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''Main article: [[Politics of Phoenixia]]''
Phoenixia is a federal, parliamentary, representative democratic republic. The Constitution of Phoenixia also provides the possibility for direct democracy through referendum. Phoenixia has pursued the development of the e-government, with 80 percent of the public services being available on the web 24 hours a day.  
The Federal president, currently [Placeholder], is the head of state and invested primarily with representative responsibilities and powers. He is elected by the Federal Convention, an institution consisting of the members of the Landsraad and an equal number of state delegates.
The Landsraad is the legislative authority of the Federal Republic of Phoenixia. It consists of 630 members elected in democratic elections for a term of four years according to the principle of proportional representation. The work of the Parliament is coordinated by the Landsraad Council which is led by the President of the Landsraad elected for the entire legislature. There are also factions within the Parliament, which carry out the programs of their respective political parties. The work of the Parliament is supported by various committees, whose staff is made up of members of the factions. They prepare bills and exercise parliamentary control over their sectors of activity. Laws are passed by an open majority. The quorum for the Parliament is provided for by the internal rules of Landsraad.
The second-highest official in the Phoenixian order of precedence is the President of the Landsraad, who is elected by the Parliament and responsible for overseeing the daily sessions of the body.
Citizens of Phoenixia who are at least 21 years old are eligible to vote and can stand for election to Parliament. Citizens who are at least 18 years of age and not convicted of a crime have the right to elect their representatives in parliamentary elections. Elections are held by the President of the Republic. After the election of the Parliament, the first session is convened by the President of the Republic, where the members of the Parliament take the oath and then elect the Chancellor and the President of the Parliament. The election procedure is defined in the electoral law.
The Phoenixian parliament Landsraad is elected by citizens over 18 years of age for a four-year term by proportional representation, and has 630 members divided into twelve standing committees and four special commissions. Landsraad's responsibilities include approval and preservation of the national government, passing legal acts, passing the state budget, and conducting parliamentary supervision. The Landsraad is unicameral.
'''Federal President'''
The third-highest official and the head of government is the chancellor, who is appointed by the Federal President after being elected by the party or coalition with the most seats in the Landsraad. The chancellor, currently [Placeholder], is the head of government and exercises executive power through his Cabinet.
The Federal President is the head of state of Phoenixia and serves as the highest representative of the state. The President may have limited participation in legislation by issuing decrees, resolutions and directives. Furthermore, the President can refuse to sign a law and return it to Parliament for review. There are several institutions under the jurisdiction of the President. These include: the Academic Committee, the Federal Development Roundtable, the Phoenixian Memory Institute, the President's Cultural Foundation, the Phoenixian Federal Cooperation Assembly, and the National Defense Council.
The president is elected by the Landsraad for a term of six years, for a limit of 2 consecutive terms. If the Parliament does not obtain at least two-thirds of the votes after three rounds of voting, an Electoral College (made up of Parliament and representatives of local authority councils) elects the president, choosing between the two candidates with the highest percentage of votes. The candidate is nominated with at least one fifth of the support of the Members of Parliament. Applicants must be Phoenix citizens and at least 40 years of age. The election of the president is governed by the constitution. The Speaker of the Landsraad can also perform the functions of the Federal President in the cases provided for by the constitution.
The Government of Phoenixia is formed by the Chancellor at recommendation of the President, and approved by the Landsraad. The government, headed by the Chancellor, represent the political leadership of the country and carry out domestic and foreign policy. Ministers head ministries and represent its interests in the government. Sometimes ministers with no associated ministry are appointed, known as ministers without portfolio. Phoenixia has been ruled by coalition governments because no party has been able to obtain an absolute majority in the parliament.
=== '''Constituent states ==='''
The Constitution of Phoenixia also provides the possibility for direct democracy through referendum. Phoenixia has pursued the development of the e-government, with 80 percent of the public services being available on the web 24 hours a day.  
