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[[File:YoungOlav.png|left|thumb|150px|Painting of Crown Prince Olav]]
[[File:YoungOlav.png|left|thumb|150px|Painting of Crown Prince Olav]]
At 1952 Queen [[Magrete I]] was corronated as the first Queen of Norgsveldet.
After the election of 1954, prime minster Agnir Hansen was elected as the first elven prime minister and the first labour party prime minister. After several years of the politics be dominated by NCP and LNP. Agnir Hansen policies ensured more welfare, higher social securities, higher taxes and more state owned companies. With foreign policy being one of isolation, as he tried to make the nation more self sufficient. Agnir Hansen and the prime minister of Eyjaria, Georg Bjørnhjelm signed the treaty of Svenhus, which gave Eyjaria independence, while also ensuring free trade between both nations and an common currency. At 1965 Ragnar Aasen from LNP was elected as prime minister. Under his ministry the nation supported a military coup against the Communist goverment in Helslandr. Which many points at causing an increased amount of political radicalisation within Norgsveldet. Such as the far right National Union Party(NUP) and the far left Socialist Einarism Party(SEP), spawing after the coup in Helslandr. However how much it affected political life in Norgsveldet was uncertain. After the reelection of Agnir Hansen in 1969 Norgsveldet was dragged into war, after Tiereshs militias declared Tiervan independence. Agnir Hansen’s was defeated in 1972 by the NCP leader Jakop Storhaug, for his failure at dealing with the Tieresh nationalists, with the NCP critizing him for early loses in the war and to relaxed diplomacy with East Cerdani that was supporting the Tieresh Nationalists. With Jakop however being replaced as party leader in 1981. In 1982 Norgsveldet, New Legans, Dvalheim and Eyjaria made the international organisation called the [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] or "Union av Sammenveld Alianser" in Norgsveltian, which is an millitary and economic alliance. The alliance was made mainly to strengthen Norgsveldet economic power after the bloody war against Tiervan in the [[Tieresh Independence War]] ended with a loss with only keeping the small nation of Dvalheim as a puppet in the region, however ended up giving independence to other colonies like [[Meremaa]] in North Gondwana. The 1990s also was filled with controversies, in 1992 crown prince Sigurd was forced by his father to give up his title and give it to his younger brother. Crown prince Sigurd was caught red handed in involving himself in politics with sending funds to the Imperial Union party, an far right monarchist party that split away from the NUP. However crown prince Olav was also caught in controvery when people found out about his relationship with an neko immigrant, however with mostly support from the working class and middle class this controversy calmed down. He was finnaly allowed to marry his wife at 1997 when he was avaible to convince his father to allow it, his father being mostly against it simply for his traditional view that royals should marry royals or upper class citizens. During these years it ensured NCP dominance in Norgsveldet politics. Norgsveldet was also dragged into the [[Meremaa Civil War]] (1990-1994) after the republican forces attacked an Asatru temple and Morstaybishlia officaly supported the republicans, after disagreements in the goverment and the [[Asatru Democrats]] pressured that they would leave the coalition. Norgsveldet supported monarchist side in the civil war. The matter of the civil war still being controversial matter when talking about Norgsveltian and Morstaybishlian relations. The leader of the republican forces, [[Tyr Vaines]], getting executed for treason after the war.
After the election of 1954, prime minster Agnir Hansen was elected as the first elven prime minister and the first labour party prime minister. After several years of the politics be dominated by NCP and LNP. Agnir Hansen policies ensured more welfare, higher social securities, higher taxes and more state owned companies. With foreign policy being one of isolation, as he tried to make the nation more self sufficient. Agnir Hansen and the prime minister of Eyjaria, Georg Bjørnhjelm signed the treaty of Svenhus, which gave Eyjaria independence, while also ensuring free trade between both nations and an common currency. At 1964 Norgsveldet tested its first nuke, after Agnir Hansen was heavily pressured from parliament and from the Queen to create an nuclear arms program. At 1965 Ragnar Aasen from [[Asatru Democrats]] was elected as prime minister, thanks to his anti-communist rethoric and promises of increased nuclear build up. Which by 1965, Norgsveldet had nuclear stockpile of 100. Under his ministry the nation supported a military coup against the Communist goverment in Helslandr, and joint invasion against Socialist Republic of Atlae, reinstating the monarchy there in what is now called the [[Violet Restoration War]]. Which many points at causing an increased amount of political radicalisation within Norgsveldet. Such as the far right National Union Party(NUP) and the far left Socialist Einarism Party(SEP), spawing after the War. However how much it affected political life in Norgsveldet was uncertain. After the reelection of Ragnar Aasen in 1969 Norgsveldet was dragged into war, after Tiereshs militias declared Tiervan independence. Agnir Hansen’s was defeated in 1972 by the NCP leader Jakop Storhaug, for his failure at dealing with the Tieresh nationalists, with the NCP critizing him for early loses in the war and to relaxed diplomacy with East Cerdani that was supporting the Tieresh Nationalists. With Jakop however being replaced as party leader in 1981, that same year Norgsveldet, New Legans, Dvalheim and Eyjaria made the international organisation called the [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] or "Union av Sammenveld Alianser" in Norgsveltian, which is an millitary and economic alliance. The alliance was made mainly to strengthen Norgsveldet economic power after the bloody war against Tiervan in the [[Tieresh Independence War]] ended with a loss with only keeping the small nation of Dvalheim as a puppet in the region, however ended up giving independence to other colonies like [[Meremaa]] in North Gondwana. In 1984 Queen Magrete I was assasinated by far left terrorist from Socialist Einarism Party. Which the then prime minister Ivar used as an reason to pass an law banning said party, and any far left party. Causing for many from the [[NCP]] voterbase turn to Labour Party leader Magrete Kverheim in the 1985 election, in which she formed an Grand coalition with the Asatru Democrats and Liberal National Party. The 1990s also was filled with controversies, in 1992 crown prince Sigurd was forced by his father to give up his title and give it to his younger brother. Crown prince Sigurd was caught red handed in involving himself in politics with sending funds to the Imperial Union party, an far right monarchist party that split away from the NUP. However crown prince Olav was also caught in controvery when people found out about his relationship with an neko immigrant, however with mostly support from the working class and middle class this controversy calmed down. He was finnaly allowed to marry his wife at 1997 when he was avaible to convince his father to allow it, his father being mostly against it simply for his traditional view that royals should marry royals or upper class citizens. During these years it ensured NCP dominance in Norgsveldet politics. Norgsveldet was also dragged into the [[Meremaa Civil War]] (1990-1994) after the republican forces attacked an Asatru temple and Morstaybishlia officaly supported the republicans, after disagreements in the goverment and the [[Asatru Democrats]] pressured that they would leave the coalition. Norgsveldet supported monarchist side in the civil war. The matter of the civil war still being controversial matter when talking about Norgsveltian and Morstaybishlian relations. The leader of the republican forces, [[Tyr Vaines]], getting executed for treason after the war.

