The ICHO, or the International Cultural Heritage Organization, is a special committee organization of the International Forum devoted to the cataloging, preservation, and promotion of unique ideas, and the proliferation of international security and cooperation through arts, science, culture, history, and education initiatives. It is partnered with a number of Forum member states as well as nations outside the IF, alongside non-governmental organizations. It is headquartered in Rilanon, Christie Island, and has branch offices in nations worldwide to oversee its mandate.

The ICHO functions as a part of the International Forum devoted to the proliferation and preservation of information and unique ideas. It is responsible for translating and disseminating international literature, working to integrate nations into the digital network, securing and preserving sites of important cultural importance, and assists with the communication and understanding between unique societies via exchange programs and universal education. ICHO is responsible for many worldwide initiatives in partnership with individual nations and regional power blocs. The most famous part of the ICHO mandate is the Global Heritage program. This program catalogs locations, ideas, and information based in the material or immaterial value they have for domestic and international history, culture, and education. Global Heritage sites include national parks, grand architectural feats, religious pilgrimage destinations, and natural features of great fame and beauty.

ICHO Functions

(Add how the Organization is run, funded, overseen, etc.)

ICHO Global Heritage Sites

Global Heritage Site Image Country Description Annual Visitors (estimate)
Royal Giroruña Estate (Propriedad Réal de Giroruña)     Antora A complex covering twenty acres on the waterfront and main street of Giroruña. Its principal attractions are the ruined 13th century Tomaras Castle, built upon a small hill overlooking the Royal Southern Gardens, the current Ducal Palace, and the Southern Palace of the Kingdom of Casilló. The Southern Palace is in much better condition than Tomaras Castle but goes unused by the Monarchy in current times. All buildings are open to the public, though the Ducal Palace has limited tours only due to serving as the residence and workplace of the Duke. est. 4 million
Eleçeron Riverfront (Frente al Río de Eleçeron)     Antora The river district of Eleçeron. The city was founded on the steep banks of the Ría Dorada in 481 CE as a fishing and trade village and expanded outwards. The Royal Gorge that the Riverfront is centered on hosts many government and monarchy properties including the Ministry of Popular Assembly, the Sofía Bridge, and the Summer Palace. The area remains heavily populated and many buildings are over four hundred years old. The classic Réoran architecture of the area has influenced progressive and modern Antoran architectural styles. N/A - Settled Area
Walls of Ragólve (Fortificaciones de Ragólve)     Antora The fortifications of the walled town of Ragólve. They span a circumfrence of four kilometers and are the largest intact historical fortifications in the country. A full restoration project completed in 2007 allows visitors to walk the entire top of the walls. A cathedral and small towerhouse are connected to the walls on the inside and are still in use. Ragólve's walls have withstood bombardment and siege seven times and famously never failed. Some interior sections are off-limits. est. 220,000
Palacia de la Costa Tranquíla (Palace of the Tranquil Coast)     Antora The historical seat of the Antoran monarchy. The Palacia and its surrounding outbuildings and fortifications take up ten out of sixty acres of the Royal Palace Complex in Porta Tranquíla. Built in the mid-12th century as the castle of the Dukes of Avantana, the building has been reworked and expanded as the court of the Kings of Casilló and later Casilló y Réal. While a treasured and famous landmark, the Palacia serves as the home for the Antoran monarch eight months out of the year, and is closed to visitors except on special occaisons. The only publicly-accessibly section of the complex is a portion of the Royal Archive of Antora, the largest library in the nation. 13,200 (Archive only)
Tranquil Gardens (Jardins de Tranquíla)     Antora The royal garden complex adjacent to the Palacia de la Costa Tranquíla, located in south-western Porta Tranquíla. Tourists are allowed in the gardens Tuesdays through Thursdays. The gardens span fifty acres of cultivated land, topiaries, fountains and pools. They were created in 1312 and expanded over the years to include their famous orchards, flower gallery, and statuary. Royal events and parties are often held within the gardens, some of which are open to the public. The plants are rotated by the Royal Gardening Corps every season. 8.2 million
Monastery of the Orphaned Saint (Monasterio de la Santa Huérfana)     Antora One of the oldest Antoran Deusist monasteries in the country. Built in the early 1300s as a simple chapel, the building expanded over the centuries to be one of the main places of monastic study and Deusism theology in southern Antora. It is named after the Orphaned Saint, an unnamed orphan girl canonized in 1571, though the historical veracity of the tales has been questioned. The monastery fell into disuse in the 19th century and today stands as a monument and historical site managed by the Antoran Church. It is a popular place for Antoran Deus pilgrims. est. 30,000
Keep of God (Donjon de Dios)     Antora A 15th-century monastery built on a granite tidal island at the mouth of the Ría Dorada. The settlement was initially established as a trade port and grew over the centuries to be the strongest fortification protecting the entrance to the river. The monastery itself was converted from the former castle of the Count of de Bahía, who donated it to the Antoran Church in 1455. The island is a kilometer from the mainland and was inaccessible historically at high tide, though a causeway built in 1940 connects it to the road network. The monastery contains cloisters, a library, several work rooms, a garden, stable, and expansive chapel. Currently, the island is jointly administered by the Royal Antoran Heritage Trust and the Antoran Church, and is home to around 200 people year-round. est. 1.8 million
