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Federal Republic of Phoenixia

Motto: "Unity, Freedom and Peace"
and largest city
Official languagesBilingual
  • Packlivian
  • Asendavian
Ethnic groups
GovernmentFederal Republic
• Total
1,043,370 km2 (402,850 sq mi)
• Census
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
500 billion
• Per capita
CurrencyPoexar dollar (POXD)
Calling code+277
Internet TLD.phx

Phoenixia, officially the Federal Republic of Phoenixia, is a country in northern Arcturia, located between the Sea of Optio to the east and the Concordian Ocean to the west. It shares land borders with Vistaraland, Stelvania and Alksearia. It covers an area of 1,043,370 km2 (402,850 sq mi) with a population of 50 million. The nation's capital and largest city is Bluckingham and its financial center is Wermont Hill.


Phoenixia was unified in a military and political campaign in which the various tribes, city-states and small kingdoms of the Araforsian region were conquered by House Atreides. The unification began in 1732 and ended in 1822 with the proclamation of the Kingdom of Arafors under the leadership of the king Theoledus.

The reign of King Theoledus was marked by a new wave of industrialization and rapid expansion across the entire nation. The development of industry became an increasingly important factor in national life. In 1845 Arafors began to establish diplomatic relations. By the end of the century, the capital city had grown from a few hundred thousand inhabitants to more than one million. In 1899 King Teoledo died and was succeeded by his brother Derid who transformed Arafors into a constitutional monarchy. During this period, the first modern railroads were constructed and the nation's economy flourished.

In the early years of the 20th century, Arafors expanded its territory through conquest, and in 1920 it annexed the Kingdom of Sorx. With the capital moved to Phoxia the country acquired the modern name of Phoenixia.

In 1933, during the rule of Tomaseo I, son of King Derid who died in 1929, the Unionists of Arafors, a far-right party gained power, after having seized control of the parliament through a military march on the capital. Although King Tommaseo had the command of the army through which to stop the unionists, he preferred to keep the throne by not intervening. This allowed the unionists to create a one-party, and introduced a number of laws aimed at restricting the freedom of speech and assembly. There was also a purge of intellectuals, journalists and others who had opposed the regime. Political opponents were jailed or executed. The regime used terror tactics against those suspected of disloyalty. This included the murder of a number of prominent figures, such as the poet Rolfe, the philosopher Sorgelig, and the publisher and editor Leto. These laws established a racial hierarchy, and they provided for the creation of a class of slaves known as the kzin. The laws also regulated marriage, divorce and inheritance. These laws were passed without public debate and without the approval of the people.

In 1937, the government established a police force called the Bureau of Public Security, a body was responsible for the repression of the opposition, and for the torture and execution of political prisoners.

Between 1938 and 1939, the government carried out a series of military campaigns to annex other nations in order to consolidate the nation's borders. The campaign against the Kingdom of Adelfia resulted in the occupation of the entire territory in June 1939.

In September 1939, a series of riots broke out in rural areas that spread to cities. Protests supported by citizens, militiamen and public officials who wanted to abolish the monarchy and overthrow the unionist party. The clashes degenerate into a civil war that lasted until January 1945. The royal family fled to the hills of the north.

After the war, an institutional referendum was called in which women also took part for the first time. A new constitution was adopted, the government abolished the monarchy and the right of primogeniture establishing a federal democratic republic. The king was replaced by a president elected for a seven-year term. The last king was deposed and exiled to a remote area of the country.

In September 1947, the leaders of the old ruling class were arrested and tried for treason. Many were sentenced to death. The new government immediately embarked on a program of reform. It introduced a number of progressive measures, including the abolition of slavery and the introduction of compulsory education up to 17 years.

In the 1960s, the government began to diversify the economy. It promoted tourism. It also introduced a program of urban renewal, which involved the construction of new towns and the demolition of slums.

In 1965 large oil fields were found in the center in the central area of the Optio Sea. The government created the Phoenixian National Fund to invest the oil proceeds in infrastructure projects.

