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Historical Intellects and scientist agreed that the [[History of Tissandra]] mainly consisted of six stages; [[Tribes of Yasteria|Tribal Era]], Hellenic Civilization, Clintinian Republic, The Hundred States Period, The East-West Divides, and the contemporary history.
Historical Intellects and scientist agreed that the [[History of Tissandra]] mainly consisted of six stages; [[Tribes of Yasteria|Tribal Era]], Hellenic Civilization, Clintinian Republic, The Hundred States Period, The East-West Divides, and the contemporary history.
===Pre-Historical Era===
Around 1000 bc, Middle Yasteria was occupied by both Yasterian Natives and Coasts Tribes. The origin of these Coast Tribes are unknown, although there are lot of its remnants around the caves in Packilvania's coasts. The tribes were peacefully coexist, with some evidents showed trading and migration happened between the tribes. Some artefacts from this periods including casted irons and clay potteries were found in Yasteria's interiors, even though these goods were only produced by the coastal tribes. Some remnants of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibex Ibex] bones were also found around a former coastal tribe village near Annuriel, although Ibexs are only found in inner Yasteria, suggesting a burgeoning barter enterprise.

The mainland tribes were mostly migrational in nature, although they did setles and cultivate some corps between two to three months. These migrational tribes is thought to came from nearby areas that now consisted of Packilvania, while the coastal tribes were most likely came from further areas, with some suggesting that the coastal tribes were seeafarers from the islands of [[Peregrinia]]. This ideas was put forward firstly by [[Professor Natalie Watcher]] from the University of Anuriel. She pointed at the mainly maritime culture of the coastal tribes, and the different physical appearance they have with the mainland tribes. However, another theory persisted, mainly among the supporters of the Union of Tissandra, that both tribes were descended from the same mainland tribes of Yasteria.
Modern Tissandrans are predominantly descened from the so called Coastal Tribes of Yasteria. These coastal people were apparently pale in complexion, a little bit taller than native Yasterian, and usually had blonde hair. These tribes origin are unknown, with the oldest evidence suggested that they arrived in modern day's Tissandra coasts approximately 1000 bc. This such recent date of evidence (compared to other Yasterian ethnicity) is a major proof that the Coastal Tribes were not Yasterian at all. These tribes were supposedly migrants from other area of the continent, and even possibly an outsider, originating from other landmasses. After their migration into Tissandra, these tribes were quick to develop sophistications in communications and social relationship. Prof. Jamison Trident, the High Teacher of Natural History of the University of Anuriel theorized in his book, The Origin, that these quick adaptation and improvements were the direct result of these tribes' migration.

Commerce were evidently a major source of technological discoveries and spreads. Archeologist had found numerous ancient pathways between different tribal settlements. One of the more prominent of the pathways is the one found near Creçore, found by Madison Clooney from the Creçore School of Social Science. The pathway reportedly contained some valuables, including golds and lapis lazuli stones. Tablets were found to in the area, suggesting record keeping were already in place during and after the construction of the pathway. The record keeping from this era did serve as a stepping stone into the formation of old Hellenic.
The tribes lived in the area for roughly 10,000 years as neolithic farmers, or as hunter gatherers for the mainland tribes. The coastal tribes built many villages and evidently, a complex of structures that resembles a city just outside Creçore, the [[Anerimian Structures]] which dated back to 2,000bc. These were mainly agricultural and fishing communities, with rarely any distinction between one tribe and another. Apart from casted irons and clay potteries, many lapis lazuli jewelry were found especially around Anuriel. Gold was rarely found from this era, as the coast of Tissandra lacks precious ore. Gold was more prevalent among the artefacts of the mainland tribes, as their homeland was close to the gold ore concentrations along the Yasterian Range. Gold artefacts found in coastal areas further proves that both tribes did had a flourishing trade. Evidently, the coastal tribes were much more advanced than the mainlanders, and so they were the ones who developed sophistication in information exchanges that culminated into early [[Old Hellenic]] writing. The earliest Old Hellenic writing was found on the [[Alita tablet]] which was placed on the side of a huge monolithic tablet erected in Eranorth, called the [[King's Finger]].

===Erathi Civilization===
The main source of the Erathi Civilization is rather scarce. The main source of information from this age is the Ælita Tablet which is the first Tissandran writing ever recorded in history, dating back to 500 bc. The tablet was written in the Erathi Language, a direct precursor to Old Hellenic with only few differences between the two. However, the writing from this age still relied heavily from iconography and picturisation. Apart from the Ælita Tablet, the Chronicle of Kings, written far into the future in 2 ac by the philosopher Danton Aclee is considered pretty comprehensive, although there are some biased account (especially in the crisis that led into Eleana ascension).
The Erathi people were categorised as a Coastal Tribe'l. However the Erathis were rather uncommon for their lenient relationship with Yasterian natives. This lenient attitude led to the distinction between the true Coastal Tribesmen and the Erathis. The intermingling of the Erathis and the natives reduce the ammount of blonde hairs and pale complexion from the Erathis, giving them brownish hair and a more vibrant skin colours. The Ælita Tablet mentioned that around 570 bc, a marriage between an Erathi women and a prominent Coastal men was canceled after the coastal people learned about the Erathi women's mother which was a Yasterian native. This proof the existence of tension between the Coastal people and the natives, with the Erathis in the middle.
This tension culminated in King Æthura's conquest between 600 bc to around 570 bc. Æthura was the first king to be chronicled by Danton Aclee's Chronicle of Kings. Evidently, there were Erathi kings before Æthura. But these kings were never recorded in any documentation. The Chronicle of Kings itself was heavily based on the Ælita Tablet and some other clay tablets that was kept inside the Forum of Anuriel. These tablets were destroyed during the Great Anuriel Fire in 1 bc, narrowing modern historian's sources.
Danton stated that Æthura went on to become a fierce warrior from a very young age. His father, assumed another Erathi King, was killed during a hunting session, leaving Æthura in charge of the Erathi on the tender age of 12. He was mentored by his uncle, Æran, and quickly raised himself into prominence, gaining the trust of the Erathi. He was the one who moved his people further inland from the coasts, possibly running from other powerful tribes, and founded Eranorth in 600 bc (the word supposedly means 'The House of The Erathis'). He spent tge rest of his lifetime conquering surrounding native tribes ubtil around 570 bc, where he was killed trying to cross the Yasterian Range in the middle of winter.
Æthura didn't had any heir, and so the leadership went to his cousin from Æran, Æcara. King Æcara succesfully crossed the Yasterian Range and subjugated the tribes beyond the mountains. He then moved his army toward the coastal tribes, subjugating some under his dominion. Æcara only reign for about 10 years (570 - 560 bc) before being murdered by the order od Æthura's younger sister, Eleana. Eleana accused Æcara being responsible for Æthura's untimely death. Danton stated that it was Æcara who forced Æthura into the disastrous winter crossing after Æthura lost a horse racing bet against Æcara. He further stated that the bet was rigged by Æcara, who harmed Æthura's chosen horse. These account is still unproved, and there are no mentions of these accounts in the Ælita Tablet.
Eleana went on to become the first Hellenic worshipper in around 550 bc, culminating into the Hellenic Empire that her descendants would maintained. Danton didn't pointed on how exactly Eleana became a Hellenic worshipper, but the Ælita Tablet briefly stated that Eleana turned into a Hellenic worshipper after certain revelation. Historian tended to agree that the word revelation are pointing to the Celestial Revelation, a series of spiritual revelation recorded in the same era of Eleana. She was apparently attracted to these revelation or even formulated her own. Otger than the religion, Eleana biggest achievements were the subjugation of the coastal tribes, and the construction of The Mudway, a huge pathway connecting Eranorth into a coastal area that is now Anuriel. Eleana's conversion into the Hellenic religion prompted her people to follow, difusing Erathi customs and cultural heritage into the religion, forming the Hellenic era.
===Hellenic Era===
===Hellenic Era===
[[File:Eleana Æçara.jpeg|thumb|Eleana and her husband, Huron|alt=|left|129x129px]]Following Eleana's conversion in 550 bc, the Hellenic Era began to took its shape. Eleana built the first Hellenic temple, the Turin a Tissa set Amorelynn - Temple of Tissa on Green Hill (Green Hill Temple), just outside Eranorth (today's Berrus District). The temple were soon to be followed by numerous plazas and buildings inside Eranorth, with a winding stepped pathway leading from Eranorth's Forum to the Green Hill temple. Eleana also built the first aluereine - Great Aqueducts that would be followed up by his heir and descendants.
The Alita Tablet was made by a migrating coastal people called the Erathi around 800bc. The reason for this migration is unknown, but the migration seems coincided with the founding of Eranorth. The tablet described a semi mythical king, [[Æthélfled]], as the one who led these people to migrates inward. The tablet said that Æthélfled was the son of Alty, who was herself a great grandson of [[Tissa]], the Goddes of The Earth and [[Hellen]], the God of The Sky. This claims proves that the Hellenic Religion was already widely spread, particularly among the coastal people. The tablet then described that Æthélfled died on the Yasterian Range when he led his men across during a hurricane. A folklore developed from this story, that often said that the hurricane was unnatural, and was started by Æthélfled's brother, [[Æron]]. Æron continued his brother's conquest, acording to the tablet, and managed to subjugates a huge area surrounding the city of Eranorth. His conquest was cut short by Æthélfled's heir, [[Queen Eleana|Eleana]], who deposed and hung him for treason around 700bc. [[File:Eleana Æçara.jpeg|thumb|Eleana and her husband, Huron|alt=|left|129x129px]]During the reign of Eleana, she formulated the first codified law inside Tissandra, the so called [[Codex Maxima]] (The Final Verdict). She dubbed herself the first [[Shallah]] (parent) of the Hellenic followers. During this time, the sun dial was also invented, and calculation of dates and times began, even though in a very simplistic way, formulating into [[Hellenic Calendar]] that was personaly aproved by Eleana. Archeology evidents showed that the first intentional road building project was carried in Eranorth, during Eleana's reign, becoming the first public work project ever be carried out in Tissandra's history. The Codex Maxima was found right behind the Alita Tablet, on the other side of the King's Finger. The Codex surprisingly filled with ideas that can be considered revolutionary for the time. It divided the administration into executives, legislatives, and an independent judiciary branch, suggesting that political philosophy was thriving at the time. It also stated the main rights and responsibility of the people, and a tax system even though not as advanced as the later stages of the civilization. The third side of the King's Finger, showed not an atached tablet, but a writing directly carved into the monolith structure. This side is called the Hero's side, as it listed battle victories and the commanders that led Hellenic mens in these victories. The list provided a great timeline for the expansion of the Hellenic Civilization, and also proves that most of the Hellenic expansions were carried out during Eleana's reign.
Elrana died in around 530 bc. By this time, the Hellenist did posses a calendar system, a spiritual form of it tgat consisted of 12 months, counted through the moon cycle, hence the name Olinei Hitus - Moon Date. However, the counting of years hadn't been on the use yet. The Moon Date was popularised by Eleana's heir, King Bostura. Bostura's reign only lasted for 5 years (mainly due to his mother's long age - Bostura was coronated when he was already 60 years old). Bostura was replaced by his grandson, Æneca (Æneca father's and Bostura's heir, Brinæca died before Bostura's coronation). Æneca continued the expansion of the realm. His eastward campaign lasted between 525 bc to 500 bc, and manages to subjugated the territories east of Eranorth. Æneca also oversaw the building of a new summer capital south of Eranorth; Creçore (the word means Pacifier in Old Hellenic).