Azuré River Valley (Valle del Río Azuré)     Antora The largest and widest river valley system in the nation. Carved hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Río Azuré travels 871 km from central Antora to the province of Veropani in Maláma where it drains via delta into the Concordian Ocean. It is the longest river in Casilló y Réal ahead of the Oura and Dorado rivers. The River Valley is 798 km long and 24 km across at its widest point. The soil here is some of the most fertile in the region and many towns and settlements have been established as a result. The Río Azuré passes through eight cities and twenty-four towns, and directly irrigates over 4 million acres of farmland. The land within the River Valley has been fought over many times in the past, and boasts the highest concentration of historic castles and fortifications in Antora. est. 20 million
Nevadres National Park (Parque Nacional de los Nevadres)     Antora A national park encompassing some of the Nevadres mountain range in central Antora. It includes many unique geological landmarks and important watersheds, including the sources of the Azuré and Dorado rivers. Over a million acres of land are set aside as protected habitats and ecosystems. The park is considered to be the premiere outdoor recreation destination in the country, and the Antoran Crown has funded many developments of trails and preserves to ensure sapient-nature harmony. Activities include mountain climbing, hiking, fishing, camping, cycling, kayaking, rafting, hang-gliding, and foraging, though all are carefully monitored and regulated. est. 3.1 million
Foundations of Fort Vaudreuil, the Old Desroches Canal, and the Nordenpunto Museum File:Old Desroches Canal.jpgFile:Nordenpunto Museum.jpg Template:Country data Aponivia The Nordenpunto Museum complex is responsible for preserving the foundations of Fort Vaudreuil, the first Tretridian settlement in Nordenpunto. Among other exhibitions, the foundations are open to visitors via elevated walkways so as to not disturb the fragile remains of the fort. Later in Vaudreuil's history, a canal was built to preserve the Desroches River while building a much-needed avenue in the busy region. By the late 1800s, the dwindling river was no longer fed by a constant stream of water due to further development in the region, rendering the tunnel useless. A well-preserved section of this canal is now open to guests. The museum itself was built in the early 1980s after unrelated construction on the site located the foundations of the fort. est. 5 million
Leidenstad Castle
  Cryria A hilltop castle northeast of Leidenstad. It overlooks the point where the River Leiden meets Lake Lasi, and is visible from the village of Kamburn, Tvillingblom Palace, and the Elskov Arsenal. The fortifications have historically served as a defensive feature for the Cryrian capital, and later as a place of refuge for the monarchy. The Cryrian Crown Jewels and various other artifacts belonging to the House of Leidensen are still stored here. As the Castle remains an active royal residence, it is off-limits to most visitors. Beginning in 2019, Queen Ulrika II opened up the site for limited academic and research purposes. N/A
Elskov Arsenal
  Cryria Built along the banks of the River Leiden to control the important river routes between the capital and the rest of Älmark, the Elskov Arsenal was at the time of its construction one of the most modern and formidable star-fortresses in the Kingdom. The Arsenal was gradually built upon over the centuries and continued to serve as an active military site through the Great War and the Cryrian Anarchy before finally being decommissioned. Though it remains a property of the House of Leidensen, the site composes part of the Crown Estates operated by the Government for the benefit of the Cryrian people. As such, it is open to the public unlike other nearby royal properties. est. 15,000
Karsholm Palace
  Cryria The current seat of the Cryrian Government. Karsholm Palace has a long and storied history dating back to its first usage as a royal residence prior to the House of Leidensen's decision to relocate to Tvillingblom Palace. Karsholm is considered to be part of the Crown Estates, and is in practice operated by the Government. It serves as the official workplace and residence of the Prime Minister, and a number of important Government functions are also conducted from the sprawling building. Due to its status, it is generally closed to the public save by appointment for official business or academic purposes. N/A
Tvillingblom Palace
  Cryria The current home of the Cryrian royal family. Tvillingblom Palace is built on Lake Lasi and overlooked by the hilltop Leidenstad Castle. It is a short train ride away from the capital, and the Elskov Arsenal is also nearby. In the monarchy's heyday, Tvillingblom was the heart of Cryrian politics and its de facto seat of government. Today it continues to play an immensely important ceremonial role. The Palace and its extensive gardens are considered to be some of the finest examples of the Kingdom's Absolute Era-architecture. As the primary royal residence, Tvillingblom is largely off limits to normal visitors. Much like Leidenstad Castle, however, it was recently opened up to academics and researchers. N/A
Kankaanvesi Forest
  Cryria Located near Leidenstad, the Kankaanvesi Forest is one of the oldest and largest remaining primordial forests. While it has become much reduced due to extensive early logging by Cryrian shipbuilders, large swathes of woodlands were left untouched out of either superstition or because they were claimed as hunting grounds by the royal family of the time. Today, the forest encompasses some 3,000 square kilometers and is one of the most visited natural spaces in the Kingdom. est. 4.5 million