=== Constituent states ===
Phoenixia is a federal state and comprises twenty constituent states which are collectively referred to as Døminion. Each state (Domin) has its own constitution, and is largely autonomous in regard to its internal organisation.
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''Main article: [[Phoenixia's Law|Phoenixia's law]]''
The Constitution of Phoenixia is the fundamental law, establishing the constitutional order based on five principles: human dignity, democracy, rule of law, social state, and the Phoenixian identity.The court system has a three-level structure. The first instance are County courts which handle all criminal and civil cases, and Administrative Courts which hear complaints about government and local officials, and other public disputes. The second instance are High Courts which handle appeals about the first instance decisions. he
=== Judiciary ===
The Supreme Court is the court of cassation, and also conducts constitutional review, it has 12 members whose election is up to various bodies. The Supreme Court has jurisdiction over cases involving fundamental rights and disputes between the federated states and the central government, and cases of appeal by the High Court. The judiciary is independent, judges are appointed for life, and can be removed from office only when convicted by court for a criminal deed. The Phoenixian justice system has been rated among the most efficient in the world.
Phoenixia has three levels of the judiciary: the Supreme Court (chaired by the Attorney General), 20 High Courts (at the state level) and a large number of ordinary courts. The Supreme Court has jurisprudence. The Supreme Court has jurisdiction over cases involving fundamental rights and disputes between the federated states and the central government, and cases of appeal by the High Court. It is independent of any other power and can dissolve state governments, as well as declare the laws of various states unconstitutional. The role as the ultimate interpreter of the Constitution is one of the most important functions of the Supreme Court.
=== Crime ===
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Phoenixia has a social market economy with a highly skilled labour force, a low level of corruption, and a high level of innovation. The service sector contributes approximately 68% of the total GDP, industry 32%, and agriculture 1% as of 2021. The Poexar dollar (sign: P$; code: PXD) is the currency of Phoenixia. Ha corso legale in Phoenixia, since 2010 it has been joined by the Packilvanian Dinar. It is subdivided into 100 cents.
The Reserve Bank of Phoenixia (RBP) is the central bank of the Federal Republic of Phoenixia. Its mission is to keep the Phoenixian financial system stable. It administers the circulation of money, implements monetary policy, advises the government and reports to Parliament. However, it operates independently of other national government agencies. It is supervised by the Supervisory Board, which includes a Chairman along with seven members. The Phoenixian Bank is headed by the National Bank Governor, recommended by the Supervisory Board and appointed by the Federal President for a five-year term, but no more than one consecutive term. The Governor is also the Chairman of the Executive Committee, which is responsible for planning and organizing the institution's work. The Bank is governed by strict confidentiality rules regarding banking secrets.
The POXD is managed by the Reserve Bank of Phoenixia (RBP) , Phoenixia's central bank, first established by government decree in 1950. The bank maintains Phoenixia's monetary policy and manages its currency, the Poexar dollar. The RBP has 3 mandates: a stable currency; full employment; and economic growth.
The fund was established in 1965 after the country discovered oil in the Optia Sea. The fund invests the income from this sector to safeguard the future of the national economy. It has a network of offices and financial locations scattered around the world, PN invests internationally in equities, fixed income, money market instruments, real estate. It has a total budget of 3.7 billion Poexar. The fund is composed of three distinct groups, each with specific investment and development objectives;
Tentacore, founded in 2000, is a venture capital provider that supports the creation, development, financing and, when appropriate, exit young growth companies by providing them with business expertise and venture capital to create value for the shareholders. It focuses on high-potential hi-tech start-ups.
Blackwood, founded in 1971, it pursues investments in real estate, infrastructure and energy and renewable resources; manages properties worth $ 100 billion
The Phoenixian Fund was created in 1965, its purpose was to invest the profits of the oil industry in infrastructure projects. It is managed by a board of directors. It is currently worth $ 1 trillion.
Ars Global, founded in 2004, is the branch of the Phoenixian National Fund dedicated to regional and international investments to improve Phoenixia's image and attract new visitors. It operates in numerous fields from IT, services, tourism, culture, to journalism.
== Demographics ==
=== Healthcare ===