After Æneca, 5 more kings ruled through as Eleana's direct descendants
According to a clay tablet found in Anuriel, the Tablet of The Kings, Eleana's five direct descendants were known as the [[Philosopher Shallas|Phillosopher Shallas]]. The tablet described these five kings as benevolent and intelligent rulers that bring about a golden age in the civilization. The tablet listed King Araman, King Dunain, King Athura, King Conquitara, and King Bastierra as the philosopher kings. The philosopher kings ruled for almost 400 years. The Hero's side is still listing victories during the time of the philosopher kings, but the numbers isn't as many and the battle results aren't as glorious as the time during the reign of Eleana. The Hero's side listed that around 400bc, King [[Æthura]] led the Hellenic once more across the Yasterian Range, and managed to surpass the deadly passes. He would gone to conquer most of the tribes west of the ranges. He and then his son, King [[Conquitara]] moved eastward and won another victory against the mainland tribes. Finaly, around 300bc, King [[Bastierra]] won a final victory against the mainland tribe of Seducca possibly in an area that is now a part of Alva. [[File:Marcus Aurelius Denarius2.jpg|thumb|[[Bastierra]] in a Hellenica Coin. |alt=|130x130px|left]]The reign of King [[Bastierra]] is the most well documented of all of the philosopher kings, and even of Eleana's own reign. The main chronicler of Bastierra's reign was a mainland confidant of the King, [[Athura the Red Faced]], and the political philosopher [[Andryth of Anuriel]]. Both chronicler agreed that Bastierra's reign was a kind of a golden age for the Hellenic Civilization. For 300 years now, the Hellenic people had been transforming from a despotical tribesmen into a bureaucratic empire. Athura wrote in his chronicle that Bastierra was fond of building grand buildings. Athura was present when Bastierra ceremoniously blessed the Grand Acqueduct. The biggest project Bastierra carried out was the founding of a brand new city as his summer capital in the southern part of the realm. The city was named Alclairçreoe (the white marble), but the name now changed into a more comprehendable name of Creçore (the marble) referring to the many white marbles used during the construction. Andryth was somewath more critical to the construction of the city. as he stated in his book 'Enlightened Kings' that the projects was an example of an un-enlightened king, as it drains taxes of the people. However, the city center was finished around 250bc, and Athura said that the king was 'fast to move in' to the new city. Historian agreed that the project did cost a lot of money, and evident showed a decrease in numbers of trade activity throughout the civilization's territory. Around this time, Bastierra also christened some terms for the political system of the civilization. Although elected counselors and advisors already existed during Eleana's and her descendants' reigns, the terms [[Senate of the Shallah|Sænatu Princapa]] (Senate of The People) and [[Congress of the Shallah|Aconguiles Princapa]] (Congress of The People) was only conceived during Bastierra's reign. The right and responsibility, as well as the elections of these legislature bodies were prescribed inside the Terminal Corata (Testament of Conduct), Bastierra's own version of Codex Maxima. But the king was still a very powerful position, as the Terminal Corata stated that the king can 'dismiss everyone' he found unsuitable, although laws and taxes was still the dominion of the legislature.
1. Tærquin Formei (500 - 456 bc)

2. Tærquin Filei Tur (456 - 430 bc)
====The Dæstan Dynasty====
3. Anurei Ædran (430 - 392 bc)
[[File:Rm Fr.jpg|thumb|[[Carniol]], a giant forum in Creçoré where Senators and Congressman confide. |252x252px]]After the death of Bastierra around 200bc, Eleana's line ended as Bastierra didn't marry and he was the only son of King Conquitara. The descendants of Dæstan, the second son of King Dunain, claimed the throne and the Senate did approve the claim. But the descendants of Arima, the daughter of King Araman contested the claim, and present their own family as the rightful ruler. The Senate and Congress of the realm quickly divided into factions, supporting either the Dæstan or the Arima. The division was followed by a succession war that was estimated to last for at least three years. The sources were unclear about the times of this conflict, but Athura's chronicle did said about the war lasting for a 'brief long time'. The war ended after Carmac Dæstan captured Creçore and most of the members of the Amira dynasty. The Amiras were repotedly exiled into the interior, culminating in today's urban myth of a rightful Amira King still living in the western areas of Tissandra. After the war, Carmac moved the capital back to Eranorth.
4. Filei Ædran (391 - 356 bc)

5. Æruth 'Lisserein' (Mighty Raven) (356 - 298 bc)
Chronicler and writers of the Dæstan era didn't viewed the era as a golden age anymore. Andryth of Anuriel's disciple, Conga Leslie, writes some critical judgment against the Dæstan, spesificaly toward King Carmac for his 'brutal' war and a punitive tax law that Carmac raised during his reign. Reportedly, the King now set his own tax system, and dismissed the Senate and Congress as an advisory body. However the conditions were improving after Carmac's death, and his brother, Galantir, took the throne. Galantir returned the original rights of the legislature, and restarted the military expansion of the realm to subjugated the interior tribes that seceded during the succession war.
===The Golden Age of The Hellenist ===

The reign of these 5 kings, especially the reign of Æruth 'Mighty Raven' were described as the golden age of the Hellenic realm. Each kings built their own marks in history, and no one was supplanted by force. The stable power transformation and the great projects meant that the Hellenic realm was prospering. During these times, great work of literatures were scripted, and many philosopher went down into history. Some of the best known philosopher are Anulli Dreten, a philosopher from Creçore who wrote his testimony on *Trine Suppendei* (Love and Power), Vulliren of Iesto (today's Candira) who wrote a play on his experience with native Yasterian in the east - *Nulf Terrei* (The Older Earthlings), and Masciei Nur, the personal chronicler of King Æruth 'Mighty Raven' who wrote many historical accounts of the king.
During the expedition eastward around 100bc, [[Galantir Dæstan]] died. His son, [[Ærica]] was reportedly still 7 year old when the tragic death occured. Acording to Conga's chronicle, the elites inside the Senate quickly took over the King's responsibility and set up an interegnum administration, even though Bastierra's Terminal Corata stated that a king can be of any age. The senate reimplemented Carmac's punitive tax system for their own benefit, and began the time that according to Conga's chronicle as the Time of Troubles.
Politically, the society of the Hellenic realm were becoming more sophisticated. Because of the sheer size of the realm, in 412 bc, King Anurei Ædran summoned representatives across the regions of the kingdom to help him managing the realm and to advise him. There were 60 people summoned in that year, and 116 the next year. The king left the decision to appoint representatives to the people they represent, begining the tradition of voting and public speeches. This council of representatives was named *Amrula Tuis* (People's Council). Initially, representatives only serves for a one year term, and can be re-elected for multiple times. But apparently, King Anurei's successor, Filei, didn't like the older members of the council, and changed the rule, limiting each member into three terms of three years. Filei codified his ruling in the first ever written constitution in Tissandra's history, *Hickulitei* (Black Tablet, the tablet was a rare obsidian stone). The tablet stated the rights and responsibility of the king, the council, the army, and the people in general, mostly refering to further ruling and general customs.

King Æthura 'Mighty Raven' supposedly expanded the duty of the council, adding the duty of tax collection and budget allocation. This greatly improved the realm's effectivity in gathering taxes and administering local region. This led to the rapidly finished *Elid* (Emerald) Palace in Creçore. Æthura's heir, Ætimas misteriously dissapeared after his father's death in 298 bc. Some, including Masciei himself, thought that Ætimas ran away to marry a lowly peasant. Because of his disappearance, Eleana's direct line of descendants abruptly ended.
====The Children of Abraham====
=== Succcession Wars===
[[File:Stepan Blois.jpg|thumb|Ærica's fresco, inside the [[Temple for Caron]] |230x230px|alt=|left]]In the year 50bc, for the first time in Tissandra's history, a monotheistic believe was practiced. The new faith began to spread in Creçore and its surrounding. Some historian still argues about the real events surrounding the spread of this new faith, but its generally agreed that it was brought by [[Abraham]] son of [[Lucca]]. Abraham began his preaching after he was reportedly strangled by a demon on his way home. He was said to be acquited by an angle, and then was brought into the throne of the One God, and christened as an emissary and a father figure for the people. Soon enough many Hellenic believers converts to Abraham's religion and called themselves the [[Children of Abraham]]. Abraham preaches about peace and caring, and most importantly equality were very popular among the people, and he garnered the name The Resolver. His preaches were written into the [[Book of Essence]], and were quickly spreads throughout the realm. Abraham garnered reputation and quickly became and influential figure. This however made him a lot of enemies, especially among the Hellenic Priest who called him 'Tissa's own temptation to test mankind's resolve'. The political figures were not impressed as well, especially with Abraham's preaches about equality.
A succession war followed Æthura's death, mainly between Garyed Dynasty (a powerful family from Creçore, possibly had a huge support inside the People's Council) and the Dæstan Dynasty (which had a claim through the female line which they claim to be the descendants of Erina, firstborn daughter of King Tærqui Filei Tur). The war lasted for almost a decade, from 298 bc to 289 bc, creating a devastating effects for the realm. During the duration of the war, many native tribes west of the Yasterian Range cut off ties with the realm, weakening the western frontier. On the same time, the People's Council was suspended and so the nation administration and management were jeopardised. As a result, many public works such as irrigation and postal services stopped working, culminating into widespread hunger and starvation.