Linnake Plateau
  Cryria The Linnake Plateau is a geographical feature located in the Cryrian Highlands. It has had considerable strategic and cultural importance throughout the Isles' history. The early elves founded their capital on the highly defensible location, and built many of their sacred structures on it. Later, it was seized by the invading Cryrians who settled on it. The Plateau offers control of important mountain passes through the Highlands, which have proved vital for both trade and warfare in the past. Today, the location is home to Lielsta's Upper City, and is considered to offer of the best views in the Highlands. N/A - Settled Area
Aura International Convention Center     Emberwood Coast The Aura International Convention Center is a skyscraper complex in Aura, Emberwood Coast that serves as the headquarters of the United Nations of the Auroran Continent. Although it was demolished and rebuilt in 2013, it was previously the headquarters of the Auroran Continental Assembly. In 2017, it was the site of the Auroran Reunification Summit which reconciled the ACA and the Auroran Union. It is an outstanding example of post-modern architecture. TBA
Bangilosi Caves     Iboma The Bangilosi Caves are millions of years old and are a massive cave system that contains fossils of extinct animals and sapients. Some of the most iconic artefacts to be found there are paintings that are thousands of years old that tell us about the history, culture, mythology and lives of the ancient Golden Elves of Iboma. TBA
Palazzo Ducale     Lapinumbia The seat of the Lapinumbian government, from the Doge to the various assemblies. Originally constructed around 1290, the Doge's Palace, which sits on the coast of Vecitania, has gone through several changes and major renovations over its many centuries of existence. Its unique architecture blends Dallacquan and Tretridian motifs together to create its own distinct appearance. While the Palace is largely off limits due to its hosting the daily workings of government, there are occasionally tours of the building. est. 2,000
Impelanzan Lighthouse of Cábonégro     New Leganés The lighthouse of Cábonégro, built atop the Cábonégro cape of the New Leganés archipelago in 116 BCE, served an important function as aiding beacon for the Impelanzan navigation and trade routes in the Concordian Ocean. After the Impelanzan rule, the lighthouse continued to be used and suffered several modifications until its final form, finished in 1594. 120,000
Palace of Putangitangi   .  Oan Isles The Palace of Putangitangi is the seat of the Rangitanga-a-te-Moana (the monarch of the Oan Isles). A palace was built on the site of the modern palace by Ahua the Great. Subsequent iterations have been built and demolished by other monarchs over time, but the current iteration can be traced to over 400 years ago. It is an iconic example of Oan Palace Architecture and more broadly the architecture that influenced MWPT, Justelvard and the Kohatu Isles. TBA
Bingol Royal Palace     Packilvania The Bingol Royal Palace is located in the Packilvanian capital city, Bingol contains the seat of the Sultan of Packilvania, Mausoleum of Iktan the Devout as well as the Temple of the Authority, the third most religious site in the religion of Paxism. The exact date of the construction of the first version of the site is unknown but it is estimated that the first iteration of the site was built around 670 by Iktan the Devout. TBA
Memorial of the Jovian Gate     Packilvania The Memorial of the Jovian Gate is the holiest site in Paxism as it commemorates the Battle of Pax and Borg as told through the Ichtmar by Prophet Besmali of Akas Akil. Its first iteration was built around 2000 BCE, making it one of the oldest sapient-made structures in the world. It is located in Akas Akil, Ashura province, Packilvania TBA
Temple of the Restoration     Packilvania The Temple of the Restoration is the second holiest site in Paxism. It commemorates the writing and canonisation of the Vagumar. Its status as a holy site is further attested by an alleged meteor that struck the area. A minority of academics suggest that the story of the meteor strike is a fabrication based on the meteor strike in Tavaris (refer to Common Era calendar for more information), while others believe the events are unrelated. TBA
Temple of the Impelantic Legacy     Peragen The unofficial main temple of the Tunseist belief, in Arsal, capital of the country, and finished on its current form in 1398. The temple has Impelanta III of Arsal, founder of Tunseism and the Impelanzan Empire, as its saint, origin of "all the contributions Tunseism has brought to Urth through the span of more than two millennia". It attracts great masses of believers on the 26th August, the so-believed anniversary of Impelanta's birth, and is open to public of any belief. 10 million
Cyningespalent     Tretrid The current seat of the Tretridian Royal Family, completed in 1740 in the historic center of Cynebury. The Cyningespalent itself is an opulent building that exemplifies the Baroque style. As it is the current residence of the Tretridian Royal Family, the Palace is generally off-limits without permission from the Royal Family. N/A
Shamsian ululation Bardian ululation
Qaridian ululation
  Wed Shams Among the Qaridian and Bardian peoples, ululation is used to express utter happiness and excitement. It is used in all kinds of celebrations, in traditional music, and right before getting into battle in wars. It is most appreciated in women, however it is also commonly found among men. Bardian ululation is performed with the throat, while Qaridian uses fast tongue movements. The ICHO declared Shamsian ululation as Global Immaterial Heritage in 2017.