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|area_km2 = 12236100
|area_km2 = 12236100
|area_sq_mi =
|area_sq_mi =
|population_estimate = 943,000,000
|population_estimate = 1,148,555,880
|population_estimate_year = 2019
|population_estimate_year = 2019
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|cctld = .pax
|cctld = .pax
|iso3166code = PAX
|iso3166code = PAX

The Caliphate of Packilvania (Arabic: ''Khilafa Bakilfania'') is located on [[Yasteria]] Major. It borders [[Hama]] and [[Tissandra]] to the west, Allegheny and Bai Lung Dalu to the east, [[Nation/Free Pacific States|Free Pacific States]] and [[Lyon]] to the south. The [[Packilvanian Ocean]] which lies to the south, is named after the country.
The Caliphate of Packilvania (Arabic: ''Khilafa Bakilfania'') is located on [[Yasteria]] Major. It borders [[Hama]] and [[Tissandra]] to the west, Allegheny and Bai Lung Dalu to the east, [[Nation/Free Pacific States|Free Pacific States]] and [[Lyon]] to the south. The [[Packilvanian Ocean]] which lies to the south, is named after the country.
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== Politics ==
== Politics ==

The Sultan of Packilvania is the head of state, head of government and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The Sultan ascends to the throne through agnatic primogeniture. This restricts inheritance to legitimate male descendants of the monarch. If valid heirs cannot be found, the throne will pass to Sultan's closest living brother and their offspring and so on. Prior to the Morsto-Pax Union, Packilvania followed male-preference primogeniture, but the establishment did not want another foreigner to rule over the country, thus they barred women from inheriting the throne entirely. The Sultan is the highest figure of the Paxist religion, thus the law requires that the Sultan be a professing Paxist to be eligible to remain on the throne. The executive branch consists of the Sultan and the Council of Ministers. The Sultan chairs the Council of Ministers, controls and directs the work of the executive branch, issues executive decrees and appoints and dismisses all Ministers in the government. Ministers are responsible for executive departments and advise the Sultan on a particular area of policy. They are accountable solely to the Sultan and serve at his pleasure. The Council of Ministers meets once a week at the Bingol Royal Palace to deliberate on important matters of the state.
The politics of Packilvania take place in the framework of an Islamic caliphate. The head of state, head of government and commander-in-chief of the armed forces is the Caliph. The Caliph is the religious successor of the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him. The Caliph is elected by the Majlis al Umma.

The legislative branch consists of the Sultan and the Parliament of Packilvania. The Parliament is a bicameral body that consists of the Legislative Council and the Consultative Assembly. Members of the Consultative Assembly serve for 5-year terms. Only males above the age of 18 who pay taxes and own property are legally permitted to vote in elections. Elections are not held by secret ballot, but instead people have to publicly declare their candidate to the voting official. Not only do people vote for a candidate who is favoured by the Sultan and his allies, but most people who are eligible to vote rarely participate in elections. Moreover, various restrictions make competitive elections non-existent. Political parties are banned, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are heavily restricted. Candidates struggle to raise adequate funding to launch successful candidates and most candidates require government approval to post advertisements on state media or in public areas. Thus, only those close to the government, aligned to the Sultan or who have access to large personal wealth are able to successfully participate in elections. Often the absence of viable candidates in most districts makes it virtually impossible to hold elections in some places at all, leaving many seats, especially in rural areas vacant. The Consultative Assembly is often seen as a rubber-stamp body as it does not have the power to block or even postpone the passage of legislation. It is restricted to deliberation and making non-binding recommendations. The ability of its members to make a meaningful dent on the political landscape is further restricted by the fact that its members are not protected from prosecution for the things they say as part of their work. The maximum number of seats for the Consultative Assembly is around 750 members, but the highest number of members ever elected is 690.
The Caliph rules the nation by decree as an absolute monarch. The body of laws is derived from religious texts, rulings of the Majlis al Umma and ultimately decrees by the Caliph. The Caliph ultimately controls much of the resources of the nation. The Caliphs works with his or her council of advisers to govern the nation.

The Legislative Council consists of representatives elected and appointed by a variety of politically influential constituencies. Tribal, regional and metropolitan councils, the clergy and the Sultan have the power to appoints representatives to the Legislative Council. The Legislative Council has more power than the Consultative Assembly as its members have been able accrue political influence outside its halls. The Legislative Council has the power to vote on laws and its approval is required before laws can be presented to the Sultan for his signature. However, the Legislative Council does not have legislative initiative, meaning that its members may not propose laws. Instead, all laws must be proposed by the Sultan or the Council of Ministers. Furthermore, the Legislative Council does not have the power to impeach or even hold executive officials accountable, nor does it it have the power to overturn the Sultan's veto. Nevertheless, there are reports that the Sultan does heed its advice. Analysts believe that the Sultan's power lies in being able to enjoy the confidence of the Legislative Council and that the winds of his political fortunes can be predicted by the attitude of the Legislative Council towards him. Unfortunately, because this body is essentially a class of the most powerful and privileged people in society it works mainly to entrench their power even further than provide a voice to other groups in the nation.
The Majlis al Umma is made up of senior Muslim clerics called the ulema. They elect the Caliph from among the descendants of the Prophet, the House of Muhammad. They form the final body of appeal and reference on matters of faith. This means that they form the last court of appeal on Sharia law. They also have the power to overturn decisions made in other parts of the government that seem to go against the Quran and hadith.

The Majlis as Shura is a council of tribal leaders, merchants and scholars who advise the Caliph on decisions of governance and make recommendations to the Majlis al Umma. The members of the Majlis as Shura are invited by the Majlis al Umma to participate, which can subsequently expel them. While blocs of members may represent different ideals, such as the Wahhabi and Salafists, the notion of political parties is virtually non existent.
=== Judicial system and human rights ===
=== Judicial system and human rights ===
The judicial system consists of religious, military, civil and criminal courts. The highest court in the entire country is the Supreme Court of Packilvania. It is the final court to which cases can be appealed. It does not have the power to overturn laws that are unconstitutional. The Sultan has the power to appoint justices and the chief justices. While the Judicial Selection Advisory Panel exists to recommend candidates for appointment to judicial posts, the Sultan is not obliged to follow or even consider its recommendations. Thus, he wields the power to control the judicial branch. With the judicial branch in Packilvania being so closely entwined with the executive branch, it cannot exercise its powers independently. Furthermore, it is heavily underfunded and many inefficiencies persist making quick and fair access to justice for all virtually nonexistent for most people.

This challenge permeates the entire judiciary as other courts face similar problems. The High Courts serve different regions of the country and they mainly hear severe cases and receive appeals from lower courts. However, the judges in these courts are appointed by the Emirs who are in turn appointed by the Sultan. At the level of the High Courts are the Religious Courts which hear matters arising from or directly related to religious matters. Whereas ordinary courts are staffed by professionally trained judges, the Religious Courts are staffed by religious scholars and clergymen. Often the boundaries of religious and secular law are very blurred, thus the Supreme Court must rule on disputes in jurisdiction between secular and religious courts. Whereas, cases from the High Courts must be appealed to the Supreme Court, cases in Religious Courts must first be appealed to the Appellate Division of that Religious Court before they can be appealed to the Supreme Court. At the lowest level of the judiciary are the Civil and Criminal Cases which hear Civil and Criminal Cases not reserved for the Religious Courts. However, where jurisdictions overlap with the Religious Courts, litigants can have the case completely retried afresh in the Religious Courts.

