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[[Category:Packilvania]] [[Category:Languages]]
{{Infobox language
| name = Packilvanian
| familycolor = red
| nativename = luTamuk aluBakilfaniaaluBakilfaniya
| dia6 = Drakkengardian
| dia5 = Ukhanarian
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| states = {{unbulleted list|[[Packilvania]]|[[Drakkengard]]}}
| ancestor = Middle Packilvanian
| fam7 = Bingol
| fam6 = Southern Bakil
| fam5 = Greater Bakil
| fam4 = Central Yasterian
| fam3 = Central-Eastern Yasterian
| fam2 = Yastero-Auroran
| fam1 = Concordo-Yastero-Auroran
| ethnicity = Packilvanians, (FelinesAlleghenians, Humans etc from Packilvania)Drakkengardians
| speakers = 1.1 billion to 1.5 billion
| region = Central and Eastern Yasteria
| stand1 = Imperial Standard Modern Packilvanian (Bingolian)
| image = Flag of Packilvania.png
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This language is generally regarded as difficult for speakers of [[Staynish]]-[[Codexian]] to learn due to the heavy use of agglutination, however, many roots have cognates and there is speculation that Staynish-Codexian diverged from an ancestor of Ancient Packilvanian at least 8,000 years ago as humans migrated to Aurora and South East Yasteria due to Feline encroachment.
== Name ==
The language known as Packilvanian in Staynish is normally referred to as the Imperial Language or ''luTamuk luShahitishme'' (since the [[Bedonite dynasty]]) or as the Standard Language or ''luTamuk luYasas'' in some modern dictionaries or as ''luTamuk ameShabil'' or the People's Language (during the Communist era). The only time that the term ''luTamuk aBakhilfaniya'' (Packilvanian language) is used is when someone is giving a list or comparison or having a discussion about more than one language including Packilvanian. In Packilvania, there is no distinct widely agreed word for dialect so the term ''luTamuk'' (which more precisely means speech) is used for various dialects which are named after where the language originates e.g., Fidakarian is called ''luTamuk aFidakar''. Outside of Mekedesh and Bingol, Packilvanian is actually referred to as ''luTamuk aluShtar amuShultan'' or more simply ''luTamuk amuShultan'' which mean the Capital City's Language or the Sultan's Language respectively. Ironically, the dialect spoke in Makobar, Kharyat which is where the Bedonite dynasty comes from is not known as the Sultan's Language or the Imperial Language.
== History ==
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== Grammar ==
{{Main|Packilvanian grammar}}Nouns consists of a stem or root word to which affixes are added to indicate case (there are five cases o-, a-, ye-, we-, and kha- for the accusative, genitive, instrumental, locative and infitive respectively) class or gender (there are two classes m- and l- for sentient and non-sentient nouns respectively), number (there are two numbers u- and e- for single and plural respectively although the archaic o- exists for uncountables), and relationship (through demonstratives -qa for distal or that and arid for proximal or this). Verbs are also built around stems and they take on the class and number of the noun they are related to through taking on the same prefixes. They are suffixed with markers for mood (-fi, -ki, -shalv, -bur, -qar and -fiya or -miya for the interrogative, imperative, reciprocal, applicative, subjunctive and causative moods) and aspect (-l, -d, -s and -m for the non-past continuous and past habitual, continuous and perfect respectively).
Pronouns can either be prefixes are standalone words. Usually, pronouns are standalone words only when marked for the locative, genitive, and instrumental cases else they are prefixes. There are pronouns for first (mi- single, wa- plural inclusive and sil- plural exclusive), second (du- single and zu- plural) and third person (dhu- single and ish- plural). Although the language makes use of postpositions, because of the locative case, they are usually not necessary. Numbers are in three forms: counting, ordinals (-t or -tet suffix) and frequentials (-shan suffix). Numbers are base 12 with words for base 12^2, base 12^3, base 12^4, base 12^5 and base 12^6. Although using the Common Era calendar and 12 months, the language uses 12 day weeks, 24 day or 2 week months, 72 minute hours and 20 hour days.
=== Nouns ===
Nouns are marked for class, case, and number. Packilvanian nouns are built as follows:
{{Main|Packilvanian dictionary}}
The vocabulary of Packilvanian has been influenced by a variety of factors. Over 80% of the words are of Central Yasterian origin. Of these, 50% originate from [[Bingol]]-[[Mekedesh]] and 30% from the ancient Languages of [[Ashura]]. Some words originate from [[Ethalrian language|Ethalrian]] such as words for cinema (''kino''), train station (''baan'' which is cognate to ''Bahnhof'') and train (''tsurkh wh''ich is derived from ''Züg''). Some words originate from [[Unonian]] such as foreign language (''lavees'' from ''Ilvesu'').
Packilvanian shares words with [[Staynish]] that originated from a common source such as ''hamiy'' (blood, which relates to the term haemo- such as in haemorrhage) and ''praman'' (road, relating to promenade). Some terms, it is believed that Packilvanian influenced Staynish especially in the legal area such as ''khanon'' (canon such as law or accepted body of knowledge), and ''khavnan'' (covenant, meaning agreement and commitment). Some words it is unclear which language influence which such as ''slamiya'' (religion, which is distantly related to ''psalm'') and ''yistubil'' (stable, such as a barn). There are words which have entered Packilvanian from Staynish such as ''ikonomiya'' (economy), ''yumabaas'' (embassy) and ''khomishayin'' (commission).
==== Definiteness ====
Definiteness is marked by the tone of the first syllable of the word.
The canon of Packilvanian vocabulary is determined every year by the Packilvanian Language Board through the publication of updates to the ''luKitab luMalayka aleKalima aluTamuk luShahitishme aBakhilfaniya'' (Official Book of Words of the Imperial Language of Packilvania). In reality, there are words which enter the language through colloquial or academic use especially in the sciences that are not always recorded by the PLB.
* Indefiniteness: High tone
* Definiteness: Low tone
Different professional bodies will also have their own jargon. For instance, the Information Technology Professionals Association of Packilvania has words such as ''letabaqa'' which normally means layers but refers to the computer development stack. There has been a nativist movement in Packilvania whereby multiple words are grouped together to form new terms such as ''shugulmahar'' (professional, formed from the words for "worker" and "skilled"), ''yadadhakiy'' (technology, formed from ''yada'' meaning "tool" and ''dhakiy'' meaning "clever") and ''sahihkhaznam'' (information, from ''sahih'' meaning "truth" and ''khaznam'' meaning treasured).
==== Negation ====
Negation is marked with an 'n' (or a ne if the word starts with a consonant) and always occurs at the start of a word.
