half of the Senators' votes is appointed to form the National Government. Before each Senate Election a Confidence Vote is held, this being a referendum of approval among the Cukish citizenship regarding the previous National Government. It can only be passed if the government is approved by more than half of the total population that is allowed to vote. It has only been successful 3 times in history, the most recent being 2016 Karnéias' Confidence Vote. After that, the appointed National Government must be ratfied by the Commonwealth Government and give account monthly to both the Commonwealth Government and Senate.

The current National Government is a coalition of the catch-all party Civic Union and the centre-right Liberals, appointed by the Commonwealth Senate after the 2019 New Leganés Senatorial Elections and led by Prime Minister Areuína Karnéias.



Cities by population

Position City Population District Image
1 Privétia Tauríllien 3,650,323 Capital District

2 Órna Çéqi 1,078,645 Rhúnstell

3 Karúna 762,874 Matrélik

4 Cábonégro 753,749 Fórndinge

5 Emhágeros 257,017 Fórndinge

6 Nueva Thédos 243,845 Shoneria Occidental

7 Onpári 143,987 Lácherins

8 Cabo Espartal 141,356 Shoneria Oriental

9 Móqan 138,234 Lácherins

10 Trabúga 138,182 Rhúnstell


KI Nepámir, the flagship of the Commonwealth Navy

The Cukish armed forces are mainly projected to keep control of the vast oceanic territory administrated by the Cooperative Commonwealth. Currently, the National Government funds the armed forces with a 0.8% of the total Commonwealth GDP, SHD 10,342,456,000. The personnel involved in defense has a similar percentage, 0.7% of the total population and 72,428 people. 32,300 of them are part of the navy, where the Cukish forces have its main strength, while 16,900 of them are active personnel, including tugboats and training vessels, and 15,400 integrate the reserve and office. The army has an active personnel of 22,850 and a reserve of 9,800 as well as 15 Khadgar tanks imported from Great Morstaybishlia, while the rest of the armed forces personnel corresponds to the air force, with 2,900 active personnel and 4,578 reserve personnel.

KI Arhwáni, one of the most expensive ships of the Cukish navy

The flagship of the Cukish navy is the helicopter carrier KI Nepámir, named after the mythical hero, with an active personnel of 160 people (20 officers and 140 part of the crew) and a cost of SHD 600 million. The major ships, however, are the KI Arhwánim and the KI Válo, which costed SHD 760 million each and have each one a total personnel of 1,347. In total, the Commonwealth Navy is made of a helicopter carrier, 7 frigates, 7 corvettes, 46 fast attack craft, 8 submarines, 9 minesweepers, 12 minehunters, 15 landing craft and 12 auxiliary ships. The coast guard comprises 51 small patrol craft vessels for anti piracy and smuggling armed with machine guns.




As a federal country comprising multiple islands and three archipelagos, all of them distant from each other, the culture of the Cooperative Commonwealth is diverse. Properly it is not correct to talk about a single Cukish culture, but there are several aspects that unite the different cultural groups, mostly the history, languages and political union they all share. That way, the Cooperative Commonwealth is defined constitutionally as "a nation made of nations".


The Cooperative Commonwealth has three official languages, as stated in its Constitution: Cukish, Impelanzan and Staynish. Every Cukish citizen must have a notable level on them all, and so they're taught since the first school levels. It is calculated that approximately a 99% of Cukish citizens speak fluently Cukish, a 90% speak Staynish and a 85% speak Impelanzan. The mother tongue is, however, different on each territory. The archipelagos of New Leganés and the Oblivion Islands have Cukish as its main mother tongue, while Shoneria has Impelanzan instead. The level of Staynish knowledge is roughly the same in the whole Commonwealth territory (95% in Shoneria, 90% in New Leganés and the Oblivion Islands), while Impelanzan is near 100% in Shoneria and 80% in the rest of the territory.

Aside from its use as mother tongue, Cukish is spoken by most Shonerians, but the usual way of communication between Cukish speakers and Impelanzan speakers is using Impelanzan, as advised by authorities via campaigns. This is an attempt to prevent Impelanzan from falling in disuse, as there are nowadays few situations in the Cukish-speaking territories when Impelanzan can be useful. Impelanzan is also promoted as the language of culture, being the main language in music, literature or movies. There are, nevertheless, rich cultural expressions in both Cukish and Staynish as well. Staynish is promoted as the language of international relations, following the prosperous tourism, trade and diplomacy sectors New Leganés enjoys in the last years, and, mostly in the past, was the mother tongue of several Oblivion Islands and Shoneria populations, until it got heavily reduced by the campaigns promoting Impelanzan and Cukish as mother tongues right after the 1920 revolution.