The war itself was predominantly a clash between two armies; the army of the Garyed led by Dunirei Garyed, and the army of the Dæstan, led by Castei Dæstan. It is unclear of how the war went on, but historian generally agreed that on the first 5 to six years of war, the Dæstan were on the verge of collapse with evidence showing a siege had happened in Eranorth, and some chronicler, such as Wisserei Luten (disciple of Masciei Nur himself) did stated that the Dæstan done poorly on the first few years, being defeated multiple times and getting besieged by the end of these defeat. His account then stated that during the siege (approximately on the year 293 bc), the Garyed troops were decimated by plague and had to retreat. After this retreat, multiple accounts stasted that on 6th of Lilei (July), the Dæstan marched out from Eranorth and caught the Garyed troops off guard. Tge date was clearly marked on the *Chronicle of Kings* as the first victory Castei Dæstan has ever had. The following years saw minor skirmishes and rearguard actions between the Garyed and the Dæstan as the Dæstan forced the Garyed to retreated southward.
Abraham moved from Creçore to Eranorth in the year 42bc. He met with Ærica, and began to teach the young King his teaching. This act was received by the Senate as a brainwashing attempt against the young king. They opposed Abraham's relationship with the king, and even terrorize Abraham in the streets. The most notorious senator at that time, [[Duræni]] 'The Bloated' began to spread lies and accusations against Abraham, forcing the Senate to order Abraham's imprisonment. Duræni was dubbed 'Satan's representative' by the Children of Abraham adherents. The Senate sent the city bailiffs to arrest Abraham in Eranorth's market on the 7th of Jani (now 6th of July), but unknown to them, Abraham was with Ærica at that time. According to the [[Stories of Abraham]], the bailiffs, possibly didn't know that the young disciple of Abraham was the king himself, knocked out the young man with a club, and arrested Abraham before setting his home ablaze. Its possible that this act was the mortal blow to the king, as he died just a week later.
In the end, the Garyed was besieged inside Creçore, and this time there was no plague. The siege lasted for 14 months throughout the remainder of 289,ending in 15th of Furiei (April). The siege destroyed the *Elid* Palace and most of the city proper. The Dæstan soon went on to brutally executed every male member of the Garyed Dynasty, imprisoning the women and the daughter. Castei even led some of his troops across the realm to search for Æthura's heir, Ætimas, but returned empty handed. The Council condemned the brutal murder, but can't do nothing when Dæstan troops stormed their residences. Nevertheless the war was over.

===Dæstan Dynasty===
The Stories of Abraham stated that the Senate blamed the king's death to Abraham, and ordered him to be hanged During the execution process, he reveals his final revelation now called [[The Prophecy of Angelas]] stating his forgiveness to anyone wrongly accusing him, and that ordering his 'childrens' to spread his words with love and care to save the world from void of hatred and anger. The executioner hanged him right after his revelation finished. Abraham's execution clearly proved the Senate's corruption and scheming, and resulted into an open strive and military conflicts throughout the next half of the century, usually dubbed The Kinstrive.
As a result of the war, the Dæstan family was indebted, most likely to other dynasty. They quickly paid off theor debts using the national treasury, emptying it as a result. Castei then forced the People's Council to raise the taxes and started arming tax collectors. The treasury was quickly replenished, but the high taxes further decrease people's morale and intensifying the starvation. Castei used the replenished treasury for his campaign to reconquer the natives west of Yasterian Range. His campaign was successful and many plunder were salvaged. The golds he obtained from this campaign were minted into new coins. During his campaign, situation recovered for the people, with food shortages declined and even disappeared in some areas, particularly the countryside. Creçore and Eranorth was still rocked by seasonal starvation well into the 1 ac.

Castei died during a battle against the natives in 254 bc, and his son, Ferlien became king. Ferlien built his own summer palace east from Eranorth, next to the beaches. His summer palace were soon to be followed by new forums and monument construction, forming today's Anuriel (literally means The Coast). Ferlien continued his father's campaign to kept the realm flowed by war plunder and maintained tge people's happiness. He went on to raze and plunder the *Bithysla* Caravan, a great pilgrimage caravan belonging to more than one Yasterian tribes. He then used the plunder to further his projects in Anuriel. But the assault did not went unnoticed by the natives, which soon formed an alliance between themselves to avenge the caravan. In 232 bc, this tribal alliance openly attacked the Hellenist, razing and burning farmlands and enslaved people. Ferlien marched out on 4th of April, but was soundly defeated by an ambush outside Eranorth. He was killed on that battle, and most of his army was either died or dispersed. This left the realm practically unguarded and the cities vulnerable to direct attack. The tribesmen sacked Eranorth right after Ferlien's defeat, and sparked some rebellion from the realm's native vassals.
==== The Kinstrive====
Ferlien's heir was still a minor, 7 years old Cassei, making the nation essentially leaderless. The People's Council soon reconvened and in 12th of Tuin (May) proclaimed an interregnum leadership until Cassei is able to rule. The council quickly reformed the army and conscripting militias from Anuriel and Creçore. This new army marched out to liberate Eranorth on 7th of Laraes (January), and managed to defeat the allied tribesmen on 23rd of January, capturing a lot of their leaders. This army then went into a brutal reconquest of the tribesmen and the revolting vassals, reportedly reducing almost a quarter of native Yasterian population in the realm. The brutal subjugation was not followed by a steady stream of plunder into the treasury as what the plunders during Castei and Ferlien did, as many of the plunder was owned by the troops personally, leaving the treasury empty for years until the subjugation campaign was over. The council subsequently raised the taxes and tributes, resulting in yet another waves of starvation on the realm.
[[The Kinstrive]] was a series of peasant and religious dissent that followed the execution of Abraham son of Lucca that happened from 41 bc to 5 bc. The strive was not a systemized and organized warfare, rather a disoriented act of violences and general disorder pointed toward the Senate. King Ærica's death ended the Dæstan Dynasty, but the Senate didn't appoint any other family to rule, and even began the imprisonment and execution of the descendants of Eleana, primarily againts the Arima Family, resulting in many of the family members to hide. There's little documents and historical proves that describes what really happened in these years. But most sources did mentions general disorder, heightening prices, and food shortages across the nation. There were also mass silencing act against the people, as philosophers and critics of the administration were reportedly quartered and executed for their critics. This alone explains the lack of facts coming from this period.
The council, through this new army, subjugated the realm under their control. They even postponed some of the elections dates, making them less of a people's council and more of an oligarchy. The starvation continues throughout the council's leadership, and people began to dislike them. Minor clashes between the people and the troops occured frequently during the interregnum period, while at the same time the council continuously raised their fares and passing laws that would supposedly making them untouchable by anyone. The number of counselors was periodically reduced, leaving huge areas and population to be represented by only a single counselor. When Cassei was finally aged 16, he was coronated King by the council. The council did revoked the interregnum leadership, but the laws and edicts they passed during the interregnum had teared down the king's political power into a ceremonious role. This outraged the people who had thought that the king would lead them better than the council. Open rebellion followed Cassei ascendancy in 214, demanding the counselors to resign and a new council to be elected. Cassei was put under house arrest for most of his early years as king while the council went to crush the rebellion. But the guerilla tactics these rebels used saved them from any major and descisive defeat, while the council's troops were continuously harassed.

====Abraham's Preaching====
The natural philosopher, [[Eldric the Wise]] who lives through the time of the strive moved to live with the peaceful mainland tribes and gains most of his accounts of the strive from traveling merchants. His accounts aren't complete, but they are the only reliable sources for a definitive explanation of the Kinstrive. Eldric said that there were always mob fires in Eranorth and Creçore, suggesting protest against the senate. He also noted a large number of senator resigned fromtheir post and led new factions agaisnt the corrupt senators. The Congress is weirdly didn't showed up in any of Eldric's account, suggesting that the body was abolished. He also noted that foreign merchants stayed away from the realm's port 'waiting the fires to be putted out'. Eldric didn't went back to hos home in Anuriel until well after the Siege of Creçore.
[[File:Stepan Blois.jpg|thumb|Cassei's fresco, inside the [[Temple for Caron]] |230x230px|alt=|left]]Abraham was a wealthy merchant from Creçore. He began to preach his politheistic ideals during the tumultuous times after Cassei's ascendancy in 214. His preacher however didn't went well with the people of Creçore. The local governor seized his wealth and exiled him outside the city. But Abraham's preaching was welcomed by the rural population, and he was soon bexoming a public figure. The accounts of Abraham was written mainly by his follower, but there were some philosopher who viewed his actions with an unbiased point of view (mainly Luicelle of Creçore and Vicentei Ludicca, a counselor). Luicelle chronicled Abraham's first 10 years of preaching as tumultuous and uninspiring. After he was exiled by the governor, his family cut off ties from him, forcing him to live outside most of the time. This was until he miraculously saved a drowned boy from a stream, apparently after the boy's heart stopped beating (this is an account from his disciple, written inside *Stories of Our Father*). His action garnered a lot of attention and soon his preaching began to be accepted by most of the countryside. He moved from village to village, garnering more followers and taking some disciple to his ventures. He teached medicine to many people, and preached of humility and love. He began to codified his revelations with the help of his disciples, compiling it into the holy text, *Dei Promptei* (God's Will).
====The Great Revolt====
The council didn't took Abraham's preacher seriously until the conversion of the governor of Creçore in 204. The governor returned Abraham's confiscated wealth which he quickly distributed among his disciples. His family rejoined him and most of the city converted into Abraham's ideals on 7th of Beria (August) 204. This date is now celebrated as the Day of Plenty. Abraham then decided to move toward Anuriel. His time in Anuriels was harsh, even though now he had a hugr follower and disciples following him. The people of Anuriel are more sceptic of Abraham's preacher, while the council was finding its way to make Abaraham their pawn. But the biggest shock to the council happened in 202 bc, where King Cassei himself decided to convert and joined Abraham's follower. A lot of the city soon converted following the king. The Hellenic priest moved to demand Abraham to be aprehended under the guilty of blasphemy. His ruling was accepted by the council who dispatched some troops to capture Abraham on 12th of January 200. Unknown to the troops, the King was present at Abraham's house wearing a disciple clothing. When the troops assaulted the house, they knocked down most of the disciples - including the King himself, and captured Abraham. The King died of concussion one week later.
[[File:Vinitius Clint.jpg|thumb|236x236px|[[Vinitius Clint]]'s statue in [[Creçore]].]]Around 6bc a former general named [[Vinitius Clint]] led his [[Bands of Traitors]] into the first act of open rebellion against the senators. Clint led his bands into a series of successful raids against rich corrupt properties, until the people of Creçoré requested him to protect their city from tax collectors whom by the time organized into armed divisions. The refusal of Creçoré to give their annual taxes was followed by an entire army marching toward the city on 4th of Anery (3rd of April) 5 bc. Clint and his men rallied the population of the city, and defended the city for five days before evacuating the rebels into the countryside.
This assault and the King's death provoked many to revolt openly against the council. Some members of the council resigned after the King's death, including the writer Aponymei who stated in his account, *"... the murder was unjustifiable, even if Abraham was guilty of such, no man should ever betray their king so lowly..."*. As Cassei hadn't even married yet, the remainder of the council declared yet another *interregnum*. Without the king, the council is free to decide capital punishment. Abraham was hanged in front of the Temple of Angelas (now the Jubilee Plaza of Anuriel). Many myths surrounded his death, but his disciple all stated in the revered second holy text, *Stories of Our Father* that *"... Father's death was swift. His face was calm, and his body was flagrant ... After we burried him ... the ground was blosoming with roses and blue tulips ..." *.

