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The Sederi Family is an ancient family line in Vekaiyu, who were responsible for hiding the body of St. Aiya for nearly three hundred years until Vekaiyu won its independence from Nugala in 585 A.D. The family's household was located just outside of Skendia. Upon St. Aiya's canonization by the Vayan Catholic Church in 605 A.D. (which resulted in a schism with the Roman Catholic Church earlier), her body was removed from their basement and moved to Eldura in the Cathedral of the Sacraments.

Main article: Vekaiyu
Important Topics: CultureUnonianVayan CatholicismVeskonoVulpineArmed ForcesMilitary Ranks and Uniforms
Government: KivreskovPremierIkrisia LevinilePolitical PartiesForeign Officers
History: Ancient VekaiyuThe Time of TroublesEra of Good FeelingsTrade LeaguesExpansionist VekaiyuPartitions of VekaiyuImperial VekaiyuVekaiyu Under Max VenavleVekaiyu Under Selvala McEva2010 Vekaiyun Civil War
Important Figures (Past and Present): Ikrisia LevinileLeina KivelevovMax VenavleSelvala McEvaSt. AiyaTodd Leyuski
Sports: Sports in VekaiyuOlympic CouncilSport UniformsFifth Summer OlympicsSixth Winter OlympicsSeventh Summer OlympicsEighth Summer Olympics