Packilvanian law is highly restrictive. There are two branches of law: religious and secular. Secular is imported largely from Great Morstaybishlia and covers elements concerned with contracts, property rights, employment relationships, companies and administrative law, whereas religious courts cover family and marriage law, succession and related topics. Criminal courts cover financial crimes, cybersecurity, property violation, traffic fines, licenses and related topics, whereas religious courts cover sexual crimes, assault, murder, crimes related children, apostasy and proselytism among others. In Packilvania, the law heavily restricts what newspapers and books can publish, internet access and other areas of people's lives. Furthermore, it fails to protect the environment, religious and cultural minorities and women. It completely criminalises same-sex relationships, transsexuality and other gender-related expressions and identities. The Packilvanian law enforcement authorities often carry out extrajudicial killings, torture and imprisonment without trial, and are able to carry out these actions with impunity. Packilvanian law enforces capital punishments for many offences such as murder, sexual assault, homosexuality, treason etc. Corporal punishment and forced labour are commonly-used sentences and prison labour continues to provide the state coffers with considerable income.

=== Foreign Relations ===
=== Foreign Relations ===
Packilvania has abysmal relations with most countries. Although most countries recognise its independence and the legitimacy of its government, it maintains territorial disputes with almost all of its neighbours. Furthermore, many unresolved disputes mar relations with neighbouring states. For instance, the treatment of war criminals, the use of chemical and biological weapons in warfare, historic revisionism and other acts relating to past wars, make it especially difficult to bridge relations and form allies. Packilvania does not participate in most international conventions and bodies and continues to carry out practices that violate international law such as the encroachment of Alleghenian airspace. Many nations have openly declared that they not only perceive Packilvania as a threat but they are building up military forces to prepare for future wars such as [[Vekaiyu]] and [[South Hills]]. Ironically, it has one of the most unique and effective policies of foreign intervention on Urth. It actively supports secessionist movements, terrorist organisations and other non-state actors in many nations, allowing it incredible diplomatic leverage. It has also leveraged its incredible economic clout, as the third largest economy in the world, to sign trade and economic agreements with many nations. Thus, most nations maintain some form of official representation and have some sort of formal trade arrangements with Packilvania. Opinion polls have found that most countries' citizens have a negative opinion of Packilvania. Due to historic links and the sense of prestige associated with the Morst-Pax Union, [[Great Morstaybishlia]] has the most positive and friendly relations with Packilania. The Packilvanian passport is regarded as one of the weakest in the world, as its holdest require visas and face challenges travelling to almost every country on Urth. Foreign relations are administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs under the Minister of Foreign Affairs, yet the Sultan retains control over foreign policy including the ratification of treaties.

=== Military ===
=== Military ===
The military of Packilvania consists of the Packilvanian Armed Forces (PAF). The PAF is arguably the largest armed forces in the world by total number of active and reserve personnel. Because of the prestige and social status affixed to military service, the PAF has attracted a total volunteer force of 2,482,750 troops. Furthermore, conscription is actively enforced. Because the population is so large, many exceptions are given for most privileged social classes so that conscription falls entirely on the lowest caste of society. This means that males of non-exempt groups are subject to compulsory military training upon turning 18 years and are required to serve in the armed forces for at least 2 weeks every year until they turn 52. This has resulted in a reserve force of 14,890,250 strong. However, almost all reserves are capable of terrestrial combat. Despite its incredible size, the PAF has a vastly smaller contingent of pilots, engineers, sailors and medical personnel. Yet, simply because of its massive scale, it is still able to field competent forces on air, land, sea and in space. The PAF consists of the Packilvanian Army, the Packilvanian Air Force and the Packilvanian Navy.
The Islamic Armed Forces forms the national military of Packilvania. It has a budget of two hundred billion dollars. This makes up two percent of the economy. In total it has 2 million people. Gay people and women are forbidden from being part of the armed forces.

The Sultan is the supreme commander of the armed forces. This means that the Chief of Defence Staff is appointed by and accountable to the Sultan for the running of the armed forces. Although the Minister of Defence is responsible for defence policy, ultimate authority over military matters rests with the Sultan who retains the power to declare, raise armies and navies and deploy military forces abroad. Thus, the Department of Defence simply oversees the day-to-day administration of the armed forces. The Chief of Defence, however, is an incredibly powerful post that shapes the country's ability and willingness to project power. The Packilvanian Army, which consists of 1,985,400 troops, 230,700 of them are part of the Packilvanian Gendarmerie (which is basically a paramilitary police force). The Packilvanian Air Force, consists of 297,315 members. The Packilvanian Navy consists of 200,035 members, of whom 55,250 members are part of the Packilvanian Coast Guard. During peace time, the Packilvanian Gendarmerie and the Packilvanian Coast Guard are under the authority of the Minister of the Interior and are responsible for largely civilian tasks. This brings the peacetime combat strength of Packilvania down to 2,196,800. The Packilvanian Expeditionary Front has been known to train and support foreign non-state actors with weapons. It is declared a terrorist organisation by most countries and is known for cold-war style operations in foreign nations.
The Islamic Army forms the land forces of Packilvania. It has 1.6 million soldiers. Its primary main battle tank is the [[Wikipedia: Merkava|Hisan 2]]. The force is led by Five Star General, Abdul bin Ibrahim al Rahman.

The PAF relies on a budget of 210.895 billion KRB, one of the largest on the planet. Because the PAF is allowed to raise its own funding through investments (which it is not obliged to publicly disclose), the income of the PAF may be considerably larger. The PAF invests large sums into procurement, research and development. This includes investing in a large nuclear, chemical and biological weapons program. The Packilvanian Military Research Institute is a leading institute in military research and development and its discoveries in nuclear physics among others have been revolutionary. It is believed that the country keeps most of its military research secret and its capabilities are as yet unknown. The Packilvanian Strategic Missile Force, a sub-unit of the Packilvanian Navy, has reported that it fields between 750 and 1150 inter-continental ballistic missile, almost all of which can carry several nuclear warheads. Packilvania has successfully tested nuclear bombs before, yet it has never deployed nuclear weapons in combat situations. Nevertheless, this arsenal acts as a major deterrent to foreign attacks. The Packilvanian Military Intelligence Agency has been reported to have advanced cyberwarfare capabilities. It has repeatedly deployed cyber attacks on foreign nations such as Distributed-Denial-of-Service attacks on critical foreign information systems.
The Islamic Navy forms the maritime force. It has 300,000 seamen. It has three super carriers of the [[Wikipedia:Forrestal-class aircraft carrier|''Sayf''-class]]. It has a blue water navy. It has replenishment at sea capabilities due to its [[Wikipedia:Durance-class replenishment ship|''Jasamah''-class]] ships. The navy's projection is further enhanced by amphibious landing vessels of the [[Wikipedia:Wasp-class amphibious assault ship|''Faisil''-class]] LHDs. In total it has 300 commissioned ships, but only 50 of them are sea going ships. It is led by Admiral, Ahmed bin Hussein al Abdul.

