Fidakar, formally known as the Province of Fidakar (Packilvanian: luDominmne aFidakar) is a high level administrative division of Packilvania. It borders Free Pax States to the south, Jumhurikesh to the north, Iganar to the northwest, Rigaryat to the west, the Packilvanian Ocean to the southwest and the Cerenerian Ocean to the southeast, and it has close proximity to Sorentavia.




Fidakar has a tropical rainforest climate in the south, subtropical rainforest in the central south, temperate grassland in the central north, alpine climate in the far north. It has 1 season in the South i.e., it is hot humid and rainy for the whole year, however it experiences monsoons (heavy rain) from June to September. The Central South has two seasons: dry and rainy which span from September to June and from May to August respectively. It has 4 seasons in the Central North, a warm and wet summer from May to July, a cool and rainy winter from November to January, a cool and windy spring February and April. It has two seasons in the North.


The politics system of Fidakar takes place in the framework of the Provincial Government Act 12 of 1986 which was passed by the Parliament of Packilvania and signed by Sultan of Packilvania Amhoud I. This act allows the Provincial Legislature of Fidakar to pass laws on water, education, internal roads, railway, canals, electricity, urban development, healthcare, some taxes and levees, forestry, agriculture and other topics.

The Provincial Legislature consists of the Representative Assembly and the Legislative Council. The Representative Assembly is selected by lottery every 4 years from eligible adult population of the Province. It meets once a year at the Halaler International Convention Centre to listen to the State of Province Address and adopt the provincial budget.

The Legislative Council is appointed by the Sultan of Packilvania at his pleasure. Its role is to pass provincial laws, and hold the executive branch accountable. The Governor of Fidakar, currently Prince Ludan a-Amhoud Bedon, signs provincial laws on behalf of the Sultan. He is appointed by the Sultan and he has the power to appoint the Provincial Executive Council and Premier. Provincial Executive Council implements and proposes laws. It is chaired by the Premier, currently Dr Ashmil Luchar. The PEC comprises the following portfolios:

  • Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries: Dr Rahmida Balshad, PhD in Environmental Management and former CEO of the Fidakar Environmental Protection Agency
  • Finance, Business and Innovation: Padreek Munhadim, former CEO of the Fidakar Merchant Bank
  • Natural Resources and Energy: Erham Sadiq, former CEO of the Mekedesh Energy Corporation
  • Education, Sport, Art and Tourism: Prof Arvin Jamad, former Vice Chancellor of the University of Halaler
  • Transport and Urban Development: Qamoud Bismal, former CEO of Ubran Development Authority
  • Environmental Affairs, Water and Sanitation: Prof Turkheem Zabran, former CEO of the Jumhur Parks and Rangers Agency
  • Public Safety: Gen Rumeed Anhadam, former Provincial Commissioner of the Fidakar Police

The Fidakar High Court is headed by the Judge President, Prince Gurion a-Jibrael Bedon. It sits in Halaler, Ubran, Vashtoon, Tuwaka, and Yashad. It receives appeals from lower courts. The Fidakar Procuratorate is helmed by Chairman of the Council of the Fidakar Provincial Procuratorate, Imperial Procurator, Nemad Jamariyat.


Fidakar spends has a budget of 200 billion KRB annually, which comprised 20% of the economy of Fidakar of 2023. It had a budget deficit of 5% in 2023. It received a Clean Audit from the Office of Fiscal Disciple. The Provincial Government spent 38% of its budget on salaries, 25% on operations and 22% on capital projects and 15% on debt repayments. The Provincial Government has a debt of 600 billion KRB, of which 20 billion is from foreign creditors, 80 billion from the bank loans, 200 billion is in Packilvanian dinar-denominated Provincial Bonds, and 300 billion from the Imperial Treasury. The Province has a AAA credit rating from Preston & Cole. The budget is funded as follows: 50% from transfers from the Imperial Government, 40% from Provincial Taxes and Fees, and 10% from mining royalties. The Provincial Government The Province spends as follows:

Item Amount % of budget
Social welfare transfer payments and social services 55 billion 30%
Education 40 billion 20%
Healthcare 30 billion 15%
Infrastructure 25 billion 12.5%
Public safety 19 billion 9%
Energy 13 billion 6%
Water, rural development, farming, and the environment 11


Business support and commercial development 7 billion 2.5%

Public safety

Fidakar has 500,000 police officers. It has a prison population of 750,000 inmates housed in 30,000 prisons, of which 80,000 inmates were transferred from other provinces for security reasons. Of its prisons, 20,000 are low to medium security penal camps. 500 murders were perpetrated in 2023 with 95% arrest rate and a 92% conviction rate. 450 executions were conducted in the province. 25 kidnappings were conducted in the province and 121 cases of sexual assault. 1,300 burglaries were reported with a 89% arrest rate and a 85% conviction rate. 7,500 cases of petty theft were reported with a arrest rate of 82% and a conviction rate of 73%. 62% of crimes were reported in communities with average income of 50% of the average national income (ANI), 28% at 51% to 100% of ANI, 8% at 101% to 150% of ANI and 2% at 150% and above of ANI, showing that crime in Fidakar is heavily correlated with poverty. 18,500 cases of corruption were reported with 65% rate of arrest and 49% rate of conviction.


The largest cities in the

Fidakar has the following major crime statistics:

  • Funds spent on public safety:
  • Police personnel:
  • Surveillance cameras:
  • Intentional murder rate:
  • Rate of domestic abuse:

Fidakar is the southernmost province of Packilvania. It shares a border with Lyon to the south west, Free Pacific States to the south, Jumhurikesh to the north and Rigaryat to the west. It is located on a Peninsula so it it surrounded by the Packilvanian Ocean to the west and the Pacific Ocean to the east.

The earliest mention of Fidakar was in 130 CE in reference to a small human tribe. This tribe expanded and absorbed surrounding nations and became the Grand Duchy of Fidakar in 450 CE. It expanded to the Principality of Fidakar in 650 CE. It avoided being annexed by the United Kingdom of Bakil of the Iktanite Dynasty under Iktan the Devout. It expanded to the east and west, taking over Rigaryat and southern Jumhurikesh. The Kingdom of Fidakar was declared by Tuwak of the Yashudite Dynasty in 780 CE. The Yashudite dynasty was overthrown in 1100 CE by the Ubranite dynasty. When the Iktanite dynasty fell in 1112 CE, the Ubranite dynasty expanded Fidakar to Eastern Mekedesh and Northern Jumhurikesh. Zubraynites defeated the Ubranites in 1345. The Demirites under Kaswan Demir defeated the Zubraynites and gained independence for Fidakar. In 1675 Fidakar expanded and took over the Zubraynite Dynasty. The capital was moved to Bingol. It was taken over by the Packilvanian Communist Party in 1917 and by the Bedonite dynasty in 1974. It has remained under their rule to this day.

It is the most populated province, with a population of over 150 million people, almost double Norgsveldet, over 30 million more than Tretrid, and 75% of Asendavia. It is arguably the most populated national subdivision on Urth after Staynes. It has a GDP of over 1.4 trillion KRB, almost as much as rich nations Cryria. It is highly industrialised and is the largest source of Packilvania's food. Its capital city, Halaler is the 6th largest city in Packilvania by population and is the largest one not to be a Metropolitan Area or Special Economic Zone.