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==== Fencing and Dueling Arts ====
==== Fencing and Dueling Arts ====
Fencing and dueling arts has been a cornerstone of the Côtois culture since [[Mending the Land]], before that it was critical part of the [[Queendom of Lapérouse]] culture and history as well reinforced by [[Hjørdist Gustafism]] as a faith.
Fencing and dueling arts has been a cornerstone of the Côtois culture since [[Mending the Land]], before that it was critical part of the [[Queendom of Lapérouse]] culture and history as well reinforced by [[Hjørdist Gustafism]] as a faith.

Revision as of 15:36, 16 July 2023

This page (or section) is a work in progress by its author(s) and should not be considered final.
Crowned Socialist Federation of the Southern Coast of Lapérouse

La Fédération de la Côte Sud Lapérouse
Flag of Federation of the Southern Coast
Coat of arms of Federation of the Southern Coast
Coat of arms
Motto: For Crown and Worker
For Worker and Crown

Royal anthemMarch of the Red Prince
Location of Federation of the Southern Coast
CapitalDistrict de la République-Capitale / République C.D
Largest cityBatkong
Official languagesFrakanic
Recognised regional languagesKeltic, Vaaran, Norgsveltian and Nys'tat'en
Ethnic groups
Akuanism, Ulvriktru, Daurism, Ademarism and Church of Xaethos
  • Côtois/Côtoise
  • (Informal) Fed/Feds
GovernmentConstitutional Socialist-Monarchy
• King
Jeanne Pierre
• High Jarl
Alexandra of House Ymirdval
LegislatureThe People's Federal Royal Parliament
Federal House of Regional Representatives
Federal House of the Workers.
• End of the Great Unification Wars
• Total
541,912.61 km2 (209,233.63 sq mi)
• 2020 estimate
GDP (nominal)2020 estimate
• Total
  • ♅1,800,000,000,000
  • ¥180,000,000,000,000
• Per capita
  • ♅40,000
  • ¥4,000,000
CurrencyRed Krone, ¥ (RKR)
Time zone+2 UTC,
Date formatYYYY/MM/DD
Driving sideright
Calling code+659
ISO 3166 code.SD, FCS

Federation of the Southern Coast of Lapérouse, officially the Crowned Socialist Federation of the Southern Coast Lapérouse, (more commonly referred to as the Federation) is a sea bordering country in Far Western Yasteria. The Federation borders Helslandr, Nakosa and Vistaraland. Geographically, the country is diverse with a large mountain range in the Northern-East and plains across the Southern-West, along the coast of Guilder. The climate was primarily oceanic, with semi-arid weather around the lake Serein in the north-east. The Federation has a large young growing population over forty-five million and is settled primarily around the large urban centers across the country. It consists of eleven petite-nations, two theocracies, nine city-states and two autonomous regions. The national capital and principal financial center of the Federation is République C.D and its most populous city is Batkong.

The country is primarily made up of several twelve major ethnic groups and thirty-four minor ethnic groups. Originally was made up of only four, during the time of the Queendom of Lapérouse however after the Socialists victory in the civil and unification war. The Federation established several mass immigration programs, starting in the 1930s which greatly changed the demographics of the country, including species, ethnic group, religion and so forth. Becoming extremely multicultural in its nature, often referred by sociologists as a salad bowl. With the only clear plurality being the population being made up of Kemonomimi. Despite the multicultural background of the country, Frakanic remains as the dominant language of the country.

The Federation established itself as a large socialist power, the second largest socialist economy behind East Cerdani and a regional power within Yasteria.

The Federation of the Southern Coast of Lapérouse is a constitutional monarchy with monarcho-socialist elements. It is a representative democracy with three separate branches of government. It has a tricameral national legislature composed of the ‘Federal House of Regional Representatives' the upper house,  ‘Federal House of the Workers’ the lower house and the ‘Federal House of Ethnicities’ as the middle house. Majority of policy issues are decentralized, with largely different laws by jurisdiction. The Federation ranks highly in various international measures of quality of life, sapient rights, income equality, innovation and education. It has a low level of perceived corruption.  It has a single payer and centralized healthcare system. As a salad bowl or melting pot of cultures, ethnicities and species, the Federation has been shaped by the immigrant population.

The Federation is a founding member of the Red Crown Economic Union, founding member of the International Federation of Sapient Aid Organizations, co-leader of the Norgsveltian Crown Realm, driving force of Together Lapérouse! and center for several financial institutions for the socialist and developing world. The Federation has the tenth highest military budgets in the world and a large military force outright.