Packilvania maintains its own domestic arms manufacturing sector. Analysts argue that the systems developed do not match with the most advanced systems used by South Hills and Great Morstaybishlia. Nevertheless against most minor powers, these are comparably some of the best in the world. The arms sector has full-capability production capabilities, able to make its own naval vessels, aircraft, military satellites, terrestrial combat vehicles, artillery and infantry weapons systems. The country operates over 7 military satellites for reconnaissance, communications and research purposes. Inconclusive reports have claimed that Packilvania has explored kinetic energy attacks and anti-satellite systems. The country has developed an anti-missile shield. Although it is indisputable that its scale is incredible and unrivalled by most countries except the most powerful, it is unknown whether it can successfully defend the country from the most powerful missile attacks. Packilvania has reported working on asteroid defence systems to protect the Urth from large extraterrestrial falling objects. There are rumours that Packilvania is part of a secret alliance of powerful nations preparing for asteroid strikes.
The Islamic Air Force forms the air branch of the military. It has 100,000 airmen. Its major air superiority fighter is a reproduction of the [[Wikipedia:F-15 Eagle|F-15 Eagle]] from South Hills called the Al Fida B-3. The head of the air force is Air Marshal Ali bin Rashid al Khalifa.

=== Administrative divisions ===
The Islamic Missile Force forms the strategic missile force. It manages the Caliphate's arsenal of ballistic missiles. Packilvania is a nuclear weapons state with 200 disclosed nuclear warheads, but only forty are InterContinental Ballistic Missiles. It is led by General Salman bin Faisil al Nayeff.
Packilvania is administered by sub-national authorities as follows:

* Provinces at the highest level have limited legislative powers and they control internal matters such as housing, healthcare, law enforcement, land distribution and urban development, internal transport routes and other similar issues. They are ruled by Emirs appointed and answerable directly to the Sultan.
There are eighteen subnational tribal militia. They make extensive use of horses and camels, and modernised traditional weapons such as crossbows and scimitars. Some have infantry vehicles and light artillery. The [[Wikipedia:AK-47|AK-47]] is generally the weapon of choice. They number 1 million men in total.
* Regions further divide provinces and they manage many issues concerned with rural affairs, environmental protection, water resources and electrical power.
* Districts further divide regions.
* Local governments rule over clusters of villages, towns and cities. They have the greatest influence people's every day lives.
* Metropolitan governments rule over areas the size of local governments, but they have the status of provinces. They control the largest and most important cities in the whole countries and they wield the same power as provinces do over their internal affairs.
* Special economic zones are parts of the country that are exempt from the regular legal system. They are governed exclusively by the central government and they are created specifically to attract foreign investment by circumventing restrictive national laws.

The list of provinces and metropolitan governments of Packilvania is as follows:
{| class="wikitable"
|+List of provinces, metropolitan areas and special economic zones of Packilvania
!GDP per capita (KRB)
|Akas Akil
|Bingol Metropolitan Area
|Kemer Metropolitan Area
|Bilekil Metropolitan Area
|Gezer Special Economic Zone
|Subakil Special Economic Zone

=== Administrative divisions ===
== Economy ==
== Economy ==
The economy of Packilvania functions as a middle way between socialism and capitalism. The state controls key economic sectors such as transport, water, power and healthcare. Moreover, it heavily regulates business activity in many sectors and has average to above-average tax rates on its citizens and businesses. On the other hand, regulations on medium to small businesses are virtually non-existent, property rights are protected by relatively modern legal systems and contracts are dearly respected and upheld by the law. The intrusion of state institutions in many economic areas has, however, led to mismanagement and misallocation of resources, growth-stifling macroeconomic ineffiencies and the entrenchment of disproportionate wealth and prosperity in the 3 metropolitan areas and 2 special economic zones. Packilvania has a GDP of 9,989,324,723,800 KRB, the third largest on the planet. It is larger than the economies of [[Kuthernburg]], [[Norgsveldet]] and [[Tretrid]] combined. Nevertheless, it has a relatively low GDP per capita of 8697.291 KRB, making it a developing country. Despite its flaws, the economies of its provinces individually rival the most wealthy and powerful nations in the world. In fact, Bingol is one of the richest metropolitan areas in the world by total GDP despite falling short of major metropolitan areas such as [[Aura]] and [[Sani Bursil]]. However, the median income of the country lies around 5,300 KRB, which reveals that the wealth of the nation is very unevenly distributed. This highlights another major issue with the Packilvanian economy: gaping caste and geographic structural inequalities. Regardless, compared to most developing countries incomes, especially among its province is surprisingly evenly spread.
The economy of Packilvania follows a the model of Islamic economics. Under this system the laws that govern the Packilvanian economy are framed according to Islamic principles. It is considered a third way model between capitalism and communism. While the institutional infrastructure is in place, the economy has struggled to redistribute wealth to the poorest people.

Packilvania has an unemployment rate of 17% and a labour participation rate of 87%. This difference in unemployment versus labour participation arises because people are allowed and often work as soon as they reach the age of 15. Moreover, most people are not able to access higher education, thus they opt for low-skilled and informal work. Furthermore most families are large and cannot afford to have many of their members at home or in school for long periods. Thus, most people will actively seek work. Although the unemployment rate seems high by developed-country standards, it is surprisingly healthy especially given that it does not fully account for informal and seasonal labour. Some academics believe that unemployment could sit as low as 12%, comparing favourably with most nations. This ability to attract high rates of employment lies in the incredibly low cost of labour. Coupled with the poor worker protection policies and one of the youngest populations in the world, the country is able to outcompete almost every country in the world on labour costs vs productive output. Moreover, Packilvania benefits from access to the biggest and busiest waterway on the planet: the Packilvanian Ocean. Coupled with highly affordable access to power, close and easily accessible supply of abundant natural resources, poor environmental reglations and a decent level of infrastructure, the country is the locus of low-cost and low-value-added manufacturing on Urth.
The country has the highest gross domestic product in the world for any one country: ten trillion dollars. When looked at as one entity, the [[United Kingdom]] has more. The per capita GDP is around ten thousand dollars. Inflation hovers around four percent. Average annual growth is around seven percent.

Packilvania is the most resource-rich nation on Urth. It is a major producer and exporter of coal, natural gas and petroleum. It is among the biggest producers of rare earth metals, gold, platinum, chromium, uranium, palladium, iron, nickel, copper, boron, titanium, vanadium, phosphorus, potassium and silicon on Urth. Its strengths also lie in its ability to process these resources, being a major producer of chemical and plastic products and materials which come from petroleum such as hydrogen and helium. Although it is misleadingly known as a desert country (as it contains both the largest cold and hot deserts in the world), it is one of the largest sources of timber and wood products in the world. Moreover, it has arguably the highest amount of agricultural land in the world, especially on its coasts and east. It is a major producer of grains such as millet, sorghum, maize, wheat. It is the largest exporter of spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, coriander, saffron, tumeric, ginger and aniseed. Meat products are regarded as a specialty with the nation producing about 100 million tonnes of beef, veal, pork, mutton, lamb, chicken and other poultry annually. Furthermore, it produces 180 million litres of milk annually, coming from a range of animals such as camels, cattle, goats and sheep. It is internationally renowned for its cheese and butter, among its foremost exports. In the area of fabrics, it leads the world in the production of jute, sisal, flax, cotton and other plant-fibre based textiles. The nation is also notorious for the production of opium and tobacco, and estimates suggest it is the largest producer of both substances. With its incredibly lush southern coast, the nation is also a major producer of tropical fruits such as durians, jackfruit, dragon fruit, passionfruit, bananas, mangosteen, and tamarind.
Packilvanian trade hovers around 4 trillion dollars in exports. It is the largest producer of oil, textile and meat products in the world. It relies on its vast natural gas, petroleum and coal reserves for three quarters of its foreign earnings. It also produces some of the largest quantities of petrochemicals and liquefied natural gas.