Between 1967 and 1971, the government initiated a policy of economic liberalization. It has enabled individuals to acquire stakes in many state-owned enterprises and it has encouraged foreign investors to enter the domestic market. Emblematic was the opening of the Wermont Hill Stock Exchange where large companies were first listed. The state turned into an institutional investor thanks to the Phoenixian  that became a sovereign fund. In the early 1970s Phoenixia joined international bodies and alliances, became a member of the International Forum in 1971 and the following year it joined the IRSA. In 1975, the government announced plans for a satellite that will rotate in orbit to the planet.

In 1976, a plebiscite was held in which the people voted to change the constitution. The new constitution established a monocameral legislature. It also granted the people the right to recall their elected representatives.

In the 1980s, the government embarked on an industrial expansion program, particularly in the energy, telecommunications and transportation sectors by implementing a favorable tax regime for people wishing to open business in Phoenixia. During this time, a digital service network called "PhoenixNet'' was developed that allows people to use their computers to access government services.

A new currency, the Phoenix dollar, was adopted with the aim of replacing the old currency with a more stable and attractive one for forex investors. In 1983 the capital was moved from Phoxia to Bluckingham.


The preamble of the Constitution defines Phoenixia as a sovereign, secular, and democratic republic. Father of the Phoenixian Constitution was S.P. Adrien. Phoenixia has a federal form of government and has a unicameral parliament, with the classic tripartite division of powers: legislative, executive and judicial.

All institutions are located in the capital Bluckingham. The Government is headquartered at Primevera Palace. The Parliament meets at the Landsraad building. The Supreme Court is located in the Justice building.


Landsraad is the Phoexy parliament, unicameral, has 630 members and is elected every five years on the basis of a proportional party system. The assembly is led by a president and five vice-presidents; From 2020 the president is Beldredo Smiss, of the 6x movement party. The members of parliament are divided into twelve standing committees and four special commissions. Most of Phoenixia's public agencies are subordinate to the government, but only two of them (the parliamentary intelligence supervisory commission and the national fund management office) are directly subordinate to parliament.

Federal President

The Federal President of the Republic is a figure above the political parties, has a guiding role, with powers of government not in terms of political but equally decisive in that: The chancellor proposes to the Landsraad that he will then decide on his election or not, and also in the event of the election of the chancellor without an absolute majority, the president can choose whether to appoint him fairly or alte rnatively dissolve the Chamber. is elected by parliament every 5 years. Since 2020 he is Francesco Alfred.


The Chancellor is the head of the Phoenixian government, effectively appoints and dismisses the individual ministers and decides the policy guidelines of the federal government. He is elected by the Landsraad every 6 years. Since 2016 he is Carlo Cox Andrew.

Constituent states

Phoenixia is a federal republic consisting of 21 states, a federal district (Bluckingham the capital city of Phoenixia).

The 16 contiguous states and Bluckingham are in North Arcturia between Stelvania, Alksearia, and Valerijk. in Yesteria minor there are various exclaves, the Opock and New Arsfly states connected only to Stelvania and the Querantis states in the southwest that do not border on any state. The states are further subdivided into regions and municipalities.

According to the Phoenixian constitution, some topics, such as foreign affairs and defence, are the exclusive responsibility of the federation (i.e., the federal level), while others fall under the shared authority of the states and the federation; the states retain residual or exclusive legislative authority for all other areas, including "culture", which includes not only topics such as the financial promotion of arts and sciences, but also most forms of education and job training. Though international relations including international treaties are primarily the responsibility of the federal level, the constituent states have certain limited powers in this area. Only in certain specific areas do states have the legislative authority to conclude international treaties "with the consent of the federal government".

States have their own constitutions, legislatures, departments, and certain civil authorities (e.g. judiciary and law enforcement) that administer and deliver most public policies and programmes.