===Period of New peace (1994-2020)===
===Period of New peace (1994-2020)===

Revision as of 20:55, 15 January 2021

This page (or section) is a work in progress by its author(s) and should not be considered final.
The Imperial Realm of Norgsveldet

Flag of Norgsveldet
Flag of Norgsveldet
Coat of arms of Norgsveldet
Coat of arms
Motto: Eining og lojal inntil våre fjeller faller (United and loyal until our mountains falls)
Anthem: Det mektige rike (The powerfull realm)
and largest city
Official languagesNorgsveltian
Recognised regional languagesStaynish
Ethnic groups
76% Human
20% Elves
4% Nekos
Demonym(s)Norgsveltian, Norg, Nord
Governmentparliamentary Constitutional monarchy
• King
Johanna Sverdrup
LegislatureThe Grand assembly
• The Union agreement of 1594
• Act of unity
• current consitution
• Treaty of Osfjord
• Total
350,741.213 km2 (135,421.939 sq mi)
• 2024 estimate
Increase 84,791,004
• 2018 census
Increase 82,090,081
• Density
212.25/km2 (549.7/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)2018 estimate
• Total
$3,6 trillion
• Per capita
CurrencyUnited Krone (UKR)
Date formatDD/MM/YYYY
Driving sideright
ISO 3166 codeUKN
Internet TLD.nrg