In the service sector, the nation does not fail to disappoint. It has incredibly massive financial services, shipment and logistics, telecommunications and information communication technology services and tourist sectors. Notwithstanding travel warnings and animosity by other nations, Packilvania attracts at least 25 million tourists annually who flock to the sand dune rallies, underground markets, ancient temples, museums and ruined cities, and the incredibly diverse and delicious cuisine. Despite the challenges in the legal system, the financial services sector has benefit from the rise of average wealth as many people have invested their income in property that has raised one of the most attractive mortgage market in the world. Sadly, the stock exchanges of the country struggle against restrictive laws against foreign investment. Nevertheless, the largest stock exchange in the country, the Bingol Stock Exchange remains formidable and comes in the top 10 largest on Yasteria. The Packilvanian Central Bank controls the nations gold and foreign exchange reserves which sit around 340 billion KRB, some of the largest in the world. Along with an annual economic growth rate of 5% to 7% year on year, one would expect the Packilvanian currency, the dinar, to be worth more. However, the PCB has kept the currency artificially low and has used capital controls to restrict the exchangeability of the Packilvanian dinar, thus critics argue that the currency is undervalued and has led to Packilvania enjoying massive trade surpluses against most of its trading partners.
Jute, sisal, cotton, silk, wool, leather and flax are major textiles. Cattle, chicken, peafowl, sheep, goat and wild game are major exports. It also has the largest fisheries industry in the world. Haddock, tuna, sturgeon, trout, sardines, anchovies, makerel and salmon are major fishing products. It is not the largest exporter in the world due to sour diplomatic relations with virtually every country on Urth placing third behind the United Kingdom and [[South Hills]].
=== Infrastructure ===
Packilvania has one of the top ten largest rail, road, and optic fibre networks in the world (despite the fact that it does not reach most if its population). The total length of the roads on Pakilvania could circumnavigate the Urth about 20 times. The country has an extensive highway system that connects the largest urban areas and most developed population centres. Unfortunately rural areas especially in the arid regions, are left behind, relying on small poorly maintained single lane roads and gravel roads. The most advanced and largest cities have underground rail and provide punctual and highly affordable train services to their citizens. These services even include some of the fastest bullet trains in the world. The country is exploring magnetic levitation technology to create even faster trains. Unfortunately the remote arid regions are rarely accessible by rail, with most of the rail network consisting of freight transport to and from major mines.

The nation also benefits from the longest and one of the deepest navigable rivers in the world: the mighty Ufrata, which is so long, it is very difficult to measure. It provides transportation for ships to the inland. The nation also relies on several other rivers such as Tigris, Pishon and Gihon rivers for inland transport. There are canals which connect some major cities, but canals have larger fallen out of use and they are being integrated with water supply systems. The country has over 50 million kilometres of aqueducts and pipes. People in the east enjoy access to over 50 deep natural lakes. The great rivers have also been dammed and provide water to the many other regions of the nation. The desert regions rely on rain water and even more on aquafirs for their water needs. Unfortunately these resources are not infinite and overuse has led to declining access to water especially for industrial activity.
The country possesses a vast financial services sector. This sector handle assets of over 30 trillion dollars. The biggest bank in the world by total assets is the Islamic National Bank, which handles assets of 1.2 trillion dollars. It does, however, fall behind LabiaTurtle Bank in international reach and revenues. This sector is buoyed by laws that forbid banks from charging interest on loans. Money laundering and tax evasion remain serious problems but the government has taken steps to address this.

The Bingol International Airport is the largest airport in the country, receiving over 2 million passengers daily. The Port of Bingol is the largest and busiest port in the country and arguably one of the largest ports in the world. Over 10 million tonnes of goods move through its docks. Moreover, there are many other ports and airports in the country which connect its vast regions. The country's flag carrier and largest airline is Pax Air. It has been flying for over 6 decades and has links to every region in the world. It uses Bingol International Airport as its hub. With Bingol International Airport sitting at close to major world regions, it is becoming an increasingly important nexus for connect different regions of the world.
The nation's biggest trade parrners are mostly Yasterian: Veikayu, Isklevyu and Kosia. It also trades with [[East Malaysia]], South Hills and the United Kingdom. The country imports machinery, scientific apparata, metals, consumer goods and electronics. It has the biggest black market in the world. 400 billion dollars of illegal and illegally traded goods leave ports and jump over the border every year. Opium is a major part of this trade. In fact it is the biggest producer thereof.

The country has total debt of 1 trillion dollars, and basically no deficit. This is in part due to tight policies on wasteful spending. It is also one of the biggest lenders in the world. It holds over 4 trillion dollars in foregn debts. The nation has high income inequality. The poorest quarter live on less than 3 dollars a day, but the richest five percent of the population own half of the economy. Upper half earns over 30 times as much as the lower half. Surprisingly, Packilvania has the highest number of billionaires in the world. Mohamed bin Salman al Saud is the richest man on Urth with an estimated worth of 200 billion dollars.
=== Infrastructure ===
=== Science and technology ===
=== Science and technology ===

== Demographics ==
== Demographics ==

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==Pre-retcon map==
==Pre-retcon map==

[[File:paxmap.png|centre|thumb|220px|Packilvania before being retconned in 2017/18]]
[[File:paxmap.png|centre|thumb|220px|Packilvania before being retconned in 2017/18|link=Special:FilePath/Paxmap.png]]

Revision as of 16:54, 4 April 2021

This page (or section) is a work in progress by its author(s) and should not be considered final.
Caliphate of Packilvania

Khilafa Bakilfania
Flag of Packilvania
The Moon and Crescent
Motto: "لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱلله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ ٱلله"

lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh

(There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.)
Anthem: "سوف يسود إلهي" sawf yasud 'iilhi (My God will prevail)
File:Paxmap 2019.PNG
Ethnic groups
Felines (see section on ethnic groups) and humans
Demonym(s)Packilvanian, Pax
GovernmentIslamic caliphate
LegislatureMajlis al Ummah
• Total
12,236,100 km2 (4,724,400 sq mi)
• 2019 estimate
• Density
82/km2 (212.4/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)2017 estimate
• Total
$9.4 trillion
• Per capita
Gini (2017)50
SDI (2017)0.6
CurrencyDinar (DNR)
Date formatyyyy/mm/dd
Driving sidethe left
ISO 3166 codePAX
Internet TLD.pax

The Caliphate of Packilvania (Arabic: Khilafa Bakilfania) is located on Yasteria Major. It borders Hama and Tissandra to the west, Allegheny and Bai Lung Dalu to the east, Free Pacific States and Lyon to the south. The Packilvanian Ocean which lies to the south, is named after the country.

Packilvania is the second largest contiguous country in the world. It has the longest river, the tallest mountain and the largest hot desert in the world. It goes through several timezones and multiple biomes ranging from forests, to deserts, to swamps, to mountains to grassland, and boasts the most diverse range of cacti and succulents in the world.

The country is often called the "Cradle of Faith". Islam originated here and it has the largest community of Muslims in the world. The largest number of felines are located here. It has the highest population of any country on the planet with just under a billion people.

