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=== Architecture ===
=== Architecture ===
[[File:Málaga centro historico.jpg|thumb|250x250px|Downtown Giroruña exemplifies a mix of ancient and modern Corric buildings]]
Corric architecture draws from many heritages and influences. The humans from southern Arcturia that settled the Andora region brought the Impelantic architectural style. Almost all Corric buidlings from the early 1st millenium are some variation of these styles. The city of Porta Armada is the largest surviving example of Impelantic architecture in Casilló y Réal. A derivative style, known as Andoran Impelantic, developed over the 4th century. This style informed much of the aesthetic and proportional languages of later Corric architecture. Hallmarks of traditional Corric styles such as Deseré include fired clay roofing, colorful window settings, and a washed stone exterior.
Corric architecture draws from many heritages and influences. The humans from southern Arcturia that settled the Andora region brought the Impelantic architectural style. Almost all Corric buidlings from the early 1st millenium are some variation of these styles. The city of Porta Armada is the largest surviving example of Impelantic architecture in Casilló y Réal. A derivative style, known as Andoran Impelantic, developed over the 4th century. This style informed much of the aesthetic and proportional languages of later Corric architecture. Hallmarks of traditional Corric styles such as Deseré include fired clay roofing, colorful window settings, and a washed stone exterior.

Revision as of 10:02, 6 January 2022

Constitutional Corric Kingdom of Casilló and Réal

Reino Corric Constitucional de Casilló y Réal
A flag with the leftquarter blue, the right three quarters white. On the border of the two colors is a gold eagle facing right with its wings spread. Under it are green olive branches. Above it are nine five-pointed stars
A shiled divided into four parts. In the upper left are two golden eagles on a field of orange. On the upper right are three green vertical stripes on a white background. On the bottom left are four red stripes on a white background. On the bottom right is a blue sun on a white background.
National Arms
  • A Ti, Reciprocidad
  • Unto You, Reciprocity
  • Himno de Buen Ánimo
  • Anthem of Good Cheer

Royal anthem
  • Gracia de Rége
  • Grace of the King

Casilló y Réal on the Novaris coast
Casilló y Réal on the Novaris coast
Largest cityPorta Tranquíla
Official languagesCorric
Recognised regional languagesReóran, Arranzic
Ethnic groups
Corric (73%)
Reóran (9%)
Arranzic (8%)
Other (6%)
GovernmentParliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
• Rége
Sebastián II de Naranza
Gabriella Orellana
Diego Escuerdo
LegislatureMinistro de Asamblea Popular
Cámara de la Nobleza
Cámara de la Población
of the Kingdoms of Casilló and of Réal
• Marital Consolidation of Territories, King Felipe III & Princess Alicia la Joven
• Kingdom of Corric
• First Constitution of the Kingdom of Corrí
• Second Constitution
• Corric Kingdom of Casilló and Réal
• 2021 estimate
• 2018 census
GDP (PPP)2019 estimate
• Total
$826.43 billion
• Per capita
Gini (2016)32.1
SDI (2016)0.873
very high
CurrencyRegnes (REG (ℜ)
Date formatyy-mm-dd
Driving sideright
Calling code+861
ISO 3166 codeCR, CYR
Internet TLD.cyr

The Constitutional Corric Kingdom of Casilló and Réal (Corric: Reino Corric Constitucional de Casilló y Réal) is a country located on the south-eastern portion of Novaris. It is bordered to the south and east by the Concordian Ocean and by Nacata to the north and Tedeschi to the west. Casilló y Réal is a united post-feudal state, which consolidated into one nation four hundred and thirty years ago from the Kingdom of Casilló and the Kingdom of Réal. With a combined national history going back almost 1800 years, Casilló y Réal is a cultural and vacation destination for many around the world. The territory, though largely peaceful now, has been fought over between the former feudal states for much of the time they existed.

The first inhabitants were the Andora people, a sect of Impelanzans. The Andora split into the Reóran and Arranzic ethnic groups which settled Réal and Casilló respectively. These groups ruled over neighboring territory and feuded for nearly 600 years over sole control. Conflicts during this period include the Invasion of Valle de María, the War of the Red River, and the Sieges of Eleçeron.

Five hundred years ago, the Kingdom of Réal was conquered after the Thirty-Years’ Bloodshed, also known as the Conquísta. A brutal war instigated by King Félipe I ‘the Bloody’ of Casilló, most of the populations of both states was involved in the fighting. This saw most of the adult members of the House of Carrateó, rulers of Réal, slain, and the military dominance of the Arranzic people for the area. Though a martial victory for Casilló, tensions remained high and the economy of the region suffered as bandits scourged previously-patrolled countrysides and the common people of Réal either rioting or refusing to pay taxes to what they saw as a foreign occupier.

The situation looked to devolve into war once more within a generation or two until King Félipe II, upon his father’s passing, betrothed his son to the surviving daughter of House Carreteó. The two youths became friends as they grew up in the Arranzic court, defying mosts expectations. King Félipe III of the House of Naranza married Alicia II 'the Younger' of the House of Carreteó the same day he was coronated. This marriage, and the measures his father took to address the Reóran peoples’ distress, allowed Félipe III to truly rule over a united country of both Arranzic and Reóran cultures for the first time in history. With the combination of the two states after several years of legal work and persuasion of the nobility, the Kingdom of Corrí was officially founded.

In the centuries following, the astronomic talents of Reóran scholars were able to be combined with the nautical capabilities of Arranzic sailors, producing a thriving and wide-ranging trade fleet. Corric merchants traded the mineral and agricultural wealth of their nation in exchange for foreign crops, scientific methods and devices, and advances in military technology like gunpowder. Most of the profit generated from trade went to the already-wealthy merchants, nobles, and royals.

The wealth inequality led to discontent culminating in the common populace rising up and demanding that the Kingdom adopt a constitution that provided checks on the Monarchs' power, diminished the legal authority of the nobility, and codified values such as the concept of citizenship, civil rights, taxation, and elective governance. King Juan Teo agreed to the demands after some resistance and committed the rest of his reign to reforming the government systems to better accommodate the common citizens. His ideals were influential enough that his grandson King Luca IV reorganized the territory of the kingdom into nine districts, in order to ensure that locals had adequate municipal and regional governance and to streamline the census. The legal and economic reforms of this period saw the Kingdom emerge stronger, with a larger tax base and more patriotic populace lending themselves to an increase in infrastructure projects, military growth, and industry expansion.

Near the end of the century, Queen Alejandra made the decision to rename the Kingdom to acknowledge the nations' distinct heritages and ethnicities. This established the Kingdom of Casilló y Réal, though the national demonym remains Corric. Casilló y Réal transitioned from a primarily agricultural economy to a mixed economy in this period. Modern methods of resource extraction and manufacturing allowed fallow areas of the nation to begin producing economically. The foodstuff and raw material exports are joined by farming equipment, chemicals, natural gas, defense equipment, railroad material, and automobiles. The impact of fossil fuels on the natural environment was researched heavily as coal and oil use rose; as a legal article within the constitution prohibits excessive destruction or harm of the nations' natural lands, automobiles, trains, and aircraft became strictly regulated by the state. This stance has prohibited Casilló y Réal from becoming a major power militarily, economically, or industrially, but it remains a prosperous nation with good marks in human development, GDP per capita, democracy, press freedoms, and social and environmental progress. The nation is currently a member of the League of Novaris.


The origins of the names Casilló and Réal are directly related to the words casa and réal, meaning home and royal. The modern spellings have evolved from the traditional, but the pronunciation has stayed the same: the two kingdoms were referred to as Caziyho and Rayal. There are several accounts and histories detailing the origins, primarily from recovered documents.


Queen Maria Platia de Carratéo, founder of Réal, depicted here as a woman in a pink robe and a blue cloak, with brown hair and fair skin and a gold crown, riding a grey horse barded with red and yellow.
Queen Maria Platia de Carratéo, founder of Réal

The historian and scholar Escobo de la Noncerivero (1241 - 1280) wrote in his memoirs of travelling the region and staying in the courts of nobles. He had a long conversation with Queen Maria Platia de Carratéo on the matter of the naming of her lands:

‘I enquired to her [Grace] the thought that planted in her head the name of her fair and mountainous heredad, cut through with rivers and bedecked with so many orchards. Her response was accompanied with a laugh, so charming as did I nearly mishear; “Good sir, the valleys and hills and mountains that I rule by providence of these good and noble gentlemen have been always a prize worthy of royal stewardship. It is only right and fair to the people that live here I give it a name to reflect this.’

de la Noncerivero details that the original name of Réal was Valey di Rayal, meaning ‘valleys of Royalty.’ The modern name would first start to be used approximately 250 years later.

The demonym of Reóran, referring to peoples of an ethnicity and culture native to Réal, can be found in the same work, related to the now-disused word reon, meaning ‘defender.’ Queen Maria Platia de Carrateó was a strong military mind, and instilled in her nobles and by extension peasantry that defense of their homeland was of paramount importance.

King Arturo Gael Andres de Naranza, founder of Casilló, here depicted as a brown-bearded man in a red robe and green cloak, sitting in a throne of orange and gold below gold arches, and holding a golden rod and orb
King Arturo Gael Andres de Naranza, founder of Casilló


Casillós’ name roughly means ‘house of rest’, reflecting the idea of the people being able to recuperate from banditry and tyranny. The coastal regions that made up historical Casilló were constantly plagued by lords abusing their vassals and raids from coastal pirates. When the various petty-kings of the region were defeated and their lands united under King Arturo Gael Andres de Naranza, his court scribe recorded him saying:

‘...And further my friends, let me declare now the formation and consecration under God the Father the Kingdom of Caziyho, for now we have thrown down the tyrants of the little castle and large cruelty, and our purview extends from our silver coasts to the azure rivers and black mountains. We have brought peace and God to these lands; made a home for our sons and their sons to grow oranges and wheat, and raise cows and horses.’

Similar to Réal, the name of the kingdom would evolve over centuries to Casilló.

The Arranzic culture takes its name from the House of Naranza, the ruling family since the foundation of the nation. Thanks to the stability, and lower taxes, brought by King Arturo, the many towns and villages in his lands traded and blended ideals into the modern-day Arranzic people.


