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The Federation of Thøn

Flag of Thøn
Motto: "Forever great, never forgotten!"
Anthem: “The Land of Nature and Riches”
Official languagesFæl, Staynish
GovernmentFederal parliamentary republic
• Prime Minister
Solveig Christiansen
• Deputy Prime Minister
Tor Mortensen
• Speaker of The Sahal
Sivert Abramsen
• Chief Justice
Ragnhild Ovesen
• Land
310,906 km2 (120,041 sq mi)
• 2024 estimate
• 2023 census
GDP (nominal)2023 estimate
• Total
ØK247,991,766,910.27 ($793,573,654,112.85)
• Per capita
ØK33,780.38 ($108,097.23)
Gini (2020)Positive decrease 25.1
SDI (2022)Increase 0.969
very high
CurrencyThøn Kroal (ØK) (OKR)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+734

Thøn, officially The Federation of Thøn, is a nation located on are archipelago off the coast of Novaris. The small island of Hæl, east of Hustreache, is also a part of Thøn. The capital is Fhål, the second largest city, and the largest city is Zhæl. Thøn speaks Fæl and Staynish and is a federal parliamentary republic. It shares a land border with Veria and maritime borders with Thalor and Antora.

Thøn has a land area of 310,906 km2 and a population of 7.35 million people (according to a 2024 government estimate). It is divided into 7 states of different landscapes, climates and demographic. Thøn was unified on June the 5th of 1874, when the nations of Kial, Zhæl and Fhål decided to reunite under a common flag. This was following the 1819 downfall of the Zoål Empire into the states of Kial, Zhæl and Fhål, which revealed the problems with having a fractured Thøn, and how they would negatively affect resource production and detriment businesses that relied on a cross-Thøn supply chain.


The name Thøn comes from the Fæl word of the same name. Which means "prosper and grow" in Staynish. The name for Thøn was originally chosen in 1741, when a cartographer, who was also a notorious critic of the Zoål Empire refused to name it as Zoål, instead he chose to name it Thøn. And this name caught on with rebels and normal people alike. Especially in 1819, when Fhål and Zhæl declared the region to be name Thøn.



The earliest signs of human life on Thøn come from 1000 BU Kahl, where sailors landed and set up sparse fishing villages along the coast of Yre Island. Their main source of food was fish and game since they brought their hunting skills with them. It is believed that Yre Island became home to around 10,000 residents in this period. By 700 BU both of Kahl's other islands had been settled, Pohla and Tweø. These islands were home to natural mineral deposits, unlike Yre, and the settlers quickly started mining for the diamonds in the ground. It is said that the diamonds were used as a form of currency where you could trade your diamonds with someone for goods you needed, and it was unilaterally accepted that one mi (an old currency originating from Kahl, similar to the gram) of your diamond is equivalent to one mi of someone else's diamond.

Kahl State

In 35 BU, the residents of Yre, Pohla and Tweø decided to form a nation, the nation would be governed by the 23 clan chiefs, who would each vote for an action to be performed. The votes would be sent by messenger from the clan to the Crual Huat (Centre Hut in Staynish) and counted by workers to decide the overall outcome. This was the first form of democracy seen in Thøn. In 138, Kahl started building a navy, they planned on keeping it hidden in Tuel Cove until it was required. By 48, 6 large vessels had been produced by the Kahl Shipbuilding Association, these ended up being used as fishing boats between 52 and 79. In 129, they were lifted out of the cove and transferred to Crual Huat for maintenance, they then decided to leave the boats out of water to use as housing as Kahl's population skyrocketed. In 96, Kahl decided to use its shipbuilding knowledge to build houseboats, they were practical as workers could live close to their worksite and transfer easily as needed, following this, Kahl also enacted a motion to prevent residents from sailing houseboats in open wate, but rather doing so along Kahl's vast river network, this was to try and protect Kahl from potential invaders.

In 145, a man who is only known as

Kingdom of Louad

In 231, another expedition arrived at the archipelago, this time landing on the south of Phaus Island, the settlement they set up was called Louad, which still exists to this day. By 237, a government had been formed by the approximately 6,000 residents who arrived aboard 5 separate fleets. This government was a monarchy which was ruled by the commander of the expeditionary fleet, Bjørg Næss. Bjørg

Louad Civil War

Trinterian-Louad War

Zoål Empire

Following the collapse of Trinteria



Thøn is made up of 7 federal states, each of which has their own government to manage laws and funding in their area, with the exception of some laws, which only the federal government may change. However, the federal government has the power to overturn decisions made by the state unless a referendum is held, and the result is otherwise.