The Imperial Realm of Norgsveldet, more commonly known as Norgsveldet is an unitary sovereign state and a relatively small nation located in North-West Concorde, sharing borders in the east Atlae. Norgsveldet is an Constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system, the current Monarch being his majesty King Olav the first since his corronation on the 21st of April 2002, his eldest daughter Princess Ingrid being heir. The nations's population is 82,090,081 with it being relatively spread out. The capital is Osfjord, the nations biggest city and the nations main centre of finance and trade. Osfjord's urban population being at 9 million, beating Norgsveldet second biggest city Hirdviks population of 7 million. Hirdvik is often called as Norgsveldet cultural capital with it's several of cultural buildings, museums and restaurants. Norgsveldet is also an major member state of the Union of Commonwealth Alliances, since it's formation in 1981, and is a founding member state of North Concordian Economic Forum since 1989

Etymology and terminology

In the beginning of Norgsveldets' founding it was called The United Kingdoms of Riksheim and Novreheim or more commonly Riksheim-Novreheim, however there were several of disagreements of which nations name should be first. Which was only solved after the act of unity were the both kingdoms agreed on calling the nation after the geographical region both kingdoms is placed in. Norgsveldet name come from what ancient traders called the region, mean the northern realm. The first documented use of name, is at 100 AD. Some disagreement have been about the official name for Norgsveldet during the mid 1800s came up. Some meaning that the nation should be called the kingdom of Norgsveldet, instead of the united kingdoms of Norgsveldet. Debates about it is still being held with some arguing that nations of Riksheim and Novreheim has been so intertwined both in political and cultural that the difference between them is non existence, this can also be seen in politics where the more liberal parties is for changing the name. However from the more conservative parties they argue that keeping the name as it is fits with history of two kingdoms uniting. The current offical name, being Imperial Realm of Norgsveldet became common usage during the early 1900s. As the nation was often called Norgsveltian Empire by foreign powers, instead of calling it by the offical name. After the independence of Eyjaria, it officaly became Imperial Realm of Norgsveldet as an attempt by the prime minister Agnir Hansen to symbolise that Norgsveldet was a nation made up all states of the empire, and not just the two orginal kingdoms. This was followed up with legal reforms in the colonies in Gondwana.


Prehistoric Norgsveldet

The oldest foundings of humans in Norgsveldet is from 25,000 years ago, having come from southern Concorde. With elves coming to Northern parts of Norgsveldet 50,000 years ago. These early years of the regions history was mostly known by nomadic people, and hunter-gathers societies. It is estimated that people living in the region started making clans and making farms around 5,000 years ago. It has been questioned that this started in southern parts of Norgsveldet. Not much else is know about this period other then when it was, and that there were little to no conflict.

King Sigurd uniting the clans of Novreheim, year 1010
King Ragnar of Riksheim sitting on his throne, year 1090

Ulvikrik Empire’s Rise and Collapse (600BC-550AD)

The Kingdoms of Riksheim and Novreheim

The kingdom of Novreheim was founded by an clansman of the name Sigurd from the northern parts of Norgsveldet. While sources vary from how he united the clans, or why he did it. It is however well documented what systems he put in place during his rule. Such as creating an council of elders that made Novreheim an elective monarchy. Also creating folksting, an assembly where people from all different social classes could meet to advice the king, and Sigurd also created an conscript system that would be available to quicker mobilise soldier (very poorly trained soldiers). But should be noted that some of these systems were very quickly replaced by later kings. In the south an jarl going by the name Ragnar Haraldson was also uniting chiftendoms and clans. According to sagas from Riksheim Ragnar united Riksheim through several military campaigns, or with financing rebellions in other clans. He is also often called by the title "Ragnar the terrible" because of his harsh rule over his subjects. It is said that many people under his rule fled to Novreheim to escape prosecution. Ragnar was available to hold the control of Riksheim through funding an professional and loyal military called hirden that was only loyal to him. Which made Riksheim in modern standards an millitary dictatorship. However later kings would after a while calm down the usage of Hirden to create a better and centralised nation. Such as king Ragnar II that made laws that protected farmers. During the 1200s there were big emigration from Novreheim and Riksheim, with people wanting to settle away from the kingdoms to become more free from that rule of the kings. According to old sagas the people emigrated to an region called Eyjar, which means islands in old Norgsveltian. Eyjar making up the modern day borders of Eyjaria.

