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| birth_date = July 11, 1994
| birth_place = Tvillingtopplandsby
| title office = Lady of thePrime cityMinister of Tvillingtopplandsby[[Nystatiszna]]
| termend1 = 2018
| termstart1 = 2022
| office1 = Upper Legislator (Both Senate Era and Noble Chamber Era)
| spouse = Endre Ny'Toppen † (1995-2016)
'''Victoria Engebretsen''' ''(Born: {{Birth date and age|1994|07|11}})'' is a Nystatinne former senator, anti-apartheid activist and current Prime Minister of [[Nystatiszna|Akuan State of Nystatiszna]]. She was first kemonomimi in pre-[[Ayo Hoshi]] presidency selected for service as a senator starting in 2018. She was select to represent her hometown of Tvillingtopplandsby in the former upper-chambers of the Senate, in 2018 after being released from a re-education center. Ideologically, like most Kurintail Democratic Party as is a democratic socialist and a religious Akuan Progressive. She is the second prime minister of [[Nystatiszna]] post-reforms of 2018, and the first prime minister of the country to be voted in a nominal democratic method. She took charge after [[Ayo Hoshi]] announced his retirement from the PM office, and became the ambassador to [[Vistaraland]]. Servicing temporary prime minister, during the tenure later being elected into the office.
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=== Military ===
Engebretsen was against the Military Creation Act of 2018, viewing the bill as lackluster and would take away much needed resources from the country. Believing Nystatiszna doesn't need a standing professional military due to its close relations with [[Packilvania]] and the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] but is in-favor having national guard incases of emergencies or defense. After the bill was passed, she stated her disappointment but acceptance of it. Though she is still highly critical of the conscription elements of the bill, and stated her disapproval towards [[Ayo Hoshi]] for 'failing to live up to Akuan values' by passing it.
== Premiership (2022–present) ==
Engebretsen begin her premiership in 2022 on the platform of fighting against discriminatory policies against Kemonomimi, Shrine Renewal programs and continuing [[Ayo Hoshi]] platform of turning Nystatiszna into a modern Akuan country. As of 2022, legally speaking apartheid laws have all been repealed but still continue to suffer from institutionalized speciesm against Kemonomimi. Nystatiszna joined the [[Red Crown Economic Union]] during her first year, and was seen as a massive boon to the country's economy. She organized further investment campaigns from other geo-political bodies, nations and international companies to the country though due to [[ICAF]] mistranslation situation several large partners of the country withdrew from the country and still hasn't returned. While being against the complete ban on abortion, it was passed during her premiership.
=== Electrification and Telecommunication Campaign ===
Inheriting [[Ayo Hoshi]] platform of increasing electrification of the country and telecommunications, Engebretsen negotiated with Jætte a subsidiary of [[Jotun]] to construction of telephone towers in the country in exchange of a ten-year exclusive contract for telecommunication services and provider in 2023. While she came under heavy criticisms for the contract, she defended herself by stating very few companies are willing to invest into the country without having infrastructure already established. Engebretsen signed the Nystatinne Utilities Company Act in 2023 alongside negotiations with Jætte, to create a unified state-ran company to manage and construct electrical as well, water grids for the country. With the country's newest power-plant being built outside of Newport, that would power the new industrial parks being built along the coast of the country.
=== Closing of Re-Education Centers ===
Engebretsen first act as Prime Minister was to force the closure of [[Nystatiszna Intelligence Bureau]] private prisons and re-education centers, a promise [[Ayo Hoshi]] made during his tenure as leader of the country throughout the reforms. Victoria pardon various anti-apartheid activists and kemonomimi political figures, a promise [[Ayo Hoshi]] made but due to political pressure was limited in doing so. Engebretsen was able to pardon anti-apartheid agitators, due to her party taking majority seats within the parliament.
=== Civil Liberties ===
Engebretsen was able to lobby and later pass several laws to protect civil liberties in the country, continuing [[Ayo Hoshi]] work in that regard. Though she passed a Anti-Hate and a Anti-Hirdist laws, which international observers have citied the law specifically targeted the Imperial Party, a Z'rei supremist and monarchist party. As well various former government figures who took part or promoted the apartheid regime. While imprisonment is only reserved for the most extreme cases, censorship of speech of those who violated the law is common. Outside of the two laws, Engebretsen pushed freedom of speech within the country such as allowing criticism of government, passing laws to make it easier open newspapers and radio stations. As well allowing foreign radio stations play in [[Nystatiszna]], provided they don't violate the either of the new laws.
=== Healthcare and Shrine Renewal ===
