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A present-day political map of the continent of Aurora, including some islands typically associated with the continent. (Click to enlarge)
Environmental Map of Aurora

Aurora is a continent in the Southern Hemisphere onUrth, located south of Yasteria, to the east of Arcturia, and north of Antarctica. Hominid life has been present on Aurora for several thousand years, and while the population is primarily human, there are populations of all species on Aurora, especially vulpines and elves. As of April 2020 there are 23 sovereign states on Aurora, many of which have joined the United Nations of the Auroran Continent, a political and economic alliance of Auroran states.

The Auroran Imperial War

The Auroran Imperial War was an event that transpired from the 17th of January 1970 to the 23rd of July 1975. It was sparked by Ethalria, attempting to illegally expand its borders into Caltharus. The countries that remained neutral during the conflict were Dragonia, Oceansend City State, Oscrelia, and Xiopothos.

The war was divided into two fighting sides:

The Auroran-Pacific War

Auroran-Pacific War was a war that occurred from the 31st of May 2017 to the 24th of October of the same year, and began a political and economic reworking of the Auroran continent. Began by Ethalria and Xagrurg, the two nations launched an attack on

List of sovereign countries

Countries on continental Aurora

Countries related to or associated with Aurora

List of countries by population

List of countries by GDP

List of countries by area