When Réal was absorbed into Casilló, the ethnic and cultural makeups of the two began to blend. Modern Casilló y Réal has a majority population of Corric people, a mixture of Reóran and Arranzic traits. The name Corrí has no definite known origin, as any thoughts on the matter remain in King Félipe III’s or Queen Alicia II’s memoirs, which are locked by royal decree.

Some scholars believe it has roots in the words correr, to move, shift, pass by, get a move on, corregir, to correct or make right, or corazón, heart. It is known that the Queen desired that the united kingdom possess a united identity rather than be occupying and occupied territories. Theories point to certain public speeches and decrees by both her and her husband the King as to the origin of the name being corazón, though other theories point to other speeches and corregir instead.


Early History

The land that Casilló y Réal occupies today is referred to geographically as Andora. Archeological records show that this was the name of the group of Impalanzans that settled the area prior to 303 BCE. Many towns, fortifications, and cities today were constructed in this period, of note Porta Armada. Small city-states were the norm for much of Andora from 303 BCE to 109 CE. The people made their livings through either simple agriculture, textiles, or fishing.

After 109 CE, written and archeological records detail that the varied people of Andora began to cooperate and form larger polities, resulting in the period between 348 CE and 1215 CE being referred to as the Principality Era. The region was broken up into a number of petty kingdoms and other feudal states.

The largest and most powerful Andoran states were Avantana, Cartavedra, Réaluvros, Grejona, Imodé, Liti, Málama, Marsalvano, and Pinoa. These polities are reflected in the modern day, with the nine administrative divisions of Casilló y Réal roughly mirroring their borders. Cities such as Iravala and Covielés were founded during the Principality era. Increased urbanization also brought a stratification of the populace, more advanced metallurgy, and more organized navies for trade and warfare.

The Andora region was often in conflict. The Nine Brothers, as more contemporary sources name them, warred with each other and sometimes themselves. Disputes were common over land rights, resources, and familial animosity, though a notable exception would be the Orange War of 1032 between Liti and Grejona. This conflict had roots in an argument over which state began processing and exporting orange fruit preserves first.

Feudal Conquests

After 1215 CE, the small feudal states of Andora began to form into the larger nation-states of Casilló y Réal. In the coastal regions, Avantana, Grejona, Liti, Málama, and Pinoa were forcibly integrated into one state by the Avantanan warlord and king Arturo Gael Andres de Naranza. The Arranzic Conquests of 1249 were instigated by de Naranza to remove the aggressive neighboring rulers and to spread Deusism, which he had converted to before his ascension to the throne. The King of Liti was also a Deusist, and was integrated into the Avantan hierarchy as a Duke. Grejona, Málama, and Pinoa still practiced Tunseism, resulting in harsher conquests. de Naranza utilized novel tactics against his enemies, including launching grappling chains with mangonels and digging ditches against cavalry.

Culminating in the Battle of Pinoa, the Avantan forces proved better trained and skilled than their adversaries when they trapped the Pinoan army against the city walls and decimated them. The new nation that de Naranza carved out would become known as Caza de Caziyho, and his line would rule over it as it transitioned to simply Caziyho, and by the modern day, Casilló.

The states of Cartaverde, Réaluvros, Imodé, and Mársalvano, making up much of the inland mountains and arid plains of Andora, would base a large part of their wars around the control of the fertile river valleys in the area. These conflicts became violent enough to render much of the civil and agricultural infrastructure of Réal uselss. Nobility from the five states met in secret in 1257, planning to acclaim a single king in order to stop the constant fighting. After months of deliberation, Condessa Maria Platia de Carrateó was elevated to the Queen of the Mountains, Rivers, and Valleys.

Maria’s grasp of military tactics and the support of many powerful families ensured she met little resistance as she consolidated Cartaverde, Réaluvros, Imodé, and Málama into a single kingdom. Most nobles were pacified through hard diplomacy and the threat of war, and those that did not submit were quickly destroyed. By 1260, Maria would rule over the Kingdom of Valey di Rayal. This name would appear on official documentation until 1388, when it simply became Rayal, later spelled Réal.

Middle Ages

Section of an illuminated manuscript on Andoran conflicts, circa 1291, depicting in medieval style a group of soldiers holding white shields and red banners being attacked by a party of cavalry riding white horses, holding swords and wearing orange, who are riding down a hill at their enemy
Section of an illuminated manuscript on Andoran conflicts, circa 1291

Casilló and Réal had little contact in their first century. The natural barriers of the Nevadres mountains made travel restricted between the states, so it was in 1270 that official exchanges began to take place. Initial cordial relations soured quickly. Casilló was between Réal and the ocean, restricting trade opportunities, and Réal had large mineral deposits Casilló required for metalworking and shipbuilding.

Instead of reaching a trade agreement, the kingdoms decided it would be less costly to strongarm each other. These shows of martial force quickly made it apparent that neither would be willing to give in to demands. Different religious practices exacerbated tensions; many Arranzic nobles were Andoran Deusists, while most Reórans were Royal Orthodox Deusists, including the king at the time, Marius Alejandro I.

The period between 1335 and 1587 is known in Casilló y Réal as the Horrible Two-Hundred. The Kingdoms of Casilló and Réal were at war for about 163 out of these 252 years. Starting in 1335 with the Battle of Cúnla, the Andoran states devoted most of their resources to overcoming each other through military might. The conflicts ranged from lesser nobles raiding rival territories to full-regalia field engagements with artillery and cavalry charges. The extent of the bloodshed is such that the red lilies that grow in Reóran valleys are said to be colored by the blood of dead soldiers.

Casilló is ideal for raising warhorses due to its wide coastal plains and gently rolling hills. This afforded them an excellent breed of destrier, the Avantana horse. Réal in contrast has much more rugged terrain, and breeds of horses bred there are more suited for work. They made up for this in the quality of their crossbows and heavy infantry.

The differences between their military preferences - Casilló with heavy wedges of armored horse supported by pike, and Réal with squares of swordsmen and halberdiers flanking crossbows - meant neither side could maintain an advantage when the time came to push into enemy territory. Arranzic charges were difficult in narrow valleys and on rocky slopes in Réal, and the heavy Reóran crossbows could pick off disoriented horses. In open spaces, the Reórans would be outranged by Arranzic bows, and the cavalry of Casilló had the maneuver room to sweep up and envelop the enemy foot.

Notable conflicts of the Horrible Two-Hundred include the Invasion of Valle de Maria; an occupation and massacre of an economically important Reóran valley, the War of the Red River; a twelve-year conflict over much of the territory of Grejona which was the furthest Reóran territory ever expanded east, the Sieges of Eleçeron; a successive series of assaults and counter-assaults against the Réoran capital, and the Infanticides; a blood feud that extinguished the Arranzic house of Deguerde and the Reóran house of Lavanesse.

Though the period of warfare lasted two and a half centuries, it was not a stalemate. The Arranzic territories had direct access to the Concordian Ocean, while the Réorans were limited to overland trade routes, of which there were few. Casilló was thus able to slowly grind down the resources and manpower of Réal and offset their own losses via imports. By the mid-sixteenth century, Réal was regrouping their professional soldiers and levied militia. The Réoran nobility was restricted to raiding and small-scale skirmishes.

Portrait of King Félipe I of Casilló, 1551, portraying a standing man in his middle years with dark orange hair and beard and a stern expression. He is wearing brown hose and red-and-gold decorated black armor in the style of the 1500s. He holds a golden rod across his legs and the background is dark.
Portrait of King Félipe I of Casilló, 1551


In 1557, King Félipe I of Casilló began the largest conflict of the Horrible Two-Hundred. The king had been born a second son, which allowed him to pursue more dangerous activities. He grew up as a squire in service to one of the Royal Captains tasked with keeping the peace outside of the main population centers. These experiences of seeing much of the west in poverty from centuries of conflict made Prince Félipe resolved to remove the threat Réal posed to his people.

When King Alejandro III and Crown Prince Teodore died in a shipwreck in 1550, Félipe ascended to the throne. He quickly gathered like-minded supporters from the nobility and upper-classes, including prominent generals from the Royal Arranzic Armed Legions. These individuals and their power bases would form the backbone of Félipe I’s fight against Réal. The king spent seven years training troops, funding military research, and acquiring a number of blackpowder weapons that were new to Andora at the time.

On 12 March 1557, Félipe I invaded the Réoran province of Marsabale, part of the Duchy of Palda, with an army of almost 14,000 troops. This set off the Thirty Years’ Bloodshed, also known as the Conquista. The use of firearms and cannons allowed the Arranzic forces to further conquer Camplata and L'vontre provinces. The Duke of Palda was able to marshal his army and engage Félipe I while the king was consolidating the loot gained from Camplata. The king won the battle, but it proved costly and slowed progress. This stall allowed the rest of Réal to prepare for war, and the Conquista changed from a swift professional conquest to a general war of sieges, raids, and pitched battles.

Raids and Knights

The Order of Santa Claudia is a four pointed equal cross with each bar tipped with a red fluer de lis, the Andoran Lily
The badge of the Chivalric Order of Santa Claudia

A large portion of the Thirty Years Bloodshed was raiding and counter-raiding. Akin to the earlier skirmishes of Andoran conflict, frontier territories between the belligerents would often be assaulted by mobile bands of soldiers and mercenaries. These raids were part of a larger strategic goal of depriving the opposition of food, manpower, fortifications, and supply lines. Certain enterprising raid captains would take their forces deep into hostile territory to strike at less-defended towns and outposts, catching their garrisons unaware. As a consequence, more and more towns on both sides of the war began to build up their militia and defenses. The need for capable soldiers to manage and command these defenses became serious; most knights and high-quality mercenaries were already committed to important garrisons or expeditions. This situation led to the creation of three Orders of Chivalry. These Orders differ from the two already-established Andoran Orders, the Order of the Eagle and the Order of the Sepulchre, in that they can be joined rather than membership being a bestowed honor.

