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Ludvig's beliefs were formed on the basis of the conserving of monarchies and modernising their role to fit a new society. Mainly through the establishment of grassroots movements and popular support to the monarchy, which in Royalistic populist doctrine will be that of a constitutional monarch whose main role is that of a national and cultural symbol for tradition and democracy.
Ludvig's beliefs were formed on the basis of the conserving of monarchies and modernising their role to fit a new society. Mainly through the establishment of grassroots movements and popular support to the monarchy, which in Royalistic populist doctrine will be that of a constitutional monarch whose main role is that of a national and cultural symbol for tradition and democracy.

== [[Progressism]] ==
== [[w:Progressivism|Progressivism]] ==

=== [[Progressism]] ===

Progressism, alternatively Technocratic progressivism and Techno-atheism, is a radical interpretation of progressive concepts which advocates for the acceleration of social and technological development through the suppression or outright elimination of institutions deemed "regressive" and the consolidation of political power amongst the [[W:intelligentsia|intelligentsia]]. The ideology seeks to create a [[W:Technological utopianism|techno-utopian]] society ruled on [[W:Positivism|positivist]], [[W:Technocracy|technocratic]] principles.
Progressism, alternatively Technocratic progressivism and Techno-atheism, is a radical interpretation of progressive concepts which advocates for the acceleration of social and technological development through the suppression or outright elimination of institutions deemed "regressive" and the consolidation of political power amongst the [[W:intelligentsia|intelligentsia]]. The ideology seeks to create a [[W:Technological utopianism|techno-utopian]] society ruled on [[W:Positivism|positivist]], [[W:Technocracy|technocratic]] principles.

Revision as of 19:24, 19 May 2023

In political science, an ideology is defined as a collection of beliefs, values and doctrines which set out the ethical and structural basis for a political system. Ideologies, while often attestable to a number of key figures, often form around the collectively held values of classes, social groups and institutions, which allow for diverse branches of an ideology influenced by the values and ideas propagated within a specific region, culture or institution.

The following list briefly explains the principles and goals of political ideologies which have held considerable influence within the history of a nation or nations, as well as those which currently hold sway in the political structure of contemporary political systems on Urth. Ideologies are grouped within sections based upon common values and historical association, though an ideology does not necessarily only fit within the group they are listed under.


Royalistic populism

Royalistic populism, sometimes known as Monarchistic populism, is an ideology based on the beliefs and policies of the former Norgsveltian prime minister Johan Ludvig. It was a major ideology in the Ulvrikian world, becoming popular after the Great War, with it having the largest impact on Norgsveldet.

Ludvig's beliefs were formed on the basis of the conserving of monarchies and modernising their role to fit a new society. Mainly through the establishment of grassroots movements and popular support to the monarchy, which in Royalistic populist doctrine will be that of a constitutional monarch whose main role is that of a national and cultural symbol for tradition and democracy.



Progressism, alternatively Technocratic progressivism and Techno-atheism, is a radical interpretation of progressive concepts which advocates for the acceleration of social and technological development through the suppression or outright elimination of institutions deemed "regressive" and the consolidation of political power amongst the intelligentsia. The ideology seeks to create a techno-utopian society ruled on positivist, technocratic principles.

The ideology emerged in Suvania during the 20th Century, as a romanticization of the appointment of a technocratic directorate in the country during the late 18th Century, with adherents emerging during the time of the Suvan Republic under the Progressist Political Association - calling for the taxation of religious institutions and radical reformation of the state’s education in order to remove conservative bias. Following the banning of Progressism in the Suvan Republic in 1956, the ideology would manifest in its current, more radical interpretation by the Progressist Resistance - later Army of Progress.

Religious democracy

Ademarist democracy

Ademarist democracy is a broad term describing those advocating for the inclusion of democratic elements within a state, alongside social policies taken from the system of ethics advocated for by Ademarist denominations. The ideology has historically been associated with the Church of St. Arend in Vistaraland, which sought to find a balance between the power of the monarch as a divinely appointed leader and the needs of the common people to be represented within governance.

Vierist democracy

Vierist democracy, sometimes known as Democratic Ademarism or Political Ademarim, is a political ideology which emerged in Vistaraland during as the basis for the country's interpretation of religious democracy. Vierist democracy prescribes a Hybrid system in which the powers of a democratic legislature are limited through the establishment of mechanisms allowing intervention by a strong monarch and religious leaders to protect and promote traditional religious beliefs, including a strong loyalty to the state, and the position of the nobility as paternalistic granters of security for the disenfranchised.

The ideology emerged in the mid-18th century on both in tempered opposition to the doctrine of Absolutism, which had gradually come to force during the See of Supremacy's consolidation of power over Vistaraland following the death of Hendrik II in 1668, as well as the emerging liberal philosophies arising from the merchant class.

Akuan democracy

Akuan democracy, sometimes referred to as Akuan Neo-traditionalism, Political Akuanism however more commonly called as Akuan democracy. It originates from the Akuan collectivism, Akuan traditionalism and proto-Akuan democracy groups. Starting within the late 15th century and early 16th century.