===The Great Strive ===
The [[Siege of Creçore]] marks the beginning of the Great Revolt. Clint then started an extensive guerilla wars and skirmishes. The former militants of the strives joined his growing army, and on 4bc, Clint already in possession of 20,000 men. The senate declared Clint as an outlaw inside the National Order Decree of Jani, and that anyone following him will be regarded as traitors. But reportedly there were some senators that were emphatetic to Clint's cause and went as far as to give monetary aids for Clint's army. These senators were dubbed the [[Golden Sphere]] senators and became the primary opposition againts the status quo. Mny of these senators resigned and joined Clint's army as commanders, while some stayed to disrupt and delay the senate's campaign against Clint. One of them, [[Jacques Marie le-Brun]], resigned after an open speech that revealed many corruption scandals among the senator, and quickly vanished after the speech. Clint's campaigns across the nation managed to galvanize the peasants and people alike. Soon, the war turned over againts the senate's favor, as peoples took arms and a general strike happened. The 3bc saw the senators losing grips over the situation. One senator, Alflan, was found dead inside the hall of Anuriel's Carniol, resulting into a mass hysteria among the senators.
Abraham's execution had become the major turning point for the second *interregnum* leadership. Many counselors resigned and converted into the *Children of Abraham* while the nation was plunged deeper into chaos. Major uprising happened all across the country, mainly led through Creçore and its surrounding. After Abraham's funeral, Anuriel was engulfed in turmoil and the counselors moved their troops into the city, resulting in many deaths (account of Julimer Tulii in his book, *Bir Hitus*(Bloody Times). The rebels were forced to leave the city, while those who stayed were hold captives and even outhrightly executed. The counselors began another harsh campaign to crush dissenter across the realm soon after Anuriel had been pacified.

The Great Strive continued for almost 200 years until the Great Uprising. During these 200 years, the realm was essentially turned into a kind of an oligarchaic republic, with no more kings and elections only for the privileged. The nature of the rebellion during the Great Strive was rather small compared to the Great Uprising that would happen in 10 bc. The Great Strive was only a series of small scale uprising, guerilla warfare and skirmishes with no notable battle or prominent leadership. But the chaotic climate of the time resulted into occasional starvation and shortages across the realm, pushing more and more people over the edge. While at the same time, unpaid mercenaries were terrorizing the civilian population. It is estimated that during the entire duration of the Great Strive, the population of the Hellenic realm fell from 12 million to 8 million (1/3rd of the original number).
Vinitius Clint's campaigns culminated into the [[Battle of Anuriel]] on the 3rd of Denii (2nd of February) 2bc, in which his army won a descisive victory, routing the entire army of the realm. The battle subsequently followed by the Siege of Anuriel that lasted for twenty days. The senators continued to debate on what action should be taken throughout the siege. On the ninetieth day of the siege, the [[Fire of the Carniol of Anuriel|Carniol of Anuriel]] was on fire and immediately destroyed by the flames. The senate withhold anymore meetings, and on the next day they surrendered.
There are only small number of accounts from this times, as many of the philosopher stopped writing, or moved into other region. Julimer Tulii himself left Anuriel for the Peregrinia Isles after the pacifying of Anuriel.

===Clintinian Republic===
===The Great Uprising ===
In 10 bc, the people of Creçore forced the administration of the city, mainly the treasurer, outside the city in protest againts further taxation. The Treasurer General, Henrii Maliscer, flees to Anuriel where he requested an army to defeat the insurgents in Creçore. The city, knowing fully that the council would retaliate, asked a dissenter leader, Vinitius Clint, to led the defence of the city. The ensuing Siege of Creçore began in 14th of Mairt (March) and subsequently the Great Uprising also had broken out throughout the realm. During the siege, citizens of Eranorth rose into rebellion, supporting the Creçorean and quickly galvanizing troops, led by Corriel Walteir. The natives also had risen up, but under the guise of freedom ratger than protests. Henrii Maliscer's troops managed to break the Siege of Creçore after 6 month of siege, only to find the city deserted as the populace withdrew calmly and starting the formation of an army. Clint managed to pass over Maliscer's troops and joined Walteir in Eranorth.
After the fall of the Hellenic Realm, Vinitius Clint and the former senators who were part of the [[Golden Sphere]] formed the Clintinian Republic. The Republic was modeled after the Hellenic Empire, but with some reforms, codified into the historic [[Anuriel Testament]]. The Golden Sphere quickly formed the new [[Congress of The Republic]], and drawn up new laws and edicts, while Vinitius Clint was appointed as its first Consul. One of the Congress' first legislation was to extend Clint's terms to unspecified amount of time, making Clint consul for live. During his reign, Clint didn't participate to much in governance and politics. The only major reform that he passes through was a new calendar system based on the movement of the sun that had been proposed to him by Augusta Summer, an astronomist from Candira.The new callender is now called the Clintinian Calendar and started the counting of years from 1ac (after clint). Clint didn't live long after the Republic was founded. He died on 12 ac, and the Congress reconstituted terms limit for Consulate after that. After Clint's death, the Republic began the annual celebration of the Siege of Creçore, on the 27th of March. This celebration persisted to this day, as the [[Victory Day]].
Following this defeat, Maliscer was court martialled, and replaced by Trevoeir Lucca, a former general that was serving as a counselor during Clint's rebellion. Lucca managed to force Clint and Walteir troops out of Eranorth in 9 bc, and subsequently pushed them back toward the Yasterian Range. His troops however were tired of forced marches and relentless pursuing, leading him into a trap in the Battle of Ridges on 7th of July 9 bc. Lucca was forced to withdrew into Eranorth where he had chosen to gave up the city to avoid sieges. His action however was disliked by the council, and he was forced to resign. Lucca's successor Georgei Teck chosen to defend the route to Anuriel, rather than seeking engagement with Clint and Walteir. On late December of 9 bc, Walteir resigned his post as a general and started campaigning around the country to galvanise more men. Teck attacked Clint's forces after he learnt that Walteir had resigned. Teck was soundly defeated by Clint in the Battle of Messimer in the middle of winter on 24th of December 9 bc.
Teck's disastrous defeat opened the road for Clint and his forces to besiege Anuriel. His troops started the siege on 8th of Terurei (February) 8 bc, while Walteir manages to found an entirely new army and began to subdue loyalist fortifications around the realm. On 15th of March, the council made a desperate attempt to form a troops consisted of elite mercenaries from beyond the sea and some civilian militias to break Clint's siege. The Battle of Randimen Creek saw Clint's forces defeated and he withdrew toward Eranorth to join his battered troops with Walteir's new army. The counselors, failed to pay tg
He mercenaries, allowed them to loot the city of the treasures worth their payments. The looting was supposed to civil and guarded by militias. But when the militias and the people refused the decision, the mercenaries began the Sacking of Anuriel for the entirety of April and May. The sacking resulted in the Great Fire of Anuriel, destroying many historic buildings including the old Summer Palace of Anuriel.
The counselors finally gave into Clint's and Walteir's demand on 5th of June, and dissolve themselves while the rebel troops subdued the unpaid mercenaries into submission. The war was officially ended on 6th of June 8 bc after the *Prolidger* of The People's Council surrendered his banner symbolically to Clint and Walteir. Walteir resigned his position and gave it up for Clint as he wa reportedly *'tired and old' *.
===Clintinian Era===
The subsequent years between 8 bc to 1 ac were calmed as people went home from the war and reconstruction began. Clint gathered and recalled philosophers that had left the country, and merchants from across the nation to reorganised the realm and refilling the emptied treasury. The merchants willingly gave Clint loans to start the reconstruction with only small interest. Clint gathered all of the merchants and their loans into one organization, subsequently creating the first Bank in the nation. Clint and a group of philosopher began to write a constitution (called *primus sen*(Prime Laws) back then). He then forms a new Council, *Nulf Tuis*(Council of Elders) , directly elected by the people, each representing a constituency with limited terms of two three-years terms. He also formed the *Mour Tuis*(Council of Merchants) to observe and advise financial, trade, and production issues and *Luter Tuis*(Council of War) to administrate the army and navy of the nation, and to appoint *Verlicci Luter*(War General) on yearly basis.
[[File:Merchant's Guild Bank.jpg|left|thumb|[[The Merchant's Guild Bank]] headquarter in [[Anuriel]], now the [[National Museum of Money]].]]
[[File:Merchant's Guild Bank.jpg|left|thumb|[[The Merchant's Guild Bank]] headquarter in [[Anuriel]], now the [[National Museum of Money]].]]
Clint's government became the first to officially acknowledge a name for the nation, *Tissara*(Descendants of Tissa) morphing into today's *Tissandra* (Childs of Tissa), referring to the myth of Hellen and Tissa. Clint was appointed by the Council of Elders to serve as Tissandra's first Consul. He led Tissandra until his death in 12 ac. Clint's greatest achievemnt apart from the reconstruction and the stabilisation of the realm is arguably his implementation of the Clintinian Calendar, based on the older Hellenic Moon Dates, the Calendar is much more sophisticated, including the calculation of leap years. His name was imortalized into the years throught the phrase, *alurii clintei*, after the great Clint.
The Republic era showed little to no military expansion whatsoever. The Republic seemingly prefers for an isolationist view in diplomatic terms; The Republic released all vassal states of the former Hellenic Empire and all of the subjugated mainland tribes, leaving it with only half of the Empire's territory. The main endeavor of The Republic was trade, as there were many legislation surrounding trades and wealth management during the duration of The Republic. During the early part of The Republic (before 250 ac), many public works and infrastructures were initiated, resulting in the irrigation system for the once barren Yasterian Range and the western plains. Coastal cities grows in prominence too and many grand public work were achieved in the cities, such as the construction of the [[Great Port of Anuriel]]. The next phase of The Republic (250 ac - 526 ac) saw the realm began to sent trade expeditions across [[Urth]]. These trade expeditions open The Republic's market to other nations, mainly with the coastal cities that is now [[Packilvania]], and the lands that now constituted [[Peregrinia]]. Around 300 ac, the [[Great Road]] between Eranorth and Anuriel was built, around the same time with the [[Giant Acqueducts|Giant Aqueducts]] (prolonged version of Bastierra's Grand Acqueducts) spanning through the nation. This huge endeavor was done with labor forces so large, that the realm gone into budgetary deficit for the first time. The deficit initiated the founding of the first bank of The Republic, [[The Merchant's Guild Bank]]. The Bank began to exerts certain influence over The Republic, but mostly beneficial in nature, even though it clearly show the lack of transparency and accountability of The Republic's bureaucrats.
===The Second Golden Age===
After Clint's death in 12 ac, the Council of Elders began to elect consuls on 3 years basis. The Council of Merchants and the Council of War began a great project to map the surrounding seas and coasts, finding their way into numerous realms and countries beyond the seas. Tissandra's merchants began to dominate the trades in Yasteria, and backed up by the navy, began to built trading outposts and factories on foreign lands. The revenue the merchants generated is taxes by the government, and so the realm's treasury had never emptied. These huge revenues were distributed in the form of tax incentives and infrastructure projects. One of the Republic's biggest project was the southern irrigation systems, turning Creçore and the southern region of the Republic into a breadbasket. The surpluss of food subsequently boost the population of the nation. The Republic also pardoned the native rebels that didn't join Clint and Walteir's forces. The natives are even given citizenship status and equal rights with the Tissandrans. Socially women are beginning to be accepted as equals with mens, although the positions in the councils and the position of Consul had never been given to a woman.
Around 100 ac, Council of Merchant began to dominate the Republic, turning the priorities of the republic into a commercial one with the main objective of gaining as much wealth as possible. This started the Age of Sails for Tissandra, as the Council of War and the Council of Merchant started a ferocious trading campaign against other nations trying to claim as much gains as possible. This brought upon a second golden age for Tissandra that would lasted into 400 ac. Æthura's Landing was built in Anuriel in 124 ac to accomodate with the continuously expanding merchant fleets of the nation. The dockyard was reportedly capabke of building 3 ships in a single week and was built according to the uniquely new assembly line technique. This, combined with steady flow of income into the national treasury, maintain a steady flow of ships and maintenance, guaranteeing Tissandra's hold of the ocean.
===Power Struggle===
In 367 ac, a certain Admiral Andrew Telii mutinied against the High Seas Command after the navy failed to reinforce his brother, Captain Dæston Telii in a battle against a coalition of Peregrinian traders. Dæston was killed and his ship, the infamous *Bus Tuirei*(literally Gold Seeker) was sunk. The ship was a flagship of the nation and its sinking hampered the image of the High Seas Command and the Council of War in general. Andrew Telii's mutiny did however ended shortly after it began; Anuriel gendarmarie and militias was forced to shoot his ship with fort cannons, sinking the ship halfway, forcing the crews to surrender. Telii however comitted suicide. This act was seen unfavorably by the other naval officer, and soon a silent coup inside the High Seas Command ensues, replacing the older members of the command with young and emotional officers and cadets. This act was condemned by both the Council of Elders and the Council of Merchant, while the Council of War was struck down into chaotic power struggle. The Army Command quickly took over the entirety of the Council of War, and dissolved the High Seas Command to restore order.
The Army Command quick and sudden move upsetted many in the navy and the Council of Merchant. The Council of Elders however supported the move, and even rewarded General Macery Hunrei, the War General on the time, with the Medal of Freedom, the highest achievement in the military of Tissandra. The Council of Merchant did not approve the Elders decision and calls for the recreation of a new High Seas Command to restore line of communication with Tissandra's outposts. When this request was denied by the Elders, the Merchant formed the Naval Command in 368, a military branch of its own, free off the influence and decisions of the Council of War. The navy quickly rebranded themselves as merchant marine fleets, focusing on commercial protection rather than a military role.
The power struggle between the three council continued for five years, resulting in deterioration of the navy. The nature of the merchant marine meant that the navy was now funded by profit, cut off from funding from taxes that would have helped the navy to modernise. In the ensuing five years, profit for the Merchant plummeted as their gains would have to be splitted to maintain the navy. The plummeting profits led the Council of Merchants to close down their outposts and factories aboard while the size of the fleet were reduced substantially, effectively ending the Age of Sails. Situation worsened when the army too began to be afflicted by the shortage of funding. The Council of Elders collapsed in 372 after the Council of Merchant and the Council of War passed their motion of disbelief. The new Council of Elders was filled with pawns from both sides (account of Anderson Wells on his book, *Fall of The Republic*). The power struggle now concentrated in the Council of Elders for the next three years resulting in some murders and assasinations. In 375,for the first time since the last 300 years, tax rate was increased. Civil unrest began to appear on the streets as people attributed the deteriorating nature of tge nation to the three council. Consul Maxwell Frein (leading from 372 - 377) began a campaign to pass referendum against the three council, to disbanded them and give the consul more authority to decisively end the debacle. His proposition was popular with the people, but before it was voted for, the consul mysteriosly disappeared in Creçore on one of his campaign.
===Coup of 378 and The Splintering===
A year after the consul's dissapearance, Macery Hunrei launched a coup and toppled both the Council of Elders and the Council of Merchants. Befire he disbanded the other councils, members of both council dispersed into their local regions and began arming their people against a future conflict. However there were no unity between the members, resulting into a splinter between regions. The members began to act as their own leader, forming their own republics, duchies, and even kingdoms (Byshlia was the first kingdom formed during these times). Tissandra fell into the hands of these warlords and each regions soon break any affliction with the other, as if declaring their own independence.
Situation became dire when Macery was killed in a strive with the citizen of Anuriel in 379. The city plunged into chaos, while the Council of War dispersed themselves, following the lead of the other counsellors, taking over their represented regions and began ruling it for themselves, leaving the city in the hand of the Mayor. When the people of Argentum began marching toward Anuriel, led by a former member of the Council of Elders, Mushad Treien, now Consul of Argentum, a former member of the Council of Elders and the leader of the Region of Welli, Ferrel Marigold, called for all leadership to gather in Anuriel to decide the future of the nation peacefully. The Great Meeting of Anuriel were held, and Ferrel managed to dissuade any kind of hostility for a brief period as a truce of five years was signed. However, the meeting failed to reunite the nation. After the meeting, Ferrel infamously said *...Farewell Tissandra, you've made us all what we were before this...* after the truce of five years, each states plunged into war against one another.
Historian disagree on what was the main cause that had led into such catastrophic downfall. Jamison Trident proposed in his testament, *The Struggle for Power, a Mistake We Should Learn From*, that the fall of the High Seas Command and the humiliating defeat againts the coalition is the main reason of the downfall. He also posses that the recent golden era and expansion in wealth led to the regions becoming more self sufficient. At this moment, regions developed their own identity. These development was supposed to be small, if its not for the annual elections that were organized during the time of the republic. These elections were used as a platform for the politician who had berrated and undermined their rivals from mostly neighboring regions. The nature of the elections itself made the counselors much more powerful, effectively governing the regions they represented. Some even argued that the power struggle that started the splintering contained some shady acts done by the counselors, and the splinter was just a means to cover these acts. One way or another, the Republic no longer existed in 380 ac.