In Réal, King Marius Sancho created the Chivalric Order of Eleçeron in 1563. This Order was open to all who displayed good bearing, love of the Kingdom, and skill at arms. The smaller population of Réal and their history of warrior queens meant that membership was not restricted by gender. Many notable knights of this Order throughout the Conquista, including Jaquelin of Santo Juan and the Blue Knight, were women. In Casilló, King Félipe created the Chivalric Order of Málama and the Chivalric Order of Santa Claudia. The Order of Málama was founded as a way to enoble commoners who displayed the means to equip and maintain the lifestyle of a knight, in order to have competent commanders for frontier and conquered garrisons. The knights who joined this order are referred to as 'Knight-Mayors,' or more derogatorily as 'Muddy Knights.' This Order did prove effective despite its detractors, with several successful defenses of Arranzic territory credited to Knight-Mayors. The Order of Santa Claudia was established as an all-women order of knights with the authority to marshal small militias in their home territories. Primarily founded as a means of rear-line defense against raids, the women of the Order gained a reputation as fierce fighters and authority figures. The Militia of Conzelaña, for example, was officially made the Twenty-Ninth Royal Irregulars Company for their skill and bravery under the command of Marta Lilía of Conzelaña.


The conflict saw involvement from large numbers of mercenaries hired by both nations. Réal retained several large pike companies from the areas of what is today Celannica, and hired coastal raiders from several coastal Novaris states. Casilló hired large numbers of Cryrian sell-sails, which operated on raids up the major rivers into Réoran territory and helped defend the coast. The cultural impacts of these companies can be seen across Andora. The shipbuilding techniques of the Cryrians heavily influenced later Corric ship designs. Some mercenaries decided to settle in Andora after their contracts concluded. Today, significant populations of Corric people can trace some ancestry back to Cryria and Celannica.

In 1571, Casilló finally gained the upper hand in the conflict. Félipe I had started a river campaign using Cryrian mercenaries to destabilize the Réoran interior. Squadrons of ships would be sent up the largest rivers into Réal's territory to raid the countryside and destroy any fortifications guarding the waterways. Although not initially very successful, the continued expeditions drew troops and attention away from other areas while also incrementally accomplishing their objectives. Since Réal had no large shipbuilding industry or heritage, they were constrained to building more castles and forts along the rivers. This further diverted labor and supplies that could have been used to fortify the frontier regions. The mercenary ships did not have to destroy every castle; they were there to hold the focus of the Réoran military response.

Rendition, 1788, of the Northern Sieges, depicting a painting of a group of soldiers in trenches and barricades outside a medieval town. The town has dark brown stone in its walls. The soldiers are firing many cannons and muskets at it.
Rendition, 1788, of the Northern Sieges

Escalation and Conquest

After four years of continuous river raids and small land skirmishes, Félipe I began the next phase of the strategy. The lands between the provinces of Cartavedra and Liti had always been the least-rugged terrain between the two kingdoms, with few mountains to impede travel. Both sides had fortified their sections accordingly. Réal had diminished their defenses in this area to focus on the river attacks to the south, and Casilló took advantage of this. Coastal garrisons had long served as the reserves for the Arranzic lords, but the king had them training while not fighting. This left them hardened and very fit for duty. The majority of coastal troops, nearly 40,000 were marched north to Liti and then west to the border of Cartavedra to siege the weakened forts. These Northern Sieges lasted three weeks, and by the time that word had reached the strengthened river garrisons, the Arranzic cannons had already broken through the defenses.

These Sieges coincided with the largest naval action of the Conquista. Cryrian ships alongside significant portions of the river-capable Arranzic fleet were sent up each major river at dawn the day the Sieges were to commence. This hamstrung the Réoran troops; with no way to counterattack the riverine forces directly, nor take advantage of the weakened garrisons of the coastal Arranzic territories, they were forced to sit as static defenses and engage their enemy in place. The frontier defenses, meanwhile, were still largely independent and separated from the overall command structure. They had been formed to defend their territory, not attack the enemy en masse. This, combined with contemporary travel time, meant they were unable to be used as a reactionary attack force.

The northern Arranzic forces, which had been bolstered at the front by all but one regiment of the King's Own royal troops, began a rolling encirclement tactic. This method was deployed on a strategic level as well. The leading edge of the front would be maneuvered south to wrap around an enemy position, be it a fortification, town, or group of soldiers. The forces further back in the lines would act as a reserve in case of enemy counter-maneuvers, but would otherwise move past the encirclement to become the front of the next encirclement. The forces that had previously encircled the enemy would pacify the opposition and then rejoin the front to become the reserve. Working on both a micro and macro level, this wave-like motion allowed the forces of Casilló to occupy much of northern Réal. This was made easier by the nature of the Réoran mountain ranges, which would obscure troop movements between valleys. Réoran troops, uninformed as of yet about the tactic, would move in a straight line to engage hostile troops encircling a town, only to be attacked in the flank or the rear by more troops emerging from a neighboring valley.

Section of A battle near a bridge, 1591, showing the duel between Count Burgí and King Félipe I. The painting is cropped to focus on two fully armored men, one riding a black horse and the other a white. The man on the white horse is rearing back and raising a warhammeer, while the man on the black horse is striking with a sword as if to block the hammer.
Section of A battle near a bridge, 1591, showing the duel between Count Burgí and King Félipe I

By the time that the Arranzic advance had reached the Ourá River, they had occupied the entirety of Cartavedra. The river fleet on the Ourá had been stymied by the twin castles of Otia, near present-day Vizos, which mounted a chain between them and heavy artillery. The Arranzic troops successfully demolished the northern tower and allowed the fleet to take the southern bank stretch unopposed. Thus controlling the bridge at Vizos, the army was able to cross the Ourá and continue the campaign. Félipe I, however, decided to consolidate his gains. He sent half the Ourá fleet east, to head up the Azuré River. A sixth of the army was sent back to occupy Cartavedra, while the rest was allowed to rest and recuperate on the north bank of the river.

This gave the lord of Otia, Count Burgí who had not committed his cavalry to the river defense, to attack the bridge. Félipe I, not wanting to lose the largest river crossing in a hundred miles, led his own cavalry to stop the Réoran's demolition attempts. The Battle at Vizos Bridge was the largest single cavalry engagement of the Conquista, with 400 medium and light Réoran horsemen engaging 700 heavy and medium horsemen from the Arranzic army. After several complex flanking maneuvers and counter-maneuvers across the plateau, the Réoran horse managed to separate their opponents line into three. The Arranzic riders took losses from crossbow fire and javelins, and were unable to fully utilize their massed charge capabilities in the small and uneven field on the southern end of the bridge. Count Burgí, a respected military mind and fighter, personally engaged Félipe I in mounted combat. The Arranzic king took several significant blows but held himself long enough to sever the saddle straps of his opponent with his sword. Count Burgí fell and was subsequently trampled. The remaining Réoran horse quit the field soon after.

Incensed by his wounds and the possibility of the advance being stymied, Félipe sent the bulk of the army ahead after a week of rest, while he and a detachment of royal troops remained at Otia to recuperate. The Arranzic forces faced less resistance as they moved south along the western half of Réal, as soldiers were garrisoned mostly in the east. By 1577, they had endured losses of estimated 4,000 troops, and in turn captured 20,000 and killed 18,000 more. Advancing deeper into the Réoran heartlands proved more difficult. The mountains became harsher and the defenders more trained and fanatical. The Sieges of Descarai and Vazara were the longest and bloodiest battles of the whole Conquista; they lasted 2 and 3 years respectively with a total loss of life around 40,000 military and civilian casualties. A significant obstacle the Arranzic forces needed to overcome was the terrain being unsuited for large-scale cannon bombardment. Locations with both line of sight on fortifications and flat, even terrain to transport and deploy cannons were scarce. Sieges that should have taken weeks or months stretched on and on, and gave time for defending armies to rally.

The provincial lords of Eleuvros stripped garrisons of trained soldiers and conscripted most able-bodied men to meet the army that had flanked them in the rear. Historians posit that if the terrain was not so difficult for both sides at the Sally at Vazara, when the Duke of Eleuvros and half the province's lords descended on Félipe I and his army, who by this time had reconsolidated, then the Arranzic troops would have routed. The battle ended with a loss of 3,000 men on the Arranzic side, 8,000 Réorans, and the surrender of the city. This battle froze the army in place for another year as their numbers had been diminished through battle and garrisoning occupation troops they no longer held a numerical advantage. The river fleets, which had been mostly destroying infrastructure and bogging down troops up to this point, began ferrying seasoned front-line troops further into Réoran territory to launch small sieges and bolster the king's army.

Casilló secured the capitulation of Eleuvros in this advance and took significant defensive forts in Imodé. Simultaneous assaults on towns from land and river led to more surrenders and what is estimated to be a fourth of Réal's total military strength laying down their arms. By 1581 the kingdom of Réal had been reduced in free territory to Marsalvano and the western portions of Imodé King Marius Sancho had by this time summoned all available lords to defend Marsalvano and the capital city, though only a third of those available joined him. The rest either did not reply or cited threats to their own lands. At this point in the war, Félipe I was able to call upon an estimated 45,000 professional soldiers with a further 120,000 conscripted infantry and 25,000 mercenary troops, with the rest of the Royal Arranzic Armed Legions serving as defensive or occupational troops. He also had the various mercenary sailors and fleet marines making up another 10,000 troops. In contrast, Marius Sancho had approximately 20,000 professional soldiers across his remaining territory with 9,000 available for maneuvers, and around 40,000 conscripts and 8,000 mercenaries, mostly pikemen from Celannica. The defenses of the capital territories of Réal were formidable but never battle-tested.

The city of Eleçeron did not have sufficient defensive works to repel an assault by river, which the Río Dorado being the largest in the region, posed a significant threat. Construction was begun on a river wall with an enormous gate in 1582, as the Arranzic army marched closer to the city. The strategy, however, was not to take the capital immediately. Félipe I instead directed his lords and generals to capture all remaining territory under Réoran control. He and the royal troops began an encirclement of the eastern portion of the city, and soldiers from the Duchy of Giroruña were disembarked on the western bank several miles downriver to begin the encirclement of the other half. Facing limited resistance due to almost two-thirds of the remaining Réoran soldiers occupying Eleçeron, the Arranzic army was able to conquer the rest of Marsalvano and Imodé by late 1583.