Riksheim is also well known for their pagan warriors called vikings that often pillaged their neighbours and trading ships that went to the region. With the vikings establishing colonies in Gondwana such as creating small coastal colonies in what is now Nyveldet, colonising the Isles of Hel and Gustafsborg. While Novreheim was well known for their tradesmen and was a place for many traders and merchents visited their coasts. Nations like Kuthernburg even made trading posts there in 1520. Novreheim also being an near ally of Atlae.

The Union agreement of 1594

King Varg preparing for his speech about the union, year 1594
Princess Elizabeth staring at the lights

On May 2 1584 tension between Novreheim and Atlae was rising. After the newly crowned king Fredrik V decided that trade with Atlae shall end, stating that the trade with them is unfair and not beneficial. This decision angered the king of Atlae who at 1st July ordered his fleet to embargo Novreheim, which was greeted by the smaller weaker Novreheim navy in 1585 January 14th. With an warning shot from Novreheim fleet accidentaly hitting one of Atlaen flag ships, the Atlaen-Norveheim war started. While the navy of Novreheim was eaily crushed, the early years of the war was still safe on land. However because of the long distance, but at the year 1586 12th July the first troops from Atlae landed on Novreheim shores. Atlaen troops clashed against Novreheims troops at the battle of Hirdvik, 140 000 Atlean soldiers against 90 000 soldiers from Novreheim led by King Fredrik V himself. The battle at first looked like it would be an Novreheim victory, but after an lone gun shot hit Fredrik V the moral droped for his troops and they fled. With Novreheims king dead with no heir, the council of elders was in panic. While there were disagreements on what to do, the council of elders knew that asking for peace is to surrender to whatever demands is asked for. This terrified councilsmen which made them desperate for any help. They turned to their neighbour in the south for help, King Varg I of Riksheim was unsure what to do. Varg I was sure that if Novreheim falls his nation is next, but going to war for simply protecting an other nation would anger his people. There were people close to him that adviced him that an union between Riksheim and Novreheim, after getting convinced by his daughter princess Elizabeth an document of union was made. After ensuring the council of Elders that the union would be equal and loose, they agreed on the condition that Riksheim help them with their war first. With newly well trained troops coming from Riksheim, the 25 000 soldiers that fled from the batlle of Hirdvik united with troops from Riksheim creating an unified army of 135 000. Easily crushing 80 000 Atlean troops that was left of from the last battle, however with new reinforcement coming to the port of Ulvik. After several years of the unified army unsuccessfully trying to siege out soldiers inside Ulvik, the unified army stopped its sieg by the orders from crown prince Harald of Riksheim. However after massive loses from both sides, King Varg agreed on signing a peace with king of Atlae. Which allowed Atlae to keep the port of Ulvik, but was forced to sign war reperations and to stop all influnce in the region. After which the kingdoms of Riksheim and Novreheim sign the union agreement of 1594 17th of May, with King Varg I stating that the union will be equal and loose. Which can be seen when the only thing the two kingdoms shared was an common foreign policy and millitary, with even two seperate head of states, King Varg I of Riksheim and Queen Elizabeth I of Novreheim. With King Varg I putting princess Elizabeth as queen in Novreheim to ensure that the council of Elders would not pick an monarch that would go against him.