Fhål is home to the capital of Thøn, and also home to Thøn's vast automotive industry which specialises in electric vehicles. Fhål originates from 1819, following Zhæl's independence in 1812. Fhål became a separate republic and held its first election in that year. With no money to its name and a poor populous, Fhål forced its economy to grow, it offered subsidies, government-paid labour and a range of other financial incentives to business that set up in the area. By 1854, Fhål's economy had grown by 300% over its pre-independence counterpart. At the time, it also included modern day Løvd State, and in 1857, Fhål build Zhøa, a city built to facilitate a secondary port and industrial district to take the load off the struggling Hol Area of Fhål. It worked, but it also meant there was a large amount of road traffic travelling from Fhål to Zhøa to ship goods for a lower cost. This caused the government of Fhål to build a 'Zouy' (carriageway) to allow the traffic to take a finite and direct route between the cities, getting the horses off local farmer's roads. Then Triu Island (now a part of Løvd State) was utilised to further streamline maritime transport. Triu Island is conveniently located prior to Fål Cove, which contains Fhål, in the open ocean. Fhål's idea was that Triu Island could be used as a waypoint for imports. They would dock their large boats at Triu then take smaller vessels to get goods to small coastal towns and villages, and then utilises larger ships to take the rest of the goods to Fhål or Zhøa.

In 1869, Fhål adventured inland after an explorer came over a large number of diamonds when digging for artefacts. Surveyors for large mining companies were sent in to evaluate the profitability of mining these areas for diamonds. In 1871, mining begun, but the government put limits on where could be mined and how it had to be mined, to protect the beautiful environment of the area.

In the same year, Fhål held talks with Zhæl about the possibility of unification. Diplomats regarded the meetings as 'great successes'. And on the 5th of June 1874, The Federation of Thøn was proclaimed a country, following a vote where the three unifying countries voted 'yes' as did 5 of the 6 states, confirming the merger.




Kial is the wealthiest (in GDP per capita) and least populated of all of Thøn's states. Kial is home to 5,452 people and has a GDP per capita (nominal) of ØK191,259.38 ($612,030). It is a small state located towards the centre of Thøn's main island, which is lined with sand beaches and abundant trees. Kial's capital is Kial, which has the state named after it. Kial primarily consists of large mansions and luxury businesses to cater for the rich.

When the Zoål Empire collapsed in 1819, after losing Zhæl and Fhål, Kial absorbed their riches into its government and decided that they needed businesses to facilitate their economy. (Historians believe that Kial was given the riches due to it being the only one that didn't want to leave.) So, in 1847, Kial drastically dropped their tax rates and businesses flooded in, this did not generate many jobs, however Kial only had 4,103 people living in it, and the unemployment rate plummeted towards zero. By 1862, some companies were struggling to find employees to work in their Kial HQs, so Kial's government decided to open up the Fhål-Kial border to workers, this fixed the crisis. And in 1871, Kial joined talks with Zhæl and Fhål about unification. Kial was promised one thing by Zhæl and Fhål, that they would get to keep their tax rate reasonably low. And on June the 5th of 1874, Kial united with Zhæl and Fhål to form Thøn.

When the Zoål Empire collapsed in 1819, after losing Zhæl and Fhål, Kial absorbed their riches into its government and decided that they needed businesses to facilitate their economy. (Historians believe that Kial was given the riches due to it being the only one that didn't want to leave.) So, in 1847, Kial drastically dropped their tax rates and businesses flooded in, this did not generate many jobs, however Kial only had 4,103 people living in it, and the unemployment rate plummeted towards zero. By 1862, some companies were struggling to find employees to work in their Kial HQs, so Kial's government decided to open up the Fhål-Kial border to workers, this fixed the crisis. And in 1871, Kial joined talks with Zhæl and Fhål about unification. Kial was promised one thing by Zhæl and Fhål, that they would get to keep their tax rate reasonably low. And on June the 5th of 1874, Kial united with Zhæl and Fhål to form Thøn. Since then, the number of companies located in Kial has continued to rise, with unification helping bring in workers from Fhål to assist with the lack of workers.