Territorial evolution of the Vistari Keizerrijk

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North Concordian Ocean

Name of territory Dates Administration Fate
Colony of Vorpest 1586-1872 Rijk territory under an appointed council Granted Dominion status
Terwenia Quarry Territory 1588-1658 Possession of the Vistari Colonial Company Limited self-government granted
Kabeiland Mercantile Territories 1651–1710 Possession of the Vistari Colonial Company Granted Colony status
Mercantile Territory of Terwenia 1658-1761 (de facto) Possession of the Vistari Colonial Company with limited self-governance Leistoren Quarry closed
1761-1929 (de jure) de facto Self-governing territory Ceded to the Dominion of Vorpest
Merchant Colony of Kabeiland 1710-1753 Rijk territory under a chartered company Purchased by the Norgsveltian-Borean Trading Company
Ankbhaja Concession 1846 onwards Leased territory with a devolved government Current territory
Dominion of Vorpest 1872-1910 Rijk territory with limited self-government Occupied by Norgsveltian Armed Forces
1926-2020 Acceded to the Imperial Vistari Confederation
Blokkarim Island Territory 1909-1910 Territory of the Dominion of Vorpest under an appointed council Placed under temporary self-governance due to the Occupation of Vorpest
1910-1926 Rijk territory under military rule with limited self-government Returned to Vorpest through the Treaty of Vierbak
1926-2020 Dependency of the Dominion of Vorpest with a devolved government Vorpest acceded to the Imperial Vistari Confederation
2020 onwards Dependency of the Grand Dominion of Vorpest with a devolved government Current territory
Unincorporated Territory of Terwenia 1929-1986 (de jure) Self-governing dependency of the Dominion of Vorpest Reorganized following a reaffirmation of the territorial claim
1986-2020 Dependency of the Dominion of Vorpest with a devolved government Vorpest acceded to the Imperial Vistari Confederation
2020 onwards Dependency of the Grand Dominion of Vorpest with a devolved government Current territory disputed with Eyjaria and Norgsveldet


Name of territory Dates Administration Fate
Colony of the Vlas Isles 1732-1887 Rijk territory under an appointed council Granted Dominion status
Maankijkeland Charter Colonies 1732-1818 Rijk territory under a chartered company Reorganized into the Vistari East Gondwana following the annexation of Durdanini
Free Durdish Empire 1807-1818 Absolute monarchy within a personal union Annexed into the Vistari East Gondwana following the Nyvera-Haasbaai Agreement
Vistari East Gondwana 1818-1920 Confederal rijk territory under an appointed council Independence of Durdanini, splitting off the Maankijker Coast Territory
Dominion of the Vlas Isles 1887-2020 Rijk territory with limited self-government Acceded to the Imperial Vistari Confederation
Maankijker Coast Territory 1920-1928 Rijk territory under military rule Granted dominion status
Dominion of Maankijkeland 1928-1955 Rijk territory with limited self-government Independence as a constituent country of Maanbriak