Bassot Plan

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Côme Bassot, Secretary General of the Crown Realm

The Bassot Plan, officially called the Helslandr Reconstruction Program (HRP), is an NCEF initiative founded in 2022 to provide economic and material aid to Helslandr. The NCEF, with also participation from the Federation, has transferred over 457 billion UKR (228,5 billion SHD) in economic aid to help with the reconstruction of Helslandr as a result of the Helslandr Civil War. With 260 billion UKR (130 billion SHD) being given in 2022, with 197 billion UKR (98,5 billion SHD) being given in 2023. With it being expected that the program will be able to finish its purpose by 2024. With over a million refugees having already returned to Helslandr.

With the main focus of the plan being to rebuild the infrastructure and help refugees coming back to their country. The main proponents of the plan being officials from Norgsveldet and the Federation. With the former Norgsveltian minister of foreign affairs, John W. Vultz, playing a vital role in organizing the aid package with other NCEF nations. Though the plan has been nicknamed after Côme Bassot, the Secretary General of the Norgsveltian Crown Realm. With her having already drafted plans on how Helslandr should be rebuilt during its civil war.

The largest donors of economic aid to the HRP have been Norgsveldet contributing to 30.77% of the aid, with the Federation being 15.38% of it and Vistaraland being 13.85% of the economic aid in 2022. But with both later two nations spending more then Norgsveldet in 2023. Despite the Federation not being in the NCEF it made up the second largest contributor to the aid program.

From the highest to lowest contributors:

Norgsveldet: 108 billion UKR (54 billion SHD)

Federation: 70 billion UKR (35 billion SHD)

Vistaraland: 66 billion UKR (33 billion SHD)

Tretrid: 30 billion UKR (15 billion SHD)

Atlalandr: 26 billion UKR (13 billion SHD)

Eyjaria: 24 billion UKR (12 billion SHD)

Kaldrbuth: 24 billion UKR (12 billion SHD)

Tangrland: 23 billion UKR (11,5 billion SHD)

Veria: 16 billion UKR (8 billion SHD)

Meremaa: 14 billion UKR (7 billion SHD)

Pledonia: 13 billion UKR (6,5 billion SHD)

Vakrestrender: 9 billion UKR (4,5 billion SHD)

Nakosa: 8,8 billion UKR (4,4 billion SHD)

Hvaloaszna: 3,8 billion UKR (1,9 billion SHD)

Maanbriak: 1,4 billion UKR (0,7 billion SHD)