Tavari-Banian Rapprochement

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The Tavari-Banian Rapprochement is a on-going diplomatic process between Tavari Union and the Republic of Bana. The rapprochement officially started in 16th January 2024, during a multinational conference held in République C.D, Federation of the Southern Coast of Lapérouse led by FPM Jeanne Pierre. The conference being the first international visit by the new Banian PM Abayomrunkoje Gbohunmi outside of the country, post-Second Banian Coup and met with various heads of state from the Tavari Union. The initial conference in 2024 was seen as diplomatic success, as it established more direct emergency communication channels between Tavari PM office and the Banian PM office, lessen economic barriers and established cross-cultural events. With plans of holding the next conference in 2025 in Nuvrenon, Tavaris and still includes Côtois officials as mediators. While criticism from both sides was shared, particularly among the nationalistic crowd and questioning of Côtois involvement in the first place. Regardless, leaders of the Tavari Union and Bana have insistent on focusing on de-escalating tensions and focus on rapprochement with each other. As far the Côtois involvement in the rapprochement, as well their role as mediators in the process, most international relations experts generally agree that it was from Banian pressure and Côtois diplomatic disposition towards potentially risky situations. Outside conference, diplomatic ventures and dialogue has greatly increased between the two nations of Tavaris and Bana. Namely with cultural and sporting events, between the two Gondwanan powers have been planned for the coming year and mutual agreement to establish a Gondwanan native exclusive wrestling tournament.

Sports & Cultural

On the table below, is the initial planned sporting events start dates, and doesn't include dates for tournaments or events after the initial planned event.

Sport Tournament Name (Codexian) Location Date
Wrestling Banian-Tavari Grand Cage Match Nuvrenon, Tavaris 15/6/2044
Football Strait Cup Newport, Bana 13/2/2025
Chess Boxing Banian-Tavari Checkered Boxing Tournament Good Harbor, Tavaris 20/4/2025
Ice Hockey Banian-Tavari Hockey League Newport, Bana 7/5/2025
Mix-Martial Arts Côtois-Boxing Tournament Dravai, Tavaris 29/5/2025
Hjortpasset Norgsveltian Pole-Fighting Banian-Tavari Tournament Bana, Bana 7/7/2026

General Public View

The general public view of the rapprochement from both sides have been fairly mixed, with some in Banian suggesting a policy more-akin to Côtois-Vistari relations with Fridge Diplomancy, in which both nations actively avoid each other as much as possible, including diplomatically, politically and economically. While some in the general public of the two nations, view the change in diplomatic standards as a positive endeavor between neighbors.

Republic of Bana

The government of Bana and most vocally prime minister Gbohunmi, view rapprochement as a key objective of his tenure as well the future of the country as well. Viewing historical rivalry between the two, as something that should stay within the historical record. PM Gbohunmi being the biggest proponent of normalizing and improving relations between the two Gondwanan powers in recent memory. Issuing a official apology for the unfortune involvement of the Banian Intelligence service within the Tavari Division Crisis but maintain their disapproval of South Hills military and nuclear bases in Tavaris. The general public view, as recording in the polls after the conference in République C.D 16th January 2024 the views have been leaning positive but mixed with 52% of those responding to the polls as 'leaning positive endeavor about potential rapprochement' while 40% of those responding preferring maintaining a current strained relations between the two.

Tavari Union