TEPwiki:Article of the day/5

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Flag of Tavaris

Tavaris is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy in northwest Gondwana.

On 27 February 2022, a referendum was held in which three provinces and two territories of Tavaris voted to secede from the country and form the People's Communion of Acronis, an Akronist state led by the Church of Akrona. The referendum was plagued by several bombings and other instances of violence, as well as technical issues at polling places that caused the results to be disputed. After a brief period of civil unrest and inter-sectarian violence, a comprehensive peace agreement and political settlement known as the Ranat Accords formalized the secession and formation of Acronis, Elatana, and Rodoka and the Isles, and transferred responsibility for the former Tavari territories of Metrati Anar and the Tavari East Cerenerian Isles to the Tavari Union, an international organization of Tavari-speaking countries also established by the Accords. (Full article...)