The Siege of the Royal City, 1600. A painting depicting a grand scale siege against a city that is split by a river. The painting overlooks many siege lines and tents and soldiers. In the foreground are two parties of horsemen dressed in orange, with several banners, approaching each other. Behind them are formation of musketeers and pikemen marching towards the city. In the center of the painting is prominently displayed a large tower, inside of which are large cannons which are firing on the city. Cannons are also surrounding the city on the close and far sides of the river. The city walls and buildings inside them have smoke, fire, and explosions on them.
The Siege of the Royal City, 1600

Marius Sancho ordered the continuation of the work on the river walls. With no outside resources and no quarries within the city, this involved demolishing buildings within the walls and dumping the stone into the river. The populace was incensed by this and the rapidly dwindling food stores being monopolized by the thousands of soldiers. When the Arranzic army began shelling the fortifications with cannons on board ships in the river, the laborers stopped work and refused to return, leaving the river walls half finished. Félipe I sent heralds repeatedly to the city asking for surrender, but they returned each time with ruder and ruder replies. Félipe I attempted to personally negotiate the surrender and brought his sons Arturo and Félipe with him to the walls. Marius Sancho outright refused to surrender or entertain the though of a settlement, despite the protests of his own son Enriqué. A Réoran crossbowmen, apparently intending to kill Félipe I, instead shot Arturo, which killed him within seconds. Marius Sancho killed the archer on the spot, audibly shouting about how the death of the Arranzic crown prince had doomed the city. Félipe returned to his camp and ordered a continuous bombardment of the city walls until all cannons had run out of either ammunition or powder.

The Thunderstorm Siege lasted for four weeks, and involved a round-the-clock artillery barrage that remains the longest single artillery engagement in Andoran history. Félipe I had brought nearly 300 guns of varying sizes, with a further 34 on board ships in the river. Eleçeron was attacked from the nearly all directions. Fortifications, earthworks, and siege platforms were erected to give cannons better firing angles on the city walls as well as buildings within. It is estimated that over 80,000 cannonballs, grapeshot, and mortars were fired onto the city. Care was taken to avoid damaging civilian homes, with royal observers being assigned to each battery and the authority to execute any crew that hit a non-military target intentionally. The East and West Royal Gates were recorded to have been hit 4,000 times combined, and the Réoran Guard Barracks almost 1,000. Neither structure survived into the modern day, and only 12% of the city walls of Eleçeron exist currently. The barrage was so powerful and so loud that soldiers were rotated to the encampment lines, 2 miles distant, after only 3 hour shifts. Contemporary Réoran accounts describe a never-ending lightning storm, with earthquake-like impacts being able to be felt everywhere in the city and the constant roar of thunder permeating even the cellars of the Royal Palace.

After all ammunition had been exhausted, the Arranzic armies were ordered to advance. Félipe I had issued orders that no enemy soldier was to remain alive at the end of the day. They encountered little resistance, with most of the still-surviving Réoran soldiers surrendering on the spot. Most were simply killed immediately, and those taken prisoner were executed when they reached the war camps. The civilian population was ignored for the most part; those that confronted the Arranzic troops were imprisoned. The Royal Palace of Eleçeron was stormed by Félipe I himself, along with his household troops. The Carratéo Royal Bodyguard, a force of five hundred men as well as nearly seven hundred soldiers occupied the building and put up a ferocious resistance, dying to a man but killing 657 of the two-thousand strong Royal Arranzic Guard. All those living in the Palace were killed either in the fighting, or afterwards. This included all members of the House of Carratéo, save for the sole child, Princess Alicia, making the family functionally extinct in the male line.


Casilló y Réal is situated on the south-eastern coast of Novaris, covering most of the region known as Andora. This region is characterized by large mountains and narrow river valleys in the west and north, which slowly gives way to high-elevation hills and escarpments closer to the coast. In the south and east, the terrain is much more flat, with no mountain chains but the occasional high-elevation peak.

The nation is bordered to the west by Tedeschi, and the north by Nacata. It also has shorelines on several tributary lakes of the Great Lakes system, the largest being Lake Ictasa. It shares a maritime border with Dvalheim to the south.

The highest point is Montabuelo in the Vizedora District, at 2,189 meters above sea level.

Casilló y Réal lies between 39° and 46° North and 68° and 75° West.

The Mardías Valley in the Rezores. A rocky, narrow valley with high craggy mountains on either side. Sparse brownish grass and conifer trees are the primary vegetation. The valley is split by a dark stream that appears to be very shallow and filled with sediment. The sky is bright and has large fluffy clouds.
The Mardías Valley in the Rezores

Mountains and Rivers

Much of Casilló y Réal is dominated by mountains: surveys note that approximately 32% of land area is either a plateau or a mountain 1,000 meters or higher above sea level. The Nevadres Mountains, and their sub-chains the Julocieres and the Rezores, comprise the largest mountain ranges in the nation. The highest peak in the nation is the mountain of Montabuelo, while the largest is Tiuñolo, at a height of 1,879 meters and an estimated size of 230 square kilometers.

Rivers play an important part in the geology of Casilló y Réal. Much of the Nevadres are divided between rivers and streams which have eroded between the peaks. The longest river, the Dorada, is 867 kilometers long and 4 kilometers across at its widest point. Several other significant rivers are the Ourá, Rojó, Azuré, Amaríllo, Truca, Buviele, and Seripente. With relatively few lakes, 72% of surface freshwater is contained in these rivers. Large deltas and alluvial plains exist along much of the Corric coastline where the rivers meet the ocean.


The climate classifications of Casilló y Réal are largely segregated by terrain and water availability, as well as proximity to the ocean and equator.

The semi-arid steppe climate (Bsh) occupies most of the districts in the south. The majority of Maláma, Castijara, and Julinazo territory is semi-arid, though some parts of Elvacedo, Marsalvano, and Salasca also possess this climate. It is characterized by hot, dry summers and cool winters with limited precipitation, and is usually found inland some distance from the ocean.

The dry temperate climate (Csa,) otherwise known as the Coastal climate, is the most widespread climate type in Casilló y Réal. It covers over 80% of the Avantana and Tomaras districts, 40% of Julinazo, 32% of Castijara, and 20% of Maláma. It also is present in moderate amounts in Cartavedra, Marsalvano, Salasca, and Vizedora. It is characterized by dry summers that are warm-to-hot, and cold winters with moderate precipitation, though it remains something of an intermediate climate zone. It exists across multiple regions with differing elevations, temperatures, and precipitation averages, and thus is difficult to quantify as a comprehensive climate.

The wet temperate climate (Cfa) occupies most of central Cartevedra, as well as all but the most eastern regions of Vizedora and south-eastern regions of Elvacedo. It is also present in northern Marsalvano. This climate occurs at higher altitudes with plentiful rainfall and water systems, resulting in lush vegetation and no true dry season, although precipitation remains comparatively low.

The cold continental climate (Dfa) occurs only within portions of Cfa regions at very high altitudes, and is characterized by dry, cool summers and cold, wet winters. The high mountain passes of the Nevadres range are considered Dfa climates.

Several other minor climate regions include a small desert (Bwk) region in western Elvacedo, the oceanic climate (Cfb) on the extreme northern coast of Tomaras and on the outlying islands, and the warm continental climate (Dfb) on the coasts of the large lakes in Vizedora and Cartavedra.

Flora and Fauna

A typical Andoran golden eagle adult. The bird is light brown and almost white on the head and legs with a yellow beak. It sits on the top of a tree, with many trees and leaves in the background.
A typical Andoran golden eagle adult

The Andoran region shares many species of plants and animals with the surrounding lands, including the golden eagle, the national animal of Casilló y Réal. The different sub-regions have distinct soil profiles, precipitation, air quality, and ease of emigration, which defines the plant types that grow there and thus also the animals. Some species that are unique to the region are the Andoran brush wolf, the Doradan ox, the Carteñe sheep, and the Violet-fletched woodpecker. Plant subspecies that can be found in Andora are the Avantanan orange and the Julociere olive, which are staple crops. The most common type of tree is teak, followed by elm, olive, and cedar. The oceans within Corric territory are highly diverse, but are mostly devoid of interesting hydrological features such as reefs, major currents, or ocean mounts.

Biodiversity is large, and the government maintains programs to keep habitat destruction and species persecution to a minimum. Hunting of nearly any kind is banned except by government officials for the purposes of population control or risk management. The nation has been ranked as one of the highest in Novaris in terms of least human impact on existing environments. Parks and preserves are dedicated to keeping endangered local species alive in the wild; as of 2020 there were nearly 840 facilities of this kind in operation.


The Assembly Halls building, where the national legislature meets. Situated on top of a steep hill, on the slopes of which are small residential buildings with brick sides and terracotta tile roofs, is a large stately building. It is seven stories tall and about eight stories long, and has several gardens and smaller buildings directly attached to it. These buildings are also in the style of whitewashed walls and terracotta roofs.
The Assembly Halls building, where the national legislature meets

The history of democracy in Casilló y Réal traces its roots to the First Constitution of 1659. This provided the basis for popular representation and codified law based on the people’s will, as opposed to the feudal absolute monarchy before it. In 1710, a Second Constitution was drafted under Prime Minister Carlos Sánchez. This document drew heavily on the first but laid out much more accurately the basis of the Corric state and government. Both documents are considered as legal authority in Casilló y Réal; the First Constitution lays out a basis that the Second expands upon.

Casilló y Réal is divided into eleven districts; nine Administrative Districts, one Special Administrative District, and the Maritime District.

The tradition of noble titles and lands associated with them remains active in Casilló y Réal, but the Second Constitution clearly outlines that the expanse of these traditions is limited when compared to the governance of the nation. There also exists a culture of nobleza obliga, also known as noblesse oblige or ‘nobility obliges’ which requires those of noble descent, but generally anyone with authority, to conduct themselves with good character and to use their position to benefit others who are less fortunate.

There is no official state religion in Casilló y Réal; though much of the nation practices some form of Deusism, the government is avowedly secular and encourages religious freedom. The Constitutions technically ensures a secular state, but large portions of royal ceremony are couched in centuries-old Deusism tradition. This can be seen in the official language used in government communiques, the religious origins of the Chivalric Andoran Orders, and the coronation proceedings of monarchs.