The country has been inhabited for tens of thousands of years. It is believed that felines originated here and humans immigrated thousands of years ago. Hunter gatherers evolved into farmers and herders. Islam came to dominate the nation and turn it into the largest Islamic nation on the planet.

The nation has one of the biggest economies on the planet. It is the biggest source of oil, textiles and meat in the world. The biggest bank originates from here. It the most billionaires on the planet. It suffers from inequality, with a quarter of the population living in poverty. Many people are illiterate and uneducated.

The country is run as an Islamic caliphate ruled by the Caliph who is the leader of the Islamic faith on Urth in general. Women and gay rights are nonexistent. The religious clerics and tribal leaders control national affairs. The nation's eleven major races are unequal and largely ruled by the Shirazi race. The nation has sour relations with most other nations and is notorious for supporting jihadist terrorism. It has the biggest land force in the world and has one of the few blue water navies on the planet.


The name "Packilvania" is an Anglicisation of the Arabic word Bakilfania. The Arabic word is a portmanteu of the word bakil which means "all" and afhana which means "here". The "–ia" at the end is an Iassath locative suffix. In this sense the word Bakilfania means "the country of all that is here" or "all those who are here". The origins of this word are unclear, but legend has it that on his conquest of this area, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH said to his assembled generals, "This land shall belong to all who are here [allied with us in the faith]". In this sense it is an affirmation that the country belongs to all Muslims.



Morstopackia (dark green) with Morstaybishlia's surrounding territories (light green)

In 1897, Zerah Demir IV married Thadeus II, King of Morstaybishlia. The two superpowers were united under marriage and for 20 years remained so, until the death of the Morstaybishlian King in 1917.

Trade between the two superpowers rose to unimaginable heights. This legacy is still visible in trade between the two superpowers to this day, with Morsto-Caliphate trade being the strongest and largest trade between two sovereign states in the world.

The two countries, having been married under political union for 18 years, decided that they would go through a legal process to form a permanent sovereign state with the alias "Morstopackia". The idea was taken quite radically in two fashions; some thousands of politicians and activists endorsed the idea whilst an equal number despised it. When the King of Morstaybishlia abruptly died of liver failure in 1917 it sparked an international crisis. At age 16 a young and inexperienced Thadeus II, the future sole inheritor to Morstopackia, fought against his mother for control of the throne. His mother escaped Sani Bursil back to Bingöl and immediately terminated any such legal administrative actions which would have ultimately united the two countries and thus the Acts of Union, prepared and written for 1918 never became legitimate.

With a rocky year in the royal family came a major political rift. Both Packilvania and the far reaches of Morstaybishlia and saw large far-left groups emerge. Packilvania fell to a communist uprising in the years following, and the far-left groups in Morstaybishlia would eventually be the precursor to Norogradian Independence.


The largest hot desert in the world, the Bakil desert makes up the interior of Packilvania. It is dry, hot and sterile. Virtually no plants grow here except cacti. The desert stretches across three time zones for thousands of kilometres.

The longest river in the world, the Ufrata River has a length of twelve thousand kilometres. It finds its source in the Uliveru Mountains in Vekaiyu and passes through Packilvania until it reaches the Packilvanian Ocean. The water of the river enables plants to grow. While the desert it passes through is hot, bare and dry, the banks of the river are teaming with agriculture and natural vegetation.

The tallest mountain in the world is Mount Muhammad. It rises nearly ten kilometres into the sky. It is followed by Mount Isa which rises nine kilometres high. They form part of the Kumar Mountains. They were formed from a collision of the Mesopotamian sub continent with the Proto-Yasterian mainland millions of years ago. The Kumar Mountains have the highest concentration of mountains above six kilometres in the world. They are often cold and covered in clouds.

The valleys of the Southern Kumar Moutains are fertile and forested due to the amount of available water from rivers and the humidity. The southern coast lies close to the equator. It is often hot and humid, but lush. Most of the people live here. The area is classified as a jungle biome.

The north and north east have a temperate climate. They have an abundance of wildlife and natural vegetation. Will cool wind from the Borean Sea and the Gulf of Itur, rains come in the winter months and the area is generally warm. This area has a high concentration of wealthy people, due to the climate.

The Great Marches of Abuddin are grassland in the east of the nation. While tree vegetation is poorly developed, the area is warm and precipitation is below average. Many animals and plant species can be found here due to the moderate temperatures and reasonably fertile soil.

Packilvania has the highest number of earthquakes a year. Due to its massive size, many fault lines pass through here. The annual Harmattan is a season of intense dust that whelms the nation, due to hot winds from the south. This is exacerbated by fumes from petrochemical facilities and oil refineries, and methane from the biggest livestock population on Urth. With 200 million cattle, 4 billion chickens and 100 million sheep, Packilvania has the most livestock on the planet. They emit greenhouse gases that make the Harmattan season even worse.



The Sultan of Packilvania is the head of state, head of government and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The Sultan ascends to the throne through agnatic primogeniture. This restricts inheritance to legitimate male descendants of the monarch. If valid heirs cannot be found, the throne will pass to Sultan's closest living brother and their offspring and so on. Prior to the Morsto-Pax Union, Packilvania followed male-preference primogeniture, but the establishment did not want another foreigner to rule over the country, thus they barred women from inheriting the throne entirely. The Sultan is the highest figure of the Paxist religion, thus the law requires that the Sultan be a professing Paxist to be eligible to remain on the throne. The executive branch consists of the Sultan and the Council of Ministers. The Sultan chairs the Council of Ministers, controls and directs the work of the executive branch, issues executive decrees and appoints and dismisses all Ministers in the government. Ministers are responsible for executive departments and advise the Sultan on a particular area of policy. They are accountable solely to the Sultan and serve at his pleasure. The Council of Ministers meets once a week at the Bingol Royal Palace to deliberate on important matters of the state.

The legislative branch consists of the Sultan and the Parliament of Packilvania. The Parliament is a bicameral body that consists of the Legislative Council and the Consultative Assembly. Members of the Consultative Assembly serve for 5-year terms. Only males above the age of 18 who pay taxes and own property are legally permitted to vote in elections. Elections are not held by secret ballot, but instead people have to publicly declare their candidate to the voting official. Not only do people vote for a candidate who is favoured by the Sultan and his allies, but most people who are eligible to vote rarely participate in elections. Moreover, various restrictions make competitive elections non-existent. Political parties are banned, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are heavily restricted. Candidates struggle to raise adequate funding to launch successful candidates and most candidates require government approval to post advertisements on state media or in public areas. Thus, only those close to the government, aligned to the Sultan or who have access to large personal wealth are able to successfully participate in elections. Often the absence of viable candidates in most districts makes it virtually impossible to hold elections in some places at all, leaving many seats, especially in rural areas vacant. The Consultative Assembly is often seen as a rubber-stamp body as it does not have the power to block or even postpone the passage of legislation. It is restricted to deliberation and making non-binding recommendations. The ability of its members to make a meaningful dent on the political landscape is further restricted by the fact that its members are not protected from prosecution for the things they say as part of their work. The maximum number of seats for the Consultative Assembly is around 750 members, but the highest number of members ever elected is 690.