Viking Colonization


Queendom of Lapérouse

Main article: Queendom of Lapérouse

The Queendom of Lapérouse was a large queendom that existed from 502 to 1920, ended by the Monarcho-Socialists during the civil war. It was initially led by the Uvlantor dynasty based in Caenfjord in 502 and through conquest of the region. Then was taken over by the short-lived of Ivorkian dynasty and finally sized by the Frida dynasty in 994 which ruled until the end of the Queendom in 1920. The Queendom was noted for tolerance, primary due to the history of being a extremely diverse and hard to control region. During the Ulvriktru Wars in 1770, the Queen Hjørd Frida formed the Hjørdist Gustafism branch of Gustafistisc-Ulvriktru and seperate of the mainstream Orthodox Gustafism. The Queendom of extremely matriarchal towards Ulvrikians but was flexible towards its other religious inhabitants. The Queendom religious tolerance different depending on the dynasty, with Uvlantor and Ivorkian dynasty being hostile towards non-Ulvriktru but the Frida dynasty was renown for its more flexible policy.

Uvlantor Dynasty (502-962)

Founding of the Queendom

In 502 AD, the Queendom of Lapérouse was founded by Vivian Uvlantor the Thrallmaster after her conquest of the Ulvriktru Jarldoms near her own Jarldom of Caenfjord. The queen declare her Queendom after the battle of Helpeek, where she drove the Jarlynja Trine Molstad forces off a cliff and captured the Jarlynia's daughter forcing her to pledge loyalty to queen in exchange for her life. The queen declaration did not go unchallenged as she was forced to fight her cousins and rebelling vassals.

Burning of Batkong

In 902 AD, the Queendom largest port city of Batkong was sacked and burned by alliance of Ny'Sænuri clans seeking retribution for the Queendom slave trading. Which enslaved primarily Akuanists from the coastal cities and mountains. Batkong acted as the center for the thrall trade within the region, and held a vacation castle for the royal family. The Ny'Sænuri sneaked into the castle by pretending to be servants to the royal family, later massacring the everyone in the castle including the princess of the Queendom and later moved to burn the city outright. Hanging every Ulvrikian within the thrall market and freed the thralls.

Civil War (953-962)

Uvlantor dynasty faced heavy resistance for their weakness, for many reasons such as the burning of the Batkong, death of a popular princess and dozens of other faults. Ending with the short lived Ivorkian dynasty seizing control of the throne.

Ivorkian Dynasty (968-994)

Frida Dynasty (994-1920)

Lapérouse-Norgsveltian Empire

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution in the Queendom of Lapérouse occurred can be divided into three different periods. The transition from the thralldom to an early modern government inspired by the new Norgsveltian government. Development of a modern political system, creation of mechanized factories and the massive development of railroads pushing for further internal routes. The development of electricity was spread across the Queendom, with a minor competition to ‘lighten’ every duchy’s capital and against the capital of the Queendom outright.

Within Lapérouse, the industrial revolution triggered a massive shift in sociality and politically. Previously, the political elite was made up of Hjørdistic landed nobility that ate away minor land nobility for centuries, erasing many baronies and smaller jarldoms. Leaving a plethora of landless nobles, dissatisfied religious communities, ethnic groups without representation and later on, exiled nobles from [[Norgsveldet]]. In addition the nobility refused or outright neglected their traditional noble duties to their subjects save the Queen. As a result, poverty rose largely while still having a largely growing population and materialistic division became divided on ethnic-religious lines.

The revolution caused the Masculists movement to rise, arguing for more ability to vote for men, removal of laws blocking men from governmental roles and employment opportunities as well many others. Such as the movement to ban liquor but not beer from being sold in Hjørdistic jarldoms.

The Industrial Revolution marked a massive point in the Queendom’s history, only comparable to the personal union to Norgsveldet, Hjørdist Gustafism Reformation and the Lapérouse Revolution. Every part of the industrialization influenced the culture, ethnic, religion and daily life within the Queendom. The rise of the average income led to breaking of thralldom, as citizens were able to buy themselves out of it and later the thralldom was removed altogether by decree of the Queen and signed by parliament. Akuanists in particular grew massively in wealth and influence, as well as taking one of the lead roles in industrialization. The diverse nature of the Queendom, led to an internal competition between the jarldoms and the Queen’s own personal lands. Leading to an uneven level of development throughout the Queendom, with various ethnic groups in the jarldoms benefiting more than another. In particular regions primarily inhabited by Hjørdist Lapérousan outside of the Queendom’s own domain were slow to industrialization.