Casilló y Réal has 42.1% of its government made up of women and a further 4.7% made up of individuals outside of a gender binary, while the remaining 53.2% is men. The Popular Assembly passed the Intersectionality and Inclusivity Edict in 2009 to further equality between different lifestyles and genders in social, economic, and political spheres.


Casilló y Réal is a constitutional monarchy, with a hereditary Monarch and a bicameral parliament, the Ministry of Popular Assembly (Ministro de Asamblea Popular.) It possesses a national judiciary, the Courts of Honor, and an executive branch ceremonially headed by the Monarch, the Royal Cabinet and Ministries.

2021 House of the Populace makeup. There are 220 dots in a semicircular arch, displaying from left to right the largest to smallest political parties in the parliament.
2021 House of the Populace makeup

Ministry of Popular Assembly

The Ministro de Asamblea Popular is the legislative branch of the Corric government. It is separated into the upper House of the Nobility and the lower House of the Populace. There are 220 Representatives in the House of the Populace, one for every Province and major (above 100,000 residents) Municipality in the nation. The House of the Nobility, meanwhile, elects 20 Bailiffs, two from each District save Salasca, and the remaining 180 Lords are hereditary positions, though both Bailiffs and Lords are members of the peerage and have the same privilege's. The Representatives serve for three-year terms, Bailiffs for eight, and Lords for life. The Popular Assembly is headed by the Minister of the Popular Assembly, who nominates one Representative and one Bailiff to serve as the Mediator of their respective Houses for the duration of their terms. The Minister of the Popular Assembly has a seat on the Royal Cabinet, though their role is largely ceremonial as they have no administrative control over the happenings of the Assembly.

The Popular Assembly votes on laws and acts proposed by its own members, and holds control over prioritizing the national budget. The Houses also may vote on proposed actions of the Royal Cabinet if such measures are budgetary in nature. In return, the laws and acts passed by the Assembly must receive Royal Assent in order to become legal, though refusal of Royal Assent on a given document can be circumvented by a four-fifths majority vote of both Houses. The House of the Nobility may override a vote made by the House of the Populace with a three-fifths majority and vice versa. Extant in both Houses are Boards that are responsible for areas of government mirroring that of the Royal Ministries, and work together with them on policy. Committees may also be formed by the Mediators of the Houses to investigate and address specific issues.

The Popular Assembly confirms executive appointments, including judges and First Ministers. The Prime Minister is elected from the House of the Populace, and all First Ministers must have served in either house to qualify for the position. The Assembly also has the power to dismiss any Prime or First Minister with a unanimous vote of no confidence. Similarly, with a unanimous vote of both Houses and the Royal Cabinet, the Monarch may be deposed in favor of another member of the Royal Family.

The major parties of the Assembly are the Chivalric Caucus (CC,) the Andoran Progress Party (APP,) and the Environmental Stewards (ES.) These three parties are broadly liberal-leaning and always form a coalition together, which is known as the Corric Liberal Pact. The CLP has controlled the House of the Populace for the past forty years, receiving the majority of seats each election. Some minor parties that still manage to acquire decent amounts of seats are the Honorable Action Caucus (HAC,) a centrist party that formerly was the largest party in the mid-1900s, and the Feudalist Front (FF,) a conservative-leaning group that advocates for autocratic reforms. Less important minor parties include the communist National Unity Party (NUP,) the economically-driven Coastal Prosperity Front (CPF,) the secessionist Island Freedom Caucus (IFC,) the pseudo-theocratic Deus Vult (DV,) and the monarcho-fascist Royalists (R.)

The next elections for Representatives will begin on January 15th, 2022. The next elections for Bailiffs will begin on January 20th, 2024.

Royal Cabinet

The executive branch consists of a twelve-member Royal Cabinet of Ministers, presided over by the Prime Minister and reigning Monarch. The Prime Minister is nominated from among the members of the Popular Assembly by their peers, and approved by the Monarch. They serve a six year term, and can be re-elected at the end of their term once. The Prime Minister appoints ambassadors, members of the Royal Cabinet, and a Second Minister as their deputy, again requisite to the approval of the Monarch and Popular Assembly.

Ministers serve as executive heads of specific government departments, exercising administrative day-to-day control over their portfolios. Ministers are required to have a competency in their portfolio, and to dispense the functions of exercising their regulatory powers relating to their Minister, countersigning the Monarch in matters within their portfolio, exercising their Ministry's lawful powers to enact the Laws passed by the Assembly, enforcing the Laws passed by the Assembly relating to their portfolio, developing their Ministry to reflect the changing national and international situations, and to communicate to the rest of the Royal Cabinet, the Prime Minister, and the Monarch when issues within their portfolio are poised to become larger in scope.

Certain Ministries originated in the First Constitution, while some were created more recently according to developing sciences, technologies, and ideas.

The next elections for the Prime Minister will begin on January 15th, 2022.

Portrait Name Style Titles Reign
Sebastián II
His Grace, Sebastián the Second de Naranza-Carratéo
King of Casilló y Réal
Sovereign of Andora
Duke of Costa Tranquíla
Count of Tranha, Zamocante, and Sojara
Grand Master of the Chivalric Andoran Orders
2 May 1987
(37 years ago)
Royal Cabinet of Ministers
Portrait Minister Portfolio Department Constituency Term
Gabriella Orellana
Prime Minister of Casilló y Réal
Office of the Prime Minister
Festián, Porta Tranquíla
1 March 2016
(8 years ago)
Diego Escuerdo
Second Minister
Office of the Cabinet
1 March 2016
(8 years ago)
José Luis de Blázquez
First Minister of the Interior
Count of Barcemara
Ministry of the Interior,
Democratic Policy, and Public Security
Barcemara, Porta Tranquila
8 April 2016
(8 years ago)
Matias Goméz
First Minister of Diplomacy
Ministry of Diplomacy,
Foreign Affairs, and Interconnectivity
17 April 2016
(8 years ago)
Helena Labrador
First Minister of the Economies
Ministry of the Economies,
Taxation, and Coin
2 April 2016
(8 years ago)
Lucia Góvia de Gomis
First Minister of the Sciences
Viscountess of Vazara
Ministry of the Sciences,
Technology, and Research
28 April 2016
(8 years ago)
Moses Guevara
First Minister of the Armed Services
Ministry of the Armed Services,
Sovereign Protection, and War Doctrine
Porta Armada
3 May 2016
(8 years ago)
Lidia Carmen de Romero
First Minister of the Civil Services
Countess of La Vontra
Ministry of the Civil Services,
Public Trust, and Mail Delivery
La Vontra
6 May 2016
(8 years ago)
Salma Carreiro
First Minister of the Justice
Ministry of the Justice,
Legal Enforcement, and Investigation
10 March 2016
(8 years ago)
Ramón Burgos
First Minister of the Infrastructure
Ministry of the Infrastructure,
Civil Works, and Transportation
16 March 2016
(8 years ago)
Israel Miguélez
First Minister of Health
Ministry of Health,
Medicine, and Public Saftey
21 May 2016
(8 years ago)
Unai Sáenz
First Minister of Education
Ministry of Education,
History, and Culture
27 May 2016
(8 years ago)
Hector Aragonés
First Minister of Labour
Ministry of Labour,
Workers, and Unions
27 May 2016
(8 years ago)
Laia Sacristán
First Minister of Agriculture
Ministry of Agriculture,
Fishing, and Foods
8 June 2016
(8 years ago)
Francisco Javier de Ferreira
First Minister of the Environment
Duke of Sevitoria
Ministry of the Environment,
Sustainability, and Pollution Elimination
13 June 2016
(8 years ago)
Maria Núñez del Mar
First Minister of Communications
Countess of Quenco
Ministry of Communications,
Broadcasting, and Digital Technology
7 March 2016
(8 years ago)

Royal Powers of the Crown

The Monarch has some governmental power, though most of it is a formality and must be countersigned by appropriate parties such as the Prime Minister or Minister of the Assembly. Such powers are called the Royal Prerogative, Assent, Intent, and Action.

  • The power to appoint the Prime Minister, and to dismiss them. This power is reserved solely by the Monarch, and though they must appoint a candidate as nominated by the Popular Assembly, the Monarch may choose to appoint no candidate if none meets their approval. Dismissal of the Prime Minister can be overridden by a unanimous vote of the Assembly.
  • The power to approve ministerial appointments made by the Prime Minister. The Popular Assembly votes on whether the appointees will act in the best interests of the Corric people, but the Monarch has final say over whether they are allowed on the Royal Cabinet. There is no mechanism to countermand this and the Prime Minister must choose a new appointee if they do not get Royal Assent.
  • The power to give assent to bills passed by the Popular Assembly, which formally makes the bills into law. The Monarch further directs the Prime Minister on enacting the law via the Royal Cabinet. The Monarch may refuse to give assent to a bill passed, but they may be overridden by a supermajority of the Assembly.
  • The power to create and enact standards of lower importance than laws, such as Acts, Edicts, and Proclamations. These standards hold legal weight, but may not remain in place after certain lengths of time. This power must be countersigned by a government party appropriate to the context.
  • The power to designate a successor to the position of Monarch, and to change or dismiss the succession. This authority is entirely the Monarch's and cannot be countermanded, though the Popular Assembly can choose to not recognize the heir as legitimate upon the Monarch's abdication or death, at which point the matter is taken over by the judiciary or put to referendum.
  • The power to create a referendum upon a particular issue. This power must be countersigned by the Prime Minister, or at least half of the Royal Cabinet.
  • The power to grant positions in the government, be they civil or military. This power must be countersigned by the appropriate minister.
  • The power to grant, create, rescind, and destroy honors, including knighthood, noble titles, lands, and privileges, and awards of merit.
  • The power of creation, patronage, and destruction of Royal Institutions.
  • The power to command the Royal Corric Defense Forces. This power is usually delegated to the First Minister of the Armed Services and Prime Minister. However, the Monarch holds the official hereditary rank of Generalissimo-Rége, the highest military office in the nation, and so can make decisions on national defense directly. Decisions that are suspect by the Royal Cabinet can be countermanded by a vote of at least half, or by joint decision of the First Minister of the Armed Services and the Prime Minister.
  • The power to appoint and dismiss members of the Royal Household.
  • The power to use the budget of the Royal Household freely.
  • The power to grant royal pardons, known as the Graceful Mercy of the Crown. The Monarch may only pardon persons as submitted by the First Minister of the Justice, and reserves the right to pardon no-one.
  • The power to direct the Royal Cabinet to take certain actions. This requires a written Statement of Intent, which details the course of action the Monarch requires the Cabinet to take. The Cabinet reserves the right to not act on these Statements.
  • The power to grant the Royal (Réal) title to establishments such as universities, sports teams, and infrastructure.