Act of Unity

King Harald I at the age of 50

While officaly in name an union, commonly it was more seen as an alliance. While Varg I thought that by putting his daughter would ensure his control over Novreheim, he was proven wrong when Elizabeth I actively disagreed with his views. Which could be seen at 1608 where King Varg I ordered her to increase millitary spending on her side of the kingdom, however Elizabeth disobeyed her father by stating that more millitary spending is not needed for building the new union. There were other disagreements like trade, taxes and political power between the two monarchs. The biggest diseagreements between the two was that Elizabeth wanted to increase the power of the council of elders. This inraged King Varg as it limited the little power he already had over Novreheim, but was welcomed with open arms from the council of elders. At the year 1624, 13th October King Varg I died, and his son Crown Prince Harald was crowned King Harald I of Riksheim. Because of their mourning both King Harald I and Elizabeth I promised to work together not only as two leaders of one nation, but as family. With certain disagreements still left both made an new and more unified document of the union. At 1624 21st of October King Harald I and Queen Elizabeth I with their advisers made an new consitution and renamed the nation into the United Kingdoms of Norgsveldet. The document first and second paragraf is: 1p The United Kingdoms of Norgsveldet is an equal, fair and free union between the Kingdoms of Novreheim and Riksheim. 2p The union shall have an common foreign policy, millitary, monarch, taxes and legislator. King Harald I was decided has the common monarch for Norgsveldet for his millitary expirence, however Elizabeth became the king's most trusted adviser. The council of elders was also given more power and could limit how much the king could demand in taxes. With Harald becoming the king of both Riksheim and Novreheim, he was called King Harald I of the united kingdoms of Norgsveldet. Harald I also declared Norgsveldet as the true succesor of the Ulvikrik Empire as such contesting Atlae’s claim of the title. This often being set as the start of the First Norgsveltian Empire. With Harald expanded Norgsveltian holdings in Gondwana that it inherited from Riksheim. With the small colonies in costal cities in Nyveldet, being reorganised as one colony, with Nyveldet being the name given. After that Harald I made smaller coastal duchies in modern Meremaa into unoffical vassals. With also clear trade influnce over the diffrent clans that made up modern day Tiervan and Dvalheim.

First Norgsveltian Empire (1624-1754)

At the year 1648 princess Elizabeth died, and few months later so did King Harald I. Crown Prince Sverre was then crowned as King Sverre I at the capital, Osfjord. With collonsation and imperialistic wars happen all around the world, his majesty had ambitions to do the same. Sverre I made several reforms of the millitary and specialy its fleet. Trade with Asendavia made the upgrading and modernsation of the Norgsveltian fleet became relatively easy. The challenge was changing the military structure of the land army, since while Hirden was okay with modernsation they despised the new structure. After years of disagreements between the king and hirden that was supported by the council of elders, an compromise was made were the new structure was made with the exception that hirden and their decendants was given special status within the country. On 1653 Sverre I sent an diplomat demanding the clans on Eyjar and the other Jarls in Vestrava to become an protectorate to Norgsveldet, the clans accepted on the condition they got autonomy within the realm. King Sverre also expanded the borders with settling uninhabited lands, Sverre I was also unsuccessful at trying to centralise religious power to himself. After riots and protests from the council of elders, and pressure from Tretrid his majesty king Sverre I chose to abdicate at the year 1668 at the age of 56. His son Varg was corronated at the age of 34 as king Varg II of Norgsveldet. Varg II continued reforms on the millitary and trade. He was also sucessful at establishing full control over the region of Vestrava. King Haakon I took over year 1700, under his rule millitary reforms was halted and the nation went through an economic boom with his reforms on trade. Though his reforms led to huge discrimination towards decendants of Gliat Shea, however at 1754 under the leadership of King Gustaf I, he joined an disastrous war against which forced the colony of Eyjar to "Great Morstaybishlia".