Hjørdist Gustafism Reformation

Lapérouse Revolution

The Lapérouse Revolution of 1792 was a peasant backed revolution caused by ethnic and religious tensions; Economic inequality and inability to reform to counter the rising issues within the Queendom. The Revolution aimed to create a secular presidential republic and remove aristocratic rule of the country. It was ended after political reform act of 1789 and with assistance from the Norgsveldet after agreeing to a personal union between the two states.

Norgsveltian Intervention and Personal Union

Fearing that the would spread revolution spreading and wanting to ensure the stability of its ally. Gustaf the II sent a strong military force to assist with putting down the revolution. However the King of Norgsveldet, Gustaf the II required his cousin to be married to the princess of the queen. Creating a shaky personal union between the two monarchies. The Côtois nobility saw the requirement as a act of betrayal from their ally causing further tensions.

Breaking of the Personal Union

In 1880, the 95 year long personal union was end with the Queendom being free of Norgsveltian interference.

Civil War (1898-1920)

The Lapérouse civil war was a series of incredibly violent wars in the modern region of the Federation. The wars was ethnic, religious, speciest and politically motivated resulting in state sponsored massacres and ethnic cleansing. The war had dramatic impact in the region and for the Côtoise people.

Creation of the Socialist Federation (1920)

Development and Progress Era (1921-1940)

Renewed Hostiles with Vistaraland and expansion of Cultural autonomy (1940-1950s)

Fridge Foreign Policy, Urban and Rural Renewal campaign (1960s-1984)

Economic Expansion, Militarism, the International Question and Guilder Strait Conflict (1985-1999)

Nyørn Insurrection, Ymirland Civil War, Redress Election and the creation of the RCEU (2000- On going)


Main Articles: Demographics in the Federation

In January 2023, the population was estimated to be 45 million, most populous on the Yasteria peninsula, Lapérouse (Also known as Vestrava by Helslandr and Pledonia) and the populous in the Red Crown Economic Union. Federation is a outlier among developed countries, particularly within the Ulvikrikian area not including the Akuan population or former colonies. It maintains a relatively high rate of natural population growth and young population. The ministry of Children, Elderly and Families, cites it the high growth in population growth with the government's policies in labor, paid parental leave for both parents, universal daycare, laws requiring parents of children under the age of 16 be given preferential hours or shifts and various other factors.


[ALOT, if you want to have your stuff included in the Federation let me know on Discord]


[ALOT, if you want to have your stuff included in the Federation let me know on Discord]


[ALOT, if you want to have your stuff included in the Federation let me know on Discord]


Main Articles: Education in the Federation and Higher Education in the Federation

Since 1920, compulsory education in the Federation comprises primary and junior secondary school. Later in 1958, university and trade schools were added to the compulsory education as part of education reform.

University level are broken up into three levels, Regional Level, Federal Level and Peerage Level. Entrance exams are only required for Federal Level and Peerage Level, as Regional Level is required by law to accept all applications regardless of testing score or grades. The entrance exams are given by the Federal Education Exam and Certification Board, testing is a week long process with each day of the week covering a one subject per day. As part of university degree and the trade school certification process, work experience is required as a result the university and trade schools partner with state companies, Rochefort companies, cooperatives and with university employment itself. Regional Level universities often rely on employing students into its university to cut down on costs, although other employment is available. While unpaid internships are illegal within the Federation, majority of the non-taxed paycheck from the employment goes to the university to pay for their education.

Education within the universally controlled by the Federal government including testing, courses and funding. In junior secondary school, is when petite-nations are allowed to include their own courses into education. Which the subject of much controversy within the Federation, with majority of the petite-nations requesting to reform for the education to be more inclusive for the nations that make up the Federation. Attempts have been made to create sunday schools and afterschool programs which faced mixed results. Sunday schools have been strictly regulated, only allowing educating in religious matters and banning teaching in more educational matters such as history, math or so forth. Afterschool programs have been able to push forward with much regulation and only allows the teaching of the petite-nation cultural customs but not matters that is covered by the federal schooling program.