Revision as of 06:50, 25 July 2022

Federal Republic of Phoenixia

Republika Phoenixiana
Flag of Phoenixia
Seal of Phoenixia
Coat of arms
Motto: "For peace, unity and brotherhood"
Anthem: "Never war"
and largest city
Official languagesBilingual
  • Packlivian
  • Asendavian
Ethnic groups
GovernmentFederal Republic
• Total
1,043,370 km2 (402,850 sq mi)
• 2022 census
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
500 billion
• Per capita
CurrencyPoexar dollar (POXD)
Calling code+277
Internet TLD.phx

Phoenixia, formally the Federal Republic of Phoenixia, is a transcontinental country located at the boundary of Northern Arcturia and Western Yasteria. Phoenixia is located between the Optia Sea to the east and the Concordian Ocean to the west; it covers an area of 1,043,370 km2 (402,850 sq mi), with a population of over 50 million within its 21 constituent states. Phoenixia is bordered to the north by Stelvania, to the north-west by the Vistari dominion of Valerijk, to the south by Alksearia. The nation's capital and largest city is Bluckingham and its financial center is Wermont Hill.



Phoenixia was unified in a military and political campaign in which the various tribes, city-states and small kingdoms of the Araforsian region were conquered by House Atreides. The unification began in 1732 and ended in 1822 with the proclamation of the Kingdom of Arafors under the leadership of the king Theoledus.

The reign of King Theoledus was marked by a wave of industrialization and rapid expansion across the entire nation. The development of industry became an increasingly important factor in national life. In 1845 Arafors began to establish diplomatic relations.


The colonization projects date back to 1869 when the Eritia company, active in the naval trade, acquired Cryton Bay on behalf of the government, the first nucleus of the expansion in the area, which would be followed, in 1885, by the occupation of the port city. of Afragola. In 1890, following a military campaign, the entire Principality of Belporto will be in Araforsian hands, being made official by the government as the first colony.

The expansionist aims moved towards Mupek, a territory in the possession of the Rexdelt empire, located in the eastern part of the Optio sea and an important commercial port. In February 1906 the government sends an ultimatum to the ruler Deflek V demanding the cession of Sorxia two territories, but the king refusing to break out the Arafors-Rexdelt war. The conflict ended on October 19 of the same year, with the occupation by Arafors of the Rexdeltian territories.

Red spring

The period of the Serz government (1926-1929) was marred by the assassination of King David I on August 6, 1930, and finally his government fell following a vote of no confidence that contested his too weak attitude on the occasion of a great strike. of the port workers of Welberg, following the dissolution of the local Chamber of Labor.

The fall of the Serz government and the economic crisis coincided with the opening of a political crisis, destined to change the political equilibrium matured in recent decades, during which an authoritarian vision of power had been established, which mainly aimed at containing the and social claims.

A series of workers' and peasants' struggles broke out throughout the country, culminating in the occupation of factories in September 1928. In this period there were, above all, peasant mobilizations, workers' demonstrations, occupations of land and factories with, in some cases , attempts at self-management. The unrest also extended to rural areas and were often accompanied by strikes and clashes. Workers demanded shorter working hours, higher wages and greater job security.

To cope with the uprisings of the masses, the great industrialists and landowners turned to action squads, paramilitary organizations founded by the nationalist politician Leone Ausilio, who presented himself as the defender of order and bourgeois society in an anti-socialist function. There followed episodes of violence against trade unions, organizations, newspapers and left-wing parties. Very famous was the assault on the headquarters of the socialist newspaper "Red Star" which for the first time made the action teams and Leone Ausilio stand out at national level.

It was the Trentini government, led by the conservative Ambrogio Trentini, to deal with the uprisings of the masses exceptionally appointed by the parliament awaiting the accession to the throne of a new king.

The government initially reacted by harshly suppressing the demonstrations, but later decided to accept the requests of the works in an attempt to restore order and avoid the risk of a communist revolution that seemed to be on the horizon. Through the laws n.421 and n.423 respectively, the working hours were reduced from 55/60 hours per week to 48 and the national labor inspectorate was created to monitor the safety at work and the economic conditions of workers. The government tolerated the squad actions that it saw as a passing evil that would disappear over time.