In 2022, after receiving a financial aid package from the [[Red Crown Economic Union]]. Engebretsen used the aid funds to assist with creating new clean water hygiene facilities across the country. While in [[Akuanism]] being clean was seen as a moral good and regardless of form or culture of the Akuanism. Nystatiszna suffered issues of lack of access to clean hot water, resulting in majority of the population using towels wettened by river or lake water to clean themselves with. The new hygiene facilities providing public cleaning facilities, that provide soap bars and toothpaste for Nystatinnes in addition to having hot water that didn't have to be made from a fire. Part of the funds from the aid package, was used to create such facilities in shrines as according to her Shrine Renewal platform. Repairing or constructing new public bathhouses within the shrines. The program is still on-going however, 1 in 10 Nystatinnes report access to one of these new hygiene facilities in 2024.
Engebretsen, after significant lobbing in the parliament successfully passed a national insurance act to assist with funding healthcare in 2022. Another part of her healthcare platform, was to education Nystatinnes on modern healthcare practices and attempts to turn Nystatinnes away from traditional Akuan medical practices. Primary depending on radio broadcasts with professional medical spokespersons receiving questions on air from Nystatinnes and responding to their concerns.
=== Economy ===
Continuing [[Ayo Hoshi]] platform of growing the country's economy, Engebretsen has negotiation with various geo-political bodies and international corporations to invest into the country. In particular the extreme rich mineral deposits throughout the country, which include some of the largest rare Urth minerals finds in the world. As well as [[Borea]]'s largest mineral reserve of lithium rich, [ geothermal brine] and the second largest reserve of silver, being beaten out by [[Lapliszna]]. In addition to seeking investment for mining, Engebretsen pushed for tourism, in particular [[Akuanism|Akuan]] and [[Ulvriktru]] religious tourists to visit the country. Though it has not been no-where near as successful as mineral investments into the country, Engebretsen has still continued to push for investments into tourism. She attempted to reform the [[Imperial People’s Fund]], both to change the name and structure of the organization but failed to pass in parliament in 2022. Regardless she attempted to use the fund to construct several new ventures into tourism sector, including hotels, restaurants and entertainment facilities for tourists. Outside of tourism and mining sectors. Engebretsen placed a heavy focus on inclusion of Kemonomimi into leadership positions and legalizing unions, later pushing for membership for Kemonomimi. Changing from [[Ayo Hoshi]] platform, is against privatization of state owned entities and has suggested nationalizing [[Twin Penguin Seafoods]] after [[Ayo Hoshi]] authorized the sell of the company to the ethno-state, [[Kæra'zna]] owned corporation [[K-RAD]].
==== ICAF Scandal ====
Nystatiszna was selected to host the [[ICAF]] 2024 world cup, Engebretsen being extreme vocal supporter as the economic impact of cup would massively boost Nystatiszna service and tourism sectors, but more importantly publicity of showing Nystatiszna has fundamentally changed and discredit the racial-speciest stereotypes held by the international community. Even during her time in the upper-chamber, she lobbied for heavy investments into the projects and attempted to push hosting the world cup into the Five Year Plan outright. Having unauthorized and later-declared legal negotiations with the [[Bjørn Trust]] to invest into the entertainment and hotel facilities at host cities. Despite being warned not to do such a act again, in 2019 she negotiate with [[Jotun]] and later [[Voyage Union]] for further investments into the host cities. When she became the PM in 2022, she doubled down on her focus for the [[ICAF]] world cup and gathered additional investments from international community for the projects as well pressured the [[Imperial People’s Fund]] to release more funds for the host cities. The project not only including tourism industry related buildings and construction of stadiums. It included investments into healthcare facilities, new housing complexes, education, language courses for [[Codexian]]/[[Staynish]], and several other projects. It is estimated to cost nearly $5.2 billion [[Kirib]] into project cities, measuring 42% of 2018 Nystatiszna nominal GDP pre-[[Ingrid the Reclaimer|Ingrid]], [[Red Crown Economic Union|RCEU]] or any major international investment into the country. Projects cost reaching nearly the same cost as Five Year Plan itself, and was generally viewed as a extremely risky venture by the Nystatinne parliament, including by members of her own party. The general accepted view being that they should focus on the Five Year Plan, with it's clear goals of industrializing and capitalizing on it's mineral wealth rather than a risky venture into tourism. Even during [[Ayo Hoshi]] presidency and later Premiership of the country cited concerns of Engebretsen focus on [[ICAF]] world cup, as a method of growing Nystatiszna and changing of public opinion. As Nystatiszna was already accused of corruption and bribing [[ICAF]] to host the world cup in the country.