Packilvanian has a tendency to construct words out of three consonant clusters. For example the words for ''slamiya'' (religion), ''silam'' (solitude) and ''ashamiliya'' (assimilate) all originate from sh/s-l-m. To form verbs from nouns with 3 consonants and 2 syllables, there is a tendency to remove the vowel of the second syllable and add an "a" to the end e.g., ''yamal'' means "action" and ''yamla'' means "to act" (also spelt ''eamil'' and ''eamla'').
==== Cases ====
The are 4 types of case markers. Case markers indicate what entities are having the action done to them or are doing the action in relation to other entities within a sentence. The cases are as follows:
Some times "fiya" is added to show a verb that transforms its object e.g., ''ikhtifiya'' means to "make one" or "unite". A variation of this is "miya" which has a similar function such as ''ikhtimiya'' which means "unique" or "to set alone". "ishme" is added to show a state of being such as ''mamlukumishme'' which means "royal" or "that which is made to be like a king" or ''Paxashme'' which means [[Paxism]] (or "which is like [[Pax]]"). "han" is often added to indicate a place name such Askarahan or "esh" such as [[Mekedesh]] or "iya" such as Bakhilfaniya or "ar" such as [[Shakar]], [[Fidakar]], or [[Ukanar]] or "yat" such as [[Rigaryat]] or [[Kharyat]].
* The nominative and accusative cases are unmarked within the sentence and are usually determined by the order in which they appear in the sentence. For example: The sentence "The man broke the key" is translated as "''Muwat mujahalam luklef''". ''Muwat'' is the subject (or in the nominative case) while the object is ''luklef'', which is in the accusative case. If you want to change the structure of the sentence so that the object is in the predicate or head of the clause then you add an "o-" to indicate the object (I.e., to mark the predicate as in the accusative case). For example: "The key was broken by the man" is "'''''O'''luklef lujahalam muwat''". As you will notice, the class of the verb changes to that of the new noun in the head of the clause.
* The locative case indicates that the noun is is site at which the action is being done. It precludes the need for a position-marking adjective or adverb. It is indicated by the "we-" prefix. For example. "The man drove the car into the wall" is "''Muwat mushardam lushareed '''we'''ludan''".
* The instrumental case indicates that a noun is being used by another noun to accomplish a task. It is indicated by the "ye-" prefix. For example: "I am playing the song on the lute by ear" is "''Misam lulud welusitar '''ye'''luqaw''".
* The infinitive is used to mark a non-finite verb that has noun-like properties in the context in which is is used. It is indicated through the "sha-" prefix. For example the sentence "You often go to the pub to get a drink" translates to "''Duqadan weluturvan '''sha'''kun lugua''".
Some words retain old spellings such as ''Ichtmar'' or Mochtan which should be spelt "Ikhtmar" or "Mokhtan" or Tashqar which should be spelt "Tashkar" to reflect modern spelling conventions for their pronunciation. Some words are rarely spelt like the official books say. E.g., ''eamil'' (action) is normally spelt ''yamil'' and ''asasi'' (standard) is normally spelt ''yasasi''.
==== Classes ====
Classes or genders go after cases and before numbers. There are two classes: the "-m-" infix is used for sentient things while the "-l-" infix is used for non-sentient things.
Some words are incorrectly Staynicised. For example ''bidha'' means to create. It looks like "dh" is one sound as in "''dhakiy''" but it should be bid-ha which is how it is spelt in the Packilvanian script. In the Staynicised transliteration, some letters which would be one letter in Packilvanian are multiple letters such as jh, dh, th, ts, ch, kh, etc.
For example:
Packilvanian also has dialects, some of which are very difficult for native speakers of Packilvanian to understand. In Fidakar, they have a dialect where a word such as ''khaman'' (official announcement) would be ''qyumngwen'' (which has phonotactic not seen in ordinary standard Packilvanian) or ''mamlukumiyat'' (kingdom) which would be ''nyangwuk'' in Fidakarian.
* The Sultan in Packilvania is ''muShultan''
* The book in Packilvanian is ''luKitab''
Visit this link for an up to date dictionary:
==== Number ====
Markers of quantity or amount go after the class infix and before the root or stem of the word. The marker for plural is "-e-" while that of the singular is "-u-". Uncountable things like water or sand are regarded as singular. For example:
*You Thecan businessalso inhave a look at the [[List of Packilvanian islegal ''luChubal''terms]].
* The days in Packilvania are ''leYam''
* The teacher in Packilvanian is ''muRab''
* The councilmen in Packilvania are ''meWatmijhalis''
For a list of the Packilvanian translations of all the world's country names have a look at [[list of countries in Packilvanian]]
=== Verbs ===
Verbs are constructed as follows: [contextual prefixes]-[root]-[adverbial suffixes]-[inflectional suffixes].
==Common phrases==
* Contextual prefixes are those of the noun to which the verb is related i.e. Definiteness-negation-class-number
* Greetings: Both greetings when leaving and staying are simply ''Ashamiliya''
* Root is the stem of the word
* Showing appreciation: ''Shukraan'' (which directly translates to "grateful" and is a shortened form of the phrase "''Mishukraan''" which means I am grateful, or "''Washukraan''" which means we are grateful)
* Adverbial suffixes are roots of adverbs that modify the verb such as quality, quantity, size etc.
* Asking for directions: ''lu[INSERT LOCATION] lulakhtamfi?'' (meaning "The [INSERT LOCATION] is located where?" or "Where is [INSERT LOCATION]"). For example:
* Inflectional suffixes tell you the aspect and mood.
** I am lost: ''Nelakhtamshalv''
** Where is the cinema: ''luKino lulakthamfi''? (informal) or ''luYeraan aluyudiyzujaj lulakhtamfi''? (formal)
** Where is the train station: ''luBaan lulakhtamfi''? (informal) or ''luYistubil aleShareedmasar lulakthamfi''? (formal)
** Where is the embassy: ''luYumabaas lulakhtamfi''? (informal) or ''luBawaab aleLahdazayeen lulakhtamfi''? (formal)
'''Contextual prefixes and pronomiality'''
** Where is the hotel: ''luYot'hal lulakhtamfi''? (informal) or ''luYistubil ameZiyara lulakhtamfi ''? (formal)
** Where is the stadium: ''luKhladitaryum lulakhtamfi''? (informal) or ''luYeraan aleLayeeb lulakhtamfi''?
Verbs in Packilvanian are prefixed with the same prefixes as their subject. These are called contextual prefixes because they tell you the context of the subject. By extension, verbs in Packilvanian have pronomial properties for the subject. However, they are not marked for the case as it is assumed they are always referring to the subject which is always in the nominative case (which is unmarked). For instance, '''bemanje''' means they eat. This means that you do not need the pronoun of the subject to understand who and what is doing the action described by the verb. Thus they are applied in the same order as the nouns as follows (refer to the [[Packilvanian language#Nouns|noun section]] for more info):