1st Morstobishlian-Norgsveltian War (1754-1766)


Second Norgsveltian Empire and Religious divide (1767-1820)


Liberal rebellions and industrialisation (1820-1900)

Prime minister Christian Michelsen
Rolig jord, from the painter Edvard Hansen

Under the rule of King Haakon II Norgsveldet went through several social and economic changes. However several of those changes was seen with great criticism from workers and students, that also demanded more to say in how the goverment is run. With massive strikes being harshly oppressed by millitary intervention, what started as small protests and strikes was turned into full rebelions. At 1837 King Haakon II was shot dead by the liberal rebels, as such his son Fredrick was corronated king Fredrick I. However his rule was also cut short when his palace was surrounded by the angry crowds at 1847, which forced him to abdicate for the favor of his more liberal brother Prince Varg. After his corronation at 2nd of January 1848, the start of his rule was the start of making Norgsveldet into an Constitutional monarchy. At 1850 10th of April, King Varg III assembled an national assembly from people accross the nation. Where both nobles and commonors was represented. As such the current constitution was formed, which ensured the freedom of protest, press and speech. It also heavily limited the powers of the king, effectly making him an symbolic figure. However it ensured that king had some royal powers incase of war and emergency. The first elections was held at 1851, with the political parties of National Centre Party (NCP) and the Liberal national party (LNP). With the Christian Michelsen of NCP being chosen as the first prime minister of Norgsveldet. With his policies Norgsveldet went through heavy industrialisation. Norgsveldet went also through an big population boom during the 1800s, going from 22 million at the start of 1800 to 49 million at 1900. The 1800s was also a time of national romanticism in Norgsveldet. With several famous paintings from famous artists.


Painting of Crown Prince Olav

At 1952 Queen Magrete I was corronated as the first Queen of Norgsveldet. After the election of 1954, prime minster Agnir Hansen was elected as the first elven prime minister and the first labour party prime minister. After several years of the politics be dominated by NCP and LNP. Agnir Hansen policies ensured more welfare, higher social securities, higher taxes and more state owned companies. With foreign policy being one of isolation, as he tried to make the nation more self sufficient. Agnir Hansen and the prime minister of Eyjaria, Georg Bjørnhjelm signed the treaty of Svenhus, which gave Eyjaria independence, while also ensuring free trade between both nations and an common currency. At 1964 Norgsveldet tested its first nuke, after Agnir Hansen was heavily pressured from parliament and from the Queen to create an nuclear arms program. At 1965 Ragnar Aasen from Asatru Democrats was elected as prime minister, thanks to his anti-communist rethoric and promises of increased nuclear build up. Which by 1965, Norgsveldet had nuclear stockpile of 100. Under his ministry the nation supported a military coup against the Communist goverment in Helslandr, and joint invasion against Socialist Republic of Atlae, reinstating the monarchy there in what is now called the Violet Restoration War. Which many points at causing an increased amount of political radicalisation within Norgsveldet. Such as the far right National Union Party(NUP) and the far left Socialist Einarism Party(SEP), spawing after the War. However how much it affected political life in Norgsveldet was uncertain. After the reelection of Ragnar Aasen in 1969 Norgsveldet was dragged into war, after Tiereshs militias declared Tiervan independence. Agnir Hansen’s was defeated in 1972 by the NCP leader Jakop Storhaug, for his failure at dealing with the Tieresh nationalists, with the NCP critizing him for early loses in the war and to relaxed diplomacy with East Cerdani that was supporting the Tieresh Nationalists. With Jakop however being replaced as party leader in 1981, that same year Norgsveldet, New Legans, Dvalheim and Eyjaria made the international organisation called the Union of Commonwealth Alliances or "Union av Sammenveld Alianser" in Norgsveltian, which is an millitary and economic alliance. The alliance was made mainly to strengthen Norgsveldet economic power after the bloody war against Tiervan in the Tieresh Independence War ended with a loss with only keeping the small nation of Dvalheim as a puppet in the region, however ended up giving independence to other colonies like Meremaa in North Gondwana. In 1984 Queen Magrete I was assasinated by far left terrorist from Socialist Einarism Party. Which the then prime minister Ivar used as an reason to pass an law banning said party, and any far left party. Causing for many from the NCP voterbase turn to Labour Party leader Magrete Kverheim in the 1985 election, in which she formed an Grand coalition with the Asatru Democrats and Liberal National Party. The 1990s also was filled with controversies, in 1992 crown prince Sigurd was forced by his father to give up his title and give it to his younger brother. Crown prince Sigurd was caught red handed in involving himself in politics with sending funds to the Imperial Union party, an far right monarchist party that split away from the NUP. However crown prince Olav was also caught in controvery when people found out about his relationship with an neko immigrant, however with mostly support from the working class and middle class this controversy calmed down. He was finnaly allowed to marry his wife at 1997 when he was avaible to convince his father to allow it, his father being mostly against it simply for his traditional view that royals should marry royals or upper class citizens. During these years it ensured NCP dominance in Norgsveldet politics. Norgsveldet was also dragged into the Meremaa Civil War (1990-1994) after the republican forces attacked an Asatru temple and Morstaybishlia officaly supported the republicans, after disagreements in the goverment and the Asatru Democrats pressured that they would leave the coalition. Norgsveldet supported monarchist side in the civil war. The matter of the civil war still being controversial matter when talking about Norgsveltian and Morstaybishlian relations. The leader of the republican forces, Tyr Vaines, getting executed for treason after the war.