The Legislative Council consists of representatives elected and appointed by a variety of politically influential constituencies. Tribal, regional and metropolitan councils, the clergy and the Sultan have the power to appoints representatives to the Legislative Council. The Legislative Council has more power than the Consultative Assembly as its members have been able accrue political influence outside its halls. The Legislative Council has the power to vote on laws and its approval is required before laws can be presented to the Sultan for his signature. However, the Legislative Council does not have legislative initiative, meaning that its members may not propose laws. Instead, all laws must be proposed by the Sultan or the Council of Ministers. Furthermore, the Legislative Council does not have the power to impeach or even hold executive officials accountable, nor does it it have the power to overturn the Sultan's veto. Nevertheless, there are reports that the Sultan does heed its advice. Analysts believe that the Sultan's power lies in being able to enjoy the confidence of the Legislative Council and that the winds of his political fortunes can be predicted by the attitude of the Legislative Council towards him. Unfortunately, because this body is essentially a class of the most powerful and privileged people in society it works mainly to entrench their power even further than provide a voice to other groups in the nation.

Judicial system and human rights

The judicial system consists of religious, military, civil and criminal courts. The highest court in the entire country is the Supreme Court of Packilvania. It is the final court to which cases can be appealed. It does not have the power to overturn laws that are unconstitutional. The Sultan has the power to appoint justices and the chief justices. While the Judicial Selection Advisory Panel exists to recommend candidates for appointment to judicial posts, the Sultan is not obliged to follow or even consider its recommendations. Thus, he wields the power to control the judicial branch. With the judicial branch in Packilvania being so closely entwined with the executive branch, it cannot exercise its powers independently. Furthermore, it is heavily underfunded and many inefficiencies persist making quick and fair access to justice for all virtually nonexistent for most people.

This challenge permeates the entire judiciary as other courts face similar problems. The High Courts serve different regions of the country and they mainly hear severe cases and receive appeals from lower courts. However, the judges in these courts are appointed by the Emirs who are in turn appointed by the Sultan. At the level of the High Courts are the Religious Courts which hear matters arising from or directly related to religious matters. Whereas ordinary courts are staffed by professionally trained judges, the Religious Courts are staffed by religious scholars and clergymen. Often the boundaries of religious and secular law are very blurred, thus the Supreme Court must rule on disputes in jurisdiction between secular and religious courts. Whereas, cases from the High Courts must be appealed to the Supreme Court, cases in Religious Courts must first be appealed to the Appellate Division of that Religious Court before they can be appealed to the Supreme Court. At the lowest level of the judiciary are the Civil and Criminal Cases which hear Civil and Criminal Cases not reserved for the Religious Courts. However, where jurisdictions overlap with the Religious Courts, litigants can have the case completely retried afresh in the Religious Courts.

Packilvanian law is highly restrictive. There are two branches of law: religious and secular. Secular is imported largely from Great Morstaybishlia and covers elements concerned with contracts, property rights, employment relationships, companies and administrative law, whereas religious courts cover family and marriage law, succession and related topics. Criminal courts cover financial crimes, cybersecurity, property violation, traffic fines, licenses and related topics, whereas religious courts cover sexual crimes, assault, murder, crimes related children, apostasy and proselytism among others. In Packilvania, the law heavily restricts what newspapers and books can publish, internet access and other areas of people's lives. Furthermore, it fails to protect the environment, religious and cultural minorities and women. It completely criminalises same-sex relationships, transsexuality and other gender-related expressions and identities. The Packilvanian law enforcement authorities often carry out extrajudicial killings, torture and imprisonment without trial, and are able to carry out these actions with impunity. Packilvanian law enforces capital punishments for many offences such as murder, sexual assault, homosexuality, treason etc. Corporal punishment and forced labour are commonly-used sentences and prison labour continues to provide the state coffers with considerable income.

Foreign Relations

Packilvania has abysmal relations with most countries. Although most countries recognise its independence and the legitimacy of its government, it maintains territorial disputes with almost all of its neighbours. Furthermore, many unresolved disputes mar relations with neighbouring states. For instance, the treatment of war criminals, the use of chemical and biological weapons in warfare, historic revisionism and other acts relating to past wars, make it especially difficult to bridge relations and form allies. Packilvania does not participate in most international conventions and bodies and continues to carry out practices that violate international law such as the encroachment of Alleghenian airspace. Many nations have openly declared that they not only perceive Packilvania as a threat but they are building up military forces to prepare for future wars such as Vekaiyu and South Hills. Ironically, it has one of the most unique and effective policies of foreign intervention on Urth. It actively supports secessionist movements, terrorist organisations and other non-state actors in many nations, allowing it incredible diplomatic leverage. It has also leveraged its incredible economic clout, as the third largest economy in the world, to sign trade and economic agreements with many nations. Thus, most nations maintain some form of official representation and have some sort of formal trade arrangements with Packilvania. Opinion polls have found that most countries' citizens have a negative opinion of Packilvania. Due to historic links and the sense of prestige associated with the Morst-Pax Union, Great Morstaybishlia has the most positive and friendly relations with Packilania. The Packilvanian passport is regarded as one of the weakest in the world, as its holdest require visas and face challenges travelling to almost every country on Urth. Foreign relations are administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs under the Minister of Foreign Affairs, yet the Sultan retains control over foreign policy including the ratification of treaties.


The military of Packilvania consists of the Packilvanian Armed Forces (PAF). The PAF is arguably the largest armed forces in the world by total number of active and reserve personnel. Because of the prestige and social status affixed to military service, the PAF has attracted a total volunteer force of 2,482,750 troops. Furthermore, conscription is actively enforced. Because the population is so large, many exceptions are given for most privileged social classes so that conscription falls entirely on the lowest caste of society. This means that males of non-exempt groups are subject to compulsory military training upon turning 18 years and are required to serve in the armed forces for at least 2 weeks every year until they turn 52. This has resulted in a reserve force of 14,890,250 strong. However, almost all reserves are capable of terrestrial combat. Despite its incredible size, the PAF has a vastly smaller contingent of pilots, engineers, sailors and medical personnel. Yet, simply because of its massive scale, it is still able to field competent forces on air, land, sea and in space. The PAF consists of the Packilvanian Army, the Packilvanian Air Force and the Packilvanian Navy.

The Sultan is the supreme commander of the armed forces. This means that the Chief of Defence Staff is appointed by and accountable to the Sultan for the running of the armed forces. Although the Minister of Defence is responsible for defence policy, ultimate authority over military matters rests with the Sultan who retains the power to declare, raise armies and navies and deploy military forces abroad. Thus, the Department of Defence simply oversees the day-to-day administration of the armed forces. The Chief of Defence, however, is an incredibly powerful post that shapes the country's ability and willingness to project power. The Packilvanian Army, which consists of 1,985,400 troops, 230,700 of them are part of the Packilvanian Gendarmerie (which is basically a paramilitary police force). The Packilvanian Air Force, consists of 297,315 members. The Packilvanian Navy consists of 200,035 members, of whom 55,250 members are part of the Packilvanian Coast Guard. During peace time, the Packilvanian Gendarmerie and the Packilvanian Coast Guard are under the authority of the Minister of the Interior and are responsible for largely civilian tasks. This brings the peacetime combat strength of Packilvania down to 2,196,800. The Packilvanian Expeditionary Front has been known to train and support foreign non-state actors with weapons. It is declared a terrorist organisation by most countries and is known for cold-war style operations in foreign nations.

