Viktorism, occasionally Vistari Vanarism or Noorvistan Vanarism is a polytheistic religion following the Gamalltruer pantheon, having partially split off from Gothiric Ulvriktru. Despite Gothiric Ulvriktru's traditional prominence in Novaris, Viktorism is most prominent amongst the Vistarian-speaking world, being the second largest religion in Maanbriak and Vorpest, with considerable minorities in Noorvista and Northern Vistaraland. The religion also has a considerable number of smaller footholds around the world, both from Vistari colonialism and cultural exchange with Noorvistan merchants. The religion was formed from the theological work of Viktor van Staathorpe, who was elected High Gothir of the Noorvic people and Vorpest in 1776 by a group of dissenting Gothir who had rejected the notion of a faith led by Tretrid - during a time in which the Ulvriktruer Wars of Religion were being waged between the Gustafistic and Gothiric Churches. The first notion of a unified Viktorist faith, as opposed to it as a form of Gothiric Ulvriktru, came about in 1781 with the Edict of Staathorpe, delivered by Viktor van Staathorpe as High Gothir of the Vistari Gothir Association and the assembled Gothir who prescribed to the Vanarist school of thought in Noorvista.

ScriptureGothir's Edda
High Gothircs
of the Conclave
  • Reiner II of the Vistari
  • Tyres III of Adliausirijk
  • Elton I of Noordkruispunt
  • Helena I of Vleesmeer
  • Osuin II of Kuiperseiland
  • Awair IV of the Noorvic
  • Eystein III of Vorpest
  • Emil I of Maanbriak
HeadquartersViktorsgraf, Kuiperseiland
FounderViktor van Staathorpe
Staathorpe, Kuiperseiland
Branched fromGothiric Ulvriktru and Noorvic Vanarism

Viktorism, while sharing a number of similarities with the branches of Ulvriktru as a form of Gamalltru, embraced and emphasized Vanarism as a core tenant of the faith, arguing that the role of the Æsir gods - especially Odin, has been greatly overexaggerated by conventional Ulvriktru worship. Stemming from the tradition of Noorvic Vanarism which had previously rejected becoming part of Ulvriktru in the 8th Century due to disagreements with Nori over the Æsir and Vanir, Viktorists put heavy emphasis on the latter, presenting Njörðr as a more present leading figure for the faith over Odin. Njörðr is generally viewed as a de facto head god, and he is often depicting as a shepherd for sapient civilization, with the notion of the sea as a cradle of life and agriculture as a cradle of civilization placing the god as far more of a paternalistic figure for the faith as other sects.

Such a perspective incided with the tendency of historically Viktorist regions heavily worshipping Njörðr, which is believed to have been one of the reasons for which Noorvic Vanarism refused to adopt the narrative expressed in Nori's Sagas and declared the belief in unity between the Æsir and Vanir to be heretical. Due to the nature of the Edict of Staathorpe as a union between two then separate forms of Gamalltru, a number of other features of Noorvic Vanarism were also included as doctrine in addition to the preference of Vanir gods and goddesses in prayer. This included the canonization of a number of localized supernatural beliefs and myths believed by the Noorvic people, which were reinterpreted through a nominally Gothiric Ulvriktruer lens to fit within the more conventional Gamalltruer view of the world.

While these divergences are the most outlying aspects of the religion, its split is most often recognized as being to install a new leadership structure, which centres around a small council of Gothir, referred to as the Conclave, who are accepted as the authority for settling religious disputes within the faith. The Conclave is made up of representatives of eight Churches: the National Vanarial Church of Vistaraland, the Gothiric Church of Adliausirijk, the Nyvera Gothir Association in Noordkruispunt, the Vleeser People's Church in Vleesmeer, the Viktor's Ulvriktuer Church in Kuiperseiland, the Unified Noorvic Church of Gamalltru, the Vorpestian Church of Gamalltru, and the Vanarial Church of Maankijkeland and Briaklandr. The Conclave marks the highest clerical authority within the faith - with the power to outline the canonized sagas and scriptures within the Gothir's Edda, arbitrate church doctrine and declare a person "of saintly spirit", notably in the case of Saint Sajaamni.