=== Hundred States Era ===
The Republic enters a period of stagnation around 400 ac, resulting in a bloated bureaucracy, and more red tapes. The main contributor of this stagnation was the unreformed [[Constitution of The Republic]], which in turn made the nation helpless to made any innovation or efficiency on its bureaucrats. The bodies of The Republic increased in size, making decisions harder to formulate. This all happens all the while the Congress and the Consulate continues to debate over jurisdiction and responsibilities. These factors ultimately culminates into the [[492 Election]], on which the nation are splitted into right and left politics. The heated political situation of the year 492 and 493 was further abated by [[Consul Hannah Marigold]] and the left's constant attacks to the Congress in general, and to the right in particular. The debates increase the national militancy, and upheavals began to soar in number. Around the year 500, new Monarchist ideas began to emerge, preferring a strong hereditary ruler over a republic of red tapes. The idea gain tractions predominantly in the east side of the nations, around the city of Eranorth. The ideas was fiercely debated by the left, and [[Consul Adrian Malachus]] began to prosecute anyone with such idea.
==== Warring States====

[[File:King Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt.jpg|thumb|283x283px|[[Duke Abercromby of Nallewbridge]] fighting against [[Duke Hamilton]]'s forces, 1044 ac]]The sixteen provinces of the former Republic quickly devolved into disaray after the truce. The richer provinces to the south were quick to dissolve, with Argentum Union breaking into four duchies and principalities, leaving the union with only the city of Creçore. Anuriel, losing the influence over southern Tissandra, isolated themselves from the rest of the mainlander nations and focusing toward commercial relations with other nations. To the north and east, the lesser populated countryside were subdued by rebellious Yasterian Natives and subsequently driven away Tissandrans in these regions.
The continuous political upheaval and constant prosecution raids led to the republic bankrupted in 504 ac. The bankruptcy resulted in The Merchant's Guild Bank intervention on the Congress. The Bank received three permanent seats and even some veto powers over financial issues. This sudden takeover upsetted the people and outraged the right, which began to fell out with the Congress, and began to militarised the people. Tension was high between 505 to 510, but constant debate and an end to prosecution stopped the nation falling into civil war. The right continuously debates the left, while protecting the Monarchist who supported the right. While the left, wishes for a weak Congress and strong Consulate. continue to give more power for The Bank, intending to lessen the power of the Congress. When The Bank was finally given a share for the writing of budget in 524, the right finally left the Congress in protest, and their supporters rallies into military groups surrounding their constituencies. The next two year saw negotiations failed, and the nation plunged into crises. Unable to find common ground, while also trying to stop any large scale war to occurs, [[Consul Sedgwick Alleyton]] decided to terminates both offices for undecided periods. Local constituencies saw it as the end of the central government, and began to rule themselves locally. The republic was in essence already died by 527 ac. The three groups, the right, left, and Monarchist disintegrated into smaller groups and created their own domains.
Between 380 ac to 770 ac, there were little historical record, and little progress made by the Tissandrans. The so called Warring States Period happened in these years, practically a sporadic warfare and strive between the self declared warlords, nobilities and the natives. Population wise, from the estimated 12 million citizen of the republic, by the end of 800 ac, was evidently reduced to mere 4 million. This huge fall of population and density was mainly atributed to the resurgence of old world plagues, particularly diarrhea and cholera which were subdued by Republican sanitations and flowing waters. The destruction of Republican infrastructure furthered the resurgence, leading to massive outbreaks in 392, 426, 451, 562, and 663.