Feudalism in Casilló y Réal

The Castle Herenubías still serves as the personal residence and administrative offices of the Count of Herenubías. A small brown castle sits on a low rise next to a town, with trees in the foreground and mountains in the background.. The castle has four towers, one at each corner of the walls. It is not an impressive structure but it is larger than the buildings in the town.
The Castle Herenubías still serves as the personal residence and administrative offices of the Count of Herenubías

The system of feudalism is still functioning at a secondary level in the Corric Kingdom. The system of noble titles in Cassiló y Réal has been described as post-feudal, semi feudal, and pseudo feudal, but is academically described as a hereditary peerage bureaucracy. There exists a list of eighty two family lines codified within the First Constitution as being ‘Noble Blood.’ These Houses, as they are known, retain certain rights and privileges carried over from their lineage as the most prominent noble lines of the Andoran kingdoms.

Members of the Noble Blood Houses are afforded limited control over the real estate historically associated with their titles. The nine districts of the nation were designed for the dual purpose of streamlining regional governance and maintaining the Noble Blood land borders. These expanses of land controlled are known as heredados. Local governments must get the approval of their lords to build or rezone sections of the lord's heredad, but may have overruled the lords decision with a supermajority vote. Lords have a responsibility to ensure the upkeep of their heredados public works and that the tax revenue collected is being used responsibly. The lords may appoint officials to positions in public works or taxation, but these appointments must be cross examined and approved by local governments.

Lords may participate actively in the governance of their heredad, but are prohibited from appointing or being appointed to specific positions by other members of the nobility. Instead they must be nominated and confirmed by members of their territorial populace. Lords further have the right to retain one percent of the revenue of their heredad as nontaxable income. This right is provided in exchange for the lord using their privileges to improve the lives of their populace.

Legally speaking, all members of Noble Blood are considered employees of the national government once they reach their majority. While they are free to pursue careers and lifestyles independent of it, the government reserves the right to require service of them at any time. This may be the nomination to a position in the popular assembly by members of their heredados populace, but also includes appointments to posts in Ministries or the courts. Often, certain families will fulfil certain roles throughout several generations, which is why the system is considered a hereditary bureaucracy. Members of Houses will train younger members in their duties for a seamless transition upon retirement. Several generations of prominent Houses have served in the same ambassadorial positions for three to four generations.

The King may give individuals or families titles that count them as of Noble Blood. This process is not unilateral; the King must get the approval of the Popular Assembly to do so and pass a declaration through the Courts to make it legally recognized. Certain titles come with lands, and certain ones cannot be inherited. Likewise the King may rescind titles from individuals or their entire families. This may involve stripping them of the lands associated with the title, the rights and privileges of the title, or the entire title itself. The King must go through the same process for granting titles. Certain legal statutes mean people may have their Noble Blood status removed if they are convicted of certain crimes.

Foreign Policy

The Volkian Embassy in the Casa de Rojó, Porta Tranquíla. A building next to a park in a city. It is five stories tall and made of red brick, with a stepped red flat roof. A belltower made of smooth marble rises from the back left corner.
The Volkian Embassy in the Casa de Rojó, Porta Tranquíla

Casilló y Réal currently maintains permanent embassies with the following nations:

  • Tavaris
  • Cryria
  • Volkia
  • New Leganes
  • Norgsveldet

The foreign policy stance of Casilló y Réal is to expand the nations trade opportunities and close ties with regional powers. The nation does not have a specific ideological stance it promotes or adheres to, aside from abhorring absolute-rule governing styles such as communal authoritarianism or fascism. Many people of Corric citizenship feel that there is no one correct way to run a nation, and this has resulted in a very diverse caucus of governmental representatives, ranging all along the political spectrum. This has led to Casilló y Réal having regular relations with communist states, theocracies, and monarchies alike. Extensive military buildups, international interventionalist, and imperialist foreign policy stances are anathema to the Corric government, and have led to markedly worse relations with certain countries.

The strength of the Corric economy and military, while sufficient for a nation of its size, are not enough to allow it to stand as a preeminent regional player, nor to deter foreign powers from attempting to interfere in Corric matters. The current diplomatic mandate of the government is therefore to form bonds with other nations, develop close cultural, economic, and personal ties with those nations, and insert the Corric state into organizations and alliances based around mutual benefit. Casilló y Réal achieved membership status in the League of Novaris on 11 November 2021, achieving one major long-term goal of foreign policy. Attempts had been made to join various regional cooperatives during the 1900s, but ideological equilibrium only stabilized in the late 2010s for the Corric government to seriously consider pursuing membership.

A strong sentiment exists in Casilló y Réal that the nation should pursue a special relationship status with other countries of Impelanzan descent, such as New Leganes, South Peragen, and Kuthernburg. Many scholars argue that the shared linguistic and cultural heritage make a Impelantic community a foregone conclusion. Detractors have pointed out that these nations have vastly different priorities and foreign policy stances as the Corric Kingdom, and that such an initiative would be counterproductive in the face of developing more equal relations with worthy partners.


Members of the Royal Corric Armed Legions on parade in 2015. In the foreground is a short woman in a formal military tunic, green and made of cotton. It has a black belt and a black cross-shoulder strap, buckled in gold. The undershirt is very light blue and has a black tie tucked under the jacket. She is wearing white silk gloves and carrying a cavalry saber in her right hand, which rests against her shoulder. Her hat is short and cylindrical like a fez, and has a rear-protruding portion. It appears to be smooth and reflective, possible plastic. In the background are four lines of men in the same uniform carrying bolt action rifles with wooden stocks and bayonets against their left shoulders. All are serious looking. There are many more soldiers visible but cut off on either side of the picture.
Members of the Royal Corric Armed Legions on parade in 2015

The military of Casilló y Réal is the Royal Corric Defense Forces (Fuerza de Defensa de Corric Réal.) The commander-in-chief is the Monarch, currently Sebastián II. Next in line is the Prime Minister, and then the First Minister of the Armed Services. The FDCR is administrated by the General Staff Offices, with the bureaus of the Ministry of the Armed Services serving an auxiliary role.

The branches of the FDCR are:

While previously conscription was mandatory, it was downgraded to universal basic training in 2005.

Administrative Divisions

Casilló y Réal consists of nine Administrative Districts, which each have a limited authority to elect their own governments, legislatures, and administrators, and to organize their own budgets and resources. There is also one Special Administrative District which is smaller than the others, Salasca, containing the capital city of Eleçeron, and the Maritime District, which contains the various small islands inside the nations maritime borders. Districts are represented in the Popular Assembly by electing Representatives from their municipalities. There are 185 Representatives from the Administrative Districts, twenty from Salasca, and fifteen from the Maritime District.

Each District is subordinate to the central government, as opposed to a confederation or united state system. Health and education, while maintained by Ministries, are generally left up to district governments based on their own needs and priorities. The smallest division of land is the Municipality, going up to the Province, Region, and finally District. The Royal Corric Guard functions as a federal-level police over each of the districts.


Casilló y Réal's economy, defined as mixed-capitalist, is the 55th largest on Urth and the 8th largest in Novaris.

Unemployment currently stands at 8.2% and dropping, which is down from the 2010 unemployment rate of 12.7%. Weak points of the Corric economy include a large informal economy, resistance to widespread fossil fuel use, a still-developing education system, and limited regular trade partners.

The 1960s and 70s saw a plateau in GDP growth. Certain sectors of the Corric economy had become too specialized and had to be redesigned or abandoned after the international shift towards manufacturing and service economies. GDP grew only 3.1% between 1965 and 1970, compared to the 12% growth between 1950 and 1955. Fishing, arms manufacture, and horse breeding, once staples of Casilló y Réal exports during the first decades of the 20th century, nearly vanished completely during this period. Each sector is now healthy, but contributes almost 40% less to GDP than before.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Casilló y Réal invested heavily in renewable energy, green enterprises, and environmental action groups. Additional sources of large private and government investment include the Dragonmont Corporation, the largest worker-owned cooperative in the nation, Heritage Inc., a decentralized community of traditional Corric artisans, train manufacturers, textile companies, smart infrastructure, technology, and advanced agriculture.


A greenhouse in Marsalvano growing bananas and aloe. A long greenhouse with a plastic roof and metal frame filled with aloe planted in the center aisle. On either side on the dirt floor are wooden and metal stands which are supporting juvenile banana trees.
A greenhouse in Marsalvano growing bananas and aloe

Agriculture is the second-largest employer in the country and the largest single economic contributor, at 18.4% of GDP. Casilló y Réal has an abundance of fertile soil at different elevations and acidities, making about 36% of the nation able to be used for agriculture. The culture of farming is deeply ingrained into Corric culture. Many cities still possess farmland within their municipal limits, and often neighborhoods have communal gardens. Casilló y Réal is the largest exporter of olive oil, citrus fruit, cereals, and tobacco in Novaris, with the production of these goods making up 28% of all agricultural output. 22% of farmland is used for animal husbandry, with an additional 14% used as permanent pasture. Many animals are raised for their secondary products instead of their meat, with cheese, wool, milk, and manure contributing 7% of the agriculture exports. The nation is the largest breeder of horses in Novaris, with 200,000 head foaled in 2020.

Corric farmers are adept at crop rotation. Largely due to limited rain and lower soil quality, historical agriculture in Andora relied on several staple summer winter crops. Many farms would have maize, fruit trees, wheat, and olives planted during the summer, and rotate in beets, cabbage, carrots, and pax fruits for the generally mild winter. This practice has grown to a point where most cultivated land in the nation harvests twice a year.