On 29 September 1930, at the age of 35, Tomaseo Poter II ascended the throne after the assassination of his father. Although he was a man committed to constitutional government, he looked with suspicion at the left parties who then dominated politics and saw squadron violence a necessary evil to eradicate socialism.

Rise of the Unionism

Unionist violence had grown in intensity during the summer of 1930, culminating in rumors of a possible coup. On May 19, during the unionist congress in Carthage, Ausilio announced the transformation of the unionist movement into a party. In the September elections, the unionists coalesced with the popular front of Giò Crema, obtaining 34 parliamentarians.

On March 15, 1931, Ausilio Leone led action squads and unionist supporters in a march on Phoxia. Prime Minister Ambrogio Trentini and his cabinet have drafted a martial law decree. After some hesitation, the king refused to sign it, citing doubts about the army's ability to contain the revolt without starting a civil war.

Tomaseo was tired of the recurring crises of the parliamentary government and welcomed Ausilio as a "strong man" who imposed "order" in Phoenixia. By midnight on March 16, Ausilio had been appointed President of the Council of Ministers, at the age of 39, with no previous experience in office, and with only 34 unionist deputies at the congress. Although the king stated in his memoirs that it was the fear of a civil war that motivated his actions, it was very likely that he received some "alternative" advice, perhaps from archconservative Armando Fruck and General Fabio Oled, that it would have been better to do a pact with Ausilio.

In December the Cerpolo law was approved, aimed at ensuring an absolute majority of seats for the unionists; that with the elections of April 1932, held under the weight of squad violence, they became the masters of Parliament. On May 3, after denouncing the electoral fraud of the government, the liberal deputy Mattia Perotti was assassinated: the indignant reaction to this murder threw Unionism and Ausilio into a state of serious crisis, which was however overcome thanks to weakness and divisions of the opposition and the support of the king.

The king did not move against the abuses of power of the unionist regime when Ausilio dropped any pretense of democracy. Tomaseo II signed without protest laws that eliminated freedom of speech and assembly, abolished freedom of the press and declared the Unionist Party as the only legal party in Phoenixia. Although, officially, the unionist party in Italy was ruled by a "grand council" until the Civil War, Leone Ausilio really had almost all the power in the country.

The Unionist imposed authoritarian rule and crushed political and intellectual opposition, while promoting economic modernization, traditional social values ​​and a rapprochement with the Paxist magisterium. In 1934, union laws were passed, which organized the economy into twelve separate trade unions of employers and workers. Unions were largely state-controlled and were used primarily to suppress opposition and reward political loyalty. Although the unions could not protect workers from all economic consequences, they were responsible for managing social security benefits and could sometimes negotiate contracts for the benefit of the workers.

Under Unionism, the definition of Phoenixian nationality rested on a militaristic foundation and the "new man" ideal in which loyal Phoenixians would shed individualism and autonomy and see themselves as a component of the Phoenixian state and they would be prepared to sacrifice their lives for it. Membership and approval of the Unionist Party became mandatory for people to obtain "full citizenship", as those who did not swear allegiance to the party were banned from public life and could not get employment.

In 1937, laws were passed to broadcast propaganda newsreels before all feature films in theaters. These newsreels were more effective in influencing audiences than propaganda films or the radio, as few citizens at the time had radio receivers. Unionist propaganda was widely featured in posters and state-sponsored art.

The Unionist imposed authoritarian rule and crushed political and intellectual opposition, while promoting economic modernization, traditional social values ​​and a rapprochement with the Paxist magisterium.

Under Unionism, the definition of Phoenixian nationality rested on a militaristic foundation and the "new man" ideal in which loyal Phoenixians would shed individualism and autonomy and see themselves as a component of the Phoenixian state and they would be prepared to sacrifice their lives for it. Membership and approval of the Unionist Party became mandatory for people to obtain "full citizenship", as those who did not swear allegiance to the party were banned from public life and could not get employment.