The measles outbreak of 663 was the biggest in term of the fallouts and the death count amongst the other breakouts. The outbreak was speculated to have started during the siege of Candira by the forces of Duke Mercia of Wimbling after a dispute over land distribution following King Tartas of Candira's death in 662. The siege, which happened for almost 4 months, ended after a quarter of the population of the city died of measles. The soldiers of Wimbling supposedly carried the disease home, and because the centrality of Wimbling's location on Tissandra, the disease rapidly spread. The spread primarily happened during the Long Knive War, between Duke Aberoly of Eranorth and the Republican forces of Anuriel. The war was huge compared to other conflicts of the period, involving more than 200,000 man on both sides. The long and pitched battles fought in the war contributed to the spread, that by 665, both nation stopped attacking each other due to the horrid losses caused by the outbreak. Candira was later abandoned in 672,and would only be repopulated again almost a century later in 769.
=== The Hundred States Period===
====The Dark Ages====
====Second Revival ====
The outbreak of 663 managed to stop al.ost every conflict between the states of Tissandra, effectively silenced the region for three centuries. People of the period called the time as The Great Silence, due to the isolation and desolate nature of the region. Many people were confined to cities and the surrounding countryside, leaving the vast lands that were populated subdued by the nature. Forests regrow and the last Tissandrans fled the northern territories, leaving it to the Hama people and the natives. It was at this period thatthe vast majority of Republican artefacts were lost to the elements, and that there were no attempt to preserve it, as the Confine of the Children of Abraham closed their doors from outsiders and prevent any of their members from travelling more than 3 miles from their confine after the measles outbreak. However the presence of the Church amongst the people began to increase, due to the rise of insecurity and superstition.
[[File:King Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt.jpg|thumb|283x283px|[[Duke Abercromby of Nallewbridge]] fighting against [[Duke Hamilton]]'s forces, 1044 ac]]The earlier times of the hundred states period were not properly documented. There were fragments of information, suggesting continuous small warfare and skirmishes between smaller states as the three factions of the Republic disintegrated even more. Architectures of these times were also scarce, as the people of this time seemingly maintains to use the buildings from the Republican era. There were reports of hunger, disease, and even some major plague outbreak between 600 to 800 ac. After 800, there were more gaps of information, but a lot of foreign artifacts and battlefield remains, suggesting foreign raiders, or outright invaders from other place. Historian seemingly couldn't conclude on any matter regarding what really happened between 800 to 1000 ac.
The Eldest began to take political roles in Tissandra in 801, after the Church's ban on Solstice Parade in Eranorth was enforced by Eldest Humphrey III even though it wasn't approved by the Duke of Eranorth, Winston IV. The Eldest recruited more than a thousand of militant fanatics to enforce his will. Few clashes between The Eldest and the Duke led to the Duke's flight from Eranorth after the burning of the Glassing Fort. Humphrey III then raised Silvan I, Winston IV's younger brother, as the new Duke of Eranorth. Silvan and his predecesseor were essentially a servant to The Eldest which turned to Duchy of Eranorth into their base for proselytising the Children's religiousness throughout the region.

The period of this proselytising was called The Second Revival, and it was a great success for the Church and the region in general. As preacher began to spread across the nation, Eldest Nicholas X repealed the seclusion of the Confines in 863, and encouraged preachers and clergies to educate people in religious matters, and openly helping in social matters. In 912, the Church was gifted a Cathedral by the Consul of Anuriel, Gillian Æthal after the death of his preacher friend Damerine Wiser (a dominant figure in the proselytising in Anuriel). The Cathedral was cristhened by Eldest Nicholas XIV as the Cathedral of Saint Damerine. However, an attempt by Nicholas XIV to build a confine in Creçore was denied by the Kingdom of Argentum, even though Creçore is one of the holy cities for the Children of Abraham, the King, Thæara, was Hellenic. It was only after what was called the Miracle at Creçore, on which the preacher Mychæl saved the King from an assassination attempt by procurring a 'heavenly light' from his hand. The miracle was canonized, even though some in the Heavenly Council disputed it as the King was found unconscious after the attempt. Thæara converted into the religion, and endorsed the Church, founding the Confine of Saint Mychæl as a pilgrimage resting site and center of proselytising in the south.
After 1000 ac, information became plenty once more. The years between 1000 to 1300 ac were filled with local expansion and increase in population. Cities like [[Anuriel]], [[Eranorth]], and [[Creçore]] began to regain its status as centers of the realm, while bigger states start to annexs the smaller one. Few people were mentioned, but those who were mentioned had commited great deeds, or crimes. Such story, like the story of [[Duke Hamilton of Amber]] that manages to expand into a quarter of the realm, before splitting it up for his sons in his death bed. Other less glorious, such as the story of the [[Miracle Bandits]], led by [[Adam Darian]], who stupidly tries to steals Eranorth's coffer in the midnight of the Democracy Day (at that time called Clintinian Day) ended up jailed for good.
By the year 1000, the region was almost entirely endorsing the Church, resulting in a relatively peaceful nature of the era. The Eldest and the Heavenly Council owned huge influence over the region, and have capabilities to mediate conflicts and granting forgiveness even for kings and queens of the regions. The relative peace returned the population growth of the population, restoring it into arround 8 million by 1000. Commercial activities resumed unhindered, and general prosperity was rising. People began to repopulate the countryside andd reopened old trade routes, while foreign goods returned to Anuriel as merchants returned to the region to trade. By 1400, the population of the region had reached 16 million people, and cities like Eranorth and Anuriel had doubled in size.

====The Renaissance====
=====Awakening =====
[[File:Château de Villandry 01746.JPG|left|thumb|[[Castle Grand Marie]], with its pioneering formal gardens, built around 1450 ac.]]
[[File:Château de Villandry 01746.JPG|left|thumb|[[Castle Grand Marie]], with its pioneering formal gardens, built around 1450 ac.]]
By the end of the fourteenth century, the Church began to steadily losing political power over the region. As commerce and population doubled, monarchy and autocracy naturaly returned to maintain order on the region. One such example was in the heart of the Church itself in Eranorth, where Duke Abercromby was granted by the Heavenly Council to reinstated his own council to manage financial affairs. As financial affairs included the payment of troops and mercenaries, the Church was essentially gave up their political enforcer, the militant clergies to the Duke who disbanded it in 1406 after a claim that the militant was poorly equipped and trained yet very highly paid. They were replaced by the Holy Guard, paid and trained under the Duke's own men.
The hundred states period encompasses the time of the spread of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/renaissance renaissance] ideals throughout [[Urth]] in the 14th century. Even though the nation is disunited, and there were dozens of wars between the small states, art, culture, and scientific discovery were in abundance. Many lords or consulates built magnificence palaces to rival each other, while artistic patronage was at large. Scientific improvements of this time were primarily military in nature, but eventually the knowledge spreads to other parts of live. The peasants in particular raised into new level as then, there were no more citizenship laws; anyone living inside any territory is essentially a subjects to the local's law. This further increase connection for trade and commerce, even rivaling the rates during the Republic times.
However, the 15th and 16th century was the era of the Awakening, on which old Hellenic arts and Clintinian sciences was refounded. Even though the Church posed that arts is wasteful, some prominent church members hired artist such as Dætgyr of Creçore and Carl Flavian to built magnificent churches. Dætgyr was also employed by Eldest Humphrey XVI to built the Grand Cathedral of Saint Nicholas of Tein in Eranorth, which now became the headquarter of the Church. Extravagant living spread amongst the nobily who began to patronizing the arts and science as a political manouvre. Duke Millard of Portista employed certain Aramdillo Meducci to rebuilt the Acqueduct of Portista, and also expanding it with a Ferucci Screw, a method of pumping water unknown since the fall of the Republic. This was however a political move as the aqueduct drained water from the highlands of the Kingdom of Candira, prompting the Kingdom's subjects to pay for their own water. Armadillo Meducci soon gained fame as a historian and scientist. He reinvented a lot of ancient findings, and also experimented on his own. His finding resulted in the discovery of stream powered weaving mills and arguably the earliest example of a complicated engineering. Due to his invention, the region dominated fabric trade in Yasteria for centuries to come.

Overall, the years between 1400 into 1800 was a period of progress and rediscoveries for the region, the so called Awakening. Although warfare and disputes still happened between states, the increasingly centralised nature of nation-states throughout the region began to polarised power into the three ancient capitals of the Tissandran people; Eranorth, Anuriel, and Creçore. This meant that by the end of the 17th century, there were only three main states and few outlying principalities and free cities (with the exception of Kingdom of Candira), all centered in Eranorth (Kingdom of Tissandra), Anuriel (Republic of Anuriel), and Creçore (Grand Duchy of Argentum).
There were actually less than a hundred of states in any given time. But, spanning for more than 12 centuries, there were indeed more than hundred states rising and falling in today's territory of Tissandra. Many of these states eventually coalesced into bigger one, most notably the [[Duchy of Ethring]] and the [[Republic of Anuriel]] which almost unifies the entire realm at some point of their existence. Some areas began to be more specialised than other; the eastern lands was predominantly agricultural, until marble quarries were founded during the 13th century and many farmer decided to mines for marble. Other places, such as [[Ethring]], began to produce huge number of textiles and clothing due to their cotton farmlands. By the 17th century, gunpowder was used extensively, and many modern products began to be produced, such as book printing, ink pen, well pumps, and huge wooden sail ships.
The relatively non-destructive nature of warfare in this period gave way to an interlinked commerce and social necessity between the states, prompting nationalism and unification throughout the region.

====The Industrial Revolution====
====The Industrial Revolution====
[[File:Power loom weaving. Wellcome L0011293.jpg|thumb|[[Power loom]], used by textiles industries around 1775 ac.]]
[[File:Power loom weaving. Wellcome L0011293.jpg|thumb|[[Power loom]], used by textiles industries around 1775 ac.]]
The 18th century saw the [[First Industrial Revolution]], as the discovery of well pumps led to the discovery of machine pumps. The machine pumps were used to pums out water from coal and ore mines, boosting production more than double the times, and making prices for fuel to drop. Many cotraptions were made at this time; the [[Spinning Harry]] (a string threading machine built by [[Harry Jennings]]), and the steam powered factories which sprung out across the realm. Some older institutions, like banks and universities transforms into the modern structure we see now. While locals began to build free schools as education became more important. This era also marked by massive urbanization, as cities swelled in size. Arround 1772, railway network began to extends across the nation, and in 1781 the first steam boat canal was opened. Roads also widened, and the first kind of toll ways was opened between Anuriel and Creçore in 1765.
The 18th century saw the [[First Industrial Revolution]], as the discovery of well pumps led to the discovery of machine pumps. The machine pumps were used to pums out water from coal and ore mines, boosting production more than double the times, and making prices for fuel to drop. Many cotraptions were made at this time; the [[Spinning Harry]] (a string threading machine built by [[Harry Jennings]]), and the steam powered factories which sprung out across the realm. Some older institutions, like banks and universities transforms into the modern structure we see now. While locals began to build free schools as education became more important. This era also marked by massive urbanization, as cities swelled in size. Arround 1772, railway network began to extends across the nation, and in 1781 the first steam boat canal was opened. Roads also widened, and the first kind of toll ways was opened between Anuriel and Creçore in 1765.

Although education and income began to increase, the quality of live were actually decreasing, as people working inside factories were lacking protection. Many accident happens, while coal and iron soot began to affect worker's health. Child labour was extensive to, and they were also exposed with lacks of protection to. There were no regulations, and many profiteers try to use this lack of government intervention to amass wealth as much as possible, culminating into the return of the Oligarchy as these people began to assert political influence over financial ones.
Although education and income began to increase, the quality of live were actually decreasing, as people working inside factories were lacking protection. Many accident happens, while coal and iron soot began to affect worker's health. Child labour was extensive to, and they were also exposed with lacks of protection to. There were no regulations, and many profiteers try to use this lack of government intervention to amass wealth as much as possible, culminating into the return of the Oligarchy as these people began to assert political influence over financial ones.

