
Revision as of 23:52, 7 October 2016 by nswiki>Tuvaltastan

The Most Serene Republic of Baykalia, commonly known as Baykalia, is a nation that exists on the continent Aurora that has a large border with Xiopothos, exists south of East Malaysia, and borders Cathalrus. Baykalia exists between the latitudes S and S, and between the longitudes E and E. The nation, with a Nominal GDP of $ has abysmal income inequality, with the richest 6% holding 95% of the wealth. Baykalia is wedged between the countries Xiopothos and Cathalrus, with a small border with Kostromastan. Baykalia also has control of four islands that are located in the Caven Sea. The largest city Irkutsk and the capital city Chita hold approximately 82% of the population, Irkutsk holding 1,471,471 people and Chita holding 1,477,964 people. The small size of the country required the nation to innovate, and was the first to pioneer vertical farming on the continent.

The Most Serene Republic of Baykalia

Motto: Go Away. We Don't Want You Here.
Anthem: "Baykalia"
File:Territorial Claims of Baykalia.bmp
Largest cityIrkutsk
Official languagesCodexian and Elite Baykal
Ethnic groups
(2015 Estimate)
77.8% Human

20.5% Lupine

1.7% Other
Demonym(s)Baykal, Baykalian
GovernmentFederal Tuvalist Democracy
• High Minister
Abram Sokolov
• Commander-In-Chief
Alyona Petrovavich
• Vice-Minister
Vladislav Vladisiliev
• Total
[convert: invalid number]
• 2015 estimate
• 2010 census
• Density
[convert: invalid number]
GDP (nominal)2015 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
Gini (2016)37.6
SDI (2016).582
CurrencyKostuva Credit (KC)
Date formatMM/DD/YYYY
Driving sidethe right
Calling code+17
ISO 3166 codeTUV
Internet TLD.tuv

The History of Baykalia is greatly intertwined with its neighbors Tuvaltastan and Kostromastan, and goes back as far as A.D. 200, beginning with the Ancient Kostuvians and their immense empire that encompassed central Aurora and a number of small islands north and south of the continent, as well as part of what is now modern-day Dragonia. The Kostuvian Empire existed for 1,774 years, until the three major culture groups (Baykalians, Tuvalts, and Kostros) began the Kostuvastan Civil War. The three culture groups, after the Civil War, founded the three nations Tuvaltastan, Kostromastan, and Baykalia. To this day, the three do not get along, and it is not uncommon for there to be violent and typically bloody border skirmishes amongst the three.



Separation of Kostuvastan

(See Kostuvastan)

Recovery from the Near-Genocide

The Baykalians were a devastated group, having only approximately 280,000 people left after the slaughter. After the war, the 280,000 formed the nation Baykalia on June 19th, 2006. Due to the dangerously low population, reproduction was encouraged, and the efforts of the original 280,000 managed to bring the population up to 3,596,872 people in 2015. As such, a single generation currently makes up 92.1% of the population, all 11 years or younger. The parent-to-offspring ratio is currently approximately 22 children for every two parents. This very worrying ratio resulted in the older 7.9% of Baykalians to establish a temporary universal basic income, which is kept going by the massive surplus that was left sitting during the Civil War (Baykalians kept the Kostuvastan Credit). As such, the Baykalian unemployment rate is technically 100%.

Modern-Day Baykalia


Governmental System

Domestic Policy

Foreign Policy

Baykalia currently has a single embassy abroad, that embassy being within The Three States of Fortuna. Hostile relations currently exist between Baykalia and its neighbor Kostromastan, as well as Tuvaltastan. However, ambassadors between the three countries are attempting to resolve the issues between the nations, albeit at a snail's pace.


The military makes up 8.9% of Baykalia's governmental budget of $ billion, which is approximately $.

Revenue of Each Military Branch (as of 2015)
Military Branch Funding
Air Forces $---
Marine Forces $---
Ground Forces $---
Subterranean Forces $---



Customs and Traditions





Measuring Systems


The base unit of length is the meter, which is defined as the length light travels in 1/299792458 instants (see Time).

1 Meter = 100 Centimeters

1 Centimeter = 100 Millimeters

100 Meters = 1 Kilometer

100 Kilometers = 1 Terameter

100 Terameters = 1 Exameter


The base unit of area is the rotor, which is equal to 1 meter squared.

1 Rotor = 100 Centirotors

1 Centirotor = 100 Millirotors

100 Rotors = 1 Kilorotor

100 Kilorotors = 1 Terarotor

100 Terarotors = 1 Exarotor



The base unit of volume (Lq) is the liter, which is defined as four times the amount of liquid that can fit inside the Human stomach.

1 Liter = 100 Centiliters (Colloquial: Ounce)

1 Centiliter = 100 Milliliters

100 Liters = 1 Kiloliter

100 Kiloliters = 1 Teraliter

100 Teraliters = 1 Exaliter


The base unit of volume (Sd) is the maud, which is equal to one cubic centimeter of water at its maximum density.

1 Maud = 100 Centimauds

1 Centimaud = 100 Millimauds

100 Mauds = 1 Kilomaud

100 Kilomauds = 1 Teramaud

100 Teramauds = 1 Examaud


The base unit of time is the instant, which is defined by how long it takes light to travel 299,792,458 meters

10 Instants = 1 Second

6 Seconds = 1 Minute

10 Minutes = 1 Standard

6 Standards = 1 Hour

6 Hours = 1 Quarter

4 Quarters = 1 Day

6 Days = 1 Week

10 Weeks = 1 Month

6 Months = 1 Year











Science and Technology


Five Largest Metropolitan Areas of Baykalia (as of 2015)
City Name Population of City
Total 20,003,248
Novgorod ---
Vologda ---
Nal'chik ---
Tula ---
Astrakhan ---


Major Ethnicities of Baykalia (as of 2015)
Ethnicity Population of Ethnicity
Total ---
Human ---
Lupine ---
Tuvalt ---
Baykalian ---
Xiopothan ---


Major Religions of Kostromastan (as of 2015)
Religion Population of Religion
Catholicism ---
Buddhism ---
Unaffiliated ---
Clarityism 50