Belorerino Oblast

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Belorerino Oblast (Volkian: Белорерино область) is a province in northern Volkia. Its capital city is Poltovka.

Volkian Federative Republic
Main article: Volkia
Important Topics: CultureLupineVolkian languageLunarismVolkian koronaDefense Forces
Government: Federal GovernmentPresidentCabinetNational AssemblyFederal Supreme CourtPolitical Parties
History: Grand Principality of VolkiaDuchy of VolkiaKingdom of VolkiaVolkian Civil WarNorthern RevoltVolkian Revolution
Important Figures (Past and Present): Kirill KovalenkoYuliya SurkovaAleksey PushkarevStefan GurkovskyIvan OgarkovVasily Tolmachyov