[Single-Payer System]

Government and Politics

Main article: Politics of the Federation

Federal Government


Executive Branch

Prime Minister
Petite-National Council
Chamber of Jarldom
Chamber of Elected

Legislative Branch

Federal House of Workers
Federal House of Regional Representatives
Federal House of Ethnicities

Judicial Branch

Supreme Court
Ethnic Disputes Court


Nation (Codexian) Nation (Fraknic) GDP Population Government Type Capital City Head of State GDP% Pop%
People's Jarldom of Normand 325,000,000,000 5,649,000 Constituional Sco-Monarchy Batkong Jarlyia Frida IV; Petite Prime Minister Sølvi Schanke
People's Jarldom of Østland 80,050,000,000 2,753,000 Constituional Sco-Monarchy Skjoldkilde Jarlyia Sara I; Petite Prime Minister Arnold Wik
People's Jarldom of Dragefjord 71,000,192,000 2,570,000 Constituional Sco-Monarchy Keratila Jarlyia Ulv V; Petite Prime Minister Kari Bratvold
People's Jarldom of Fiolett Himmel 90,000,600,000 2,375,000 Constituional Sco-Monarchy Blönverfi Jarlyia Idunn II; Petite Prime Minister Øistein Helle
People's Republic of the Miqo'te 100,000,000,000 4,194,000 Akuan Republic Mandagot Shrinekeeper Øistein Ny'Lestad; Petite Prime Minister Mickaël Breguet
People's Republic of the Amatsuka 250,040,000,000 4,750,000 Presidental Republic Sept-Îles Petite President Nathan Brassard
People's Republic of the Izuku 200,000,000,000 3,463,000 Parliamentary Republic Collines-de-l'Ombre Petite Prime Minister Phil Aliker
People's Republic of the Amuro 256,000,000,000 4,207,000 Parliamentary Republic Nouvelle ville de Sainte-Marie Petite Prime Minister Élisa Daucourt
People's Republic of the Lalatina 107,000,000,000 5,673,000 Akuan Republic Akuseru Shrinekeeper Katrine Ny'Asch; Petite Prime Minister Lou Cahun
People's Republic of the Aznable 175,007,000,000 3,341,000 Parliamentary Republic Ville d'Akuantorszi Petite Prime Minister Haydée Jacquemin
The Federal Sector 119,000,000,000 2,138,000 Parliamentary Republic District-de-la-République-Capitale / République C.D Sector Administrator Rébecca Souchon
Duarist People's Republic of Siånriti 14,750,000,000 1,419,000 Theocracy Boer Elected High Priestess Margaret Myhr
Gustafistic State of Fjelldal 12,080,000,000 1,206,000 Theocracy Boovarsholar High Gothir Gaëtane Alméras
People's City State of Caenfjord 1,000,000 29,000 Theocratic-City State Caenfjord Arch-Gothir Gaëtane III Jaubert-Frida
People's City State of Brive 3,050,000 41,000 City State Brive Mayor-Secretary Jean-Louis Le Sueur
People's City State of Messier 14,050,000 157,000 City State Messier Mayor-Secretary Marie-Laure Beaulieu
People's City State of Kooy Stad 3,900,000 63,000 City State Kooy Stad Mayor-Secretary Henk Heijsman
People's City State of Lafayette 1,708,000 84,000 City State Lafayette Mayor-Secretary Matthieu Thévenet
People's City State of Vol 25,000,000 254,000 City State Vol Mayor-Secretary Sébastien Plessis
People's City State of Bargodon 17,000,000 83,000 City State Bargodon Mayor-Secretary Frank Rousselot
People's City State of Lov-e-set 2,500,000 87,000 City State Lov-e-set Mayor-Secretary Fabrice Auvray
People's City State of Dieten 4,000,000 98,000 City State Dieten Mayor-Secretary Noud Tjaarts
Autonomous Region of Vrielink N/A 150,000 Autonomous Region N/A Administrator-Secretary Riet Vastenholt
Autonomous Region of Flaithbertaigh N/A 216,000 Autonomous Region N/A Administrator-Secretary Oisín Ó Feichín
Occupied Region of Adliausirijk (claimed) N/A N/A Occupied Territory N/A Lieutenant Commander Vivienne Milhaud

Foreign Relations

Main Articles: Foreign relations of the Federation and Foreign policy of the Federation

The Federation is a member of the International Forum and currently a sitting member of the Security Council. It has a Special Relationship with Norgsveldet established in 1936 after the coronation of Gustaf III as king of Norgsveldet. It holds this relation despite being hostile with two of Norgsveltian close relationship South Hills and Vistaraland, both of which it has fought a war with in the past. With the most recent conflict being the Ymirland Civil War against South Hills in 2018 ending in 2019 when South Hills pulled out of the conflict. It has historically, always had hostile relations with Vistaraland and Federation-Vistaraland relations have never been positive, including during the Fridge era when the two sides affectively ignored each other's existence.