Engebretsen despite the concerns and criticism throughout her political career, maintained that the world cup is the best way to show Nystatiszna has changed from being a apartheid state and is on the road to becoming a modern [[Akuan Democracy]]. Stating hosting the World Cup isn't about football but about showing Nystatiszna as we know it rather than what the rest of the world sees Nystatiszna as. As well bringing up the extremely heavy investment into the cities also functions as part of her renewal program and works alongside the Five Year Plan, providing housing, healthcare and jobs to Nystatinnes within the cities. Engebretsen stating her position again about the World Cup on January 2024, that ICAF world cup will fundamentally challenge the perception of Nystatiszna as a xenophobic isolationist and speciest nation.
In the 12 of February 2024, [[ICAF]] released information about the venues and rules. Virtually all of which completely incorrect, mistranslated or just made up, nothing of which actually coming from the original information the Nystatinne government sent over to [[ICAF]]. The information released by [[ICAF]] for the Nystatinne World Cup, was not only massively incorrect in translations, but was filled to the brim with support for terrorism, support for [[Sinter Tass]] regime, speciest rhetoric and all manner of hate-speech. Most of which, wouldn't have been able to be legally printed nor shared in Nystatiszna due to hate-speech and anti-Hirdism laws in the first place. Nearly every single stadium on the brochure was incorrect, as well the whole of the section for NIB guidelines was completely mistranslated to a high degree. Engebretsen on hearing word of the falsified information, called [[ICAF]] president Mr. Griffith to demand a explanation and a retraction of the information and release the actual brochure out. According to [[ICAF]] interim Chairman Mr. Bush the ICAF council members wasn't informed of the stadium names properly translated, and in-trusted Mr. Griffith to have the names translated properly. The former ICAF president, deliberately mistranslated or made up names for the stadiums. It wasn't until 29 of February when the retraction of the brochure was made and [[ICAF]] released a statement clarifying the situation, that Mr. Griffith changed names of the stadiums and the NIB guideline policies.
Between two periods, 12th and 29th, [[Nystatiszna]] was at first caught off-guard by the situation and scrambled a response. Engebretsen herself trying to call Mr. Griffith numerous times, and only later was able to get into contact with [[ICAF]] council member on the 13th to demand a explanation. Through out the 17 days, [[Nystatiszna]] greatly suffered from investors attempting to pull out of the country, massive lost in diplomatic reputation with threats of being kicked out of the [[Red Crown Economic Union]] being suggested by [[Kuduk]] Councilor to the RCEU, boycotts the largest of which being from the [[League of Novaris]], and [[Anti-Akuanism]] xenophobic rhetoric within the [[International Forum]]. During all of which Nystatiszna diplomats reasserted it's the country's innocents and the brochure being mistakenly made or fabricated. The largest and most drastic of condemnations and boycotts being from [[Great Morstaybishlia|Morstaybishlia]], with [[Franklin Barvata]] declaring Nystatiszna as a fascist state despite lacking evidence outside of the Griffith's brochure which Nystatinne government contested. Further more, PM [[Franklin Barvata]] reiterate Borean [[Anti-Akuanism]] rhetoric declaring Nystatiszna a cursed land, a common talking point of [[Terism]]-[[Hirdism]] and deliberately down playing the largely improving of Nystatiszna civil rights record. Outside of [[Great Morstaybishlia|Morstaybishlia]], racist rhetoric of Nystatiszna was spread in the [[International Forum]] and [[League of Novaris]] without repercussion, most of which implied Nystatinnes to be incontrollable xenophobic killers. On [[Pigeon]], the [[Anti-Akuanism]] was common feature on the trending page for ICAF with the cannibalistic myth of [[Syngendebakke Soup]] being shared again, the Great Seduction Conspiracy 'memes' targeting Engebretsen became fairly wide spread and various other common [[Anti-Akuanism]] being shared again.
[[ICAF]] removed Mr. Griffin from his position as leader of ICAF, and Interim Chairman Jebathon Elijiah Bush released a statement. Clarifying Mr. Griffith was acting alone in mistranslations and misinformation on the brochure, as well stating giving a apology to the Nystatinne government. Mr. Griffith while still chairperson of [[ICAF]] having gone on various offensive rants when the boycotts began during the scandal. The Nystatinne government while still hosting the 2024 [[ICAF]] world cup, is suing the organization for lost of reputation and revenue. As well handling the translations needs themselves. Throughout the whole of the scandal, outside of [[Norgsveldet]], the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] and [[Eyjaria]], no government or international body asked Nystatiszna government for clarification or confirmation of the translation of the brochure. When Nystatinne ambassador to the [[League of Novaris]] attempted to clarify the brochure and it being mistranslated on the 12th of February. They was informed the council didn't require clarification.