The PAF relies on a budget of 210.895 billion KRB, one of the largest on the planet. Because the PAF is allowed to raise its own funding through investments (which it is not obliged to publicly disclose), the income of the PAF may be considerably larger. The PAF invests large sums into procurement, research and development. This includes investing in a large nuclear, chemical and biological weapons program. The Packilvanian Military Research Institute is a leading institute in military research and development and its discoveries in nuclear physics among others have been revolutionary. It is believed that the country keeps most of its military research secret and its capabilities are as yet unknown. The Packilvanian Strategic Missile Force, a sub-unit of the Packilvanian Navy, has reported that it fields between 750 and 1150 inter-continental ballistic missile, almost all of which can carry several nuclear warheads. Packilvania has successfully tested nuclear bombs before, yet it has never deployed nuclear weapons in combat situations. Nevertheless, this arsenal acts as a major deterrent to foreign attacks. The Packilvanian Military Intelligence Agency has been reported to have advanced cyberwarfare capabilities. It has repeatedly deployed cyber attacks on foreign nations such as Distributed-Denial-of-Service attacks on critical foreign information systems.

Packilvania maintains its own domestic arms manufacturing sector. Analysts argue that the systems developed do not match with the most advanced systems used by South Hills and Great Morstaybishlia. Nevertheless against most minor powers, these are comparably some of the best in the world. The arms sector has full-capability production capabilities, able to make its own naval vessels, aircraft, military satellites, terrestrial combat vehicles, artillery and infantry weapons systems. The country operates over 7 military satellites for reconnaissance, communications and research purposes. Inconclusive reports have claimed that Packilvania has explored kinetic energy attacks and anti-satellite systems. The country has developed an anti-missile shield. Although it is indisputable that its scale is incredible and unrivalled by most countries except the most powerful, it is unknown whether it can successfully defend the country from the most powerful missile attacks. Packilvania has reported working on asteroid defence systems to protect the Urth from large extraterrestrial falling objects. There are rumours that Packilvania is part of a secret alliance of powerful nations preparing for asteroid strikes.

Administrative divisions

Packilvania is administered by sub-national authorities as follows:

  • Provinces at the highest level have limited legislative powers and they control internal matters such as housing, healthcare, law enforcement, land distribution and urban development, internal transport routes and other similar issues. They are ruled by Emirs appointed and answerable directly to the Sultan.
  • Regions further divide provinces and they manage many issues concerned with rural affairs, environmental protection, water resources and electrical power.
  • Districts further divide regions.
  • Local governments rule over clusters of villages, towns and cities. They have the greatest influence people's every day lives.
  • Metropolitan governments rule over areas the size of local governments, but they have the status of provinces. They control the largest and most important cities in the whole countries and they wield the same power as provinces do over their internal affairs.
  • Special economic zones are parts of the country that are exempt from the regular legal system. They are governed exclusively by the central government and they are created specifically to attract foreign investment by circumventing restrictive national laws.

The list of provinces and metropolitan governments of Packilvania is as follows:

List of provinces, metropolitan areas and special economic zones of Packilvania
Flag Province Capital Population Area GDP (KRB) GDP per capita (KRB)
Ashura Halaler 150,750,200 1,130,626,500,000 7,500
Iganar Zukaril 145,370,700 1,130,984,046,000 7,780
Mekedesh Meker 138,920,500 1,112,753,205,000 8,010
Kharyat Everyet 134,230,120 1,026,860,418,000 7,650
Fidakar Akas Akil 127,110,600 919,009,638,000 7,230
Ukanar Derengol 100,230,100 766,760,265,000 7,650
Jumhurikesh Yukader 97,250,120 774,110,955,200 7,960
Rigaryat Abdeker 94,210,660 772,527,412,000 8,200
Shakar Sharkol 86,230,120 700,188,574,400 8,120
Bingol Metropolitan Area Bingol 25,180,890 632,543,956,800 25,120
Kemer Metropolitan Area Kemer 17,870,120 427,095,868,000 23,900
Bilekil Metropolitan Area Bilekil 15,200,110 302,026,185,700 19,870
Gezer Special Economic Zone Gezer 8,120,890 148,043,824,700 18,230
Subakil Special Economic Zone Subakil 7,880,750 145,793,875,000 18,500


The economy of Packilvania functions as a middle way between socialism and capitalism. The state controls key economic sectors such as transport, water, power and healthcare. Moreover, it heavily regulates business activity in many sectors and has average to above-average tax rates on its citizens and businesses. On the other hand, regulations on medium to small businesses are virtually non-existent, property rights are protected by relatively modern legal systems and contracts are dearly respected and upheld by the law. The intrusion of state institutions in many economic areas has, however, led to mismanagement and misallocation of resources, growth-stifling macroeconomic ineffiencies and the entrenchment of disproportionate wealth and prosperity in the 3 metropolitan areas and 2 special economic zones. Packilvania has a GDP of 9,989,324,723,800 KRB, the third largest on the planet. It is larger than the economies of Kuthernburg, Norgsveldet and Tretrid combined. Nevertheless, it has a relatively low GDP per capita of 8697.291 KRB, making it a developing country. Despite its flaws, the economies of its provinces individually rival the most wealthy and powerful nations in the world. In fact, Bingol is one of the richest metropolitan areas in the world by total GDP despite falling short of major metropolitan areas such as Aura and Sani Bursil. However, the median income of the country lies around 5,300 KRB, which reveals that the wealth of the nation is very unevenly distributed. This highlights another major issue with the Packilvanian economy: gaping caste and geographic structural inequalities. Regardless, compared to most developing countries incomes, especially among its province is surprisingly evenly spread.

Packilvania has an unemployment rate of 17% and a labour participation rate of 87%. This difference in unemployment versus labour participation arises because people are allowed and often work as soon as they reach the age of 15. Moreover, most people are not able to access higher education, thus they opt for low-skilled and informal work. Furthermore most families are large and cannot afford to have many of their members at home or in school for long periods. Thus, most people will actively seek work. Although the unemployment rate seems high by developed-country standards, it is surprisingly healthy especially given that it does not fully account for informal and seasonal labour. Some academics believe that unemployment could sit as low as 12%, comparing favourably with most nations. This ability to attract high rates of employment lies in the incredibly low cost of labour. Coupled with the poor worker protection policies and one of the youngest populations in the world, the country is able to outcompete almost every country in the world on labour costs vs productive output. Moreover, Packilvania benefits from access to the biggest and busiest waterway on the planet: the Packilvanian Ocean. Coupled with highly affordable access to power, close and easily accessible supply of abundant natural resources, poor environmental reglations and a decent level of infrastructure, the country is the locus of low-cost and low-value-added manufacturing on Urth.

Packilvania is the most resource-rich nation on Urth. It is a major producer and exporter of coal, natural gas and petroleum. It is among the biggest producers of rare earth metals, gold, platinum, chromium, uranium, palladium, iron, nickel, copper, boron, titanium, vanadium, phosphorus, potassium and silicon on Urth. Its strengths also lie in its ability to process these resources, being a major producer of chemical and plastic products and materials which come from petroleum such as hydrogen and helium. Although it is misleadingly known as a desert country (as it contains both the largest cold and hot deserts in the world), it is one of the largest sources of timber and wood products in the world. Moreover, it has arguably the highest amount of agricultural land in the world, especially on its coasts and east. It is a major producer of grains such as millet, sorghum, maize, wheat. It is the largest exporter of spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, coriander, saffron, tumeric, ginger and aniseed. Meat products are regarded as a specialty with the nation producing about 100 million tonnes of beef, veal, pork, mutton, lamb, chicken and other poultry annually. Furthermore, it produces 180 million litres of milk annually, coming from a range of animals such as camels, cattle, goats and sheep. It is internationally renowned for its cheese and butter, among its foremost exports. In the area of fabrics, it leads the world in the production of jute, sisal, flax, cotton and other plant-fibre based textiles. The nation is also notorious for the production of opium and tobacco, and estimates suggest it is the largest producer of both substances. With its incredibly lush southern coast, the nation is also a major producer of tropical fruits such as durians, jackfruit, dragon fruit, passionfruit, bananas, mangosteen, and tamarind.