The government is currently in the midst of expanding irrigation systems and modern sustainable farming. Most arable land relies on either a natural waterway or rainfall for irrigation, with around 17% using an irrigation system older than 50 years, while only 6% use a recent irrigation system. Areas in the western mountains are prone to high summer heat and limited rainfall, necessitating the growth of wheat, olives, grapes, and little else. It is the projections of the government that suggest more up-to-date agriculture methods can boost the crop yield in this region by 320%, with an overall national boost at around 70%.

Corric foodstuffs are also processed locally and shipped abroad. The largest processed export is juice, followed by vegetable oils, jams, wine, and baked goods.

Raw Materials

The raw materials industry in Casilló y Réal is the third-largest single employer in the country and contributes 9.1% to the total GDP. The nation ranks among the highest for variety of minerals extracted and produced.

In 2020, the mining and refining industries produced nearly 500 million tons of materials, with the largest shares being zinc (5.21%,) gypsum (4.09%,) flourite (3.94%,) and copper (3.86%.) Casilló y Réal does not produce large quantities of alloys and refined material in relation to raw material, though there is a moderate amount of domestic steel, gravel, and potash production along with smaller localized production of other material.

Corric companies have invested $1.6 billion dollars between 2015 and 2020 into a variety of methods and equipment for mineral extraction. These initiatives include a $300 million contract developing carbon-neutral facilities for Anbareza Corporation mines, as well as a $421 million investment by Kimaneó Holdings for carbon capture technology.

The lumber industry is also a significant part of the raw material sector, though much less developed than mining. Around 21% of Casilló y Réal has forests, with 14% of that area again being zoned for lumber. Agroforestry and arboriculture contribute about 0.87% to GDP and produce between 450 thousand and 900 thousand planks and logs per year, depending on harvestable product. Cedar is the most popular hardwood for harvest followed by teak and elm. It is practice for farms growing olive trees to sell the rights to their dead trees to lumber firms.


Wind turbine facility in rural Castevija. Several rolling hills covered in trees have a few dozen large wind turbines on the tops of them. There is a small collecion of buildings at the base of one hill that appear to be electrical transformers. There are no other signs of human life.
Wind turbine facility in rural Castevija

Casilló y Réal produces the majority of its energy (31.5%, or around 58,000 GWh,) from power sources that are generally renewable or else non-damaging to the environment. These include massive Kuthern-built solar farms, wind turbines on land and offshore, noninvasive hydroelectric power, and some amounts of geothermal. While not the largest producer of electricity in Novaris, the nation regularly exceeds its grid demand and can sell the excess to other nations. A further 28% of energy produced is from biomass energy plants, while 20% is generated by coal plants and 14% by natural gas. The final 7% is made up of various other methods including nuclear and petroleum.

The renewable energy industry in Casilló y Réal is marked high for its scale and advancement. While importing material and labor, the infrastructure itself is mostly of Corric design. A number of patents on advanced wind and solar energy generation methods originate from Corric inventors. Many cities and towns use miniaturized wind and water turbines and solar panels to power local infrastructure. Government grants and programs have enabled the green energy capabilities of Casilló y Réal to grow 700% since 2000. The industry itself employs over 94,000 people and contributes 7.6% to GDP.


Tourism in Casilló y Réal sees around 22 million visitors a year, with most visiting the coastal regions. The architecture, cuisine, beaches, and ocean ports remain the largest draw of the Corric coast. Significant numbers also visit the Andoran interior, where the major attractions are outdoor activities, historical sites, architecture, and alcohol breweries. The capital of Eleçeron ranks seventh for tourism nationally, but first for destinations inland. The travel infrastructure, mainly centered around riverine and rail travel, provides visitors with many scenic views. Travel and transport companies have made strides to use more all-function trains and river cruises to attract tourists. The total industry provides 7.1% of the total GDP.


Corric manufacturing is more limited than other nations, but remains specialized enough that it is a significant economic contributor. Factory and assembled goods make up 12.5% of the economy. This includes all industrial goods such as automobiles and the artisan goods like textiles, clothing, and furniture.

Large portions of land that are not suitable for agriculture are often reserved for the manufacturing industry. Categories included are textiles, machines, transport, instruments, weapons, and arts.

The textle industry is very large, making up 23% of all manufactured items. Popular exports include sports jerseys, overcoats, summer wear, hats, athletic and hiking shoes, sandals, watches, ponchos, and undergarments, but the largest textile products are wool, cotton, felt, rugs, drapes, and carpeting. Significant numbers of Corric textiles are hand-made and are considered a cultural heritage.

Machines are often industrially manufactured, and include large amounts of infrastructure and components for larger machines. Items included in this category are valves, insulated wire, transmissions, engines, air conditioners, gas turbines, and heat sinks. Machines accounted for 17% of manufactured exports in 2020.

Transport is a vitally important industry for Casilló y Réal, contributing 20%. Trucks make up the largest part of manufactured vehicles, followed by airplanes, cargo vessels, helicopters, cars, and fishing vessels. Corric industry builds nearly 2 million trucks of various types annually. Many airplanes built for military use have been so successful they are in use worldwide in civilian and emergency services roles. While the nation does not have any canals itself, the river system offers conditions well-suited to smaller container ships. Corric shipyards specialize in dry bulk and container vessels of less than 400 feet.

Instruments are a smaller industry, with the Corric sciences on delicate systems being less sophisticated than other nations. At 12% of the manufacturing economy, the primary instruments exports are medical tools, orthopedic appliances, gyroscopes, thermostats, thermometers, chemical processing equipment, speedometers, and altimeters.

The Corric arms industry supplies firearms, ammunition, aircraft, watercraft, and explosives to the domestic military. Specialties include helicopters, transport aircraft, small-scale warships, rifles, and artillery. Exports of these items reached an estimated $45 billion in 2020. Casilló y Réal does import arms from foreign suppliers due to the lagging modernity of domestic manufacturers, which are attempting to develop designs on par with international standards. In total arms made up 18% of manufactured exports.

Arts is the smallest manufactured industry, providing 10% of the market. The Corric arts community is very large, but follows a more traditional and artisan approach. Most implements and supplies are handmade by the artist or a small business owner. Internationally, Corric art supplies are highly prized for their durability, natural feel, higher quality, and environmental friendliness. Art also includes furniture, which is often carved rather than cut. The largest art products are prints and paintings, followed by chairs, tables, paint brushes, bedframes, easels, pencils, dressers, charcoal, mirrors, erasers, pigments, cabinetry, sculptures, and clay.


Casilló y Réal is a highly cultured nation, with heritage stretching back to the early 3rd Century BCE. It is an Enlightened Coast nation, as defined by Corric philosipher Erik Vael Hernandéz in 1799. Large portions of Corric culture, like language, architecture, and agriculture have derived from its start as an Impelanzan colony, providing its status as a major Impelantic descendant state. Religion has also played a large part in Corric development; Tunseism and Deusism, in particular, shaped many traditions and beliefs and are still practiced today across the country. Cuisine is one of the largest pillars of Corric culture, influenced by the geographic region and the extensive trade network of the 17th and 18th centuries. This network allowed Casilló y Réal to come into contact with and absorb aspects of many international cultures.


Downtown Giroruña exemplifies a mix of ancient and modern Corric buildings

Corric architecture draws from many heritages and influences. The humans from southern Arcturia that settled the Andora region brought the Impelantic architectural style. Almost all Corric buidlings from the early 1st millenium are some variation of these styles. The city of Porta Armada is the largest surviving example of Impelantic architecture in Casilló y Réal. A derivative style, known as Andoran Impelantic, developed over the 4th century. This style informed much of the aesthetic and proportional languages of later Corric architecture. Hallmarks of traditional Corric styles such as Deseré include fired clay roofing, colorful window settings, and a washed stone exterior.

Some styles in the northern regions incorporated ideas from the Nacatan architectural styles. In the 6th century, the Vedra style became popular, combining Tunseist, Impelantic, and Nacatan architectural languages. The Vedra style combined traditional mosaics and frescos with patterened structures and decorative stonework to create intricate designs and optical effects. The style eventually gave rise to the NeoVedra school in the 14th century. Cathedrals, castles, and monuments built by NeoVedra architects are considered to be some of the most imporant architectural heritage sites of northern Andora.

Modern architecture and international standards blended with Corric traditions to create the Corinteró style in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Important architectural schools such as the Ganuá Academy are responsible for many landmarks in modern sections of Corric cities in the Corinteró style. An ultramodernist style currently expanding within the country is the Tranquíla school, named for its emergence in the city of Porta Tranquíla.



Corric literature is very diverse. The nation hosts many publishing houses and book vendors, responsible for a large percentage of Impelantic translation prints and publishing in Novaris. There is a long history of the written word in Anodra; the first scripts recorded are carvings and scrollwork from the Impelanzan colonists in the fourth century. These detail aspects of everyday life as well as more prosaic subjects such as love, architecture, and religion.

During the middle ages, Andoran authors created many remarkable works on chivalry and fuedalistic society. Philosphical works such as de Cartevija's To Become an Ideal Cavalier (Convertirse en un Perfecto Caballero) and de Vries' Holy Actions of the Noble Man (Acciones Santas del Hombre Noble) remain popular volumes for anthropologists and scholars, while the fictional stories within The Great Deeds (Las Estupenda Hazañas) and Fifteen Virtues (Quince Virtudes) are widely regarded as classic examples of chivalric court prose.

Various military anthologies were written between 1400 and 1700 by Corric generals and admirals and some remain as standout texts used in formal strategic education. The Total Sum of Warfare (Suma Total de la Guerra) by Generalissimo-Rege Victor is required reading at the Descarai Combat Academy.

During the Rennaisance of the Mind during the mid-1700s to mid-1800s, scholars produced a variety of works on geopolitics, society, philosiphy, cognition, and theology. One noteworthy work from this period is Hernandéz's Nations Developing a Global Presence Through Waterborne Trade (Naciones que Desarrollan una Presencia Mundial a Través del Comercio Marítimo,) which popularized the idea of the Enlightened Coast.