Latest revision as of 22:12, 16 May 2024

This page (or section) is a work in progress by its author(s) and should not be considered final.

Victoria Engebretsen (Born: (1994-07-11) July 11, 1994 (age 29)) is a Nystatinne former senator, anti-apartheid activist and current Prime Minister of Akuan State of Nystatiszna. She was first kemonomimi in pre-Ayo Hoshi presidency selected for service as a senator starting in 2018. She was select to represent her hometown of Tvillingtopplandsby in the former upper-chambers of the Senate, in 2018 after being released from a re-education center. Ideologically, like most Kurintail Democratic Party as is a democratic socialist and a religious Akuan Progressive. She is the second prime minister of Nystatiszna post-reforms of 2018, and the first prime minister of the country to be voted in a nominal democratic method. She took charge after Ayo Hoshi announced his retirement from the PM office, and became the ambassador to Vistaraland. Servicing temporary prime minister, during the tenure later being elected into the office.

Victoria Engebretsen
Prime Minister of Nystatiszna
In office
MonarchIngrid the Reclaimer
Upper Legislator (Both Senate Era and Noble Chamber Era)
In office
Personal details
BornJuly 11, 1994
Political partyKurintail Democratic Party
SpouseEndre Ny'Toppen † (1995-2016)
Alma materEast Fantøm University

Victoria was born in Tvillingtopplandsby, her mother was a middle manager of concrete plant and her father being a craftsman. Her wealthy up-bring allowed her to attend the school alongside her siblings with her, though like all kemonomimi at the time she was barred from several classes and had to attend 'Kemonomimi enhanced' only education. During her early childhood education, she organized a student walkout at age 12 to protest against the banned on Kemonomimi children from attending Vaaran language course. While the student walkout failed and she was placed under house-arrest, the result was getting attention from the Wright Family and led into her being sponsored by Hannah Wright for further education. She went to East Fantøm University for political science, and lived at the Wright's manor. She met her former husband, Ny'Morrick at the university. During her time at university, she joined the Kurintail Democratic party and the Anti-Apartheid movement. Her husband killed himself in 2016, and Victoria was later arrested during the same year for illegally occupying the bordering crossing in Fantøm.

She served two years in prison, being pardon in 2018 by executive order from Ayo Hoshi, due to pressure both from the Wright Family and Hoshi himself wanting to pardon Victoria. After being pardon, she was assigned a seat in the former upper-chamber as a senator for Tvillingtopplandsby. Where she continued to serve as a Kurintail Democratic Party member, and kept pushing for anti-apartheid measures. During Ingrid the Reclaimer Enshrinement in 2018 she lobbied the government during the reforms to become further democratic rather having a constitutional monarchy. Preferring to keep the Enshrined Spirit, contained to dealing with religious matters of the country and keeping total control of legislative powers in the hands of the parliament. Though this never came to pass, nevertheless during her tenure as member of the upper-chamber of the new 'nobility' she pushed for further democratic reforms and further inclusion of Kemonomimi into government.

