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Democratic Republic of Osterlicsh

Demokratische Republik Osterlicsh
State Flag of Democratic Republic of Osterlicsh
Revolutionary Flag of Democratic Republic of Osterlicsh
State Flag (upper, after 1990)
Revolutionary Flag (lower, before 1990)
State Seal
Motto: Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!
("Forwards always, backwards never!")
Location of the Democratic Republic of Osterlicsh (dark green)
in Arcturia (dark grey)
and largest city
Official languagesEthalrian
State Atheism
Demonym(s)Osterlicshian, Genosse (fellow countrymen)
GovernmentUnitary One-Party Socialist Republic
• Chairman of State
Ronald Stemmler
• Vice Chairwoman of State
Emelie Fürst
• Chairwoman of Chamber
Frida Waldmann
• Chairman of Defence
Marschall of DRO Joseph Kroeger
• Chairman of State Departments
Dennis Vogel
LegislatureDepartment of Chamber
Board of Chairpersons
Chamber of State
• Coup d'etat of Republic of Osterlicsh
18th June 1983
• Formation of the Democratic Republic of Osterlicsh
21st June 1983
• 2020 estimate
17.6 million
• 2018 census
17.2 million
GDP (nominal)2018 estimate
• Total
$145 billion
• Per capita
CurrencyOsterlicsh Faser (OSF, (ƒ))
Time zoneUTC+1 (Urth)
Date formatDD/MMM/YYYY (CE)
Mains electricity230 V–50 Hz
Driving sideright
Calling code+910
Internet TLD.os

Osterlicsh, officially known as the Democratic Republic of Osterlicsh (DRO; Ethalrian: Demokratische Republik Osterlicsh), is a state founded in 1983 following a military-led coup d’état. Self-described as a socialist state, there is some international debate over the validity of the Osterlicshian democratic process. Some nations denounce Osterlicsh’s socialist status, instead dubbing it as a communist state.

Throughout the 1970s dissent against the former Osterlicshian Federal Republic’s government grew. The former Republic’s economy was ravaged by several financial disasters leading to a sustained period of significant and brutal austerity. At the turn of the 1980s activism against the government reached its peak. On 18th June 1983, Army General-Oberst Joseph Kroeger in collusion with the Osterlicsh Socialist Party (OSP) staged a three-day coup d’etat. The result of which was the formation of the country in its current state on the 21st June 1983.

Located on the beltline of the Arcturian peninsula, Osterlicsh benefits from a tropical climate with an annual average temperature of 22 °C (71.6 °F) and average annual precipitation of 167 cm (65.7”). The north-west of the country features pockets of tropical rainforest known for their mango production. Ranging from the centre to the east of the country are savannah-like plains.

Osterlicsh’s economy is mainly reliant on agriculture and chemical products. Crops produced supply various countries across Urth. The main crops produced are palm oil, mango, and pineapple. The development of the chemical industry in Osterlicsh has developed rapidly from the late 1980s and is the product of the government’s push towards a more modern and sustainable approach to economic activity. Many cite this development for the increase in GDP over the last twenty years and one of the major sources of funds for the development of public infrastructure and defence capabilities.

Following the formation of the DRO, social policy shifted rapidly towards the development of more socialist doctrine. social attitudes have been paced through a similar process. Previously the Osterlicshian Federal Republic was heavily in favour of the former nation of Ethalria (Matriarchy) its former colonial ruler. Since the transition into a unitary republic, the DRO has shifted its attitude to provide fairer relationships with its other former rulers of Norgsveldet and Salovia. This move has seen widespread populist support, especially in the Forstland District and Landesinnerenland District.


Brief introduction to history

Colonial Territories of Osterlicsh (18??-19??)

A group of three colonial territories, each owned by a separate power. Became unionised towards beginning to federal republic. Write about each territory separately. Territories owned by Grand Matriarchy of Ethalria, Norgsveldet and SomeoneElse?

Osterlicshian Federal Republic (19??-1983)

Formed from three separate colonial territories between 1920 and 1950.


Conversion of former colonies individual styles, cultures, languages, etc into Ethalric/Osterlicshian during the Federal Republic.