Due to the multi-party system, no single party has held a majority in parliament since the 19th century and, as a result, coalition cabinets had to be formed. Since suffrage became universal in 1917, the Phoexy political system has been dominated by three families of political parties: the strongest of which were the, currently represented by the Patriotic Union (PU); second, the Social Democrats, represented by the Phoenixia labor movement (PLM); and the third are the Centrists, of which the Center-Right Moderate Pole (MP) is the main representative.

These parties cooperated in coalition cabinets where the Patriotic Union had always been a partner: then it ruled a center-right coalition of conservatives and social democrats or a center-right coalition of conservatives and liberals. In the 1970s, the party system became more unstable: conservative parties have lost seats, while new parties have been successful, such as the Centrists (CP), the Progressives (PP) or the Green Movement (GM).

In the 1995 elections, the PU lost its dominant position. A "Blue" cabinet was formed by MP, PP and GM. In the 2000 election, this government lost its majority, due to increased support for the PU and the rise of the right-wing Liberal bloc (LB), a new political party, around A Spain. a short-lived cabinet was formed by the MP, PP and LB led by the leader of the LB Bandæ crēx. after the 2005 elections, in which the LB lost most of its seats, a cabinet was formed by the MP, PP and RLM, at a radical left party. The government has launched an ambitious program to reform the welfare state, the health system and immigration policy.

In June 2006, the government fell after the RLM voted in favor of a no-confidence motion against the Minister of Immigration and Integration. The formation of a new cabinet took three months, resulting in a coalition of MP, LB and PU.

On February 20, 2010, the government fell when the LB refused to vote in favor of the annual budget bill.

The elections took place on 9 June 2010, with devastating results for the former largest party, the PU, which lost about half of its seats, winning 55 seats. The MP became the largest party with 102 seats, closely followed by the PP with 97 seats. The big winner of the 2010 election was Artege Wilders, whose right-wing CP, the ideological successor of the LB, more than doubled the number of seats. Negotiations for a new government led to a minority government, led by CP (the first) in coalition with PU, which formed the second Erea cabinet sworn in on October 14, 2010. This unprecedented minority government was supported by MP, but very unstable, so much so that on April 21, 2012, a government mix occurs with ministers of the CP, PU and MP.

After the 2015 general election, CP, PU, MP and National Alliance, a party born from the split from the PU in 2014, formed the third Erea cabinet. This cabinet resigned in January 2021, two months before the general election, after a child welfare fraud scandal. In March 2021, center-right CP of Chancellor Andrew de Crox was the winner of the elections, securing 109 out of 640 seats. The second biggest party was the centre-left RLM with 54 seats. Geert Wilders' far-right party lost support. Chancellor Andrew de Crox formed his second coalition government, consisting of CP, MP, LB and external support of the Greens.


Main article: Phoenixia's law

The Constitution of Phoenixia is the fundamental law, establishing the constitutional order based on five principles: human dignity, democracy, rule of law, social state, and the Phoenixian identity.The court system has a three-level structure. The first instance are County courts which handle all criminal and civil cases, and Administrative Courts which hear complaints about government and local officials, and other public disputes. The second instance are High Courts which handle appeals about the first instance decisions. he

The Supreme Court is the court of cassation, and also conducts constitutional review, it has 12 members whose election is up to various bodies. The Supreme Court has jurisdiction over cases involving fundamental rights and disputes between the federated states and the central government, and cases of appeal by the High Court. The judiciary is independent, judges are appointed for life, and can be removed from office only when convicted by court for a criminal deed. The Phoenixian justice system has been rated among the most efficient in the Arcturian Organization by the OFAC Justice Scoreboard.


Phoenixia is currently one of the safest and stabilized countries in the World, but between the 1980s and the 1990s, organized crime prevailed and it was characterized by a loose alliance of mobster groups with a wide range of different rackets: prostitution, motor vehicle theft, drug trafficking. Although small size, the Phoenixian mafia was hierarchical and well-organized, which has enabled its survival to this day, albeit to a much more modest form.  Also, the murder rate was considerably higher than ever during the same period in Phoenixia; for example, an average of 9.4 people per 100,000 per year were killed in Phoenixia between 1983 and 1999.