** Where is the restaurant: ''luYaklama lulakhtamfi'' (informal) or ''luKhama aluyaklas lulakhtamfi?''
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** Where is the grocery store: ''luBazaaryakul lulakhtamfi''?
* At the store:
** I would like [to order] [INSERT ITEM]: ''Mirakhbas lu[INSERT ITEM]'' e.g. ''luFalaful'' (falafel), ''luZafrayeen'' (saffron), ''luLad'hu'' (ladoo)
** I am looking for [INSERT THING]: ''Minazralakhat lu/le/mu/me[INSERT ITEM] e.g., ''luHalibsayeeb'' (cheese), ''luHalibsamik'' (cream), ''luHalibtakhmar'' (yoghurt)
** This will cost [INSERT AMOUNT]:
''leGaradarud leqeertalimat ledinar lesaank'' (These items demand 5 dinar)
** Here is your change: ''leDinar letabaqiya'' (Your residual money).
* Apologizing:
|Type of word
** ''Fadleeki [min]'' (Excuse me, when you're trying to be very polite)
|Number of entities
** ''Gafiraki [min]'' (Forgive me, used for something not serious like if you're late)
|Stem of the word
** ''Rahmaniyaki [min]'' (Be merciful to me or have mercy on me, is used for something serious).
** ''Miqadmashalv'' (I judge myself, admitting guilt for a deliberate wrong)
** ''Midhanabam'' (I was mistaken, admitting committing an unintentional action)
==== Adverbial suffixes ====
** ''Mineyasmam yeluihtiram'' (I did not handle with with care, admitting guilt for negligence I.e., unintentional lack duty of care)
Adverbial suffixes are added between the root and the inflectional suffixes. They describe or modify the verb performed. They must appear in a specific order as indicated in the [[Packilvanian language#Modifiers and descriptors|modifiers and descriptors section]].
** ''Miqadmashalv yeneluyasmam yeluihtiram'' (Admitting guilt for a deliberate reneging on a responsibility to show duty or care)
* Honorifics
==== Aspect ====
** Mister (generic male honorific): ''muSheikh''
Verbs are inflected for time as follows:
** Married woman: ''muSheikha''
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** Unmarried woman: ''muYadhaar''
! rowspan="2" |
* Getting around
! colspan="4" |Tense
** I am taking the [INSERT TRANSPORT]: ''Miyadhaabeqa yelu[INSERT TRANSPORT]'' e.g., ''luShareed'' (car), ''luShareedmasar'' (train), ''luDaw'' (ferry), ''luYasamsayah'' (airplane)
** I am going to the [INSERT PLACE OF INTEREST]: ''Miyadhaabeqa welu[INSERT PLACE OF INTEREST]'' e.g., ''luBazaargur'' (market or mall), ''luBayeetgur aluLayeeb'' (resort), ''luYistubil aluHayah'' (hospital)
! colspan="2" |
** [INSERT PLACE] is on [INSERT DIRECTION] ''lu[INSERT PLACE] welu[INSERT DIRECTION]'': ''luYistubil aleJuriyhayah weluyasar'' (The pharmacy is on the right), ''luBinahdhakra weluhaqun'' (The monument is on the right), ''Bingol weluXiden'' (Bingol is to the west), ''Medayin weluKeraat'' (Medayin is to the north), ''Akhastar weluVoral'' (Akhastar is to the south),''Seerahel weluRayunt'' (Seerahel is to the east)
| rowspan="3" |'''Aspect'''
| colspan="2" |'''Perfect'''
|none, for example : bemanje
| -am or -m, for example bemanjam
| rowspan="2" |'''Imperfective'''
|none, for example bemanje
| -ad or -d, for example: bemanjad
| -ul or -l, for example bemanjedol
| -us - or -s, for example: bemanjegum
Inflectional suffixes (markers of aspect and mood) are appended to the end of the word as follows:
{| class="wikitable"
!Adverbial suffixes
!Applicative mood
!Reciprocal or associative mood
!Imperative mood
!Optative mood
!Interrogative mood
|For or on behalf of
|To itself or to another entity in the same group
|Command or instruction
|Wish or uncertainty
|Movement through time and space
| -por or - epor
| -shalv or - eshalv / -chas or -echas
| -ku or -eku
| -qar or -eqar
| -fi or -efi
|Look at table above
==== Indicative mood ====
This is the default mood and it states things as fact. It usually follows the word order: subject verb object
* Present perfect/habitual form: I speak with my mom everyday. ''Mi'''tamka''' muyam myuma amin.''
* Present continuous form: My friend is playing with her doll. ''muSol amin mulayb'''ul''' yelulayeeb adhun khapajrashalv.''
* Past perfect form: The teacher had spoken to me about my behaviour. ''Murab mutamk'''am''' min lubehad amin.''
* Past habitual form: We used to race to the cafeteria after school. ''Wapramnathul'''ad''' lufitar lumadras welushaammul''
* Past continuous form: The man had no right soliciting money from his friends. ''muWayeet nemurakhat muqeer'''as''' leDinar alesol adhun.''
====Interrogative mood====
This mood is used to ask questions. Interrogative clauses are formed by appending the suffix -'''fi''' or-'''efi''' to a word such as -'''Memulfi''' (Do they eat? or Are they eating?). -fi basically functions like the Staynish words "which?" or "what?". Depending on what it's attached to, it will point to what the speaker is asking about.
The following examples are examples where the speaker already knowns about the object or subject of the question, but wants to receive confirmation for the question person to confirm this. In this case the fi will fall on the verb as follows:
* Non past perfect/non past habitual: Will you ask your friend what his plans are for the holidays? '''''Duqeerfi''' musol adu welexan adhun weleyamdan?''
* Past perfective: Have the soldiers returned from their campaign? ''Mujahedeen menahedfi'''m''' welukhravan aishne?''
* Past continuous: Were they riding their bicycles in the garden? ''Ishshareedfi'''s''' ledaraaja aishne welujardin?''
* Past habitual: Did you often find yourself wondering what your purpose is? ''Dulaktchasfi'''d''' tafkirus lutsiha adu?''
* Non past continuous: Will you see a lot of people walking on the street? ''Dunarafi'''l''' lumustaf leshabil lethaar welushari? ''
Fi can also be added at the end of placeholder nouns to point something unknown about which the speaker asking instead of the verb:
* How? e.g., ''Amhoud lutakhaalam min lutaraqfi'' (translation: How could Amhoud abandon me, literally: Amhoud had abandoned me for what reason?)
* When? e.g., ''Amhoud luyadhaab luqa weuma adhun khronfi?'' (translation: When did Amhoud leave his mother? Literally: Amhoud go away from mother his at what time?
* Where? e.g., ''Amhoud lufaykhalam lakhtfi?'' (translation: Where did Amhoud arrive?, literally: Amhoud had arrived at which time?) If the sentence had been ''Amhoud lufaykhalamfi?'' then the sentence would be: Did Amhoud arrive?
* Which? e.g., ''Amhoud luyamurul mejahdinfi?'' (translation: Which soldier is Amhoud commanding?, literally: Amhoud is commanding which officer?)
* Whose? e.g., ''Amhoud luabnefi?'' This sentence means Is Amhoud a son? But ''Amhoudfi luabne'' means Which Amhoud is a son? if you want to ask, Whose son is Amhoud, you need to be specific. For example: Of which woman is Amhoud the son of? ''Amhoud muabne anisafi?'' This is also an example of how the genitive case can act as an object in the sentence
* Why? e.g., ''Amhoud luyadhaabus weluqa yelusababfi?'' (translation: Why is Amhoud going there? literally: Amhoud is going there for what reason?)
====Subjunctive ====
