TEPwiki:Article of the day/12

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Flag of Packilvania

Packilvania is a unitary absolute monarchy in Yasteria Major. In the 2nd millennium BCE, Prophet Besmali documented local myths in the Ichtmar and founded Paxism. The history of Packilvania formally started in the 7th century CE, when Iktan the Devout united the tribes of Central Yasteria Major, catalyzed by attempts by King Obed III of Bingol to introduce religious reforms to Paxism. Packilvania is the second-largest country on Urth at an area of 6.134 million square kilometers and has the 3rd largest economy in the world by nominal GDP and the largest by PPP GDP. Coupled with the fact that it is a nuclear weapons state, and its military, the Packilvanian Armed Forces, has the third largest military budget and third highest number of military personnel in the world, it is considered a superpower, though its foreign relations remain unstable due to its differing ideology compared to the rest of the world and the support of terrorist activities in the Packilvanian Expeditionary Force. (Full article...)