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The United Federal Republics of Veutoa and the Marvey Islands, commonly known as Veutoa, is a sovereign country located in the southeastern part of the continent of Gondwana on Urth. It borders West Cerdani and East Cerdani in the south and Fódlan on the west. It has an area of 777,315 km2, making it the largest country in Gondwana and the in Urth. Veutoa has territories in the Gulf of Tovala, with the archipielagos of the Caverie and Marvey Islands, also including the disputed territories of the Kuv and Kaveisk islands.

With a population in 2020 estimated to be 32,000,000 people, Veutoa is the most populous country in Gondwana and the in the world. Major metropolitan areas include Khane City, Bavelia, Ueney,

The United Federal Republics of Veutoa and the Marvey Islands

Coat of arms
Motto: Liberty, Democracy, Intelligence
Anthem: Oh, Veutoa / Ode to Joy
Largest cityKhane City
Official LanguagesVeutoan
recognized native LanguagesEufrean
Old Vayue
Ethnic groups
98.5% Human
1.2% Lupine
0.3% Others
• President
Joele Vnahu
Elehsna Eveya
• Total
777.3152 km2 (300.1231 sq mi)
• 2020 estimate
• 2020 census
• Density
41/km2 (106.2/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2020 estimate
• Total
GDP (nominal)2020 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
CurrencyVeutoan Dollaren (V$)
Driving sideright side of the road
Calling code+732
ISO 3166 codeVA/VEA
Internet TLD.vea

Vayue City, Dove City, Cavere and Huny.


Veutoa is known in Urth by being very progressive across history, with one of the first social reforms in 1432, which made citizenship legal for immigrants coming from the Cerdani Region to the Vayue Kingdom.


Veutoa has a ton of pre-historical settlements, specially in the Vayue Valley, Ueney and Bavelia. One of the most known ones is the "Koo-hov Village", situated in the middle of the City of Bavelia. Known as the Middle Village, its preserved since it was discovered by Hervuskeikt in 342 AD, even when it sufffered the Tugava Eruption and the Tuva Eruption, which almost obliterated it, it has been reconstructed and around 50 people live in it, giving almost 700 people work in things like restoration, construction... People only live in the outside, and the center of it is under maximum protection by the government since 1905, when all 24 republics decided to promise that if they took control of Bavelia, they would leave the Koo-hov Village intact and protect it. To date, its one of the greatest examples of unity in Veutoa and every citizen has a level of respect for it.

Settlements as back as 30,000 BC have been found, and signs of human intervention in nature as back as 75,000 BC. Most settlements are either on rivers or coasts and its thought they lived off fishing and trade when the Cukish explorators came in, mostly in Marvey settlements.

Age of Re-Discovery

The Age of Re-Discovery in Veutoa was the period between 78 BC to 512 AD, where the first full on civilizations began and famous nations like the Kingdom of Hervus or Hervuskeikt for short, the Kingdom of Khane and the Vayue Republic.

In this era, a lot of pre-Age of Rediscovery items and languages were born, the Cukish language expanded its influence via the Marvey trading kingdoms. It started with the separation of the Kurnak Dynasty and the beggining of the kingdoms of Hervus and Khane, and the independence of the Vayue Republic from Kurnak. It ended with the Tuva Eruption in 512, where Hervus was obliterated to barely the cities of Ueney and some more along the coast of nowadays Ueneva, the Khane Kingdom was dissolved and the Vayue Republic became only civilization to not be majorly affected, only losing 5% of its territory and 7,5% of its population.

Post-Tuva Period

As much as Tuva dissolved a nation and broke one into 12 pieces, the Post-Tuva period was great. It spanned from 512 AD - 821 AD, and many things happened.

First off, Hervuskeikt quickly recovered, taking over all of nowadays Veutoa, except parts of Eupheus, where the Kiva-Euphresian Union was born, in 522 AD. Vayue and the remnants of Khane were taken over, until when in 647, the March Revolution began, with 4 sides splitting Hervus and creating 7 nations: The Bavelian-Marvey Common Confederation, the Kiva-Euphresian Union which expanding doubling its size, the Ueney-Huf Confederation, the re-born of the Vayue Republic, the Caverie Kingdom, the Dove Kingdom and finally, the Simo-Tovo Bavelian State, a client state for the BMCC.

Terror in Veutoa


In Veutoa, terrorism has gone off in the last decade, but there's a dark history behind it, specially in the 2000's.