Federation is the founding nation of the Red Crown Economic Union, a socialist democratic political-economic-militarily union. It found alongside with its closest allies Zemeprievadai and Auravas. Later including Ymirland, Nystatiszna, Ny’Natrotomi and Kuduk. The driving force of the RCEU being the Federation itself, contributing the lion share of aid, military assistance and investments into the member states. It holds close relations to the Federation of Bana, which in 2023 pegged their currency to the Red Krone. Additionally holding close relations to Eyjaria and Helslandr, with directives such as Together Lapérouse! and the second highest contributing member to the Bassot Plan, the reconstruction plan of Helslandr.

The driving principles of the Federation's Foreign Policy is marked by the Séverin and Morel doctrine, which is to create a Federation aligned or allied countries and establish a separate world market free of exploitive labor. The Morel doctrine plots out the creation of a Universal Socialist Currency, which aims to counter the more traditional and imperialist currencies such as the Kirib or the Vistari Gildemerk. As well creation of a separate world market, which products are free of exploitive labor practices. The Séverin doctrine which works alongside the Morel doctrine, aims to use the economic power of the Federation to establish allies or friendly nations to create a network to assist in pushing the separate world market ideals and developed traditionally colonized or undeveloped nations.

The Séverin doctrine, establish several models of Federation direct investment and aid programs. The Federation being one of the top investors and aid givers on Urth to undeveloped and developing nations. Being a corner stone of Federation foreign policy to provide low interest loans to developing nations, as well agricultural modernization loans. With the Agricultural loans, common feature of which is to have payments according to the world market price for agricultural goods being produced as well working with Federation's own state-owned companies which provide agricultural equipment such as tractors to sell at wholesale to the country. It is common to use the state owned companies within the Federation to be included within the investment schemes of the Federation to provide assistance through selling at slightly above what traditionally is considered profitable. Virtually all of Federation's investment schemes come along with building of infrastructure that directly related to the investments, such as schools, vocational education centers and so forth with the goal being not only to invest economically into the country but invest into the people themselves of the country to create a more well rounded economy as not to accidently create a rentier state and make a more diverse economy of the invested country.

When it comes to loans to building infrastructure, the Federation does a joint partnership based on contribution of the money by either side and features the slow selling of the infrastructure back to the native country. For a example building a bridge within a native country, it could be a program where the Federation owns 99% of the bridge and sells 1% to 5% each year to the native country at a fixed rate adjusted for inflation. All investments, aid programs and so forth are only given and received in Red Krone traditionally, though some expectations have been made.

Law Enforcement and Crime

Main articles: Law Enforcement in the Federation

Federation has a unified and integrated approach to law enforcement within the country, as well specifically apolitical as a institution. The Federal Policing Agency (FPA) provides all general policing services throughout the country. Due the the country's unitary system, local level police departments are directly under the FPA organization. To become a police officer, it is a three month degree with another month for specialization into a enforcing law in a region within the Federation such as Dieten City State. Federation considers law enforcement officers (sometimes referred as Keepers of the Peace in some government documents) to be a essential service and a binding-employment. Meaning law enforcement and the state-ran policing union are barred from striking or performing actions that hinder the peace or the process of enforcing the laws established by the regional or federal judicially system. Binding-employment meaning, one cannot quit without a special or exceptional reason similar to joining the military.

Prisons and jails within the Federation take a progressive approach with a heavy focus on education and rehabilitation. Part of the education process is establishing and reinforcing the Côtois identify first, then technical or college education. The Federation takes religious, ethnic, and species concerns in mind, creating specialized prisons for them. Example being the intense social connections Akuan cultures have, having specialized prisons that features the social needs of the Akuanists.


[Under Rework]

The Federal Military of the Southern Coast (FMSC) and the Socialist Self-Defense Forces (SSDF) represent the combined military branches and paramilitary under control of the Federation of the Southern Coast. The military forces are firmly under the Ministry of Federal Defense & National Militia Defense and the (federal) Prime Minister directly. SSDF and Coast Guard forces are separate from the federal military only to be used in civil unrest, police action, terror attacks and local defense. As the federal military isn't allowed to be deployed into the Federation soil unless in the event of secession, invasion of a foreign power, or with approval from the parliament or the PM of that nation. When it comes to coastal defense or naval policing action, they work closely with the federal navy especially when it comes to establishing a series of defenses along the coasts, being the only part the Federal Military pays for. The Federal military acts as the official military for the Federation and SSDF is made up of the national guard from each of the nations under the Federation. Being only funded by the regional governments instead of being under the Federal budget. The FMSC primary command structure is composed of several branches under one Central Military Council.

