Special Relationship (Norgsveldet-Federation)

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The Special Relationship is a term that is often used to describe the political, social, diplomatic, cultural, economic, legal, environmental, religious, military and historical relations between the Federation and Norgsveldet or its political leaders.

Although both governments also have close relationships with many other nations on Urth, the level of cooperation between the Federation and Norgsveldet in trade and commerce, military planning, execution of military operations, intelligence sharing and intermixing of the industrial sector has been described as “unparalleled” among major world powers. The close relationship between the Norgsveltian and Côtois heads of governments such as Magrete Kverheim and Judith Ardouin as well between Johanna Sverdrup and Jeanne Pierre has been noted. At the diplomatic level, characteristics include recurring public representations of the relationship as “special”, frequent and high-profile political visits and extensive information exchange at the diplomatic working level.

With both nations being a part of the Norgsveltian Crown Realm often seen as co-leaders as result of the close cooperation between the two. With the current Secretary-General of the Crown Realm being Côme Bassot, a former Côtois diplomat to Norgsveldet. The Norgsveltian monarch being an important cultural figure in both states, and a unifying figure that helped keep cultural and historical connection between the two together. Even in diplomatic matters the role of the Norgsveltian Crown helped keep the two states working together.


The term first came to be during the coronation of Gustaf III of Norgsveldet in 1936, in which the king gave a speech in which he placed major emphasis on the close cultural, political and historical connection between Norgsveldet and the Federation. Stating in the speech that:

“My duty as monarch remains not just in the protection of my people and their constitution, but to all people of our Crown Realm in which protection of their legal rights shall not be forgotten. It is why as king I advise and urge political leaders of my country to never forget the special relations we hold dear with the Federation of Southern Coast. No matter the ideological differences in hand, it is one we can overcome to fester a relationship tighter than no other.”

Lykke Emphasis

The phrase was used again in 1939 by the Norgsveltian prime minister Ivar Lykke during a state visit to the Federation to emphasize the relationship between the Federation and the Norgsveltian Imperial Realm. In stating that:

“The fraternal relationship between Federation and the wider Imperial Realm has been a large reason for the continued stability in the North Concordian Ocean, and the geopolitical challenges raised by South Hills and Great Morstaybishlia. That not to say there is no differences or disagreements, but continued cooperation between us will be a great boon for not just our people but the world at large”

Military co-operation

They often host joint naval and marine exercises, to one observation that they act as one naval force in practice. The two jointly hold marine exercises in Eyjaria every second year, specifically within Eyjaria’s southern islands in which the two have a joint submarine base stationed. The close cooperation between the marines has also been reflected with two having near identical uniforms. Large scale naval war games are held once a year while smaller scale war games between military branches of the two.

Both nations' militaries also working together on how to continuously upgrade their military equipment, often in aspects of new generation aircraft fighters, infantry kit, nuclear submarines and 6th generation armored fighting vehicles. Though often done with cooperation with other states such as the joint production of the HK-45 having been a project done by NCEF, Federation and South Hills together. New military upgrades or design of new equipment Norgsveltian and Côtois often discussed with the other’s military before production of it starts.

Shared military bases

Since the founding of the Federation, Norgsveldet has maintained a substantial force within the Federation.

Following the end of the Concordian Cold War, the number of Norgsveltian bases in the Federation has been reduced in number in line with the average Norgsveltian military bases Urth-wide. However, the bases have been used extensively in support of various peacekeeping and offensive operations ongoing throughout the Urth.

The two nations have jointly operated bases in several locations, most importantly in Ymirland after the civil war. The Federation and Norgsveldet make great use of each other’s naval and air bases across the Urth, example being a joint submarine base in the most southern island of Eyjaria. Which served as an important placement of the two nation’s nuclear submarines.

Military procurement and industrial-military complex

The Norgsveldet and Federation has a long history of sharing military technology and industrial-power. There are several dozen jointly-owned or shared corporations which produce military equipment. An unofficial rule between the two countries, all ground equipment, such as tanks, infantry kits and such are built in the Federation while all naval and (armed) military aircraft are made in Norgsveldet.

Federation operates aircraft and naval equipment from Norgsveldet while Norgsveldet uses Federation infantry kit, armored vehicles, tanks and ect.

As such, the joint industrial-military industries are so heavily connected that laws were passed between the countries. That created a special zone for them which removed any form of transition fees and gave priority transition of equipment and minerals between the two countries. Creating a near perfect symbiosis between the two military-industrial complexes, having a complex network of shared industrial might between the two.

Other areas of co-operation

Intelligence sharing

Economic policy

The Federation and Norgesveldet economics are some of the most well integrated on Urth. With several companies operating both in the countries with very barriers to operate if any.

The barrier for trade, company operation and ect are near non-existent besides taxation depending on where the company is doing business. With the factories being spread out across the Federation and the headquarters in the Norgsveldet for the tax benefits.

Freedom of Movement between the two countries have been long since established. With college graduates from the Federation working in the Norgsveldet and blue collar workers from Norgsveldet heading to the Federation for the worker protections and higher pay. The freedom of movement has not been without controversy after the Assasination of Magrete I by a member of the far left SEP party in Norgsveldet, however the troubled times soon passed after a series of negotiations between the two nations.

One of the largest success stories the integration being the Norse Way Group and its subsidiary Gyllir Motors Corporation. The largest automobile, civil aircraft and personal usage boats producer in both countries, originally founded by Norgsveltian investors and made with Federation technical know-how and minerals. The corporation produces several million products each year and operates in every continent to sell its automobiles.

Freedom of trade while reserved for the Red Crown Economic Union by the Federation has been long established between Norgsveldet and the Federation.


Public opinion