Period of New peace (1994-2020)


Johanna Sverdrup, Prime Minister since 2016
NCP: 215 LP: 139 LNP: 88 FP: 51 AD: 82 PWP: 25

The politics of Norgsveldet take in the framework of an parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy. The goverment being divided into three diffrent branches. The King, currently his majesty Olav I is the head of state. The king holds an mostly symbolic postion that holds some limited powers. The king however has the power to intervene in case of emergency, while the case of emergency was set loosely in the constitution it has been widly accepted in the case of war, or if the grand council (the cabinet) is going against the constitution. The king can also intervene within politics if the grand council allows it. However with most of the case, the monarch is only really ceremonial and symbolic figure. The king also serves as Supreme Commander of the armed forces of Norgsveldet. The prime minister, currently Johanna Sverdrup, is the head of goverment. She appoints the grand council ministers, with approval of the majority of the grand assembly (the parliament). The Prime Minister, along with the Grand Council forms the executive branch of the government which handles the work of actually governing the country. While only the councils ministers can vote, other executive officials may attend. The Grand Assembly is an Unicameral Parliament, which has 600 members that is elected every four years, that is based on Party-list proportional representation. A member of The Grand Assembly is called an Assembly representative, or in Norgsveltian: Tingsrepresentant. While the provincal adiminstrative regions of Riksheim, Novreheim, Stor Osfjord and Nyveldet shares an national goverment which means most laws is shared, certain things like minor laws, education, taxes and land managment can differ from the these states because of the local goverment within it. There is also the Norgsveltian Overseas Territories that are governed directly from the Norgsveltian goverment. The Grand Assembly has 6 political parties, largest being National Centre Party with 215 seats after the 2020 Norgsveltian Election. With Labour Party gaining 139, the Liberal National Party 88, Asatru Democrats at 82, Fatherland Party at 51 and the only far left party in the parliament being the Marxist, Workers Peoples Party.


Norgsveltian Armed Forces is the millitary organisation in charge of the defense of Norgsveldet. It consist of four branches, Norgsveltian army, United Royal Navy that includes the coast guard, United Royal Airforce and Norgsveltian Home Guard. As well with other joint departments. The standing military during peace time is 520,675 which is both the millitary staff and the civilian staff, with reserves of 1,124,445. The majority of said reserves being stationed in the Home Guard. Who's main job is local defense and civilian support. While An organised military existed in 1594, however it was divided between the seperate kingdoms. During the act of unity the millitary was fully unified. The most recent military conflict being the border conflicts between Dvalheim and Tiervan. The total budget of the millitary is 224 billion UKR ($112 billion). The Norgsveltian navy has 1 nuclear aircraft carrier, 2 non nuclear super carriers, 1 small STOL aircraft carrier, 2 helicopter carriers, 1 landing platform, 4 Guided missile Destroyers, 5 air warfare destroyers, 7 ground warfare destroyers, 36 frigates, 35 submarines, 39 patrol vessels and 8 Oilers 3 Replenishment Vessel. The navy also hold several transporters, but it uses in most cases LSD's which it has 5 of, for specific missions.