The five major services branches: Federal Ground Force (FGF), Federal Navy (FN), Naval-Ground Forces (NGF), Federal Air & Aerospace Force (FAAF) and Coastal Defense (CD). A majority of military units are deployed along the northern border with Helslandr due to the civil war and along the southern border with Vistaraland. With the rest of the federal army station at various coastline defenses all along the coast of the country. The federal military budget is one of the largest in the world, after the established multiple naval basing treaties with various socialists and social democratic governments around the world. Additionally the Federation is largely increases its naval and marine power, with a focus on transiting from a green-water navy into a blue-water navy being one of first actions Jeanne Pierre took in office, with a bill to increase the size of it being signed in her first week in office. The Federation coastline defenses along the Guilder Strait are dotted with a plethora of anti-ship and anti-air missiles, which started building up after the Guilder's Strait Conflict.

During the Redress Election in 2020, when the military budget was brought up Jeanne Pierre was the one of three individuals running the platform of increasing it in order to combat and the only candidate to bring up massively increasing the Federation’s navy and marine forces. Previously the Federation stance on navy was to primarily provide logistics support and a couple submarine squads to defend the coast. Currently navy capacity is planned to be overhauled to be able to project Federation naval power to all over the globe. When Jeanne Pierre became PM she removed the previous heads of the navy with admirals of considerably lesser experience and age with the except of Raphaëlle Blanchet, who actively attempted to reform the navy in the past. Pierre citied needing a newer generation of ideas to correct the generation of the old mistakes. This resulted in renewed debate in naval doctrine and strategy within the Federation. The new bases spring up all around Urth increasing the navy capacity far outside it’s own direct waters.

Federal Ground Force

The Federal Ground Force or (FGF) is responsible for all land forces in the Federation. The FGF has been a pioneer of introducing information tech and computer-assisted weaponry to the military at great expense. The latest operation doctrine of the FGF highlights the importance of info-tech, electronic and information warfare. As such part of doctrine and thanks to the special-relationship with Norgsveldet it has developed a 6th generation tanks and other advance warfare fighting vehicles.

Federal Navy

[Being worked on, right now the running doctrine is the navy is massively increasing in size, naval doctrine is changing and is increasing in tonnage.]

The Federal Navy (SCFN) traces its origins to the founding of the Federation, acting in the beginning as a logistics force to bring equipment to the Monarcho-Socialist forces directly from Norgsveldet and launched light raids against the other competing groups. After the war for reunification under the Monarch-Socialist federation, the navy was reshaped into a proper naval force removing the smuggler aspect all together but keeping the lessons they have learned from it such as stealth, speed and recon is key to victory. The naval kept these in mind while they went under restructuring and after receiving seven frigates from Norgsveldet they formed a border patrol force around the coast. Within the 21st century, the Federal Navy seeks to keep a sizable global presence relying on creating a network of allies and naval bases through the Urth. The blue-water navy sims to be able to project force onto regions of the Urth that would come into conflict with the Federation's allies or within the Federation itself, engaging in forward deployments during peacetime and rapidly respond to crises that may arise to it's allies.

The command structure of the SCFN consists of four main committees under the single committee of the Navy which is under the Committee of Defense: The Committee of Naval Affairs, Committee of Naval Operations, Committee of Operations and Committee of Logistics. The three spoke persons for the navy in the Committee of Defense is Raphaëlle Blanchet, Gaël Girardot and Yvonne Battier. With Yvonne Battier acting as the senior spoke person for the navy.

The Federal Navy (SCFN) maintains a close relationship with the Norgsveltian Navy, having several joint anti-piracy operations, war games and Sapient Aid operations. The Federal Navy is currently the largest buyer of Norgsveltian military ships and aircraft, as well has the largest size of the Federation military budget.

Marine Service

The Marine Service branch services under the navy and acts as a combined arms force for the military. Which services on naval ships and acts as the primary military force outside of the Federation's borders.