Phoenixia has a social market economy with a highly skilled labour force, a low level of corruption, and a high level of innovation. The service sector contributes approximately 68% of the total GDP, industry 32%, and agriculture 1% as of 2021. The Poexar dollar (sign: P$; code: PXD) is the currency of Phoenixia. Ha corso legale in Phoenixia, since 2010 it has been joined by the Packilvanian Dinar. It is subdivided into 100 cents.

The POXD is managed by the Reserve Bank of Phoenixia (RBP) , Phoenixia's central bank, first established by government decree in 1950. The bank maintains Phoenixia's monetary policy and manages its currency, the Poexar dollar. The RBP has 3 mandates: a stable currency; full employment; and economic growth.

The Phoenixian Fund was created in 1965, its purpose was to invest the profits of the oil industry in infrastructure projects. It is managed by a board of directors. It is currently worth $ 1 trillion.


Railway system

The Newcastle railway service (NRS) is a Phoenixian railway company, headquartered in Bluckingham. The company, owned by the Federal Republic, is the largest rail operator and largest infrastructure manager in Phoenixia.

They carry out the dual activity of entrusted railway company on one side of the commercial exploitation of railway transport services for passengers and goods, and on the other hand, the exploitation and maintenance of the phoenixian national railway network.

The NRS was created on January 1, 1928 by the government of Worren Yerr to unify the existing railway companies. At the time it was a joint stock company of mixed economy, created for a duration of 55 years, of which the state owned 51% of the capital while the remaining 49% belonged to the shareholders of the previous companies. The staff had the status of public officials.

On December 31, 1983, the 1928 convention expired and the entire NRS returned to the state, which gave it a new statute. The NSR became a PCIC (Public company for industrial and commercial purposes) and its employees were no longer considered officials. A charter of duties and multiannual programmatic plans regulate all relations between state and business.

Since the crisis of 2005 which resulted in a major strike by railway workers, no planning contract has been signed. The State still continues to offer aid corresponding to the so-called public service performances which include:

•special fares for passengers on major lines (reductions for large families, for the military, etc.) •the exploitation of services of regional interest (ESRI) mediated by agreements with the regions that have become the organizing authorities and, for goods, some combined transport services.

Highway system

The Phoenixian highway system (PHS) is a network of state roads administered by the Phoenixia Ministry of Infrastructure. It is built, operated and maintained by the National Department of Transportation Infrastructure (DNIT), a federal agency linked to the Ministry of Infrastructure, and the public works departments of state governments.

The Phoenixian highway system comprises the road infrastructure and the operational structure of the various means of transporting people and goods. As far as jurisdiction is concerned, the national road system is composed of the federal road traffic system and the road systems of the states, the capital district and the municipalities.

The Investment partnership program (IPP) is a major effort to expand and upgrade the highway network apart from the federal highway concessions program. The Ministry of Infrastructure often uses a public-private partnership model for highway maintenance and toll collection.

Demographics & Society


Phoenixia's system of hospitals, called Krake, dates from medieval times, and today, Phoenixia has one of the world's oldest universal health care system, dated to the social legislation of the 1880s. Since the 1880s, reforms and provisions have ensured a balanced health care system. The population is covered by a health insurance plan provided by Willdar Darlo Satistar, with criteria allowing some groups to opt for a private health insurance contract. Population density in Phoenixia stands at 4.79 inhabitants per square kilometre. The overall life expectancy in Phoenixia at birth is 82.19 years (79.93 years for males and 83.58 years for females). The fertility rate of 1.24 children born per woman (2021 estimates). It had a very low infant mortality rate (3 per 1,000 live births). In 2021, the principal cause of death was chronic diseases, at 37%.