The ideology draws from Akuanism values, traditions and historical precedent of Akuan societies. Its foundation of the ideology is debated between historians and religious scholars, however most agree on the core tenets of the ideology coming from the “Buy-in” as coined by Ny'Sjørg of Ymirland, Municipalism, religious values of Akuanism and the welfare state.

Akuan progressivism

Akuan progressivism or Akuan centralism is a commonly accepted term and ideology within the circles of Akuan democracy. It advocates for a strong central government centred on the Prime Minister’s office, while still keeping to municipalism and regional or local governments. The ideology encourages formation of a self defence force to combat disasters and defence of the nation.

The ideology economically aims to decrease the number of state owned companies with exceptions for a few key industries needed for the health and the stability of the nation state. Increase taxation on the companies in order to pay for the welfare state.

Akuan traditionalism

Akuan traditionalism, or Akuan restoration, is the ideology within Akaun democracy that advocates more direct religious values and governance. It wishes to maintain a weaker central government with greater rights to regional or local governments. It openly rejects having a military.

Economically, they wish to decrease state owned companies, owned by the federal government and transfer them over to either regional governments or privatised them. It wishes to delegate taxation to the regional governments more, with only a small faction going back to the state.



Einarism, also commonly known as Ulvrikian Socialism, is a political ideology developed by Remir Eina, a Norgsveltian political philosopher, author and activist. In which Eina argued for constructing a socialist state based around nationalism and centralisation. Arguing that the internationalism of mainstream socialism hindered development of creating a classless society by pointing out patriotism and nationalism often strongest within working class communities. Stating that by striping away the ruling class influence of nationalism can a true socialist state be formed. Having created three books cementing his view of nationalism and how his ideal socialist state would look like.

Eina’s ideas became popular among left wing circles within Atlalandr, Kaldrbuth and former colonies of Norgsveldet being often stated to be more popular outside of his home country than inside it. Remaining a major political influence in East Atlalandr.

Religious socialism

Theocratic socialism

Theocratic socialism, also referred to as Clerical communalism and Ultra-Religious socialism, is an ideological system which combines strict religious doctrine and clericalism with a socialist economy, forming the state around a religious community or fellowship.

The ideology originated amongst the followers of Borko Luter, an Ademarist theologian and advocate for the notion of “equality under the God-on-Urth”. His revolutionary writings in the 17th century argued strongly against the power of nobility within the church, as well as both the hierarchy of feudal structures and exploitation of the poor under capitalism. His religious teachings would be established within the nation of Gräntierik, and the doctrines established within it would inspire a number of other forms of the ideology through the justification of socialism by other clerical movements.


Cult nihilism

Cult nihilism, also Kæra or Azraic nihilism, is the ideology and associated doctrine produced from the implementation of Ritual nihilist philosophy in Kæra'zna. Cult nihilism has been described as promoting a semi-consequentialist model of the state, in which the overarching goals of the state are taken as absolute justification for any action taken by it that may cause harm to its population. This model naturally promotes a system to which the populace are disfranchised and taken out of the decision-making process in order to establish a meritocratic hierarchy for the advancement of the state as a whole, comparable to a technocracy. Despite this, the system's rejection of morality diverges it from traditional consequentialism, with adherents of Cult nihilism describe themselves as advancing the power of the state not for moral means, but as an adherence to a "natural state of belief" in which a group must seek to empower itself at the expense of others. As such, Cult nihilists presents themselves as enacting Ritual nihilism in practice. Despite this, the ideology places considerable emphasis on the traditional cultural values of the Azraic people of North-eastern Borea, to which the ideology traces back much of its doctrine of Species supremacism, Anti-individualism and the encouragement of Necroequanimity - the traditional Azraic practice of rejecting the veneration of the dead.

The underlying philosophy of Ritual nihilism began to grow as a response to the success of the Kæra nihilist movement in the mid 19th Century, with the abolition of the Kæra monarchy in 1851. Following a rejection of a nihilist democratic system during the Grey Interim, factions within the Kæra nihilist movement began to theorize and reflect upon the pointless toil they had experienced under the monarchy, leading to the notion that while the goals of the system were entirely invalid, the system itself was emblematic of what they called "the universal constant": Pointlessness. In a way in which seemed almost paradoxical to those who had supported the revolution, the faction established a new authoritarian government in the winter of 1851, forming the basis for Cult nihilist doctrine.


Hirdism is a far right political ideology made by Tir Dveirleson, whose ideas are based on his writings and actions during his time as a colonial official in the then Norgsveltian colony of Ymirland. With him advocating for a militaristic, secularist and nationalistic republic, which would be organised by a military junta. With him being known for opposing anything involving religion, multiculturalism, pacifism, monarchy and tradition. With him being an active part of the Akuan Atrocities in Ymirland.

Despite Dveirleson’s death in 1919, after getting sentenced to death as a result of the Osfjord Trials, his ideals and work remain extremely popular among far right circles around the world. The ideology inspired ultra nationalistic movements in Tiervan, Helslandr and Kaldrbuth, with Dveirleson’s work being banned by several nations around the world.