Marcha de los Entrelazados

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An extract of the official music sheet for la Marcha de los Entrelazados.

La Marcha de los Entrelazados ("the March of the Intertwined" in Impelanzan), also known as Marcha de la Liberación (March of Liberation) is, since December 23rd 1920, the official anthem of The Cooperative Commonwealth of New Leganés, Oblivion Islands and Shoneria. It was originally conceived as a poem by the popular Shonerian poet Federico del Arco, who was involved in the 1920 Cukish Revolution, and it soon caught the attention of the composer Perelio, who managed to create a musical arrangement for the poem and gave it the name of Marcha de los Entrelazados.

After that, it started to spread among the democratic revolts and it ended being the de facto anthem of the revolutionaries. Federico del Arco and Perelio were considered "public enemies" by the deputation of Shoneria and, later, by the Commonwealth Government and were arrested. The trial was made public in the now called Freedom Square, Privetia Taurillien, but it didn't take place as the revolutionary crowd invaded the square, singing the Marcha, and killed the whole jury. Its popularity reached all the Commonwealth and it was played in almost every revolt, until the war ended and the revolution succeeded.

It was then included in the new constitution as the official national anthem and it was played in the Senate by the singer Nádina Falemádi and an orchestra made of flutes, ocarinas and bagpipes after the new Commonwealth Government signed the constitutional text, in presence of both Federico del Arco and Perelio.


Son Shoneria,
Y Leganés,
Láçerins y Matrélik. (x2)
Nuestra patria son islas y el océano,
Nunca jamás nos podrán disgregar,
Hoy llega el día en que acabamos
Con quienes matan y nos destruirán. (x2)
Siglos de lucha y de dominación
Hicieron más gloriosa a nuestra nación.
Unámonos en nueva Comunidad,
Hagamos del amor nuestra identidad. (x2)
Ecos de grandeza
Nos llegan con las olas:
Los hijos de Nepámir,
Luchando hasta la aurora.
Marchad, entrelazados,
Seguid hasta el final;
Con corazón por medio,
Con vistas a la libertad.
Nuestra patria son islas y el océano,
Nunca jamás nos podrán disgregar,
Hoy llega el día en que acabamos
Con quienes matan y nos destruirán. (x2)
Siglos de lucha y de dominación
Hicieron más gloriosa a nuestra nación.
Unámonos en nueva Comunidad,
Hagamos del amor nuestra identidad. (x2)
Si esto es un sueño que sea el de todos:
Luchar y morir por la libertad.
Y que mañana estemos celebrando
Lo que aquel día hubimos de soñar. (x2)
Esta es nuestra Mancomunidad:
El pueblo, libre y en igualdad.
Esta es nuestra Mancomunidad,
Donde el amor al fin perdurará. (x4)
They are Shoneria,
And Leganés,
Láçerins and Matrélik (x2)
Islands and ocean are our fatherland,
They will never be able to disgregate us.
Today comes the day when we end
With those who kill and seek to destroy us. (x2)
Centuries of fight and domination
Made even glorious our nation.
Let's unite in a new Commonwealth,
Let's make from love our identity. (x2)
Echoes of greatness
Come to our side through the waves:
Nepámir's offspring
Fighting until dawn.
March, intertwined,
Continue until the end;
With heart as our way,
With freedom as our goal.
Islands and ocean are our fatherland,
They will never be able to disgregate us.
Today comes the day when we end,
With those who kill and seek to destroy us. (x2)
Centuries of fight and domination
Made even glorious our nation.
Let's unite in a new Commonwealth,
Let's make from love our identity. (x2)
If this is a dream, may it be for everyone:
Fight and die for freedom.
So that tomorrow we will be celebrating
What that day had to be dreamt.
This is our Commonwealth:
The people, free and equal.
This is our Commonwealth
Where love will finally prevail. (x4)

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