Norgsveldet economy is heavily industrialised with the biggest industries in the nation is coal, fishing and shipbuilding. Southern parts of the country is big on shipbuilding, fishing and electronics. The southern parts of the country is the most industralised and urban. Northern parts of the country is more rural and less indutralised but has rich natural amount of natural resources such as coal, aluminium and steel. The nation had an large agriculture in the early 1900s, but after Norgsveldet finance crisis of 1990s the prices of Norgsveltian food skyrocketed thanks to inflation on Norgsveltian food. This made several farms go empty, thanks to increase of people from rural areas going to either the urban areas or to more people chosing to rather work in the coal indutry or the aluminium industries.



Mjölnir necklace, symbol of the Asatru god Thor

The main relgion in Norgsveldet is Asatru With 70,65% belonging to Asatru temple of Norgsveldet, 55% of those people state they identify with Æsirism, while 45% claiming they identify as following Vanarism. 27,62% claiming they are nonreligious either as agnostic or atheist. 4% of all Norgsveltians follow an relative new faith that came to Norgsveldet is called Norism, a faith that came to Norgsveldet in the 1800s by an Norgsveltian priest who visited the island of Langeyjr (The island where Tiervan and Dvalheim is), where he tried to convince the natives to follow Asatru. In his attempt he to put an connection between their local religion with Asatru. What instead happened was that priest was converted by the locals and tried to convert the Norgsveltian king to Norism. In that priest attempt he changed the names of places and characters in Norism to make it more acceptable for the king. In the 1900s the same new faith got more and more attention in Norgsveldet. Specialy by scholars. Less then 1% of the population follow an movement called the Cult of Loki, officaly not considered as an religion by the Norgsveltian goverment, stating that "cults like these can not be considered as a religion. As they are to dangerous to get the protection of the state". The Cult of Loki is an movement claiming that the god Loki in Asatru is the only good god in in that religion. And all actions of his is justified. Around 0,87% follow a religion called Thaerism.

High Gothi of Norgsveldet

While Asatru does have diffrent branches those branches is mostly for political reasons then religious ones. The religous divide in Asatru happening in the late 1700s when king Gustaf II of Norgsveldet made himself head of the Asatru religion. Which religous divide to those who recognised the Norgsveltian monarch religous authority and those that did not. Later on being called Gustafstic Asatru for those who recognise the Norgsveltian monarch as head of the Asatru faith giving him the title of Saint of the Asatru faith, and the ones who rather recognise the Gothirs as the religious leaders of the Asatru faith as Gothiric Asatru. With Gothirs accross Gothiric Asatru chosing the High Gothir of Asatru, as a personal embodiment to counter the Norgsveltian monarch religious authority.

The god Odin is seen as the main god, it is often his son Thor that is frequently prayed to and whorshiped. Which also can be seen with certain people following the religion often wearing Mjölnir as a necklace. In an similare way with the cross being used as necklace. Though not considered diffrent branches in Asatru there exist two type of worshiping in Asatru, Æsirism and Vanarism. In Æsirism the worship of the Æsir gods being put in higher importance then the one of of the Vanir. While the opposite is true with Vanarism. The main god of worship in Vanarism is Njord, while in Æsirism it is Odin. The god Thor is considered to be an god that both type follow, despite Thor being an Æsir god. In 1950 the seperation between Temple and state happened, while attempt before was made it was not before under the labour party leadership of Agnir Hansen that seperation was succesful. There is however still alot of connection between the Asatru temple and state, more specificaly between the monarch and the temple. The seperation being only between the elected goverment and temple. By Norgsveldet consitution the monarchy must be an fellower of the Asatru faith and it's teachings. The monarch of Norgsveldet is also the de jure head of the Asatru faith, meaning that theoraticaly the Norgsveltian King hold highest religious authority. However most of the religious matter in Norgsveldet itself holds with the High Gothi of Norgsveldet. With most religious matters in Norgsveldet is handled by the High Gothi, such as religious events. The High Gothi serves for life and the next succesor is chosen by the monarch. Norgsveldet use a diffrent calendar then what most of Urth follows likewise with other Asatru countries that follow the Nori calendar, an calendar made for the basis of after the death of Asatru's founder. According to that calendar the current year is 1370 ADN.