====The Late 18th Century====
====The Late 18th Century====
[[File:Berlin, Alte Nationalgalerie, Adolph Menzel, Krönung von König Wilhelm I in Königsberg.JPG|thumb|Coronation of [[King Charles XXVI]] as the King of Tissandra, 1863]]
[[File:Berlin, Alte Nationalgalerie, Adolph Menzel, Krönung von König Wilhelm I in Königsberg.JPG|thumb|Coronation of [[King Charles XXVI]] as the King of Tissandra, 1863]]
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The winter of 1867 saw only small skirmishes with no major battles, as both sides are preparing for a last attempt to invade the other. The last phase of the war, The Greenfields Campaign, was a series of intelligence confusion and miss information that led into both army march into one another route. The [[Battle of Greenfields]] lasted for five days (4th to 9th of March 1868), resulted in almost 10,000 casualties. The battle ended in a draw, as both troops agreed into a cease-fire. A truce of 50 years was signed on the 11th of March 1868.
The winter of 1867 saw only small skirmishes with no major battles, as both sides are preparing for a last attempt to invade the other. The last phase of the war, The Greenfields Campaign, was a series of intelligence confusion and miss information that led into both army march into one another route. The [[Battle of Greenfields]] lasted for five days (4th to 9th of March 1868), resulted in almost 10,000 casualties. The battle ended in a draw, as both troops agreed into a cease-fire. A truce of 50 years was signed on the 11th of March 1868.

=== The East-West Divides and The Second Industrial Revolution===
===The East-West Divides and The Second Industrial Revolution===
[[File:HMS Devastation (1871 ship).jpg|thumb|286x286px|[[HMS Avery]], the first steam powered battleship around 1892.]]
[[File:HMS Devastation (1871 ship).jpg|thumb|286x286px|[[HMS Avery]], the first steam powered battleship around 1892.]]
The fifty years of truce between the Kingdom and the Republic of Tissandra were colloquially known as the East-West Divides. The period saw the [[Reconstruction Era]] between 1868 to 1888 on both nations, and also the advents of the [[Second Industrial Revolution]]. The Reconstruction Era brought the people of the Kingdom and of the Republic more closer than ever as both crossed the border regularly, but seemingly divides the political entity of both nations even more. There were now staunch movement for unification, and political parties on both sides began to coordinate joint events between the two halves. This distressed both the absolutist King of Tissandra, as well as the fanatic egalitarian of the Republic of Tissandra, who began to broadcast propaganda through the newly invented radios and newspapers.
The fifty years of truce between the Kingdom and the Republic of Tissandra were colloquially known as the East-West Divides. The period saw the [[Reconstruction Era]] between 1868 to 1888 on both nations, and also the advents of the [[Second Industrial Revolution]]. The Reconstruction Era brought the people of the Kingdom and of the Republic more closer than ever as both crossed the border regularly, but seemingly divides the political entity of both nations even more. There were now staunch movement for unification, and political parties on both sides began to coordinate joint events between the two halves. This distressed both the absolutist King of Tissandra, as well as the fanatic egalitarian of the Republic of Tissandra, who began to broadcast propaganda through the newly invented radios and newspapers.
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On the 17th of June 1918, [[truce]] was finally signed between the two nations, and all armed forces inside both country, troops, militias, and policeman disbanded themselves to prevents another armed conflict. The following 5 moths is entirely dedicated to disbands the former governmental institutions of both nations, relinquished all titles and returning normality toward the economy. The new [[Constitution of Tissandra]] was formulated (7th of August 1918), new currency was acknowledged and the [[National Bank of Tissandra]] was founded (12th of September 1918), redrawing of regional division was conducted (21st of September 1918), and the redistribution of land for the people, especially for those who have fought in the war was also agreed (16th of October 1918). Reconstruction were already on their way when the [[Treaty of Angelas]] was signed on 11th of November 1918, in front of the Old [[Temple of Angelas]], where Abraham was executed 18 centuries ago. The treaty unites both nations under a mixed government; a Constitutional Monarchy of Tissandra, to allows the stability of the Kingdom of Tissandra to coalesce with the freedom and democracy of the Republic of Tissandra. Abraham Cornellius was declared was declared as the First Prime Minister of the Constitutional Monarchy, why the family of [[House von Wittelsbach|von Wittelsbach]], the family that lived on both sides of the borders and remains staunchly neutral for the entirety of the war, was selected as the new Royal Family of Tissandra. [[King Gustav I]] was crowned on the 1st of December 1918 in the Palace of Eranoth. As at the time, Anuriel was badly damaged and the memory of the Massacre of Anuriel was still close, the government had chosen Eranorth as the capital city. 11th of November is now celebrated as the Day of Unification.
On the 17th of June 1918, [[truce]] was finally signed between the two nations, and all armed forces inside both country, troops, militias, and policeman disbanded themselves to prevents another armed conflict. The following 5 moths is entirely dedicated to disbands the former governmental institutions of both nations, relinquished all titles and returning normality toward the economy. The new [[Constitution of Tissandra]] was formulated (7th of August 1918), new currency was acknowledged and the [[National Bank of Tissandra]] was founded (12th of September 1918), redrawing of regional division was conducted (21st of September 1918), and the redistribution of land for the people, especially for those who have fought in the war was also agreed (16th of October 1918). Reconstruction were already on their way when the [[Treaty of Angelas]] was signed on 11th of November 1918, in front of the Old [[Temple of Angelas]], where Abraham was executed 18 centuries ago. The treaty unites both nations under a mixed government; a Constitutional Monarchy of Tissandra, to allows the stability of the Kingdom of Tissandra to coalesce with the freedom and democracy of the Republic of Tissandra. Abraham Cornellius was declared was declared as the First Prime Minister of the Constitutional Monarchy, why the family of [[House von Wittelsbach|von Wittelsbach]], the family that lived on both sides of the borders and remains staunchly neutral for the entirety of the war, was selected as the new Royal Family of Tissandra. [[King Gustav I]] was crowned on the 1st of December 1918 in the Palace of Eranoth. As at the time, Anuriel was badly damaged and the memory of the Massacre of Anuriel was still close, the government had chosen Eranorth as the capital city. 11th of November is now celebrated as the Day of Unification.

===Contemporary Tissandra ===
===Contemporary Tissandra===

====Early Contemporary ====
====Early Contemporary====
[[File:Ford 1921.jpg|left|thumb|A worker proudly standing in front of his car, 1921.]]
[[File:Ford 1921.jpg|left|thumb|A worker proudly standing in front of his car, 1921.]]
Post Civil War Tissandra was predominantly dominated by the Second Reconstruction. The Second Reconstruction was one of the most ambitious public program in histories, as it saw the complete revitalization of Anuriel, the rebuilding of roads, bridges, and other public facilities. The Second Reconstruction also saw the rebuilding and rejuvenation of old classical buildings from the Clintinian Era, all the way to the Hellenic era. Around this time, the massive Anuriel Skyscrapers began to sprung out, as workforce was in abundance. the 1920s's and 1930's was considered a golden time, the so called the Polished Era, many Tissandran family rose into wealth and and social gaps began to decrease, as ordinary workers can afford more and more things to buy. The 1930's saw the Third Industrial Revolution sprung out, as the discovery of Assembly Line and new labour regulations pressed prices to all time low, that there were disputably no homeless people in Tissandra by the year 1935. In 1935, the [[Tissandra Broadcasting Company]] was founded, making radio debutes and newspaper at the same time. During these times, ordinary people finally can afford to buy transportations while commercial flights was also gaining prominence among the rich. Around this year, [[Tissandra Oil Discovery|oil was discovered]] on the western areas, and the nation soon built refineries across the land. Oil became the largest exports for Tissandra for the remainder of the century.
Post Civil War Tissandra was predominantly dominated by the Second Reconstruction. The Second Reconstruction was one of the most ambitious public program in histories, as it saw the complete revitalization of Anuriel, the rebuilding of roads, bridges, and other public facilities. The Second Reconstruction also saw the rebuilding and rejuvenation of old classical buildings from the Clintinian Era, all the way to the Hellenic era. Around this time, the massive Anuriel Skyscrapers began to sprung out, as workforce was in abundance. the 1920s's and 1930's was considered a golden time, the so called the Polished Era, many Tissandran family rose into wealth and and social gaps began to decrease, as ordinary workers can afford more and more things to buy. The 1930's saw the Third Industrial Revolution sprung out, as the discovery of Assembly Line and new labour regulations pressed prices to all time low, that there were disputably no homeless people in Tissandra by the year 1935. In 1935, the [[Tissandra Broadcasting Company]] was founded, making radio debutes and newspaper at the same time. During these times, ordinary people finally can afford to buy transportations while commercial flights was also gaining prominence among the rich. Around this year, [[Tissandra Oil Discovery|oil was discovered]] on the western areas, and the nation soon built refineries across the land. Oil became the largest exports for Tissandra for the remainder of the century.
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The years of 1940's saw the House Boom, as properties were built and bought all across the nation. Around this time, commercial apartments began to be advertised, while the first commercial television station was founded; the [[Anuriel Post]]. The television station was soon rivaled by TBC new branch, the [[Tissandra Television Station]]. Commercial advertising began to increase in activity, leading to massive commercialization of the economy. The [[Eranorth Stock Exchange]] was founded in 1948 to help sustains the increasing competitiveness of commerec inside the nation. It was soon followed by the Hikaru reclamation, a gigantic project to enlarge [[Port August]] into a huge trading port. The 50s and the 60s saw a lot of technological advancement across [[Urth]], and saw the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/bretton_woods_system Bretton Woods System] implemented, the system that finally frees trade from threats and lower the cost of shipping. Commercial telephone companies was gaining traction in the 60s, leading the so called Cable SkiesYears because of so many telephone cables above Tissandra's roads. This led to the [[Road and Cable Act of 1968]], that managed to burry the majority of the cables with the water and the gas pipes under the roads by the year 1971.
The years of 1940's saw the House Boom, as properties were built and bought all across the nation. Around this time, commercial apartments began to be advertised, while the first commercial television station was founded; the [[Anuriel Post]]. The television station was soon rivaled by TBC new branch, the [[Tissandra Television Station]]. Commercial advertising began to increase in activity, leading to massive commercialization of the economy. The [[Eranorth Stock Exchange]] was founded in 1948 to help sustains the increasing competitiveness of commerec inside the nation. It was soon followed by the Hikaru reclamation, a gigantic project to enlarge [[Port August]] into a huge trading port. The 50s and the 60s saw a lot of technological advancement across [[Urth]], and saw the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/bretton_woods_system Bretton Woods System] implemented, the system that finally frees trade from threats and lower the cost of shipping. Commercial telephone companies was gaining traction in the 60s, leading the so called Cable SkiesYears because of so many telephone cables above Tissandra's roads. This led to the [[Road and Cable Act of 1968]], that managed to burry the majority of the cables with the water and the gas pipes under the roads by the year 1971.