Most of the terrorist attacks in Veutoan history have been caused by rebel/independist groups, mostly by the EBLF (Euphresian Brotherhood Liberation Front), a terrorist, pro-independence movement based in Euphresia directing damage to government and civilian property which acted from 2003-2011.

The most known terror attacks by the EBLF are:

The 2008 Huf Ev Terrorist Attacks, in which a plane into the airport of Huf Ev, killing 621 people and causing the airport to be inoperative until late 2009,creating a lack of access to the city.

The 2007 Dove City Incidents, one of the most known being a van exploding the middle of Dove City, killing 78 people and causing major damage to every building surrounding the attack.

Politics in Veutoa

Political Parties

Divisions of Government and positions

Protests and civil politics

Veutoa has always been home to many protests, civil politics and revolutions. Most are pro-socialist, some end up in revolution like the 12 Roses Revolution that ends up with a renovation of state, and some just request more rights. Usually, protests are for things like:


Many revolutions have happened across the history of Veutoa, mostly in the 20th century. Since 891, when the Euphresian government was taken over by the workers (read also: Euphresian Revolution), revolutions have been a way to restore equality in the country. Other important revolutions have been the 12 Roses Revolution, the December Revolution, the Worker Strike and the Karvy Catastrophe (also read: Revolutions in Veutoa)

Corruption scandal action

Many renounces, revolutions and interventions have been due to corruption scandals (also read: Corruption scandals in Veutoa). Most of them have been in the right wing, due to the Commisionar of Internal Fairness in the SWPV and the MSP, that is replaced every 6 months to avoid corruption in this charge, which is after corruption in the party. A big corruption scandal is the Patro Veutoa scandal, a corruption scandal that broke out in the 23/01/2021, involving the oil company PatroVayue and 74 members of the parties of Unity and others in the government. Currently, as of 24/01/2021, the corruption scandal is still going on and already 250,000 people have gone to the streets in protest for the renounce of the involved, the dissolution of PatroVayue and the intensive investigation about this case to find further corruption.

Renounce of charge

Most of protests to renounce charge have been also due to corruption scandals, but also due to political reasons. As a tax evader, Okivrina Tusina, former Minister of Defense (2019-2020) was forced by renounce by popular vote.

Economic intervention by the government

When the economy is suffering, or the wages are low and the economy is thriving, usually, protestors go out to the streets and ask for higher wages, fix on the economy or in extreme cases, economy intervention. This happened a few times, for example, in 2019, when the government lowered wages and then 1 month after approved an increment in taxes. This sparked protests across the entire country, in total 450,000 people. This was called "The Summer Revolution", as stability of the country was seemingly about to collapse, just like it had so many other times. It calmed down, but the corruption breaking out in the last months might spark another event.


Most of protests by this reason have been due to corruption scandals, but others just because of "fraud" in elections, like when the socialists won in 1999 and Unity declared that "the people weren't going to stand this electoral fraud". Around 75,000 people went to the streets, and the protests, to the awkwardness of the right wing, weren't put down. Fraud was declared false by the Constitutional Tribunal of Veutoa (CTV). Socialists in Vayue City rioted in 2019, but in far less numbers, due to the call to calm by the regional party.


Veutoa has many co-official and regional languages, but the most important are Cukish, Veutoan, Vayuean, Euphresian and Impelanzan.

In the whole country, Veutoan, Cukish and Vayuean are official, making Veutoa a tri-lingual country. Bavelian, Euphresian and Impelanzan are also co-official.

Regions can remove Vayuean, but Cukish and Veutoan are official languages always by law.

In Euphresia, Euphresian and Vayuean are co-official languages.

In Bavelia, Bavelian is a co-official language.

In Vayue, Bavelian and Euphresian are co-official languages.

In the Marvey Islands, Murvaye (a regional language) is co-official.

Altogether, there's 119 native languages and dialects spoken in Veutoa, and 7 foreigner. Most Veutoans usually are either tri-lingual or cuadri-lingual, with around 75,000 people being five-lingual. Commonly, the mother tongue is Cukish, Vayuean or Veutoan, but many native families choose Euphresian or Bavelian as their mother tongue. Most foreigners, Impelanzan or Cukish speaking, have no complications with talking to people in the country, as Impelanzan is mandatory in Primary School and Cukish is mandatory, together with other native languages which are usually voluntary, in all of the educational grades.