Ayo Hoshi retired from his office as prime minister to better serve Nystatiszna as a ambassador in Vistaraland after the Syrtænzna Dissolution War, and during the election Victoria voted into office as PM in 2022. She brought Nystatiszna into the Red Crown Economic Union, supported Nystatinne bid for hosting ICAF world cup and supports Ingrid's Five Year Plan. She had made a effort to attempt to reform the newly created Nystatinne Military to be less strenuous on the country's budget, and placed a bigger focus on maintaining a national guard rather than a full-time professional service though she is currently dealing with push-back against such measure.

Political Ideology

Engebretsen identifies as a Akuan Democratic and a democratic socialist, though with clear Akuan influence. Victoria says she falls in more inline with a Akuan Progressive rather than a Akuan Traditionalists, stating Nystatiszna needs a functioning centralized government in order to best serves Nystatinne people. Previous methods of centralizing the government, for the last decades since post-Akuan Socialism collapse have failed because failures of the speciest and racial policies of the regimes in-charge rather than centralized nature in-itself. The ideal situation being a federal system of government with a strong central authority, would be the able to serve all 30 different ethnic groups within the country.

She is ethnically a Nykea, but as part of her policy of Nystatinne unity she prefers to be considered a ethnic Nystatinne rather than by her birth parents ethnic group. While she states she is more for creating a unified Nystatinne identity, she is strong opponent against former policies of Naylorbrookiszna and Akuan Socialist ideology of it. Wanting to establish a siblingly kinship of the ethnicities, but not go as far to replace them. Part of her policies being to unify the Nystatinne Nys'tat'en, rather having it regionalized through education and broadcasts. As well several other policies, such as establishing a unified cultural dish and reforming the Nystatinne Shrine Authority.

Political Akuanism

Engebretsen has attempt to solicitation funds from the Akuan Development Bank, Bjørn Trust and the Association of the Servants of Akua to assist with renewing as well as construction of shrines across the country. Shrine renewal and reforming the Nystatinne Shrine Authority being one of her largest platforms alongside fighting against apartheid. To mix results, while the Grand Shrine of Lilith was renewed and repaired fully, funds received didn't meet the requirement for a total renewal program she envisioned. In a effort to keep with her promise, she pressured the parliament into allocating part of the country's budget into renewing shrines, in particularly in rural and generally disconnected areas of the country. Part of the renewal program being teach a more uniformed Nystatinne Nys'tat'en and collecting various religious tales of the region to compilate formal Nystatinne Akuanism doctrine. Outside of her renewal program. Victoria lobbies for reforming the Nystatinne Shrine Authority, which is generally accepted view by Nystatinnes to be a broken institution despite it's importance in daily life in Nystatiszna. The current aim of the reforms being to create a more responsive and responsible authority, able to maintain the various shrines across the country. As well encourage a unified Nystatinne Doctrine for the country, with the Enshrined Spirit, Ingrid the Reclaimer acting as the head of the new institution in her role as the Living Shrine.


On the issue of abortion, Victoria was against Enshrined Spirit, Ingrid the Reclaimer full ban on it. Though she is for a abortion ban, she states that incase of medical emergencies, incest or rape it should be legal. She originally state she is for a ban on abortion after two month pregnancy but later retracted her statement and maintain the stance incases of medical emergencies as well former conditions. She changed her position after facing wide-spread political pressure from across the country, as well within the legislator outright. After a failure of a narrow vote of no-confidence, on the issue and as well a attempt on her life. She vetoed the 2023 abortion ban law but the veto was overruled by the parliament.


Engebretsen is supporter of the Nystatinne Five Year Plan (also known as Ingrid's Five Year Plan), and has lobbied investors to back the project. Victoria as well, lobbied then pass law to legal trade unions within Nystatiszna and pushes for further unionization of the country. On the issue of Twin Penguin Seafoods, she has spoken out against the sell of the important company to K-RAD by Ayo Hoshi and stated her belief it should be renationalized by the government again. Being a big supporter of the Red Crown Economic Union, in particular with the agricultural advancement organization which she states will insure food security for the country and become a top exporter of grain for the region. During her tenure in the senate she lobbied for increase funding for vocational education programs to both assist with developing Nystatiszna as a whole but make Nystatinne Visa Workers more attractive for foreign companies to hire. Victoria has stated her support for Voyage Union during her time as a senator, stating it was one of the largest sources of foreign revenue for a families within the country but has stated her concerns about the firm replacing state-ran banks in the country.