Responsibility for educational supervision in Phoenixia is primarily organised within the individual states. Optional kindergarten education is provided for all children between three and six years old, after which school attendance is compulsory for at least nine years. Primary education usually lasts for four to six years. Secondary schooling is divided into tracks based on whether students pursue academic or vocational education. A system of apprenticeship called Vallée leads to a skilled qualification which is almost comparable to an academic degree. It allows students in vocational training to learn in a company as well as in a state-run trade school. This model is well regarded and reproduced all around the world.

Most of the Phoexy universities are public institutions, and students traditionally study without fee payment. The general requirement for university is the Abitur. The established universities in Phoenixia include some of the oldest in the world, with Felixia University (established in 1386) being the oldest. The Unitt University of Bluckingham, founded in 1810 by the liberal educational reformer Matteo de' Luv, became the academic model for many phoexy universities. In the contemporary era Phoenixia has developed six Universities of Excellence.


Freedom of speech and of the press are guaranteed by the Constitution. The Broadcasting Act, approved in 1984, regulated broadcasting until it was revised, becoming in 2010 the Media Services Act. These laws, together with the National Broadcasting Law (2007) represent the legal framework of media in Phoenixia. Cultural norms are highly influential in the country and over-regulation is generally avoided. The Phoenixian Ministry of Culture is responsible for issuing licenses in relation to content, while the Phoenixian Technical Surveillance Authority issues technical licences. The principle of access to information is outlined in the Constitution, and the Public Information Act establishes mechanisms for access and obliges authorities to assist citizens in the process. The Phoenixian Broadcasting Council (PBC), which supervises the public broadcaster PRR, is composed of 4 media professionals and one representative of each political fraction. Their election is made in Parliament. In 2018, in total, there were 10 members of the Council. Under the law, the Council operates independently.

In 2009 the Phoenixian Supreme Court decided that online media are deemed responsible for comments posted by their readers. Phoenxia’s largest website, Lune, was fined in 2015 for one of these comments.

Phoenixia Times is the State Gazette of the Republic of Phoenixia.

Human rights

Phoenixia provides one of the highest degrees of liberty in the world for its LGBT community. Phoenixia is rated first in acceptance of homosexuality, with 82% of the population saying that homosexuality should be accepted.

Death penalty

The Phoenixian constitution prohibits capital punishment outside of military law in wartime. The highest priority is attached to the international campaign as a moratorium on capital punishment. Since 1990's, several initiatives have been promoted to achieve a universal moratorium on the death penalty.

Freedom of religion

Although Phoenixia is predominantly a Paxist country, the constitution defines that Phoenixia has no official religion and does not favor any faith, and on the federal level there is not any administrative office which deals specifically with religious affairs, thus on such level the church and the state are fully separated. However, religious propaganda in public and private is permitted with the consent of the competent authorities.

Law defines that Phoexy public schools must be religiously neutral, and that the teaching of religious studies in public schools must not identify unilaterally with any religion or proseytise for it. The state allows religious or philosophical communities to establish confessional private school, though they are still supervised by the state, which imposes certain requirements and conducts inspections.


The Phoenixian Defence Force (PDF) is the military organisation responsible for the defence of the Republic of Phoenixia and its national interests. It consists of the Phoenixian Navy (PN), Phoenixian Army, Phoenixia Air Force (PAF), The Phoenixian Coast Guard (PCG) and the Eagles, a special corp, and several "tri-service" units. The PDF has a strength of just over 300,436 full-time personnel and 23,744 active reservists. Military spending covers about 1.2% of GDP, with an annual budget of 6 billion.

The main objective of the PDF is the defense of the state, the maintenance of the territorial integrity of the waters and airspace of Phoenixia.

Foreign relations

Phoenixia's foreign policy, directed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, based on the so-called doctrine of multilateralism for maintenance of international peace and order, making efforts to solve global problems in partnership with other nations. In continental areas, Phoenixia pushes for cooperation through the work of numerous federal institutions;

Phoenixia is a member of the OFAC, regional organization for Arcturian cooperation , IRSA, defensive military alliance and the IF.