List of presidents of Volkia

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The president of Volkia is both the head of state and head of government of the Volkian Federative Republic. The position was established after the Volkian monarchy was abolished in 1888, and is directly elected every four years. An amendment to the Volkian Constitution passed in 1975 prohibits presidents from serving more than two terms. Presidents are elected with their vice presidents on the first Monday in July and inaugurated on August 6 of the same year.

List of officeholders (1888 - present)

  Nonpartisan   Conservative Party (Volkian Conservatives (1895-1973))   Liberal Party   Socialist Labor League   Social Democratic Union

No. Name Elected Took Office Left Office Vice President Political Party
1 Aleksey Elmirovich Pushkarev
August 6, 1888 August 6, 1896 Konstantin Danilovich Yakushev
2 Vasily Semyonovich Tolmachyov
August 6, 1896 August 6, 1904 Boris Mikhailovich Permyakov
Volkian Conservatives
3 Gennady Andreyev Malinovsky
1904 August 6, 1904 August 6, 1908 Igor Vasileyevich Rafikov
Liberal Party
4 Nikita Borisovich Kharlamov
August 6, 1908 August 6, 1916 Zakhar Alexandrovich Shapovalov
Volkian Conservatives
5 Semyon Yuriovich Vorobyov
1916 August 6, 1916 August 6, 1920 Grigori Lazarevich Travkin
Socialist Labor League
6 Boris Yakovlevich Engovatov
1920 August 6, 1920 August 6, 1924 Vyacheslav Pavelovich Tatarinov
Volkian Conservatives
7 Stefan Zakharovich Gurkovsky
August 6, 1924 August 6, 1936 Mikhail Mikhailovich Vernadsky
Liberal Party
8 Artur Dmitrievich Churkin
1936 August 6, 1936 October 22, 1939 Ivan Danilovich Ogarkov
Liberal Party
9 Ivan Danilovich Ogarkov
1940 October 22, 1939 August 6, 1944 Abram Stanislavovich Khalturin
Liberal Party
10 Viktor Viktorovich Dyatlov
August 6, 1944 August 6, 1952 Yakov Filippovich Gagolin
Socialist Labor League
11 Anton Sergeyevich Kozintsev
August 6, 1952 August 6, 1960 Sergei Ivanovich Uglov
Volkian Conservatives
12 Matvei Andreivich Lukyanov
August 6, 1960 November 1, 1970 Petr Petrovich Travnikov (1960-1968)


Mikhail Alexeyevich Yurevich (1968-1970)

Volkian Conservatives
13 Mikhail Alexeyevich Yurevich
- November 1, 1970 August 6, 1972 Position vacant. Volkian Conservatives
14 Alexander Stepanovich Polivanov
August 6, 1972 August 6, 1980 Yuri Grigoryevich Yemelin
Social Democratic Union
15 Fyodor Arkhipovich Krikalyov
1980 August 6, 1980 August 6, 1984 Alexei Ivanovich Bliznetsov
(born 1930)
Social Democratic Union
16 Alexei Ivanovich Bliznetsov
(born 1930)
August 6, 1984 August 6, 1992 Valentin Petrovich Sabitov
Social Democratic Union
17 Konstantin Abramovich Ramazanov
(born 1941)
August 6, 1992 August 6, 2000 Feodor Romanovich Drugov
(born 1934)
Social Democratic Union
18 Artyom Isaakovich Avilov
(born 1950)
August 6, 2000 August 6, 2008 Nikolay Yakovlevich Obrosov
(born 1948)
Social Democratic Union
19 Zakhar Alexivich Kreskov
(born 1956)
August 6, 2008 August 6, 2016 Andrei Vladimirovich Borovsky
(born 1954)
Social Democratic Union
20 Yuliya Dmitrova Surkova
(born 1970)
August 6, 2016 August 6, 2024 Vladimir Artyomovich Burmakin
(born 1965)
Social Democratic Union
21 Kirill Andreyevich Kovalenko
(born 1974)
2024 August 6, 2024 Incumbent Tatyana Viktorovna Alikhanova
(born 1971)
Social Democratic Union

Living former Presidents

As of September 2020, there are four living Presidents of Volkia. The most recent death of a former President was that of Alexander Stepanovich Polivanov (1972 - 1980), on February 9, 2001.

President Presidency Birthday
Alexei Ivanovich Bliznetsov 16 1984 - 1992 June 30, 1930 (age 90)
Konstantin Abramovich Ramazanov 17 1992 - 2000 August 31, 1941 (age 79)
Artyom Isaakovich Avilov 18 2000 - 2008 October 29, 1950 (age 69)
Zakhar Alexivich Kreskov 19 2008 - 2016 May 31, 1956 (age 64)
Yuliya Dmitrova Surkova 20 2016 - 2024 September 16, 1970 (age 53)

Presidents who died in office

President Term in office Date of death Notes
Artur Dmitrievich Churkin 1936 - 1939 October 22, 1939 Died after suffering from a bout of pneumonia.
Volkian Federative Republic
Main article: Volkia
Important Topics: CultureLupineVolkian languageLunarismVolkian koronaDefense Forces
Government: Federal GovernmentPresidentCabinetNational AssemblyFederal Supreme CourtPolitical Parties
History: Grand Principality of VolkiaDuchy of VolkiaKingdom of VolkiaVolkian Civil WarNorthern RevoltVolkian Revolution
Important Figures (Past and Present): Kirill KovalenkoYuliya SurkovaAleksey PushkarevStefan GurkovskyIvan OgarkovVasily Tolmachyov