Subjuctive mood is used to indicate that there is uncertainty. This is done by appending the suffix -'''qar''' or -'''eqar''' to the end of the verb word. For example:
* Stative: If the man cannot control his anger, I will be forced to fire him. Translation: ''Luwayeet nelukontrole'''qar'''ul lukirion adhun, mifurdul mudismiss dhun''. This sentence is written in a very casual way. People from [[Fidakar]] and people who live in cities like [[Kemer]] tend to speak like this.
* Object but no subject: If John was loved, he wouldn't act in this way. Translation: ''oIhan lumara'''qar'''us, dhun nemubehadel yelutaraqarud''. Literally: (object mark)John Act(sbjn)(past-cont.) he (negation)(person-mark)behave(present-cont)
* Interrogative mood: What would you do if I told you that I don't love you? Translation: ''Duhadefi mitamka'''qar''' du minemara du?''
* Reflexive mood: If you cared about yourself, you would stop acting like a fool. Translation: ''Dumarashalv'''eqar''' duqif mubehada muahmaq.''
* Applicative mood: If you continue working for those people, you will go crazy. Translation: ''Dustamare'''qar'''ul mushugeporul leshabilqa dumajnun welumustaf''.
* It is not possible to use the subjunctive mood and the imperative mood.
====Imperative mood====
The imperative mood indicates a command or instruction. This is indicated by a appending the suffix -ku or -eku to the end of the word. For example: '''Bemanjeku'''! (Eat!). Imperative mood may not be used with optative, or interrogative moods.
* Applicative mood: Make a sandwich for him. ''Yatbakhepor'''ki''' dhun lusendawij''.
* Reflexive mood: Do not hurt yourself! Translation: ''Neharmashalv'''eki'''!''
* Some people omit the ki altogether because in many contexts it's obvious that the speaker is giving a command.
==== Reciprocal mood ====
The reciprocal mood indicates that that the verb is doing something to itself. The suffix -shalv is used to indicate this. For instance '''bemanjeshalv''' (They eat themselves).
==== Applicative mood ====
This means to do something for or on behalf of another using the suffix -'''epor''' or -'''por''' For instance: '''Bemanjepor''' (They eat for/on behalf of someone/something else).
==== Derivation of verbs from nouns ====
In some cases, if a verb is derived from a noun, a pattern can be observed. This usually applies to nouns with two syllables. This does not apply to all verbs and nouns or to all two-syllable nouns. If the noun's last syllable follows the pattern Consonant-Vowel-Consonant, the vowel disappears and an "a" is appended to the end. If the first syllable follows the pattern Consonant-Vowel and the consonant is a "u", then the "u" is replaced with an "a". For example:
* Bahim = noise but to make a noise is bahma
* Praman = a road, but to walk is pramna
* Tamuk = language, but to talk is Tamka.
* Chubaal = business, but to conduct business is to chabla
Demonstratives are used to determine entités that are being referred to.
*Distal: -qa ('''leqa, veqa, neqa''': those, l'''uqa, nuqa''' and '''vuqa''': that)
*Proximate: -arud ('''learud, nearud,''' and '''vearud''': these, '''luarud, nuarud''' and '''vuarud''': this)
Pronouns are inflected for case and class where applicable:
*First person indicates that the speaker or a group of which the speaker is a part is performing the action or having the action performed on them. The first person pronoun replaces their names or any another reference. The prefix can appear as either a word or a stand along word as follows:
**In the singular form, the prefix ''mi-'' is used or the word ''min''. If the speaker is the subject then, the prefix ''mi'' replaces the noun as well as the case and other initial markings on the verb root. For instance: "'''''Mi'''tad muMeer''" means "I speak to the Governor". If the roles are reversed then the sentence would change as follows: ''muMeer mutad min''.
** In the plural form, to include the addressee, the pronoun prefix is ''Wa'' and the stand alon word is ''Wan''. "'''''Wa'''salam welumajhid''" means "We prayed at the Temple". Alternatively, it can be: "The teacher spoke to us", that being "''Murab mutadam '''wan'''''". Alternatively, the pronoun can be placed at the head of the sentence as follows "''O'''wan''' metadas muMeer''" means "We were spoken to by the Governor". To exclude the addressee, you would use the prefix ''sil-'' and the word ''silne'' as follows: "We are finishing the business we started". "'''''Sil'''nahal luchubal lubidayt '''silne''' ". ''
* Second person: This indicates the addressee.
** The singular form used the the Du prefix and Dun word. For example: You are not allowed to speak to the Sultan. ''Ne'''du'''rakht khatad wemuShultan''.
** The plural form is zu and it works as follows: "You donate all your money to charitable causes", which in Packilvanian is '''''Zu'''zakat ludinar luned a'''zun''' welejahud lezakatiya''. In this sentence, the plural second person pronoun ''zun'' or you is in the genitive case.
*Third person indicates someone or a group that the speaker is speaking to the addressee about. The following pronouns apply.
**To speak about someone or something in the singular third person form, the prefix dhu- is used and the stand alone word dhun is used. For example, the sentence "John came by the house last summer. He brought a basket of apples". In Packilvanian this would be: "''Ihan muyatam lusayf lumad welubayt. '''Dhu'''ahdur lusala aletufaah''". Another example is "I have not seen him since he drove by. Have you looked for him in the shed?" In Packilvanian this would be, "''Neminara '''dhun''' sayinka '''dhu'''shareed wehuna. Dunarafim '''dhun''' welutasalit''?"
**To speak about a group, you would use the prefix "ish-" and the pronoun "ishne". For example: "They had a meeting with their boss yesterday". This is "'''''Is'''hmijhalis lulamish lumaharaj ale'''ishne'''''".
===Modifiers and descriptors ===
Adverbs and adjectives are grammatically treated the same, thus linguists do not make a distinction between the two, giving rise to the use of the loose term "modifiers" and "descriptors".
The class Prefix of the noun or verb that the modifier is modifying is attached to the root of the modifier. For example: '''LuBakhilfanya lujikhantalia''' (Gigantic Packilvania) or '''Luashamiliya lurapadin''' (Assimilate(s) quickly). In the case of imperatives whereby the subject of the verb is unclear, the root of the modifier may be used alone, for example: '''Ashamiliya rapadin!''' (Assimilate quickly) If the subject of the verb is known, the class prefix of the subject can be attached to the modifier, for instance: '''Bedu, beenekomimi, berejem berashambalia obeBakhilfanya. Ashamiliya berapadin!''' (You, Nekomimi, must resemble the Packilvanians! Assimilate quickly!)
The modifiers appear in the following order:
*Quantity, number, order or frequency
*Quality or opinion.
* Direction or position or relation
* Age.
*Proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material)
*Purpose or qualifier.
A noun for example would be as follows: The ten beautiful big old long blue Packilvanian cooking knives is '''vemashat vedekha vepulkhra vemaknir vejener vechuhul velazul veBakhilfaniya vekuyseen'''.