In 1937, laws were passed to broadcast propaganda newsreels before all feature films in theaters. These newsreels were more effective in influencing audiences than propaganda films or the radio, as few citizens at the time had radio receivers. Unionist propaganda was widely featured in posters and state-sponsored art.

General elections were held in the form of a referendum on March 24, 1938. Ausilio used a referendum to confirm a one-party Unionist list. The proposed list was approved by 98.43% of the voters. Universal male suffrage, legal since 1912, was reserved for men who were members of a unionist trade union or association, soldiers and members of the magisterium. As a result, only a small fraction of the population could vote.

In 1939 Ausilio and the Paxist Great magister Diego Serjovic reached an agreement that put an end to a stalemate that dates back to 1845. Paxism became the religion of the state which (other religions were tolerated), paid salaries to magisterium officials in Phoenixia. Religious marriages were recognized (previously couples had to celebrate the civil ceremony) and introduced religious instruction in public schools. In turn, officials had to swear allegiance to the unionist regime, which had veto power over their selection.

Ausilio and the main unionists were anticlerical and atheists, but they recognized the opportunity for warmer relations with the great Paxist element of Phoenixia to gain greater consensus among the population.

Cartegine Revolution

On June 16, 1940 in Cartegine there were various protests in the automobile and textile factories, the largest demonstrations during the Unionist dictatorship, against the high cost of living. The cause of the success of the strikes was also thanks to the Cartaginese edition of the national newspaper which had resumed its clandestine publication thanks to Gaetano Valerio in a farmhouse in Swingle. This also contributed to the spread of the strike in the Meerle area after it spread to Cartegine thanks to a wide spread of clandestine leaflets. The initial causes of the demonstration were for the scarcity of foodstuffs and for denouncing the too high prices, in fact since 1939 the cost of living had doubled due to inflation caused by the massive issue of money.

The protest was the beginning of the Cartegine Revolution or Phoenixian Civil War which will see opposing pro-unionists and partisans.

The strikes soon lost almost any link with the original cause and became a more general anti-government demonstration. When anti-government protesters demonstrated in Cartegine in June 1940, Leone Ausilio perceived the demonstrations as a political threat and on June 17 ordered military forces to open fire, killing and injuring women, children and the elderly. The revelation of Ausilio's responsibility resulted in a massive spread of riots and civil unrest across the country, reaching the capital Phoxia.

On the morning of June 20, the news arrived of the suspicious death of Rover Relver, Chief of the Defense Staff, later confirmed as suicide (he tried to incapacitate himself with a shoulder wound but a bullet severed an artery), the news is it was given by an anonymous informant (his identity was never discovered) from the secret services to the press who immediately published it. Believing that Relver had been murdered, the ordinary soldiers went to the side of the revolution almost en masse. The disillusioned commanders viewed Audio as a lost cause and made no effort to keep their men loyal to the government.

Ausilio made a desperate attempt to address the crowd gathered in front of the government building, but people in the square began throwing stones and other bullets at him, forcing him to take refuge in the building along with his family and a circle of loyalists. Then Ausilio and his wife Marta along with the circle of close associates fled the capital by helicopter, but were captured by the military after the armed forces deserted. After being tried and convicted of high treason, torture and economic sabotage, they were immediately shot on June 23. As soon as Tomaseo learned of the clashes between the police and the posters, he organized the escape with the royal family to an unknown location.

After the war, an institutional referendum was called in which women also took part for the first time. A new constitution was adopted, the government abolished the monarchy and the right of primogeniture establishing a federal democratic republic. The king was replaced by a president elected for a seven-year term. The last king was deposed and exiled to a remote area of the country.

Federal Republic

In September 1947, the leaders of the old ruling class were arrested and tried for treason. Many were sentenced to death. The new government immediately embarked on a program of reform. It introduced a number of progressive measures, including the abolition of slavery and the introduction of compulsory education up to 17 years.

In the 1960s, the government began to diversify the economy. It promoted tourism. It also introduced a program of urban renewal, which involved the construction of new towns and the demolition of slums.

In 1965 large oil fields were found in the center in the central area of the Optio Sea. The government created the Phoenixian National Fund to invest the oil proceeds in infrastructure projects.