Economy [Pri-Rework/do]

Main Articles: Economy of the Federation of the Southern Coast


Federation of the Southern Coast of Lapérouse has a developed, medium-income mixed economy, characterised wealth equality and government involvement, economic diversity, a skilled and education labour force and high innovation. It is currently the 18th largest economy in nominal GDP; largest member in the Red Crown Economic Union in population and economy; Founder and key member of Together Lapérouse!; and it is the second largest economy in the socialist world. Having the Rochefort Street Stock Exchange, a major business district for the greater socialist world providing essential banking services, investments and other financial services for the socialist and developing world. Despite having various history of being pariah-state until 1937 and facing numerous sanctions throughout the history of the country due it the country's unique form of foreign policy. The country resilient economy is due for a variety of factors such as the Special Relationship, plentiful resources and manufactory capitibility. Having a history of self-reliance dating back to the pariah-state status in the 1920s to 1937.

Federation's economy is diversified; industrial sector represent a third of the workforce and GDP, while services and government services (such as healthcare or education) represents a third. Federation is one of the largest manufacturing countries in the world; however the Federation's agricultural sector has been long neglected by the socialist government, due to the government policies on focusing on mineral wealth and industrialization.

Categories of Industries

State Companies and Infrastructure

Worker Cooperatives

Rochefort model

The Rochefort model is the primary economic model for the Federation and other nations such as Ymirland. The Rochefort model was named after the first economic minister of the Federation who invented the model alongside the first prime minister of the Federation, Morél Pepin. Bastien Rochefort, stated goal with the model was to create a system where the workers will eventually be able to buy the company outright and form Socialist cooperatives.

The model requires everyone outside of elective officials to be in a union. While the model requires infrastructure and 'life necessary' products to be either state owned or in the case of life necessary products to be cooperatives. Luxury goods such as cars, entertainment products and other such things, are free to be owned by capitalist entities.

The capitalist entities are required to be publicly held and listed on the Côtois stock exchange. The company is required to give the minimum amount of share to a new hire. The company is also required to sell stock at a discounted price to employees with the exception of members on the board and the ceo. The model strictly outlines that at least three workers and one union representative sit on the board of the company.

The original idea for the model is when workers retire they sell their discounted stock or donate it to the union. Slowly letting the union gather more shares in the company until they can control the company outright. However the company usually offers to buy the stock at market value. Usually resulting in a bidding war between the union and the company to buy the shares from the retired worker, with the company usually winning the bidding war.

The model also directly incentives automation for companies. Jobs lost due to automation are considered to be an early retirement. Early retirement due to automation requires the company to not only pay out a year's salary but slightly above market price for shares the worker holds. While the union can make an offer to buy the shares, the increased price often results in the union failing to buy the shares.

The model within the federation has been cited by economists in Norgsveldet as a huge success. Citing the massive growth and diverse Federation economy, increasing living standards, strong worker rights and innovation. Being able to have strong automation while having strong worker regulations.

Agricultural Pierlot's Model

Agriculture within the Federation is done through familial agricultural cooperatives and has exemptions in several aspects that other industries have as a requirement. Example of one of the exemptions with personal/family house units, farmers are allowed to own their homes as long they are working in the agricultural sector directly.

Socialist Financial Centre

Rochefort Street Stock Exchange Building

Stock Market

The Rochefort Street Stock Exchange is the single and only stock exchange based in République C.D. acting as one of the lynch points of the Rochefort's Model and a important sector of the economy.

Financial Research Institutions

Development Banks

Insurance Firms for Developing and Socialist Nations

Culture and Society

The Federation of the Southern Coast is home to a large variety of ethnic groups even before the immigration waves. Twelve major ethnic groups, thirty four minor ethnic groups. Eight of the twelve majority ethnic groups are referred to as the 'Big Eight' ethnic groups. The Federation encompasses a variety of different traditions, values, species, languages and religions within its borders. While the country was part of the former Ulvikrik Empire and is part of the Ulvrikian culture. It been characterised uniquely different, in language, culture and practices as opposed to the rest of the former Ulvrikian empire.

People of the Federation are often characterized as "Honest and Blunt; Industrialist and inventive; Loyal to a fault; Unwavering but paranoid. Accepting of others but not their Ideals."

Literature and Visual Arts

Literature works can be divided between Queendom era, Personal-Union era and post Socialist era. Most notable works have been made within the socialist era of writing. Literature in the Federation has been noted as making heavy use of frame stories to tell several small stories in a single overarching narrative often with same theme throughout all the stories. Each small story taking a different interpretation of the theme, example of this work would be "Union Ratée" or "Failed Union." The book is about struggle of internal politics of a craftsman union working together, each story deals with each person within the union and their perspective on why the union is failing to work as well their own background.