A verb for example: Fly once quickly northward everywhere today would be '''Vailnganutevroomboriyaahmnayloqashabatqaku''' in the imperative or '''Luvail lunganute luvroom luboriya luahmanayloqa lushabat''' in the indicative (which implies a subject).
The location of the subject, object or instrument relative to another is usually implied by the use of the locative case. However, to specify the relative position, special modifiers called postpositions are used. For example:
*-'''beneyath''': beneath, under or underneath
*-'''ubuv''': above
*-'''ashidi''': beside
* -'''akhansta''': against
*-'''dupa''': on top of, on
* -'''aye''': with (not to be confused with the instrumental case)
*-'''munga''': among
*-'''idaween''': between
*-'''akhrono''': during
*-'''ayn''': within, in
*-'''xepet''': except, excluding
*-'''gurash''': across
*-'''nayeer''': near, close
*-'''joor''': through
* -'''vah''': off
*-'''rotunda''': around
*-'''berefia''': before
*-'''futar''': after
*-'''far''': far
====Diminutive, intensive and feminisation====
These are used to show something to a smaller degree: the suffix -amne or -mne can be added as a suffix to noun, verb or modifier. This can be doubled to further diminuate the word concerned. For example, '''luwayeet''' (man) becomes '''luwayeetamne''' (small man) which can become '''luwayeetamnemne''' (a very small or pathetic man). Double diminutive are often used as pejoratives.
Intensive forms have the suffix -gur or -agur. intensive word form is one which denotes stronger, more forceful, or more concentrated action relative to the root on which the intensive is built. For example: '''Manje''' (eat) becomes '''manjegur''' (devour) becomes '''manjegurgur''' (consume gluttonously). Double intensives are also pejoratives in many cases.
Packilvanian does not have sex-based grammatical gender but a suffix can be added to a word to feminise it. -'''Elea''' and -lea are the official root however a simple -a, -ia and -lia have been used to effeminise words. Non-feminised words also use the latter three at their ends. For example lumedichi (doctor) becomes lumedichilea (female doctor). Feminisation applied to men is regarded as a pejorative.
====Subordinates and conjunctions====
These words join two or more clauses and phrases. These are grammatically adverbs. The constructions work similarly to Staynish-Codexian.
*'''Aladha''': Although, though, even though
*'''Akhausa''': Because
*'''Rashalta''': As a result
*'''Nadina''': And, as well as
*'''Neshtemne''': Nevertheless
*'''Nemudwanad''': Notwithstandin
*'''Oor''': Or
*'''Sayinka''': Since
*'''Soobaqaintalia''': Subsequently
*'''Tarafar''': Therefore
*'''Tilha''': Until
*'''Pushtar''': Despite
*'''Khawayar''': However
Numbers describe a numerical quantity. Packilvanian uses its own numerals and it uses a base ten system. Further there are three types of numbers: cardinals, ordinals and frequentials. A "t" is added at the end of a cardinal to make it an ordinal however if the cardinal already ends in a "t", then an "et" must be added to end of the cardinal to make it an ordinal. "Shan" is added at the end of a cardinal to make it a frequential.
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="3" |Cardinal
! rowspan="2" |Ordinal
! rowspan="2" |Frequency
!Staynish Numeral
!Packilvanian Numeral
| -raj
| -ikht
| -ikhtet
| -ikhteshan
| -dush
| -dasht
| -dushashan
| -taar
| -taart
| -tarshan
| -vaar
| -vaart
| -veyeershan
| -sunk
| -sunkt
| -veyeefshan
| -saash
| -sasht
| -sashan
| -shvaan
| -shvaant
| -sheevanshan
| -gat
| -gatet
| -gashan
| -naan
| -naant
| -nashan
| -dakt
| -daktashan
| -laav
| -laavt
| -laavshan
| -sool
| -soolt
| -soolshan
| -sool na ikht
|13 (12+1)
| -sool na dush
|14 (12+2)
| -sool na taar
|15 (12+3)
| -sool na vaar
|16 (12+4)
| -sool na sunk
|17 (12+5)
| -sool na saash
|18 (12+6)
| -sool na shvaan
|19 (12+7)
| [[File:Sool.png|34x34px]]-[[File:Shvaan.png|34x34px]]
| -sool na gat
|20 (12+8)
| [[File:Sool.png|34x34px]]-[[File:Gat.png|34x34px]]
| -sool na naan
|21 (12+9)
| -sool na dakt
|22 (12+10)
| -sool na laav
|23 (12+11)
| -sool-dasht
|24 (12*2)
| -sool-taart
|36 (12*3)
| -sool-vaart
|48 (12*4)
| -sool-sunkt
|60 (12*5)
| -sool-saasht
|72 (12*6)
| -sool-shvaant
|84 (12*7)
| -sool-gatet
|96 (12*8)
| -sool-naant
|108 (12*9)
| -sool-dakt
|120 (12*10)
| -sool-laavt
|132 (12*11)
| -hash
|144 (12*12)
| -hasht
| -gureleenashan
| -khur
|1,728 (144*12)
| -khurt
| -khurileenashan
| -jeed
|20,736 (1728*12)
| -jeedshan
| -maq
|248,832 (20736*12)
| -maqalt
| -meqaleenshan
| -taq
|2,985,984 (248,832*12)
| -taqalt
| -taqshan
| -wak
|5,159,780,352 (2,985,984*1,728)
| -wakt
| -wakshan
| -zoor
|8,916,100,400,000 (5,159,780,352 *1,728)
| -zoort
| -zoortshan
Here is a example of a number:
{| class="wikitable"
!Staynish numeral
!Staynish name
! Packilvanian name
! Packilvanian numerals
|Seven hundred and eighty one
|Hash-sukt na sool-sunkt na ikht
|Sixty two thousand, eight hundred and nineteen
|Jeed-taart na khur-taart na hash-shvaant na sool-shvaant na naan
|One hundred
|Sool-naant na dakt
|Fifty six
|Sool-vaar na dash
===Calendar and Time===
The Packilvanian calendar uses the Common Era lunisolar calendar. The months match up but the weekdays are vastly different. Each week comprises 12 days. A month is called a "Dool", a Day is called a "Yam" and a Week is called a "Iskar". The day comprises 20 hours of 72 minutes each. An hour is called a "Hoor" and a minute is called a "Tash" while a second is called a "Jum".
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2" |Months
! colspan="2" |Weekdays
| November
| December
| 12
| Sowad
If you want to tell someone one the time is, there are two options:
*Digital time: Here you say the numbers on a digital clock for example if the time is 19:67, the you say ''Sool na Shvaan sool-sunkt na shvaan'' (Nineteen sixty seven).
* Analogue time: There are two ways:
**When you have passed the half way point of the hour, I.e., 36 minutes, You say the number of minutes until the coming hour. For example: if the time is 17:65, you say ''Shvaan tulha sool na saash'' (7 to 18).
**When you have not passed the half way point then you say how many minutes have passed in the hour you are currently in. For example if the time is 09:34, you say: ''Sool-dasht na dakt sayinka Naan'' (Thirty four since nine).
**When you want to say approximately half way, you say that you are in the middle of the hour you are in: if the approximate time is 10:36, you say ''Derj Dakht'' (Half ten).
**When you want to say approximately a quarter past the start of the hour, for example 12:18, you say, ''Verj Sayinka Sool'' (A fourth since 12).
**When you want to say a quarter to the next hour, for example 3:54, you say, ''Verj tulha Vaar'' (A fourth to 12).
**When you want to say a third from the current hour, for example 6:24, you say ''Terj Sayinka Saash'' (A third since 6).
**When you want to say a third to the next hour, for instance 7:48, you say ''Taarj tulha Gat'' (A third until 8). This formula applies for a 6th, 8th or 12th of the hour
== Vocabulary ==
Visit this link for an up to date dictionary:

Latest revision as of 17:53, 17 March 2024

The Packilvanian language (Packilvanian: luTamuk luBakhilfaniya) is language spoken predominantly in Central Yasteria. It is the sole official language of Packilvania, a co-official language in Hadena and Phoenixia, and a regionally recognised language of Drakkengard. Due to the Packilvanian diaspora, Packilvanian is spoken in many other countries around the world. The Packilvanian Language Board (PLB) is responsible for the teaching, recording, and oversight of the Packilvanian language in Packilvania and its territories. Packilvanian is not a unified language but consists of hundreds of dialects and local varieties. As such, under the rule of the Bedonite dynasty the PLB working with academics from universities, developed Imperial Standard Packilvanian (ISP), which is a version based on the Bingol dialect and is used for official purposes, news and formal education. It supplanted Modern Standard Packilvanian which was the variety used by the Packilvanian Communist Party government. The estimated total population of speakers is 1.5 billion first language speakers.

luTamuk aluBakilfaniya
Created byNone
EthnicityPackilvanians, Alleghenians, Drakkengardians
Users1.1 billion to 1.5 billion
  • Yastero-Auroran
    • Central-Eastern Yasterian
      • Central Yasterian
        • Packilvanian
Early forms
Middle Packilvanian
  • Old Packilvanian
    • Ancient Packilvanian
Standard forms
Imperial Standard Packilvanian
  • Standard Modern Packilvanian (Bingol)
  • Ashurian
  • Fidakarian
  • Shakarian
  • Ukhanarian
  • Drakkengardian
Language codes
ISO 639-3

Standard Modern Packilvanian is regarded as an agglutinative synthetic language as many affixes are appended to roots to impart and alter their meaning. Verbs are marked for 5 aspects (technically the unmarked form is the perfect none-past relative time) and 6 moods (of which the associative and applicative moods are rarely used). Nouns are marked for class (2), number (2), negation (1) and case (5, except for the "pure case" unless the object is at the head of the clause). There are no true adjectives and adverbs as descripts and modifiers do not require a copula. They typically follow the word that they are describing.

Packilvanian is written in the Packilvanian script whose print or block version is an alphabet but whose cursive form is an abjad. Packilvanian uses a base 12 counting system and has 3 number types. The usual structure of sentences is the SVO model however some constructions use VSO. The language also uses a distinct solar-lunar calendar that uses 20-hour days, 72-minute hours, and 12-day weeks.

This language is generally regarded as difficult for speakers of Staynish-Codexian to learn due to the heavy use of agglutination, however, many roots have cognates and there is speculation that Staynish-Codexian diverged from an ancestor of Ancient Packilvanian at least 8,000 years ago as humans migrated to Aurora and South East Yasteria due to Feline encroachment.


The language known as Packilvanian in Staynish is normally referred to as the Imperial Language or luTamuk luShahitishme (since the Bedonite dynasty) or as the Standard Language or luTamuk luYasas in some modern dictionaries or as luTamuk ameShabil or the People's Language (during the Communist era). The only time that the term luTamuk aBakhilfaniya (Packilvanian language) is used is when someone is giving a list or comparison or having a discussion about more than one language including Packilvanian. In Packilvania, there is no distinct widely agreed word for dialect so the term luTamuk (which more precisely means speech) is used for various dialects which are named after where the language originates e.g., Fidakarian is called luTamuk aFidakar. Outside of Mekedesh and Bingol, Packilvanian is actually referred to as luTamuk aluShtar amuShultan or more simply luTamuk amuShultan which mean the Capital City's Language or the Sultan's Language respectively. Ironically, the dialect spoke in Makobar, Kharyat which is where the Bedonite dynasty comes from is not known as the Sultan's Language or the Imperial Language.


There is evidence that there were hundreds of languages spoken throughout Central Yasteria that belong to the same historical language family going back over 20,000 years. This so-called Proto-Packilvanian language family was spoken by hunter-gatherer nomadic Bone and Stone Age civilisations.

The first recorded evidence of Packilvanian is an early manuscript of the Ichtmar, the first religious text of Paxism and one of the oldest continuously used written religious texts in the world. The Ichtmar is said to have been written either directly by Prophet Besmali or his disciples. It contains a transcription of oral folk beliefs that were prevalent in the Ashura region of Packilvania at the time. The document is estimated to have originated approximately 4,000 years ago. It is written in Ancient Akas Akilian (an ancestor of modern Packilvanian) which is believed to gave been the true ancestor language of Packilvanian.

The writing of the Ichtmar and the spread of Contemporary Paxism, during an era in which the first kingdoms and agrarian societies were being established, gave to the formation of more centralised versions of the language. The writing of the Vagumar over 3000 years ago by Suleiman of Yehudah led to the popularity of Classical Yehudian as the language of formal writing and high society in ancient Packilvania. Additions made to the Vagumar over 2000 years ago, following the meteor strike in Ashura which nearly destroyed the Memorial of the Jovian Gate, gave rise to the proliferation of Classical Ashurian as the language of scholarship and religion.