Crime and Law Reform

Engebretsen has stated repeatedly throughout both her political career that the Nystatiszna legal system is breaking international law and Akuan customs. While never having spoken out against the Nystatiszna Intelligence Bureau, she has stated her opinion that Nystatiszna court system is non-existence and community policing lacks training to conduct itself properly. In 2019, she purposed a bill that would replace Nystatiszna Intelligence Bureau agents in the cities of the country with formal police officers. While the bill failed to pass parliament she has several times attempt to create a more formal and traditional policing service for the country within parliament. In 2020, she attempt lobby for prison reform which would 'bring Nystatinne prisons in-line with the rest of the world.' Her attempt to lobby support for the bill was a moderately successful, as it did require prisons to come to a bare minimum standard and enforced punishments for failing to meet such standards.

Foreign Policy

Engebretsen is generally accepted as the most accepting of foreigners in Nystatiszna politician in the modern era of the country. During her time as a senator in the former legislative upper-chamber, she argued for increasing international relations would only bring further increasing to standard of living for Nystatinnes and grow the country's economy. Being a supporter of such initiatives such as the Borea Assembly, Rotantic Diet, International Forum, Association of the Servants of Akua and the Red Crown Economic Union. The later organization, the RCEU being PM to organize and join it.


Engebretsen was against the Military Creation Act of 2018, viewing the bill as lackluster and would take away much needed resources from the country. Believing Nystatiszna doesn't need a standing professional military due to its close relations with the Federation but is in-favor having national guard incases of emergencies or defense. After the bill was passed, she stated her disappointment but acceptance of it. Though she is still highly critical of the conscription elements of the bill, and stated her disapproval towards Ayo Hoshi for 'failing to live up to Akuan values' by passing it.

Premiership (2022–present)

Engebretsen begin her premiership in 2022 on the platform of fighting against discriminatory policies against Kemonomimi, Shrine Renewal programs and continuing Ayo Hoshi platform of turning Nystatiszna into a modern Akuan country. As of 2022, legally speaking apartheid laws have all been repealed but still continue to suffer from institutionalized speciesm against Kemonomimi. Nystatiszna joined the Red Crown Economic Union during her first year, and was seen as a massive boon to the country's economy. She organized further investment campaigns from other geo-political bodies, nations and international companies to the country though due to ICAF mistranslation situation several large partners of the country withdrew from the country and still hasn't returned. While being against the complete ban on abortion, it was passed during her premiership.

Electrification and Telecommunication Campaign

Inheriting Ayo Hoshi platform of increasing electrification of the country and telecommunications, Engebretsen negotiated with Jætte a subsidiary of Jotun to construction of telephone towers in the country in exchange of a ten-year exclusive contract for telecommunication services and provider in 2023. While she came under heavy criticisms for the contract, she defended herself by stating very few companies are willing to invest into the country without having infrastructure already established. Engebretsen signed the Nystatinne Utilities Company Act in 2023 alongside negotiations with Jætte, to create a unified state-ran company to manage and construct electrical as well, water grids for the country. With the country's newest power-plant being built outside of Newport, that would power the new industrial parks being built along the coast of the country.

Closing of Re-Education Centers

Engebretsen first act as Prime Minister was to force the closure of Nystatiszna Intelligence Bureau private prisons and re-education centers, a promise Ayo Hoshi made during his tenure as leader of the country throughout the reforms. Victoria pardon various anti-apartheid activists and kemonomimi political figures, a promise Ayo Hoshi made but due to political pressure was limited in doing so. Engebretsen was able to pardon anti-apartheid agitators, due to her party taking majority seats within the parliament.

Civil Liberties

Engebretsen was able to lobby and later pass several laws to protect civil liberties in the country, continuing Ayo Hoshi work in that regard. Though she passed a Anti-Hate and a Anti-Hirdist laws, which international observers have citied the law specifically targeted the Imperial Party, a Z'rei supremist and monarchist party. As well various former government figures who took part or promoted the apartheid regime. While imprisonment is only reserved for the most extreme cases, censorship of speech of those who violated the law is common. Outside of the two laws, Engebretsen pushed freedom of speech within the country such as allowing criticism of government, passing laws to make it easier open newspapers and radio stations. As well allowing foreign radio stations play in Nystatiszna, provided they don't violate the either of the new laws.

