Geography of Iboma

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Geography of Iboma
 • Total308,734 km2 (119,203 sq mi)
 • Land97%
 • Water3%
Coastline1,345 km (836 mi)
BordersVeridian Union
Highest pointMount X ()
Lowest pointSea level ()
Longest riverRiver X ()
Largest lakeLake X ()
Natural resourcesHighly arable soil
Ferrous Metals
Natural hazardsVolcanic eruptions
Environmental issuesEutrophication

Iboma is a middle-sized island nation surrounded by Tretrid and Lapinumbia to the west across the Tretridian Sea, the Veridian Union to the north-west, Dvalheim to the northeast, Tiervan to the east, Dvergaland to the southeast, and Bersaleria to the south. The nation spans an area of 308,734km² (about 119,203 square miles), with water comprising 3% of surface area and an exclusive economic zone of 120,500km².

The islands broke off from mainland Novaris over a period of several million years due to tectonic plate movements which have resulted in high levels of geological activity. Thus, several volcanoes remain active and the country is prone to minor earthquakes. The rich supply of geothermal energy and abundant rivers has helped the nation become energy independent. Coupled with high rates of volcanic mineral deposition and waterlogged land areas, Iboma has some of the highest rates of fertile soil in the world.

Comprised of 5 islands, the largest is Ibonanengwa (Great Iboma Island) which composes over ⅔ of the surface area. Due to the proximity of its neighbours, it maintains territorial disputes over maritime boundaries with most of them. The nation is rich in biodiversity with about 25% for nature reserves, 35% for agriculture, 10% for urban development, 20% for unprotected wilderness and 10% for mixed-use. With four seasons, divided equally across the year, rain falls throughout the year, snow is probable but rare, and temperatures rarely fall below freezing or rise above 35 degrees Celsius.

Physical geography

The landmass of modern day Iboma was formed from the separation of Novaris from Gondwanan. The separation of Novaris from Gondwanan was incredibly violent, resulting in the formation of many island and non-contiguous landmasses especially when compared to other continents like Aurora and Gondwana. The islands that comprise modern day Iboma were among the few survivors. The lingering effects of this process still linger in the geological faultlines that run through the islands. This results in the presence of undersea and on-land volcanoes.


Five islands make up the territory of Iboma:

  • Ibomanengwa is the largest island. It comprises over ⅔ of the territory of Iboma. It is surrounded by the Veridian Union across the Ibomian Sea to the northwest, Tiervan, Dvalheim and Dvergerland to the east across the Tiervan Sea, Tadeshi to the north across the Sea of Mkaramba, Ibomananne across the Gulf of Tsekedu and Strait of Hamba and the Three Islands to the southwest.
  • Ibomanenni is the second largest island and comprised well over ¼ of the territory. It lies to the south west of Ibomanengwa and to the south of Vivane
  • Vivane is the third largest island and comprises 4% of the country’s territory. It is bordered by Sungane to the north and Ibomanenni to the south and Ibomanengwa to the east. It is the largest of the Three Islands.
  • Dadavane is the fourth largest island and makes up 3% of the country’s territory. It is surrounded by Sungane to the south, the Veridian Union to the north, and Ibomanengwa to the east across the Ibomian Sea and is the northernmost of the Three Islands. The Veridian Union is so close that it can be seen from shore.
  • Sungane is the smallest island in the country and makes up only 2% of the country’s territory. It borders Dadavane to the north, Viviane to the South and Ibomanengwa to the east.

Lakes and dams

Water bodies comprise over 3% of the country’s territory (equal to the surface area of Dadavane). The country has many large bodies of water and the largest are as follows:

  • Lake Mazumba located on the border of Abina and Luzaro Province is the largest body of water by surface area. It was formed from sedimentation buildup over centuries between the Iboma Sea and the what was then the Gulf of Mazumba.
  • Lake Odinwa is located on Ibomanenni on the border of Ilora and Kikimba Province. It is curved like a scythe.
  • Lake Akade is the third largest body of water and is located on the border of Chimangazo and Luzaro Province on Ibomanengwa.


The Geography of Iboma is characterized by the unusually high concentration of streams and rivers which have contributed to the incredible fertility of Ibomian soil in general.The longest include the following:

  • The Saranga River is the longest river. It passes through the city of Sangwa in Sangwa Province, and bends up to Lake Mazumba and empties in the Ibomian Sea.
  • The Bujumba River is the second longest river. It is a tributary of the Saranga River's other tributary, the Lesser Saranga River. It passes through Abina Province and empties in the Gulf of Tsekedu.
  • The Majimbo River is a tributary of the Bujumba River and it originates in Sangwa Province, passes through Abina province before emptying into the Tiervan Sea.
  • The Fumana River starts in Luzaro Province and passes through Lake Akade and the city of Ebeneza in Chimangazo Province before emptying in the Ibomian Sea.


The highest elevation is Zuvunwa Mountain on the Trans-Sangwa Mountain Range which runs diagonally from the northeast to the southwest in the middle of Ibonanengwa. This mountain range contains the tallest mountains in the country, many of which have glaciers at their summits. Most of the rivers of Ibomanengwa originate from these mountains. In Winter, the mountains experience snowfall at high altitudes that are conducive for skiing. The rest of the island is characterized by flat terrain or undulating hills. There are lush forests and thickets in these areas. It is incredibly beautiful and green.

Ibomanenni has a long mountain chain - the Kikimba Coastal and Interior Mountain Range - on its western coast which diverges to the middle of the interior wear the tallest mountains on the island are located. The rest of the area consists of undulating hills and flat terrain. The Three Islands are by far the most volcanic as they sit on top of the Trans-Southeast-Novaran faultline. Thus, there are active volcanoes on those islands.

Political geography

The country consists of several provinces:

  • Chimangazo
  • Abina
  • Sangwa
  • Luzaro
  • Ilora
  • Kikimba
  • National Capital Province
  • Three Islands

Environmental issue

Natural disasters