In the service sector, the nation does not fail to disappoint. It has incredibly massive financial services, shipment and logistics, telecommunications and information communication technology services and tourist sectors. Notwithstanding travel warnings and animosity by other nations, Packilvania attracts at least 25 million tourists annually who flock to the sand dune rallies, underground markets, ancient temples, museums and ruined cities, and the incredibly diverse and delicious cuisine. Despite the challenges in the legal system, the financial services sector has benefit from the rise of average wealth as many people have invested their income in property that has raised one of the most attractive mortgage market in the world. Sadly, the stock exchanges of the country struggle against restrictive laws against foreign investment. Nevertheless, the largest stock exchange in the country, the Bingol Stock Exchange remains formidable and comes in the top 10 largest on Yasteria. The Packilvanian Central Bank controls the nations gold and foreign exchange reserves which sit around 340 billion KRB, some of the largest in the world. Along with an annual economic growth rate of 5% to 7% year on year, one would expect the Packilvanian currency, the dinar, to be worth more. However, the PCB has kept the currency artificially low and has used capital controls to restrict the exchangeability of the Packilvanian dinar, thus critics argue that the currency is undervalued and has led to Packilvania enjoying massive trade surpluses against most of its trading partners.


Packilvania has one of the top ten largest rail, road, and optic fibre networks in the world (despite the fact that it does not reach most if its population). The total length of the roads on Pakilvania could circumnavigate the Urth about 20 times. The country has an extensive highway system that connects the largest urban areas and most developed population centres. Unfortunately rural areas especially in the arid regions, are left behind, relying on small poorly maintained single lane roads and gravel roads. The most advanced and largest cities have underground rail and provide punctual and highly affordable train services to their citizens. These services even include some of the fastest bullet trains in the world. The country is exploring magnetic levitation technology to create even faster trains. Unfortunately the remote arid regions are rarely accessible by rail, with most of the rail network consisting of freight transport to and from major mines.

The nation also benefits from the longest and one of the deepest navigable rivers in the world: the mighty Ufrata, which is so long, it is very difficult to measure. It provides transportation for ships to the inland. The nation also relies on several other rivers such as Tigris, Pishon and Gihon rivers for inland transport. There are canals which connect some major cities, but canals have larger fallen out of use and they are being integrated with water supply systems. The country has over 50 million kilometres of aqueducts and pipes. People in the east enjoy access to over 50 deep natural lakes. The great rivers have also been dammed and provide water to the many other regions of the nation. The desert regions rely on rain water and even more on aquafirs for their water needs. Unfortunately these resources are not infinite and overuse has led to declining access to water especially for industrial activity.

The Bingol International Airport is the largest airport in the country, receiving over 2 million passengers daily. The Port of Bingol is the largest and busiest port in the country and arguably one of the largest ports in the world. Over 10 million tonnes of goods move through its docks. Moreover, there are many other ports and airports in the country which connect its vast regions. The country's flag carrier and largest airline is Pax Air. It has been flying for over 6 decades and has links to every region in the world. It uses Bingol International Airport as its hub. With Bingol International Airport sitting at close to major world regions, it is becoming an increasingly important nexus for connect different regions of the world.

Science and technology


Packilvania has a population of approximately 1 billion people. It is the most heavily populated country on Urth. Accurate results have been difficult to acquire due to the size of the population and scale of the geography. Some experts estimate an even higher population.

The borders of Packilvania are extremely long and poorly guarded. The number of immigrants or emigrants is difficult to ascertain. Without clear consensus among academics and reliable statistics from customs services, it is virtually impossible to ascertain trends in migration and how they affect population change. The most reliable and conservative analysis points to fairly balance rates of both and little effect on population growth or demographic change.

There is a gender balance. Women are equal in number to men. Without reliable census data, one gender could outnumber or be outnumbered by the other by as much as five percent.

Although census data is virtually non existent, there is broad consensus among academics that the population is actually very young. People under the age of 35 could make up as much as half of the population. The average life expectancy is 60 years of age. The biggest cause of deaths are malnutrition and disease (particularly malaria, typhoid, cholera, heat related illnesses and cardiovascular problems).

Most people live in the country side. This makes up approximately three fifths of the population. The remaining two fifths live in cities. Most people are concentrated in the extreme south and north of the nation due to cooler temperatures and more fertile conditions.

The level of development is sub-par. Only three quarters of the population have had some form of formal education. About four fifths have basic reading and writing ability. About half of people complete the ten year course education system. Less than half of a tenth of people have completed or even begun any form of tertiary education.

The poorest people, who make up a quarter of the people, suffer the brunt of inequality and erratic industrialisation. Most lack access to clean or consistent water. Most lack permanent or adequate shelter. Most lack access to basic public services such as health care, education or effective transport. Many children from these families drop out of school to enter the exploitative work force.

Kitten's rights are abysmal. Kitten arranged marriage is a persistent cultural practice, brought on by the poor economic situation for many poor people. Large families are common, but infant mortality rates are high. Although some laws are in place to protect children from child labour, they are often lacklustre and poorly enforced. Many kittens are forced to beg to survive. As many as ten million kittens suffer from these conditions.

Ethnic groups

Anthropomorphic sentient cats are the predominant species. They make up over three quarters of the nation. They belong to the Felidae genus. Their evolution is shrouded in mystery with little consensus about their origin except for some speculation that they may have evolved from a wild cat. As the Packilvanian scholarly community rejects evolution in favour of creationism, no research into the origins of these people has gained any traction whatsoever. They are, however, believed to have first inhabited this land a hundred thousand years ago.

They are grouped into eleven races. These races have variations in body structure, hair length and markings and other features. The dominant race is the Shiraza race. They characterised by a very short muzzle and very long hair. Beneath them are the Siami who are typically soldiers and merchants. They are long and sleak, and have striking eyes, and short white to black fur.

The Bysini nation has a short coat and individual hairs of unique colours that have an overall tabby or tanned appearance. They are often comfortable and make up the middle class. The Burmia nation is treated like outcasts as they are an offshoot from the superior Siami nation and bear some resemblance to them. They are often associated with crooks and swindlers.

The Azraq nation has short slate grey fur. They live in the cold country and are known for their beauty. They are often remote. Their name translates to "blue" as they have an almost blusih tint. Some wander the mountain country as nomads and some remain fixed. They are prized by Shirazi and Siami as concubines.

The Banghali nation resembles wild cats such as leopards and ocelots. They have brown to orange fur with dark spots and marks. Mayni race is largely looked down upon due to its wild appearance. The Alhul people are treated like garbage they have almost no hair and are often called "the half formed". The Dhil Qasir have a short tail, tiger like stripes and a thick neck hair. They make great labourers. The Alshar have a broad face, dense coat and are regarded as a pure blood race. They live in their own part of the country where it is rainy and cool.


Social mores and daily life



Pre-retcon map

Packilvania before being retconned in 2017/18