Starting with Iktan the Devout, the Kingdom of Bakil began an aggressive expansion throughout Central Yasteria. They spread the Middle Bakilian dialect of Packilvanian throughout their empire which was a daughter language of Classical Ashurian. Middle Bakilian became the language of state and military affairs, giving its name to the Packilvanian language. The invention of more durable forms of paper during the reign of the Iktanite dynasty gave rise to a literary form of Packilvanian known as Iktanite Packilvanian. This was further strengthened and consolidated when the Magisterium of Paxism was established under Melkezedek the Great to oversee Paxism. When the Iktanite dynasty fell around 1000 CE, Iktanite Packilvanian was the main version of the language. A version of this known as Liturgical Packilvanian remains the standard form used for religious reasons.

When Ishak the Great established the second Packilvanian empire, he moved his court from Tashkar to Bingol. The Tashkarian dialect became the main dialect of Packilvanian and supplanted Iktanite Packilvanian by giving rise to Zubraynite Packilvanian. The invention of the printing press and the proliferation of formal education further strengthened the standardisation of Packilvanian. Under Saidun the Conqueror, the Demirite dynasty overthrew the Zubraynite dynasty and introduced Halalerian Packilvanian as the court and government language. It was during their reign that serious attempts at standardisation were undertaken giving rise to the Modern Standard Packilvanian. It was the first time the name "Packilvanian" was used to describe the languages of Packilvania and the first real attempt to suppress other varieties.

When the Communist Party took over in 1917, Gideon Muktan believed in language as a tool for political liberation through literacy. As such, the Communist Party introduced a simpler version of Packilvanian for everyone to learn. This was known as Common Standard Packilvanian. When the Bedonite dynasty under Amhoud I took over in 1985, they introduced Makobarian Packilvanian as the language of the court. This gave rise to the current version of mainstream Packilvanian known as Imperial Standard Packilvanian. People do not typically learn ISP as a spoken language except when working in formal contexts. With the rise of the Internet and modern education, Imperial Standard Packilvanian is being increasingly spoken as a first language by the young. Furthermore, immigrants into Packilvania learn ISP.



Front Central Back
Close i u
Mid ɛ (e) ɔ (o)
Open a

Vowels can have long forms as follows:

  • Close back long form: oo (Moon)
  • Open central long form: aa (Barn)
  • Close front long form: ee (Been)

Vowels have a short form as well:

  • After approximates and nasal phonemes or at the ends of words |a| and |e| are reduced to a schwa.


Labial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palatal Palato-alveolar Postalveolar Velar Glottal Uvular
Nasal m n ng
Plosive Voiced b d g
Voiceless p t k q
Affricate Voiced dh (ejective) j (voiced)
Voiceless th (ejective) ts ch (ejective)
Fricative Voiced v dh z (sibilant) jh
Voiceless f s (sibilant) sh h
Approximant l y w
Trill r

Although this is the Standard repository of consonants, certain consonants can morph based on the accent as follows:


In Packilvanian, the default stress is on the penultimate syllable of the world unless shifted by a long vowel. Consonant clusters of more than three distinct consonantal sounds are nonexistent. A word cannot end in a long vowel. The letter "h" is pronounced as a sibilant at the start of a word and if in the middle of a word it is surrounded by vowels. It is pronounced as an aspirant at the end of words or after voiceless consonants if in the middle of the word. Although Packilvanian permits consonant clusters of 2 consonants, not all possible permutations of 2-consonant clusters are allowed. Nasal consonants cannot precede any other consonant. Long vowels cannot form part of a diphthong. Not all these phonotactics are applicable in all accents.


Packilvanian is written in the Packilvanian Script which comes in two official forms: the Cursive and Regular versions. The Regular version is an alphabet as every glyph represents either a consonant or a vowel. In contrast, the Cursive version is a hybrid abjad that uses diacritics to mark vowels in the middle of words. Vowels are only written when they appear as the first letter of a word. Vowels can be omitted altogether in Cursive as is regularly the case in most settings as the vowels can be inferred by the reader. The letter "I" is technically not represented at all and must be inferred in some texts. Languages that use Packilvanian Script can adapt it to suit their needs. For instance, languages that have diphthongs can use multiple diacritics on top of each other to represent those sounds. Languages that devoice or prenasalize sounds can use appropriate diacritics. Thus, Packilvanian can act as a universal phonetic-based writing style for any language in the world. Cursive Packilvanian can be written without lifting the hand except to add diacritics making it highly efficient for languages that are typically written on paper or parchment.


Signature of Sultan-King Namdun III of Packilvania and Drakkengard in Packilvanian cursive
A test in Packilvanian writing showing different gradations in handwriting


Nouns consists of a stem or root word to which affixes are added to indicate case (there are five cases o-, a-, ye-, we-, and kha- for the accusative, genitive, instrumental, locative and infitive respectively) class or gender (there are two classes m- and l- for sentient and non-sentient nouns respectively), number (there are two numbers u- and e- for single and plural respectively although the archaic o- exists for uncountables), and relationship (through demonstratives -qa for distal or that and arid for proximal or this). Verbs are also built around stems and they take on the class and number of the noun they are related to through taking on the same prefixes. They are suffixed with markers for mood (-fi, -ki, -shalv, -bur, -qar and -fiya or -miya for the interrogative, imperative, reciprocal, applicative, subjunctive and causative moods) and aspect (-l, -d, -s and -m for the non-past continuous and past habitual, continuous and perfect respectively).

Pronouns can either be prefixes are standalone words. Usually, pronouns are standalone words only when marked for the locative, genitive, and instrumental cases else they are prefixes. There are pronouns for first (mi- single, wa- plural inclusive and sil- plural exclusive), second (du- single and zu- plural) and third person (dhu- single and ish- plural). Although the language makes use of postpositions, because of the locative case, they are usually not necessary. Numbers are in three forms: counting, ordinals (-t or -tet suffix) and frequentials (-shan suffix). Numbers are base 12 with words for base 12^2, base 12^3, base 12^4, base 12^5 and base 12^6. Although using the Common Era calendar and 12 months, the language uses 12 day weeks, 24 day or 2 week months, 72 minute hours and 20 hour days.


The vocabulary of Packilvanian has been influenced by a variety of factors. Over 80% of the words are of Central Yasterian origin. Of these, 50% originate from Bingol-Mekedesh and 30% from the ancient Languages of Ashura. Some words originate from Ethalrian such as words for cinema (kino), train station (baan which is cognate to Bahnhof) and train (tsurkh which is derived from Züg). Some words originate from Unonian such as foreign language (lavees from Ilvesu).

Packilvanian shares words with Staynish that originated from a common source such as hamiy (blood, which relates to the term haemo- such as in haemorrhage) and praman (road, relating to promenade). Some terms, it is believed that Packilvanian influenced Staynish especially in the legal area such as khanon (canon such as law or accepted body of knowledge), and khavnan (covenant, meaning agreement and commitment). Some words it is unclear which language influence which such as slamiya (religion, which is distantly related to psalm) and yistubil (stable, such as a barn). There are words which have entered Packilvanian from Staynish such as ikonomiya (economy), yumabaas (embassy) and khomishayin (commission).