Between 1967 and 1971, the government initiated a policy of economic liberalization. It has enabled individuals to acquire stakes in many state-owned enterprises and it has encouraged foreign investors to enter the domestic market. Emblematic was the opening of the Wermont Hill Stock Exchange where large companies were first listed. The state turned into an institutional investor thanks to the Phoenixian  that became a sovereign fund. In 1971 Phoenixia became a member of the International Forum. In 1975, the government announced plans for a satellite that will rotate in orbit to the planet.

In 1976, a plebiscite was held in which the people voted to change the constitution. The new constitution established a monocameral legislature. It also granted the people the right to recall their elected representatives.

In the 1980s, the government embarked on an industrial expansion program, particularly in the energy, telecommunications and transportation sectors by implementing a favorable tax regime for people wishing to open business in Phoenixia. During this time, a digital service network called "PhoenixNet'' was developed that allows people to use their computers to access government services.

A new currency, the Phoenix dollar, was adopted with the aim of replacing the old currency with a more stable and attractive one for forex investors. In 1983 the capital was moved from Phoxia to Bluckingham.

Government and politics

Main article: Politics of Phoenixia

Phoenixia is a federal, parliamentary, representative democratic republic. The Constitution of Phoenixia also provides the possibility for direct democracy through referendum. Phoenixia has pursued the development of the e-government, with 80 percent of the public services being available on the web 24 hours a day.  


The Landsraad is the legislative authority of the Federal Republic of Phoenixia. It consists of 630 members elected in democratic elections for a term of four years according to the principle of proportional representation. The work of the Parliament is coordinated by the Landsraad Council which is led by the President of the Landsraad elected for the entire legislature. There are also factions within the Parliament, which carry out the programs of their respective political parties. The work of the Parliament is supported by various committees, whose staff is made up of members of the factions. They prepare bills and exercise parliamentary control over their sectors of activity. Laws are passed by an open majority. The quorum for the Parliament is provided for by the internal rules of Landsraad.

Citizens of Phoenixia who are at least 21 years old are eligible to vote and can stand for election to Parliament. Citizens who are at least 18 years of age and not convicted of a crime have the right to elect their representatives in parliamentary elections. Elections are held by the President of the Republic. After the election of the Parliament, the first session is convened by the President of the Republic, where the members of the Parliament take the oath and then elect the Chancellor and the President of the Parliament. The election procedure is defined in the electoral law.

Federal President

The Federal President is the head of state of Phoenixia and serves as the highest representative of the state. The President may have limited participation in legislation by issuing decrees, resolutions and directives. Furthermore, the President can refuse to sign a law and return it to Parliament for review. There are several institutions under the jurisdiction of the President. These include: the Academic Committee, the Federal Development Roundtable, the Phoenixian Memory Institute, the President's Cultural Foundation, the Phoenixian Federal Cooperation Assembly, and the National Defense Council.

The president is elected by the Landsraad for a term of six years, for a limit of 2 consecutive terms. If the Parliament does not obtain at least two-thirds of the votes after three rounds of voting, an Electoral College (made up of Parliament and representatives of local authority councils) elects the president, choosing between the two candidates with the highest percentage of votes. The candidate is nominated with at least one fifth of the support of the Members of Parliament. Applicants must be Phoenix citizens and at least 40 years of age. The election of the president is governed by the constitution. The Speaker of the Landsraad can also perform the functions of the Federal President in the cases provided for by the constitution.


The Government of Phoenixia is formed by the Chancellor at recommendation of the President, and approved by the Landsraad. The government, headed by the Chancellor, represent the political leadership of the country and carry out domestic and foreign policy. Ministers head ministries and represent its interests in the government. Sometimes ministers with no associated ministry are appointed, known as ministers without portfolio. Phoenixia has been ruled by coalition governments because no party has been able to obtain an absolute majority in the parliament.

Constituent states

Phoenixia is a federal state and comprises twenty constituent states which are collectively referred to as Døminion. Each state (Domin) has its own constitution, and is largely autonomous in regard to its internal organisation.


