User:The Oan Isles/sandbox/Elagion

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Kingdom of Elagion

luMamlukumiyat aElagion (Packilvanian)
le Mamlukmitye Lakionska (Unonian)
Motto: "Two nations as one"
"leMulak ledush leikht" (Packilvanian)
"Ei natzion ikt te" (Unonian)
Anthem: Our home, Elagion
luBayeet awan, Elagion(Packilvanian)
Le kazja ya, Lakion (Unonian)

Royal anthemBlessed be the King
omuMamluk lurahmanul (Packilvanian)
lo Mamluk pyonitziavret tevret (Unonian)
Location of The Oan Isles/sandbox/Elagion
and largest city
Official languagesPackilvanian
Ethnic groups
Vayan Catholicism
GovernmentFederal quasi-parliamentary democracy under a semi-constitutional monarchy
• King
Namdun III
• Governor-General
Radwan Yahadek
• Prime Minister
Shahad Gareem
House of Peers
House of Representatives
• Unification
August 6, 1750; 273 years ago (1750-08-06)
• Estimate
80 million
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
320 billion KRB
• Per capita
4,000 KRB
CurrencyElagionese dinar (LGD)
Date formatyyyy/mm/dd
Driving sideleft
Internet TLD.lg

The Kingdom of Elagion is an independent country located in Yasteria on the planet Urth. It is surrounded by Vekaiyu to the east, Packilvania to the west and south and Drakkengard to the north. The geography of the country is dominated by the Ta'lavero Mountains to the west and a Plateau in the interior. Although landlocked the country benefits from 3 large navigable rivers.

The country was formed in 1750 after the Pax-Vekaiyun War when Packilvania (then ruled by the Demirite dynasty) and Vekaiyu agreed that a buffer state would be formed from the principalities of the area that today comprise Elagion. The country was to be ruled by the Feline House of Thyrion under King Hedal I (who was elected by the Parliament of Elagion) as the King due largely to his mediating role in the conflict and his role as the ruler of the Principality of Kandarahan, the largest of the Elagionese nations. Vekaiyu insisted that adopted children have equal claim to the throne to enable Vulpine to inherit the throne. As such, the country has had Vulpine Kings as well.

The country is a member state of Pax-Draconica following the 2017 Elagionese Civil War, whereby Namdun III is the King of Elagion. The country is a constitutional monarchy and nominal parliamentary democracy but in reality the Talavero Autonomous Region is controlled by the Talavero Loyalist Party while the rest of the country is controlled by the Elagionese People's Party.

The country has population of 80 million people, of whom approximately 30 million are Vulpine who largely reside in the east and 50 million are Feline who largely reside in the west. Two official religions are recognised by the government: Vayanism and Paxism. The official languages of the country are Packilvanian and Unonian.

Elagion is a developing country that has a GDP per capita of 4,000 KRB and a GDP of 320 billion KRB. Its economy is dominated by mining and agriculture. It is often ranked below average in metrics of governance and democracy, and economic development. Nevertheless, following reforms in 2000 the country has experienced high levels of economic growth (excluding a recession in 2017 to 2018 that was caused by the Elagionese Civil War).


Elagion was established in 1701 through the signing of the Treaty of Kandarahan by the Constituent Principalities of modern day Elagion to mitigate the risk of being absorbed by the Demirite dynasty. In return for their independence, the Sultan of Packilvania demanded that the nations sign the Second Treaty of Kandarahan whereby they agreed to make him Lord Protector and to swear their allegiance to him. Kalaigard refused and was annexed by Packilvania.

The nation was involved in the Great War on the side of the Imperial Powers. The nation was the subject of significant fighting between the Imperial Powers and Pacific Alliance. When Lady Protector Zerah Demir IV was deposed, the Princely Council designated Gideon Muktan as the Lord Protector but they changed his title to People's Protector. The Packilvanian Communist Party sent agents to infiltrate its government and direct its policies.

The Magisterium of Paxism and the Vayan clergy had many disputes with the Communist rulers and vied for political power. Backed by the economic power of Packilvania, they were significantly curtailed.


The country's geography is dominated by the Ta'lavero Mountains to the east and the Uliveru Mountains to the south which act as the source for many major rivers such as the Jumhur, Meked and Ufrata. The interior and consists of flatlands which act as catchment areas for the basins of these three large rivers. The rivers are navigable enabling them to be used for shipping to and from Packilvania. Furthermore, they deposit minerals and their water is useful for agriculture and consumption, thus many urban areas and ancient civilisations have developed on their banks. Coupled with the relatively high latitude, the climate is conducive to agriculture. Because the mountains block cool air from the Gulf of Itur from flowing in, the area is relatively warm for its latitude.