Democratic Republic of Osterlicsh (1983-Present)

History pertaining to DRO




By 1988, the Board of Chairpersons had identified that revolution was settling down and it was time to cement the country as a sovereign nation. A number of re-branding plans were drawn up and prepared to come into effect on the 1st January 1990. The various projects were aimed at establishing a strong government, infrastructure and trust. The Board of Chairpersons identified that their regime was focused strongly on stamping out the remnants of the Osterlicshian Federal Republic; now that this had been accomplished a new cause needed to be laid out. In a landmark address known as the Rising Dawn Address, the (then) Chairman of State Peter Hecker announced to the nation that "dawn is breaking over New Osterlicsh", drawing attention to the need to "stand-up strong on the world stage. Assist our socialist brethren."

Resignation of Peter Hecker

A majority movement among the Board of Chairpersons identified that the fanatical and revolutionary Chairman of State Peter Hecker had no place in leading a post-revolution nation. The Department of Chamber's publications made it clear that Hecker was the guiding hand in making this decision and even raised the question himself. However, sources closer to the former-Chairman suggest that he was forced into the party position by more junior officials. It is not clear how this came to be, or how true it is.

On the 1st January 1990, Chairman of State Peter Hecker officially resigned and was succeeded by then-Chairman of Chamber Ronald Stemmler. With him resigned then-Vice Chairman of State Benedict Weber. The pair were relegated to positions within the various State Departments, but both resigned from their employment with the government by February 1990. Not much information is known of their current activities, but some sources suggest they have emigrated to other nations.

The career-politician had been selected as the new head of state in order to provide a political legitimacy to the Democratic Republic of Osterlicsh. With it, came his years of diplomatic experience which supported the nation's development into the millennia.

World Worker's Canal Project

~580km. Suez is ~193km and took 10 years. WWCanal would take ~30. If started in 1990, would be due for completion this year. Could schedule this as a roleplay event in the near future.


Politics here

Administrative Districts
Name Former Colony Largest City Largest Export Known For
Osterlicsh-Kapital District Osterlicsh (Grand Matriarchy of Ethalria) Ansdorf Muscat Wine (Still & Fortified) Capital territory and seat of government. The leading district of the Democratic Republic of Osterlicsh.
Forstland District Crown Dominion of Landfskog (Norgsveldet) Schwarzstahlstadt Chemical Products (Chlorine & Ammonia) Norgsveldetian western coast. Centre of industrial reform after formation of the Democratic Republic.
Landesinnerenland District Shidamits'a (Salovia) Mauheim Fruit (Pineapple & Mango) Tropical central territory. Known for production of pineapple (the state fruit).

Socialist Party Osterlicsh

Following dissolution of the [Osterlicshian Federal Republic], the [Osterlicsh Socialist Party] transitioned to become the [Socialist Party Osterlicsh] (SPO) in order to prevent confusion.

Collectivisation of Property and Industry

Information about the political process of collectivising the state's resource. The economic ramifications, etc.


Information about ethnic breakdowns, division between former federal states, etc.


Sciency geography here. My A-Level didn't go to waste, nosir.

Military and Police

Information about the formation of the military and security services following the coup

Department for Defence (Verteidigungsministerium)

Department for defence intro

Department for Security (Sicherheitsministerium)

Department for securityintro

Foreign Policy

Relations with Former Colonial Rulers



Social Policy

Social policy here


Culture here. Something about something.

Public Holidays

Date Staynish Name Ethalrian Name Purpose
1st May May Day Arbeitstag Celebration of the struggle of workers across Urth. Showing solidarity to workers not yet freed from their chains.
21st June Socialism Day Sozialismustag Celebration of the founding of the Democratic Republic of Osterlicsh and succession from the Osterlicshian Federal Republic.
1st November Ethalria Day Ethalriatag Celebration and remembrance of the dissolution of the Matriarchy of Ethalria and the formation of the Ethalns.


Notes about previous religiosity and move away from it. How has that then impacted on internal/external relations

State Atheism

Brief notes on what it is and how its been implemented

Socialism as Religion

Concept introduces by chamber to encourage the use of socialism in place of religion.


Generic information about industry and how its managed under collectivisation


Specific information to the chemical productagricultural industry.

Fruit Production
Wine Production

Chemical Products

Specific information to the chemical products industry.