Main article: Phoenixia's law

The Constitution of Phoenixia is the fundamental law, establishing the constitutional order based on five principles: human dignity, democracy, rule of law, social state, and the Phoenixian identity.


Phoenixia has three levels of the judiciary: the Supreme Court (chaired by the Attorney General), 20 High Courts (at the state level) and a large number of ordinary courts. The Supreme Court has jurisprudence. The Supreme Court has jurisdiction over cases involving fundamental rights and disputes between the federated states and the central government, and cases of appeal by the High Court. It is independent of any other power and can dissolve state governments, as well as declare the laws of various states unconstitutional. The role as the ultimate interpreter of the Constitution is one of the most important functions of the Supreme Court.


Phoenixia is currently one of the safest and stabilized countries in the World, but between the 1980s and the 1990s, organized crime prevailed and it was characterized by a loose alliance of mobster groups with a wide range of different rackets: prostitution, motor vehicle theft, drug trafficking. Although small size, the Phoenixian mafia was hierarchical and well-organized, which has enabled its survival to this day, albeit to a much more modest form.  Also, the murder rate was considerably higher than ever during the same period in Phoenixia; for example, an average of 9.4 people per 100,000 per year were killed in Phoenixia between 1983 and 1999.


Phoenixia has a social market economy with a highly skilled labour force, a low level of corruption, and a high level of innovation. The service sector contributes approximately 68% of the total GDP, industry 32%, and agriculture 1% as of 2021. The Poexar dollar (sign: P$; code: PXD) is the currency of Phoenixia. Ha corso legale in Phoenixia, since 2010 it has been joined by the Packilvanian Dinar. It is subdivided into 100 cents.

The Reserve Bank of Phoenixia (RBP) is the central bank of the Federal Republic of Phoenixia. Its mission is to keep the Phoenixian financial system stable. It administers the circulation of money, implements monetary policy, advises the government and reports to Parliament. However, it operates independently of other national government agencies. It is supervised by the Supervisory Board, which includes a Chairman along with seven members. The Phoenixian Bank is headed by the National Bank Governor, recommended by the Supervisory Board and appointed by the Federal President for a five-year term, but no more than one consecutive term. The Governor is also the Chairman of the Executive Committee, which is responsible for planning and organizing the institution's work. The Bank is governed by strict confidentiality rules regarding banking secrets.

The fund was established in 1965 after the country discovered oil in the Optia Sea. The fund invests the income from this sector to safeguard the future of the national economy. It has a network of offices and financial locations scattered around the world, PN invests internationally in equities, fixed income, money market instruments, real estate. It has a total budget of 3.7 billion Poexar. The fund is composed of three distinct groups, each with specific investment and development objectives;

Tentacore, founded in 2000, is a venture capital provider that supports the creation, development, financing and, when appropriate, exit young growth companies by providing them with business expertise and venture capital to create value for the shareholders. It focuses on high-potential hi-tech start-ups.

Blackwood, founded in 1971, it pursues investments in real estate, infrastructure and energy and renewable resources; manages properties worth $ 100 billion

Ars Global, founded in 2004, is the branch of the Phoenixian National Fund dedicated to regional and international investments to improve Phoenixia's image and attract new visitors. It operates in numerous fields from IT, services, tourism, culture, to journalism.



Phoenixia's system of hospitals, called Krake, dates from medieval times, and today, Phoenixia has one of the world's oldest universal health care system, dated to the social legislation of the 1880s. Since the 1880s, reforms and provisions have ensured a balanced health care system. The population is covered by a health insurance plan provided by Willdar Darlo Satistar, with criteria allowing some groups to opt for a private health insurance contract. Population density in Phoenixia stands at 4.79 inhabitants per square kilometre. The overall life expectancy in Phoenixia at birth is 82.19 years (79.93 years for males and 83.58 years for females). The fertility rate of 1.24 children born per woman (2021 estimates). It had a very low infant mortality rate (3 per 1,000 live births). In 2021, the principal cause of death was chronic diseases, at 37%.


