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Anti-Akuanism, is hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against Akuanism in virtually any form. Including ethnically, religiously, nationality (if from a majority Akuan region) and speciesm. Secular or religious Akuanists face persecution, as it is a common believed among Anti-Akuanism persons that a Akuanists cannot be secular nor can they convert to another religion. Primarily Anti-Akuanists tendencies and beliefs tend to be motivated by positive and negative stereotypes of Akuanism or Akuan culture; negative sentiments towards Kemonomimi as a species; The tendency of Akuanists to self-isolation within their own communities and difficulties of assimilating Akuanists into mainstream culture of a given nation. Typically, anti-Akuanism/Akuanist doctrine calls removal of Akuanists from a region or state in the best case and at worst outright genocide towards Akuanists groups, reinforcing the belief that Akuanists are unable to ever truly convert to a different religion. In addition, it is common belief among Anti-Akuanist groups that non-Kemonomimi are not 'true' Akuanists, rather they are paid actors or being lied too and used as a patsy.

There are various ways in which anti-Akuanism is manifested, ranging in level of severity to Akuanist persecution. On the more subtle and less violent end, it consists of targeting or expressing hatred towards individual Akuanists or Akuan businesses. Then on the most extreme end, anti-Akuanism consists of pogroms, genocide or forced removal from their land which tends to be state-sponsored but not in every case. The term 'Anti-Akuanism' didn't reach common usage until the 19th century, previous term 'Anti-Borean' or more common term in use by Akuanists as 'Hamonshu' as seen in Akuan scholars and politicians during their creation of Akuan Democracy. Anti-Akuanism term has been applied to previous events throughout the extremely long history of Akuanism. Due to the almost complete universality Anti-Akuanism throughout the world, one can track the movements of Akuanists across the world via violent instances, laws/decrees targeting Akuanists, expulsions and seizure of Akuan goods, propriety or personhood without ever needing to directly study first-hand Akuan accounts or history. Historically, the worse perpetrator of Anti-Akuanism has been done by Norgsveldet, though is needs to be noted that after the Akuan Atrocities and after the end of the Great War, Anti-Akuanism within Norgsveldet is far below the average in comparison to every nation. Being listed as number one, in places for Akuanist to live, in a non-Akuan majority country by the Association of the Servants of Akua.

In the contemporary era, new form of Anti-Akuanism has been manifested, coined as "Neo Anti-Akuanism" although this term has limited use within academic circles and most individuals tend to just use Anti-Akuanism as the go-to term. The new form of Anti-Akuanism, rather than directly targeting Akuanists as a collective, focus on criticizing the Bjørn family and their influence on media through the Bjørn Trust; Valkyr economy and influence in media, such as video games, films and music; and more recently with the Côtois election of Jeanne Pierre in 2018 criticizing her policies and actions. Sometime Anti-Akuanists will infiltrate in Akuanists religious criticisms towards Vakrestrender and on discussion of Jeanne Pierre on her secularistic Akuan lifestyle. It has became a running joke for Akuanists critiquing Valkyr Akuanism, that you can spot the Anti-Akuanist by how often they bring up the Valkyr royal family.

Politically, far-left and far-right groups tend to target Akuanism. Which has became a political joke for Akuanists, when translated reads "When you have to vote for a fascist or a socialist, best skip the queue and jump in the ice water now." As regardless of whatever side the extreme political party is located on, the parties or ideology it tends to have some-sort of Anti-Akuanism rhetoric including in cases where Akuanists don't live within the country and is reflected within foreign policy. Though it is not always extreme, and tends to be on the more lighter side in most rhetoric and actions. When it comes to ranking of Anti-Akuanism in Socialist or other forms of far from centre politics, typically the Federation ranking highest shortly followed by other socialist nations within the Red Crown Economic Union.


Anti-Akuanism manifests itself in variety ways, depending on geographical location, other religions and mainstream politics of that nation. Though throughout the centuries, the largest factor of anti-Akuanism, tends to lean on social, cultural and economical Anti-Akuanism. Though most recently, political Anti-Akuanism has been on a rise, driving Akuanists to move to Akuan majority countries, or heavily Akuanist friendly countries out of concerns. It is agreed by various scholars of the subject, that different forms of Anti-Akuanism is primary rooted within certain time periods, that evolved into either mainstream political conscious or common beliefs held by the population. Often many of the root traces starting from the original factors of social, cultural and economic aspects, that begin ingrained into other forms most dominantly political Anti-Akuanism.

Due to the various different forms of Anti-Akuanism, academy circles and scholars of the subject categorize the different forms of Anti-Akuanism. Below are the most common forms of Anti-Akuanism, that have been commonly accepted within academy.

Form Examples
Social Akuanists are inferior; childish; Akuanists are toxicity positive
Cultural Akuanists are undermining the morality of our nation; Akuanists refuse to assimilate to our culture
Economic Akuanists are lazy; Akuanists are taking all the jobs; Akuanists drive down wages; Akuanists don't contribute enough
Political Akuanists are all far-left; Akuanists are all far-right; Akuanists only vote for themselves;
Religious Akuanists cannot ever be truly converted; Akuanism isn't a religion but a cult;
Speciesm Kemonomimi are all Akuanists; Only Kemonomimi can be Akuanists, every other species is lying to themselves or to.
Racism Akuan cultures and ethnicities are inheritably inferior;


Contemporary Anti-Akuanism





Attempts of Prevention

Geographical Variation




[Various genocides, massacres and institutionalized discrimation]

[Salovian Civil War section; largest genocide of Akuanists within Aurora]

[Policies of the breakup states and discrimination based on previous Salovia policies probably.]

Great Morstaybishlia

[Probably slavery and its impact]

[Akua's Tears and other stolen stuff]



I missed the old Borea, without the Z'rei and Blaskog.


They don't stop coming and they stop don't coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming.


Tavaris and its impact on Akuanism, has led to unscalable levels of death, tragedy and horror. Also literally every other nation here.