In the political system of Elagion, the national government and the local governments of the Constituent Principalities share sovereignty. The Principalities have control over matters not reserved to the National Government and the National Government cannot intervene in their internal affairs.

The Lord Protector is the de facto head of state. He is the first person in the ceremonial order of precedence of Elagion, he controls foreign relations and national defence, and he has reserve powers in case of an emergency. The Lord Protector is also the same person as the Sultan of Packilvania.

The Princely Council consists of the rulers of the Constituent Principalities of Elagion. It has the power to grant or withhold Royal Assent to legislation, to appoint and dismiss the Prime Minister and Cabinet, to dissolve the National Assembly and call for fresh elections, and to appoint justices of the Supreme Court.

Prime Minister is the chair person of the government. He directs government policy and coordinates the work and legislative agenda of the executive branch. The Cabinet consists of Ministers who decide and discuss shared policy issues. Each Minister presides over an executive government which executes an area of the government's work.

The National Assembly is a unicameral body elected by the citizens of Elagion every four years. It has the power to pass legislation, to pass a vote of no-confidence in the Prime Minister and the Cabinet to force them to resign, to approve the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court. The Speaker is the presiding officer and the body has the power to override the withholding of royal assent through a two thirds majority. The largest party in the body is currently the Elagionese National Congress (ENC).

Administrative divisions

Each Principality controls how its government works. Kandarahan and Xaraat has Paxism as their state religion and thus their Princes are appointed by the Magisterial Council. Faraan-Faleed and Bakhtan-Kapan have Vayanism as their state religion and have their Princes appointed by the Council of Bishops. Kakhaanshtar and Razaal both have Princes elected by their nobility but the established religions are Paxism and Vayanism respectively. Kandarahan, Xaraat, and Bakhtan-Kapan are multiparty democracies. Razaal, Faraan-Faleed and Kakhaanshtar are de facto dictatorships in which their people have little say over the government. They each have their own subdivisions.

Defence, security and foreign relations

The Packilvanian Armed Forces is the de facto military of Elagion. It provides the defence of the national from foreign aggression. The PAF Elagion Command is responsible for overseeing the military personnel, equipment, infrastructure and other affairs in Elagion. Citizens of Elagion can enlist but they go through the same training regimen and are not necessarily deployed in Elagion proper.

Elagion is also a member of Pax-Draconica and thus it maintains open borders, a pegged currency and a customs union with Packilvania and Drakkengard who are its closest and largest trading partners. Relations with Vekaiyu are complicated. The nations have disputes over water usage of the Ufrata River and other rivers which originate on the Vekaiyun side of the Ta'lavero Mountains, but they cooperate on trade, natural disaster relief, and crime especially smuggling and terrorism in the Ta'lavero area.


The Auroran Monetary Fund describes the country as a developing lower-middle income economy. The country has a GDP of 320 billion KRB and a GDP per capita of 4,000 KRB. The official legal tender of the country is the Elagionese dinar which is pegged in value to the Packilvanian dinar. The country is geographically isolated and depends on its neighbours for access to international markets so it maintains a precarious position with them.

The country’s largest trade partners are Packilvania, Vekaiyu, Listonia, and Drakkengard. The country maintains freedom the movement of goods, services, and capital with Pax-Draconica. The country's biggest imports are machinery, electronics, consumer products, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and scientific equipment. The country’s largest exports are foodstuffs, animal feed, and minerals namely gold, diamonds, coal, aluminium, tin and platinum.

Most of the population is employed in mining, agriculture and the informal sector. The country is making strides to modernize its agricultural sector through investing in irrigation, fertiliser and genetically modified crops. The country struggles with the emigration of skilled people, corruption in the civic services, excessive bureaucracy and the burden of disease.


The country has a population of 80 million. Its population is similar in size to that of Vekaiyu. Most of the country's population lives in rural areas while 40% to 45% live in the urban areas. The country is struggling with the largest and most prolonged outbreak of the Syphax virus, an incurable immune deficiency virus that spreads largely via mother to child transmission in utero and exchange of bodily fluids.

This has stymied life expectancy projections which currently stand at 68 years old. Nevertheless efforts to combat the disease through education and anti-retroviral treatment have proven effective and The Global Health and Solidarity Organisation expects the disease to be eradicated entirely in 10 to 20 years.

The average person is 25 years of age. The country has a dependency ratio (ratio of elderly and children to working age population) of 60%, among the highest in the world. The country also has the largest population of children without paternal financial support or life input in the world. The literacy rate stands at about 88%. Educational attainment is increasing especially among girls.