Healthcare and Shrine Renewal

In 2022, after receiving a financial aid package from the Red Crown Economic Union. Engebretsen used the aid funds to assist with creating new clean water hygiene facilities across the country. While in Akuanism being clean was seen as a moral good and regardless of form or culture of the Akuanism. Nystatiszna suffered issues of lack of access to clean hot water, resulting in majority of the population using towels wettened by river or lake water to clean themselves with. The new hygiene facilities providing public cleaning facilities, that provide soap bars and toothpaste for Nystatinnes in addition to having hot water that didn't have to be made from a fire. Part of the funds from the aid package, was used to create such facilities in shrines as according to her Shrine Renewal platform. Repairing or constructing new public bathhouses within the shrines. The program is still on-going however, 1 in 10 Nystatinnes report access to one of these new hygiene facilities in 2024.

Engebretsen, after significant lobbing in the parliament successfully passed a national insurance act to assist with funding healthcare in 2022. Another part of her healthcare platform, was to education Nystatinnes on modern healthcare practices and attempts to turn Nystatinnes away from traditional Akuan medical practices. Primary depending on radio broadcasts with professional medical spokespersons receiving questions on air from Nystatinnes and responding to their concerns.


Continuing Ayo Hoshi platform of growing the country's economy, Engebretsen has negotiation with various geo-political bodies and international corporations to invest into the country. In particular the extreme rich mineral deposits throughout the country, which include some of the largest rare Urth minerals finds in the world. As well as Borea's largest mineral reserve of lithium rich, geothermal brine and the second largest reserve of silver, being beaten out by Lapliszna. In addition to seeking investment for mining, Engebretsen pushed for tourism, in particular Akuan and Ulvriktru religious tourists to visit the country. Though it has not been no-where near as successful as mineral investments into the country, Engebretsen has still continued to push for investments into tourism. She attempted to reform the Imperial People’s Fund, both to change the name and structure of the organization but failed to pass in parliament in 2022. Regardless she attempted to use the fund to construct several new ventures into tourism sector, including hotels, restaurants and entertainment facilities for tourists. Outside of tourism and mining sectors. Engebretsen placed a heavy focus on inclusion of Kemonomimi into leadership positions and legalizing unions, later pushing for membership for Kemonomimi. Changing from Ayo Hoshi platform, is against privatization of state owned entities and has suggested nationalizing Twin Penguin Seafoods after Ayo Hoshi authorized the sell of the company to the ethno-state, Kæra'zna owned corporation K-RAD.

ICAF Scandal

Nystatiszna was selected to host the ICAF 2024 world cup, Engebretsen being extreme vocal supporter as the economic impact of cup would massively boost Nystatiszna service and tourism sectors, but more importantly publicity of showing Nystatiszna has fundamentally changed and discredit the racial-speciest stereotypes held by the international community. Even during her time in the upper-chamber, she lobbied for heavy investments into the projects and attempted to push hosting the world cup into the Five Year Plan outright. Having unauthorized and later-declared legal negotiations with the Bjørn Trust to invest into the entertainment and hotel facilities at host cities. Despite being warned not to do such a act again, in 2019 she negotiate with Jotun and later Voyage Union for further investments into the host cities. When she became the PM in 2022, she doubled down on her focus for the ICAF world cup and gathered additional investments from international community for the projects as well pressured the Imperial People’s Fund to release more funds for the host cities. The project not only including tourism industry related buildings and construction of stadiums. It included investments into healthcare facilities, new housing complexes, education, language courses for Codexian/Staynish, and several other projects. It is estimated to cost nearly $5.2 billion Kirib into project cities, measuring 42% of 2018 Nystatiszna nominal GDP pre-Ingrid, RCEU or any major international investment into the country. Projects cost reaching nearly the same cost as Five Year Plan itself, and was generally viewed as a extremely risky venture by the Nystatinne parliament, including by members of her own party. The general accepted view being that they should focus on the Five Year Plan, with it's clear goals of industrializing and capitalizing on it's mineral wealth rather than a risky venture into tourism. Even during Ayo Hoshi presidency and later Premiership of the country cited concerns of Engebretsen focus on ICAF world cup, as a method of growing Nystatiszna and changing of public opinion. As Nystatiszna was already accused of corruption and bribing ICAF to host the world cup in the country.