Casilló y Réal was the birthplace of several noteworthy authors during the Expression movement, including Jean Gabriel de la Crúz, writer of the Corric Classic I, Myself, am Lost (Yo Mismo Estoy Perdido.) Other writers of this period include Xabier Valdovinos, Nahia Castillero, and Arlet Álvarez. Many works published by Expression authors are still sold today in many languages, and form part of literature curriculems in Corric schools.

A majority of news publications and current events sources in Casilló y Réal are handled by the Andoran Union of Journalists. Founded in 1871 with the popularization of broadsheet newspapers, the AUJ is a workers-rights, collective-bargianing, bias-prevention, and information distribution association that serves as an impartial publisher of Corric news. The Union also acts as a go-between for journalists and their editors and executives, as well as the publications and the Corric government.



Performing arts


Casilló y Réal is a highly athletic state, though it does not have as many competitive sports teams as other nations. The most popular sport in the nation is football, with practice ranging from national-level sponsored teams to neighborhood games between children. This sport originated from abroad and was imported in a primitive form in the late 1800s. Corric football teams are considered respectable if average on the international field. Notably, no Corric team has ever won an international competition and many years the nation does not qualify. Regardless of this, for its athletic benefits as well as entertainment value it remains the most-participated and watched sport.

Native to the country is the Tournament of Saint Marta, the global championships for the sport of Historical Armoured Martial Arts. Casilló y Réal is considered to be the birthplace of modern competitive HAMA, having kept the practice alive within the culture of knighthood and chivalry that still permeates the nation. Each Duchy, County, and Barony in the country has their own HAMA team, called Companies, using the arms of their province as team colors. Corric HAMA tournaments can consist of individual entrant events or team-based competitions. The individual competitions themselves are known as hastilidiums, and include quintain, jousting, passes of arms, melee, mounted and foot archery, and wrestling. The Tournament of Saint Marta itself is a triathlon of jousting, wrestling, and melee. The Administrative Board of Armoured Martial Arts, the international oversight body for HAMA, is headquartered in Eleçeron

Other sports that are popular in Casilló y Réal are rugby, tennis, various forms of regional handball, golf, swimming, marathons, and stock and rally car racing. The automotive industry of the nation is well-regarded for its ability to engineer rugged and powerful racecars that find use in many international competitions by native and foreign drivers.


A dish of atún con paxas cooked on a traditional hotplate

Corric cuisine draws heavily on the geography and culture of the Andora region and is characterized by a heavy use of vegetable and fruit products and flavorings alongside traditional spices. Principal ingredients are influenced by availability, with seafood and fish being more common coastally and heavier meats available inland. Corric people widely recognize four distinct categories of cuisine:

Northern cuisine is considered those traditional foods from the northern coast and northeast inland region. It makes heavy use of seafood, found in roasted and fried dishes, hot and cold soups, and eaten raw. It also uses fruit as a seasoning and complimentary ingredient, such as in pirta (lemon rice.) A traditional delicacy of Northern cuisine is atún con paxas (slowgrilled steak tuna on baby pax fruits fried in olive oil) on a bed of pirta with a side of asparagus, mushrooms, and figs.

Southern cuisine comes from the southern coast and parts of the inland southern region. While seafood is still an integral part of the dishes, baked goods and vegetables as well as poultry are also prominent. Southern cuisine is known for its desserts, including pies, pastries, and honey-dipped candies. Dishes commonly considered Southern staples include pecuedé (salted fish with vegetables, usually spinach and tomato, and blue cheese on sour bread) and encuéras (thick pastries with a honey glaze and jellied fruit preserves inside.)

Valley cuisine developed in the river valleys and farming communities of central Andora and involves heavy use of milk, cheese, beef, and goat meat alongside vegetables and various heavy spices. Valley regions are known for producing foods with long shelf lives like jámon valé (smoked, salted, and spiced bacon) and curín cheese. A traditional peasent dish that has evolved into a fixture of Andoran culture, guinzio (creamy tomato soup with bacon, served with rye bread and olive oil) and its many variations are considered Valley cuisine.

Upland cuisine is a smaller but distinct category that comes from the western portions of inland Andora. Due to the dryer climate, Uplands food focuses heavily on ingredients such as wheat, olives, figs, maize, and mutton. Bread products, fig preserves, and dipping sauces from the western regions are well known for their use in communal events and sharable platters. Cordero con maízturo (roasted lamb legs with oregano and mustard, served on corn and crisp bread) is an Upland delicacy.


The Corric culture places heavy importance on celebrating. It is seen as an acceptance of the events of life and a celebration of achievement when people gather for holidays and festivals. Certain festivals are viewed as essential to good luck, and those that do not participate are seen with varying degrees of pity and suspicion. There are nearly 130 different national holidays, each with their own customs and traditions, with 60 of those also having government-mandated moratoriums on working for most, and triple overtime for essential workers. The Monarch retains the power to, on advice of the Royal Cabinet, declare certain days to be work-free holidays on a temporary or permanent basis. The government maintains its secular policymaking stance, but allows work holidays for religious groups that make up at least 1% of the population.

Many Corric festivals are times when private family gathers are observed, but major events can draw crowds upwards of ten-thousand. There are several regionally and internationally renowned Corric festivals that are celebrated worldwide by the Corric diaspora.

La Fiesta de Santo Abrosius
The Cross of Saint Abrosius

The Fiesta de Santo Abrosius is the feast day of the patron saint of Andora, who lived near 1240 CE, and the largest religious holiday in the country. The festivities begin the second Friday in May, and typically last until the following Monday, though certain parts of the nation can see them end on Wednesday. The holiday is characterized by paper decorations either chained together or pattern-cut from long reams, as well as ringed candles, iconography of Saint Abrosius, and incense, if affordable. The colors of Saint Abrosius are green and white, and can be found on almost every decoration. This has earned the holiday the appellation la verde y blanco. The Fiesta de Santo Abrosius follows a four-day pattern that mirrors the life of the Saint. The first day involves small family gatherings and the sharing of stories and traditional Andoran peasent food. The second sees families travel around their neighborhoods and towns exchanging stories and handmade gifts. The third is a national celebration, with large crowds, music, communal cooking, and events held by churches. The fourth and last day is somber and dedicated to absent or dead family.

Elements of the Corric diaspora also celebrate this holiday. Depending on the size of the community, festivities may be restricted to a floor of an apartment building, a street, or even entire sections of towns. The largest Corric community outside the nation is in Arkalarius, followed by Packilvania, and these see moderately sized celebrations that are quite similar in scale and scope to that of their homeland. The Fiesta de Santo Abrosius' good cheer, inclusivity, and gift giving are credited with easing the acceptance of Corric immigrants in many nations.


Harvestide is an amalgamated holiday drawn from Andoran Deusism, Tunseism, Corric history, and international sources. The festivities fall on the 20th of November. Historically, this is the day that the summer harvest taxes were due in the Kingdom of Avantana. The king would give out rewards to his loyal lords by tradition, in acknowledgement of their fealty and the work of their people. This evolved into more elaborate celebrations of the collective efforts of the common folk and the cultural bonds of Andoran people. Lords would invite their noble subjects to a feast on tax day, where they would provide gifts and entertainment in times of plenty, and a meal and comraderie in times of hardship. The first son of a lord would traditionally entertain his fathers pledged nobles, while his father would attend the feast of his liege. On the lowest rung of nobility, the sons of Viscounts would invite prominent members of the heredad to a feast, usually wealthy merchants and knights. All heredads would provide some largesse to the peasentry, usually in the form of free drinks or meals at a local business. As the influences of Deusism became more widespread, the clergy saw the celebration of community effort that the Tax Feast involved. The Church found this to be in line with their own teachings about equality and the value of acknowledging all contributions to society.

In the mid-1400s, the Tax Feast became a mixture of political, social, and religious celebration, and would soon be renamed Harvestide by the Church. In large part due to donations, the Andoran Deus Church subsidized the celebrations for the common people. Farmers and craftspeople recieved a wooden tally chit for their taxes, which had several uses. They could either show it at inns and taverns for free meals, which the establishment would be reimbursed for by the Church, or they could exchange it in return for being sent seed and supply for the winter harvest. The Church would also provide sermons and blessings at gatherings of the nobility, which often focused on thanks-giving and the appreciation of the efforts of the working class. Larger religious institutes such as cathedrals and monasteries hosted "Street Feasts" for the impoverished. Harvestide also coincided with the settling of debts, the shipment of goods, and a rest period after a summer of work. These elements combined and the holiday became what it is in the modern period.

Modern Harvestide takes place from noon on November 20th to sunset on the 21st, beginning with the submission of tax forms in a pseudo-celebration of patriotism called la gran sumisión. The tradition of giving gifts and charity still survives, and it is common for employers to provide employees with raises, tokens of appreciation, and food. Members of the nobility will still invite their most prominent taxpayers and subordinate lords to day-long parties. At or around sunset on the 20th, the traditional meal of trabajo del verano will be eaten. This consists of foods that are normally associated with the Andoran summer harvest, such as fruit, olives, corn, chickens, and cows, made into a variety of pies, stews, sauces, and baked dishes. Following the meal a great procession to the nearest Church or holy site will occur, where people will sign hymns of appreciation for the food and family they have. At the end of these hymns, the presiding clergymember will read aloud notably accomplishments by members of the community. People are encouraged to contribute things they are thankful for, as well. Once completed, this monstrado will disperse back to homes to catch broadcasts of the Archbishop and Monarch on radio and television at 9 pm. The Archbishop will read a list of extraordinary accomplishments that happened over the summer and autumn by Corric citizens, and the Monarch will read a list of events internationally that contributed to peace, moral righteousness, and cooperation. The days festivities end with a light dessert, and the entire day of the 21st is free and unplanned so people can relax however they wish.

Corric Tax Day

An associated holiday to Harvestide is Corric Tax Day, on the 22nd of November. The government and Church will provide free meals and gifts to the workers of the Royal Corric Ministry of Taxation, who have to sort through a backlog of millions of tax forms submitted two days prior. Employees can pull as much overtime as they want and are excused from work for at least two days once they complete their assigned docket of paperwork. Certain neighborhoods near Royal Taxation Ministry offices will prepare meals and drinks to deliver to their local office.

See Also