Two Kingdom Crisis

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TL;DR: Archbishop Rhea declares Theocratic Kingdom of Alksearia and Queen Dorothea is well Queen of the Kingdom of Alksearia

International Reactions

You know what goes here folks. Edit away uwu

Casilló and Réal: The Corric government overwhelmingly opposes the actions of Archbishop Rhea. The Popular Assembly voted in supermajority to recognize the regime of Queen Dorothea as the "right, honorable, and legitimate governing body representative of the Alkseara people and national sovereignty." The First Minister of Diplomacy, Matias Gómez, and Prime Minister Gabriella Orellana released a joint statement condemning the actions of the Xaethos Church. Corric trade organs are in process of embargoing the nascent Theocratic Kingdom.

 Durakia: Head of the Union Council Tarov Hyla formally denounce Rhea and her actions, calling the Theocratic Kingdom of Alksearia a 'farcical institution' and declaring in a speech to the Council of Trade Unions, "Any state which claims their legitimacy on religion and clergy alone will never be validated as a nation by our words, nor be benefited by our aid or commerce." A sanction was issued, further tightening financial restrictions on the Church of Xaethos in the country, adding on to the presently existing anti-clerical legislation in Durakia.

Gransrik: The Gransmeric Germeinshaftrad denounced the Theocratic Kingdom of Alksearia as a "Dictatorship of Idolatry" which takes no account of the feelings of the common Alkari, in a blatant abuse of the powers of the Church against the Will of the People. Leader of the Opposition Franzhon Alois stated it was "unsurprising that such events would occur", criticizing the Monarchy of Alksearia for their "blatant dependence on the Church of Xaethos to strengthen their unjust antiquated hierarchy.", while also conforming to the government's position in opposition to Rhea's Theocracy.

Norgsveldet: Norgsveltian government stated their opposition of the action of the Archbishop Rhea, almost at once the crisis began. In which it was overwhelmingly supported by the parliament, who voted to continue recognizing the regime of Queen Dorothea as the "only legitimate governing body of the nation of Alksearia, and all framework of support to that legitimate regime shall be on the table to ensure the pretender Rhea shall never usurp Dorothea. Later Norgsveltian king Olav stated in his speech that "Its heavy on the heart to see Alksearia once more face such crisis, but once again we stand with them to fight their enemies. Previously it was external, now it is internal. But my resolve stay as strong as it was before." After the speech Norgsveldet was quick to gather the NCEF to put joint sanctions on the Theocratic Kingdom.

Tavaris Tavaris: In a press conference, Tavari Prime Minister Žarís Nevran Alandar said "The Kingdom of Tavaris condemns these blatantly and overwhelmingly illegal actions by the Archbishop of the Church of Xaethos in the strongest possible terms." Noting that Tavaris and Alksearia "have been closely cooperating for centuries," she stated that the Tavari Ministry of the Treasury is immediately freezing "any and all assets the Archbishop or the Church has involved in the Tavari economy." She also indicated that Tavaris would be advocating for multilateral sanctions in international organinizations of which it is a part. King Zaram V issued a statement, on instruction from the Council of State, that that the Kingdom of Tavaris "shall recognize only the Kingdom of Alksearia as currently, legally constituted, under Queen Dorothea or her heirs or designees, and shall conduct neither business nor communication with the Church of Xaethos until they cease their active treason."