The canon of Packilvanian vocabulary is determined every year by the Packilvanian Language Board through the publication of updates to the luKitab luMalayka aleKalima aluTamuk luShahitishme aBakhilfaniya (Official Book of Words of the Imperial Language of Packilvania). In reality, there are words which enter the language through colloquial or academic use especially in the sciences that are not always recorded by the PLB.

Different professional bodies will also have their own jargon. For instance, the Information Technology Professionals Association of Packilvania has words such as letabaqa which normally means layers but refers to the computer development stack. There has been a nativist movement in Packilvania whereby multiple words are grouped together to form new terms such as shugulmahar (professional, formed from the words for "worker" and "skilled"), yadadhakiy (technology, formed from yada meaning "tool" and dhakiy meaning "clever") and sahihkhaznam (information, from sahih meaning "truth" and khaznam meaning treasured).

Packilvanian has a tendency to construct words out of three consonant clusters. For example the words for slamiya (religion), silam (solitude) and ashamiliya (assimilate) all originate from sh/s-l-m. To form verbs from nouns with 3 consonants and 2 syllables, there is a tendency to remove the vowel of the second syllable and add an "a" to the end e.g., yamal means "action" and yamla means "to act" (also spelt eamil and eamla).

Some times "fiya" is added to show a verb that transforms its object e.g., ikhtifiya means to "make one" or "unite". A variation of this is "miya" which has a similar function such as ikhtimiya which means "unique" or "to set alone". "ishme" is added to show a state of being such as mamlukumishme which means "royal" or "that which is made to be like a king" or Paxashme which means Paxism (or "which is like Pax"). "han" is often added to indicate a place name such Askarahan or "esh" such as Mekedesh or "iya" such as Bakhilfaniya or "ar" such as Shakar, Fidakar, or Ukanar or "yat" such as Rigaryat or Kharyat.

Some words retain old spellings such as Ichtmar or Mochtan which should be spelt "Ikhtmar" or "Mokhtan" or Tashqar which should be spelt "Tashkar" to reflect modern spelling conventions for their pronunciation. Some words are rarely spelt like the official books say. E.g., eamil (action) is normally spelt yamil and asasi (standard) is normally spelt yasasi.

Some words are incorrectly Staynicised. For example bidha means to create. It looks like "dh" is one sound as in "dhakiy" but it should be bid-ha which is how it is spelt in the Packilvanian script. In the Staynicised transliteration, some letters which would be one letter in Packilvanian are multiple letters such as jh, dh, th, ts, ch, kh, etc.

Packilvanian also has dialects, some of which are very difficult for native speakers of Packilvanian to understand. In Fidakar, they have a dialect where a word such as khaman (official announcement) would be qyumngwen (which has phonotactic not seen in ordinary standard Packilvanian) or mamlukumiyat (kingdom) which would be nyangwuk in Fidakarian.

Visit this link for an up to date dictionary:

You can also have a look at the List of Packilvanian legal terms.

For a list of the Packilvanian translations of all the world's country names have a look at list of countries in Packilvanian

Common phrases

  • Greetings: Both greetings when leaving and staying are simply Ashamiliya
  • Showing appreciation: Shukraan (which directly translates to "grateful" and is a shortened form of the phrase "Mishukraan" which means I am grateful, or "Washukraan" which means we are grateful)
  • Asking for directions: lu[INSERT LOCATION] lulakhtamfi? (meaning "The [INSERT LOCATION] is located where?" or "Where is [INSERT LOCATION]"). For example:
    • I am lost: Nelakhtamshalv
    • Where is the cinema: luKino lulakthamfi? (informal) or luYeraan aluyudiyzujaj lulakhtamfi? (formal)
    • Where is the train station: luBaan lulakhtamfi? (informal) or luYistubil aleShareedmasar lulakthamfi? (formal)
    • Where is the embassy: luYumabaas lulakhtamfi? (informal) or luBawaab aleLahdazayeen lulakhtamfi? (formal)
    • Where is the hotel: luYot'hal lulakhtamfi? (informal) or luYistubil ameZiyara lulakhtamfi ? (formal)
    • Where is the stadium: luKhladitaryum lulakhtamfi? (informal) or luYeraan aleLayeeb lulakhtamfi?
    • Where is the restaurant: luYaklama lulakhtamfi (informal) or luKhama aluyaklas lulakhtamfi?
    • Where is the grocery store: luBazaaryakul lulakhtamfi?
  • At the store:
    • I would like [to order] [INSERT ITEM]: Mirakhbas lu[INSERT ITEM] e.g. luFalaful (falafel), luZafrayeen (saffron), luLad'hu (ladoo)
    • I am looking for [INSERT THING]: Minazralakhat lu/le/mu/me[INSERT ITEM] e.g., luHalibsayeeb (cheese), luHalibsamik (cream), luHalibtakhmar (yoghurt)
    • This will cost [INSERT AMOUNT]:

leGaradarud leqeertalimat ledinar lesaank (These items demand 5 dinar)

    • Here is your change: leDinar letabaqiya (Your residual money).
  • Apologizing:
    • Fadleeki [min] (Excuse me, when you're trying to be very polite)
    • Gafiraki [min] (Forgive me, used for something not serious like if you're late)
    • Rahmaniyaki [min] (Be merciful to me or have mercy on me, is used for something serious).
    • Miqadmashalv (I judge myself, admitting guilt for a deliberate wrong)
    • Midhanabam (I was mistaken, admitting committing an unintentional action)
    • Mineyasmam yeluihtiram (I did not handle with with care, admitting guilt for negligence I.e., unintentional lack duty of care)
    • Miqadmashalv yeneluyasmam yeluihtiram (Admitting guilt for a deliberate reneging on a responsibility to show duty or care)
  • Honorifics
    • Mister (generic male honorific): muSheikh
    • Married woman: muSheikha
    • Unmarried woman: muYadhaar
  • Getting around
    • I am taking the [INSERT TRANSPORT]: Miyadhaabeqa yelu[INSERT TRANSPORT] e.g., luShareed (car), luShareedmasar (train), luDaw (ferry), luYasamsayah (airplane)
    • I am going to the [INSERT PLACE OF INTEREST]: Miyadhaabeqa welu[INSERT PLACE OF INTEREST] e.g., luBazaargur (market or mall), luBayeetgur aluLayeeb (resort), luYistubil aluHayah (hospital)
    • [INSERT PLACE] is on [INSERT DIRECTION] lu[INSERT PLACE] welu[INSERT DIRECTION]: luYistubil aleJuriyhayah weluyasar (The pharmacy is on the right), luBinahdhakra weluhaqun (The monument is on the right), Bingol weluXiden (Bingol is to the west), Medayin weluKeraat (Medayin is to the north), Akhastar weluVoral (Akhastar is to the south),Seerahel weluRayunt (Seerahel is to the east)