Responsibility for educational supervision in Phoenixia is primarily organised within the individual states. Optional kindergarten education is provided for all children between three and six years old, after which school attendance is compulsory for at least nine years. Primary education usually lasts for four to six years. Secondary schooling is divided into tracks based on whether students pursue academic or vocational education. A system of apprenticeship called Vallée leads to a skilled qualification which is almost comparable to an academic degree. It allows students in vocational training to learn in a company as well as in a state-run trade school. This model is well regarded and reproduced all around the world.

Most of the Phoexy universities are public institutions, and students traditionally study without fee payment. The general requirement for university is the Abitur. The established universities in Phoenixia include some of the oldest in the world, with Felixia University (established in 1386) being the oldest. The Unitt University of Bluckingham, founded in 1810 by the liberal educational reformer Matteo de' Luv, became the academic model for many phoexy universities. In the contemporary era Phoenixia has developed six Universities of Excellence.


Freedom of speech and of the press are guaranteed by the Constitution. The Broadcasting Act, approved in 1984, regulated broadcasting until it was revised, becoming in 2010 the Media Services Act. These laws, together with the National Broadcasting Law (2007) represent the legal framework of media in Phoenixia. Cultural norms are highly influential in the country and over-regulation is generally avoided. The Phoenixian Ministry of Culture is responsible for issuing licenses in relation to content, while the Phoenixian Technical Surveillance Authority issues technical licences. The principle of access to information is outlined in the Constitution, and the Public Information Act establishes mechanisms for access and obliges authorities to assist citizens in the process. The Phoenixian Broadcasting Council (PBC), which supervises the public broadcaster PRR, is composed of 4 media professionals and one representative of each political fraction. Their election is made in Parliament. In 2018, in total, there were 10 members of the Council. Under the law, the Council operates independently.

In 2009 the Phoenixian Supreme Court decided that online media are deemed responsible for comments posted by their readers. Phoenxia’s largest website, Lune, was fined in 2015 for one of these comments.

Phoenixia Times is the State Gazette of the Republic of Phoenixia.

Human rights

Phoenixia provides one of the highest degrees of liberty in the world for its LGBT community. Phoenixia is rated first in acceptance of homosexuality, with 82% of the population saying that homosexuality should be accepted.

Death penalty

The Phoenixian constitution prohibits capital punishment outside of military law in wartime. The highest priority is attached to the international campaign as a moratorium on capital punishment. Since 1990's, several initiatives have been promoted to achieve a universal moratorium on the death penalty.

Freedom of religion

Although Phoenixia is predominantly a Paxist country, the constitution defines that Phoenixia has no official religion and does not favor any faith, and on the federal level there is not any administrative office which deals specifically with religious affairs, thus on such level the church and the state are fully separated. However, religious propaganda in public and private is permitted with the consent of the competent authorities.

Law defines that Phoexy public schools must be religiously neutral, and that the teaching of religious studies in public schools must not identify unilaterally with any religion or proseytise for it. The state allows religious or philosophical communities to establish confessional private school, though they are still supervised by the state, which imposes certain requirements and conducts inspections.


The Phoenixian Defence Force (PDF) is the military organisation responsible for the defence of the Republic of Phoenixia and its national interests. It consists of the Phoenixian Navy (PN), Phoenixian Army, Phoenixia Air Force (PAF), The Phoenixian Coast Guard (PCG) and the Eagles, a special corp, and several "tri-service" units. The PDF has a strength of just over 300,436 full-time personnel and 23,744 active reservists. Military spending covers about 1.2% of GDP, with an annual budget of 6 billion.

The main objective of the PDF is the defense of the state, the maintenance of the territorial integrity of the waters and airspace of Phoenixia.

Foreign relations

Phoenixia's foreign policy, directed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, based on the so-called doctrine of multilateralism for maintenance of international peace and order, making efforts to solve global problems in partnership with other nations. In continental areas, Phoenixia pushes for cooperation through the work of numerous federal institutions;

Phoenixia is a member of the OFAC, regional organization for Arcturian cooperation , IRSA, defensive military alliance and the IF.