Cinema and Theater

Before the Federation, the Queendom had historical and strong links with to cinema and the theater. Primary using the visual form of media as a unification of the various groups to create a national myth and as a force for propaganda.


Mass media

Tofu hamburger stake


Cuisine after the Personal Union era, primary originates from outside the Federation proper meaning most foods are inspired by dishes from other nations in the modern day. Pre-Colonialism dishes tend to be a mixture fish, potatoes and maple syrup. Later during Personal Union era, these foods was combined with traditional Norgsveltian dishes such as pork, beef and wheat. The national dish of the Federation came out of the mixture of the food; Coffee, biscuits and gravy with a side of fish being one of the most consumed dishes in the Federation for breakfast. Coffee being the most consumed beverages in the Federation by nearly every measure, competing with soft drinks and alcohol sales in the majority Akuan nation. In the early 1940s, the Federation government marketed coffee as a substitute for liquor to counter alcoholism; becoming a massively successful in decreasing alcohol drink within the Federation of the Southern Coast. One of the most popular beverages in the Federation is Eyjarian coffee. Which coffee mixed with whiskey and is often served at coffee bars. It is traditionally drink at the end of the work day.

Vegetarian and vegan dishes are common in the Federation due to the majority Akuanist country, with majority of dishes being vegetarian in nature. The Federation is one of the top importers of Tofu on Urth and is frequently used in majority of dishes service in homes and in restaurants. Vegetarian dishes in particular have been growing more in popularity primary due to the restrictive nature of Akuanists towards meat production. With vegetarian prepared meals being common place in Côtois supermarkets.

Veganism and Vegetarianism

The Federation has one of the largest vegan and vegetarian participating population on Urth. With 60% of the population of the Federation being type vegetarian with the most common being pure vegetarian and the second largest being pescatarian. 20% being absolute vegan. There is a growing movement to ban meat imports to the Federation all together, with fourteen nations within the Federation banning meat being served in restaurants. The nations within the Federation being located within the inland regions of the Federation. The League of VV&P (Vegans, Vegetarians and Pescatarians) has been making a push to replace the national dish of the Federation with a purely vegan dish of a tofu hamburger stake with fries.


Alcohol or drinking culture within the Federation is primary driven from Akuan roots. Though it heavily differs from Borean counterparts, drinking at the end of the work day, religious celebrations or festivals and on the weekdays for social relaxation. Eyjarian coffee being the most popular alcoholic drink in the Federation. Drinking outside of religious celebrations or festivals take place at coffee bars. Coffee bars being a core part of Côtois drinking culture, coffee bars tend to be cottage-like structures and tends to feature the 'bar' around the center of the cottage rather than in the back of a corner.


Hockey is the most popular sport in the Federation of the Southern Coast.

The most popular team sports in the Federation are hockey, basketball and baseball. Côtois martial arts, include mixed martial arts and the largest martial art is fencing. Fencing being one of the oldest sports played in the Federation, starting back before the Personal Union era back in the 17th century during the Era of the Queendom.

Majority of sports such as hockey and baseball came from the Norgsveltian though it has several modifications from the traditional Concordian rules. Basketball being a sport that been played before the Personal Union times between the various nations that made up the Federation and being a extremely popular sport within the Federation though not the most popular sport outright within the Federation. Sports such as mountain climbing and snowboarding being heavily popular within the eastern parts of the Federation, where sports such as skateboarding and volleyball are more popular in the west along the coastline.

Hockey, is by several measures is the most popular spectator sport within the Federation of the Southern Coast. The Federal Hockey League (FHL) has the highest average attendance of any sports league within the Federation, and the Venture Cup is watched by millions in the Federation every year. Basketball and baseball are the next country's next two most popular professional team sports, with the top leagues being Grand Federal Basketball Association and the Federal Baseball League. The most watched individual sports in the Federation are Series One racing and Mix Martial Arts.

Firearm Sports

Firearm related sports are popular within the Federation, with the target shooting being the most popular division of firearm sports. Majority of schools in the Federation make use of clay pigeons or skeet shooting as a sport hosted by the education providers. Skeet shooting being extremely popular form of settling bets in the Federation, shooting ranges being widely available within virtually every major city within the Federation. The second most popular shooting sport being non-reactive target shooting with bullseye shooting available at shooting ranges.

Fencing and Dueling Arts

Fencing and dueling arts has been a cornerstone of the Côtois culture since Mending the Land, before that it was critical part of the Queendom of Lapérouse culture and history as well reinforced by Hjørdist Gustafism as a faith.