Engebretsen despite the concerns and criticism throughout her political career, maintained that the world cup is the best way to show Nystatiszna has changed from being a apartheid state and is on the road to becoming a modern Akuan Democracy. Stating hosting the World Cup isn't about football but about showing Nystatiszna as we know it rather than what the rest of the world sees Nystatiszna as. As well bringing up the extremely heavy investment into the cities also functions as part of her renewal program and works alongside the Five Year Plan, providing housing, healthcare and jobs to Nystatinnes within the cities. Engebretsen stating her position again about the World Cup on January 2024, that ICAF world cup will fundamentally challenge the perception of Nystatiszna as a xenophobic isolationist and speciest nation.

In the 12 of February 2024, ICAF released information about the venues and rules. Virtually all of which completely incorrect, mistranslated or just made up, nothing of which actually coming from the original information the Nystatinne government sent over to ICAF. The information released by ICAF for the Nystatinne World Cup, was not only massively incorrect in translations, but was filled to the brim with support for terrorism, support for Sinter Tass regime, speciest rhetoric and all manner of hate-speech. Most of which, wouldn't have been able to be legally printed nor shared in Nystatiszna due to hate-speech and anti-Hirdism laws in the first place. Nearly every single stadium on the brochure was incorrect, as well the whole of the section for NIB guidelines was completely mistranslated to a high degree. Engebretsen on hearing word of the falsified information, called ICAF president Mr. Griffith to demand a explanation and a retraction of the information and release the actual brochure out. According to ICAF interim Chairman Mr. Bush the ICAF council members wasn't informed of the stadium names properly translated, and in-trusted Mr. Griffith to have the names translated properly. The former ICAF president, deliberately mistranslated or made up names for the stadiums. It wasn't until 29 of February when the retraction of the brochure was made and ICAF released a statement clarifying the situation, that Mr. Griffith changed names of the stadiums and the NIB guideline policies.

Between two periods, 12th and 29th, Nystatiszna was at first caught off-guard by the situation and scrambled a response. Engebretsen herself trying to call Mr. Griffith numerous times, and only later was able to get into contact with ICAF council member on the 13th to demand a explanation. Through out the 17 days, Nystatiszna greatly suffered from investors attempting to pull out of the country, massive lost in diplomatic reputation with threats of being kicked out of the Red Crown Economic Union being suggested by Kuduk Councilor to the RCEU, boycotts the largest of which being from the League of Novaris, and Anti-Akuanism xenophobic rhetoric within the International Forum. During all of which Nystatiszna diplomats reasserted it's the country's innocents and the brochure being mistakenly made or fabricated. The largest and most drastic of condemnations and boycotts being from Morstaybishlia, with Franklin Barvata declaring Nystatiszna as a fascist state despite lacking evidence outside of the Griffith's brochure which Nystatinne government contested. Further more, PM Franklin Barvata reiterate Borean Anti-Akuanism rhetoric declaring Nystatiszna a cursed land, a common talking point of Terism-Hirdism and deliberately down playing the largely improving of Nystatiszna civil rights record. Outside of Morstaybishlia, racist rhetoric of Nystatiszna was spread in the International Forum and League of Novaris without repercussion, most of which implied Nystatinnes to be incontrollable xenophobic killers. On Pigeon, the Anti-Akuanism was common feature on the trending page for ICAF with the cannibalistic myth of Syngendebakke Soup being shared again, the Great Seduction Conspiracy 'memes' targeting Engebretsen became fairly wide spread and various other common Anti-Akuanism being shared again.

ICAF removed Mr. Griffin from his position as leader of ICAF, and Interim Chairman Jebathon Elijiah Bush released a statement. Clarifying Mr. Griffith was acting alone in mistranslations and misinformation on the brochure, as well stating giving a apology to the Nystatinne government. Mr. Griffith while still chairperson of ICAF having gone on various offensive rants when the boycotts began during the scandal. The Nystatinne government while still hosting the 2024 ICAF world cup, is suing the organization for lost of reputation and revenue. As well handling the translations needs themselves. Throughout the whole of the scandal, outside of Norgsveldet, the Federation and Eyjaria, no government or international body asked Nystatiszna government for clarification or confirmation of the translation of the brochure. When Nystatinne ambassador to the League of Novaris attempted to clarify the brochure and it being mistranslated on the 12th of February. They was informed the council didn't require clarification.