Örjan's Reckoning

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Örjan's Reckoning
Part of Patriaka-Sactenat conflicts and the aftermath of the Uradalic Wars
TargetSactenat members and supporters, Non-conformist Ademarists, foreign-born citizens
Attack type
PerpetratorsGovernment of Gräntierik (Enrisilo Örjan, Editovakt, Lavorkommisione, Patriarchate levies)
Gränser civilian groups (Clerical Peasant's Vanguard, Rislösasta, Citizen militias)
MotiveRestoration of the Comensionestat, perceived betrayal of the state by the Sactenat and foreign powers, Luterite fundamentalism, elimination of political opponents, Anti-Völmundian sentiment

Örjan's Reckoning (Gränser: Örjansvedergälon), alternatively translated as Örjan's Retribution was the name retroactively given to a period in Gränser history following the Northern Containment War which saw the system forced migration of Ademarists who did not conform to Luterite doctrine, in addition to the often-violent purge of individuals suspected of being dissenters. The period was named for Patriarka Enrisilo Örjan, with a vast majority of violence occurring between the end of the war until his resignation.

Coinciding with the execution of members of the Sactenat due to their choice to side with Cryria and Völmund during the Uradalic Wars, Örjan signed an Edict which reversed the previous Treaty of Bluttfälme - thereby reinstating the system of Comensionestat (lit.'Communion State'). The Comensionestat system, which was abolished to force the acceptance of non-Luterite Ademarists, aimed to create a state inseparable from the church, which would tie citizenship to adherence to Luterite doctrine. As such, non-Luterites were immediately disenfranchised and faced the options of exodus or persecution by the Gränser religious police - the Editovakt. Those who could not or refused to leave were either imprisoned or faced summary execution by military levies for suspected treason against the republic. This became more difficult when it came to those who had claimed to convert to the Luterite sect or maintained a presence within the Church despite holding dissenting beliefs, which led to the purging of suspected dissenters through other means.

These purges primarily targeted those associated with the Sactenat government installed during the Boreal Crusade, as well as many first and second generation immigrants. Agents of the state targeted these groups with extreme prejudice, the Editovakt imprisoning and executing many suspected dissenters without conclusive evidence, as well as working with the apparatus for state employment - the Lavorkommisione, to remove suspects from managing roles and positions in education and manufacturing. Despite this, a considerable portion of the violence was performed by armed civilians. Groups such as the Clerical Peasant's Vanguard - or KCV - being given informal mandate by the authorities to trespass and threaten foreign citizens or former collaborators in order to provide justification for their arrest. These groups would vary on their primary drive, ranging from fanatical Luteritism in the KCV to the emergence of the xenophobic Rislösasta movement - however they would each be influenced by a set of nationalist myths portraying Gräntierik as a state betrayed by the nations of Novaris and those who would bend to their will, which would be galvanized by the state to justify popular support behind heavy-handed action resulting in consolidation of power by the Patriarka and his allies.

Following several years of persecution and mass exodus, with death totals nearing 2000, popular opinion of the Gränser police and civilian militias had soured considerably - with Örjan pressured by his allies to demobilize his levies and begin a transition towards restoring the democratic apparatus of state which was being impeded by the current propagation of political violence. On 4 October 18XX, Örjan would sign an edict which restored powers to the legislature through strengthening the Parroken Monsätti and organize elections to take place the following year. Seeing how his reputation would be inseparably linked to his dissolution of the legislature and the period of political violence, Örjan elected not to run in the next election for Patriarka - allowing the position to be taken by one of his allies, Levisilo Mortiz, who would advocate moderate reform and see to the restoration of peaceful order.