====70's, 80's, and 90's ====
====70's, 80's, and 90's====
[[File:Picadilly circus.jpg|alt=|thumb|[[Mallaby Square]], [[Creçore]] in 1979.]]
[[File:Picadilly circus.jpg|alt=|thumb|[[Mallaby Square]], [[Creçore]] in 1979.]]
The 70's was known as the [[Jeannette Era]], as the 16th Prime Minister, [[Marge Jeannette]] managed to stay in office and her party, the win three consecutive elections. Marge Jeannette most notable decision was the founding of the [[Reserves for Native Yasterian Act of 1972|Reserves for Native Yasterian]]. Even though her time in office was surrounded by corruption scandals, the scandals has been disproven by the [[Supreme Court of Tissandra|Supreme Court]]. The time was known for the first Tissandra mission to outer space, in 12th of July 1973 when the sattelite, [[Abraham Cornellius Geostationery Satetelite|Abraham Cornellius Geocom]] was put into orbit by a native Tissandra shuttle. It was also known for the increase on youth rebelliousness, and the so called 'punk era'. Many expressionist art appears at this times, while the [[Jazz|jazz musics]] is being sidelined by a more expressionist kind of musics. The time also saw the building of the Home Blocks, the high rise bland apartments that was built to accomodate the increasing number of homeless workers. The construction of toll ways was prevalent, with the completion of the [[6th Tissandra Inter-Highway|6th]], [[7th Tissandra Inter-Highway|7th]], [[9th Tissandra Inter-Highway|9th]], and [[12th Tissandra Inter-Highway|12th]]. leading the projects.
The 70's was known as the [[Jeannette Era]], as the 16th Prime Minister, [[Marge Jeannette]] managed to stay in office and her party, the win three consecutive elections. Marge Jeannette most notable decision was the founding of the [[Reserves for Native Yasterian Act of 1972|Reserves for Native Yasterian]]. Even though her time in office was surrounded by corruption scandals, the scandals has been disproven by the [[Supreme Court of Tissandra|Supreme Court]]. The time was known for the first Tissandra mission to outer space, in 12th of July 1973 when the sattelite, [[Abraham Cornellius Geostationery Satetelite|Abraham Cornellius Geocom]] was put into orbit by a native Tissandra shuttle. It was also known for the increase on youth rebelliousness, and the so called 'punk era'. Many expressionist art appears at this times, while the [[Jazz|jazz musics]] is being sidelined by a more expressionist kind of musics. The time also saw the building of the Home Blocks, the high rise bland apartments that was built to accomodate the increasing number of homeless workers. The construction of toll ways was prevalent, with the completion of the [[6th Tissandra Inter-Highway|6th]], [[7th Tissandra Inter-Highway|7th]], [[9th Tissandra Inter-Highway|9th]], and [[12th Tissandra Inter-Highway|12th]]. leading the projects.
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The Constitutional Monarchy of Tissandra is now a member of [[The East Pacific]], and has been in contact with its member states.
The Constitutional Monarchy of Tissandra is now a member of [[The East Pacific]], and has been in contact with its member states.

== Geography==

===Administrative Division===
===Administrative Division ===
According to the [[Constitution of Tissandra]] chapter 2 sentence 1: ''The Constitutional Monarchy of Tissandra is divided into Provinces, which will be further divided into Regnencies and/or Municipalities, which will be further divided again into Districts. These division shall be regulated by statutes and acts of the Parliemant based on propositions from the government''. Tissandra maintains a strong devolved policy, and so has a pretty strong regional and local governments. Tissandra first level division are :
According to the [[Constitution of Tissandra]] chapter 2 sentence 1: ''The Constitutional Monarchy of Tissandra is divided into Provinces, which will be further divided into Regnencies and/or Municipalities, which will be further divided again into Districts. These division shall be regulated by statutes and acts of the Parliemant based on propositions from the government''. Tissandra maintains a strong devolved policy, and so has a pretty strong regional and local governments. Tissandra first level division are :
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+Provinces and Special Region
|+Provinces and Special Region
! Provinces
!Provincial Capital
! Provincial Capital
! Population est. (2019)
!Population est. (2019)
|Province of Argemont
|Province of Argemont
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|Province of Sierra Monte
|Province of Sierra Monte
| Candira
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|Province of Dellington
|Province of Dellington
| 2,520,000
|Special Capital Area of Eranorth
|Special Capital Area of Eranorth
| 1,250,000
| colspan="2" |Total Population
| colspan="2" |Total Population
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The Government maintain a strong neutral sense, and refused to pick sides during times of crises as its own politics are woryingly divided already. The foreign policy of Tissandra is determined by the [[Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tissandra|Ministry of Foreign Affairs]] with suggestions from the Parliament and the Monarch. The current Minister for Foreign Affairs is Hon. [[Johannah Trevors]] MP. The Ministry comprised of the [[Foreign Office of Tissandra|Foreign Office]], [[Trade and Agreements Bureau]], [[International Organizational Management]], [[Geopolitical Watcher Office]], and [[Tissandra Representatives to The East Pacific]].
The Government maintain a strong neutral sense, and refused to pick sides during times of crises as its own politics are woryingly divided already. The foreign policy of Tissandra is determined by the [[Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tissandra|Ministry of Foreign Affairs]] with suggestions from the Parliament and the Monarch. The current Minister for Foreign Affairs is Hon. [[Johannah Trevors]] MP. The Ministry comprised of the [[Foreign Office of Tissandra|Foreign Office]], [[Trade and Agreements Bureau]], [[International Organizational Management]], [[Geopolitical Watcher Office]], and [[Tissandra Representatives to The East Pacific]].
===Military ===

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For a nation as large as Tissandra, the army didn't have a standing military in large number. Tissandra maintains a force of around 150,000 active duty soldiers, and an additional 200,000 national reserve. Albeit small, Tissandra adopted conscription policy. So, in case of ultimate danger, Tissandra can mobilize up to a quarter of its male population. Tissandra also boast a huge arms manufacturing industry and state of the art military technologies. Tissandra primary arms manufacturer is the government owned [[Gustav Armament]], named after King Gustav II whom still reigning when the company was founded. There are other private arms manufacturers, such as Goldilocks (specializing on hand held armament like pistols and rifles), and BriarPatch (primarily producing armored uniform and upgrading military vehicles). [[Tissandra Royal Army]] is organized into the [[Eastern Theatre]], and [[Western Theatre]]. Each theatre will be headed by a General. The theatres then will be divided into corps, each headed by a Lieutenant General. The theatre also comprised of some armored units and artilleries. Although further information are classified, It is a general knowledge for Tissandran that there are more forces in the western theatre where they borders the Packilvanian Caliphate. The army is headed by the office of the [[Chief of Staff of The Army]], currently belongs to [[Gen. Harry Harrison]].
For a nation as large as Tissandra, the army didn't have a standing military in large number. Tissandra maintains a force of around 150,000 active duty soldiers, and an additional 200,000 national reserve. Albeit small, Tissandra adopted conscription policy. So, in case of ultimate danger, Tissandra can mobilize up to a quarter of its male population. Tissandra also boast a huge arms manufacturing industry and state of the art military technologies. Tissandra primary arms manufacturer is the government owned [[Gustav Armament]], named after King Gustav II whom still reigning when the company was founded. There are other private arms manufacturers, such as Goldilocks (specializing on hand held armament like pistols and rifles), and BriarPatch (primarily producing armored uniform and upgrading military vehicles). [[Tissandra Royal Army]] is organized into the [[Eastern Theatre]], and [[Western Theatre]]. Each theatre will be headed by a General. The theatres then will be divided into corps, each headed by a Lieutenant General. The theatre also comprised of some armored units and artilleries. Although further information are classified, It is a general knowledge for Tissandran that there are more forces in the western theatre where they borders the Packilvanian Caliphate. The army is headed by the office of the [[Chief of Staff of The Army]], currently belongs to [[Gen. Harry Harrison]].

==== Navy====
The Royal Navy of Tissandra comprised of 40 ships, and hundreds of civilian-converted ships. The navy boasts 5 cruisers, 10 destroyers, 18 corvettes, 5 submarines and 2 nuclear submarines. The navy is organized into two fleets, each headed by an admiral. The navy serves limited purposes as Tissandra didn't have a long coastline, and mainly deployed in the west to escort incoming trade vessels and defending generally. The cruisers, especially the [[Hampton-class]] is the most advanced naval vessels in the nation, owing to its super sensitive radar system, semi-automatic targetting computers, and the large number of automatic and guided missiles silos aboard. All cruisers of The Royal Navy own at least two helipads, with a military hellicopters capable of carying ordinance and for rescue mission. The coast guard boasted hundreds of boats and are also considered part of the royal navy ships. The two nuclear submarines, dubbed the Gold-class were developed during the watchful year of 1979. They were designed by Albert Chardelier, and constructed on Port August. Today, the nuclear submarines only comes out into view during celebrations, as it spends much of the year beneath the sea.
The Royal Navy of Tissandra comprised of 40 ships, and hundreds of civilian-converted ships. The navy boasts 5 cruisers, 10 destroyers, 18 corvettes, 5 submarines and 2 nuclear submarines. The navy is organized into two fleets, each headed by an admiral. The navy serves limited purposes as Tissandra didn't have a long coastline, and mainly deployed in the west to escort incoming trade vessels and defending generally. The cruisers, especially the [[Hampton-class]] is the most advanced naval vessels in the nation, owing to its super sensitive radar system, semi-automatic targetting computers, and the large number of automatic and guided missiles silos aboard. All cruisers of The Royal Navy own at least two helipads, with a military hellicopters capable of carying ordinance and for rescue mission. The coast guard boasted hundreds of boats and are also considered part of the royal navy ships. The two nuclear submarines, dubbed the Gold-class were developed during the watchful year of 1979. They were designed by Albert Chardelier, and constructed on Port August. Today, the nuclear submarines only comes out into view during celebrations, as it spends much of the year beneath the sea.

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Since the 1970s, Tissandra economic inequality has grown faster than in other developed countries. The poverty line in Tissandra is commonly defined as being 60 % of the median household income. [[The Office for National Statistics]] has estimated that in 2011, 5 million people were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, and that one person in 20 (5.1 %) was experiencing "severe material depression", up from 1 million people in 1977. Although Tissandra does not have an official poverty measure, the [[Cromby Jamestree Foundation]] and the [[Social Metrics Commission]] estimate, based on government data, that there are 5 million people in poverty in Tissandra. 1.5 million people experienced destitution in 2017.
Since the 1970s, Tissandra economic inequality has grown faster than in other developed countries. The poverty line in Tissandra is commonly defined as being 60 % of the median household income. [[The Office for National Statistics]] has estimated that in 2011, 5 million people were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, and that one person in 20 (5.1 %) was experiencing "severe material depression", up from 1 million people in 1977. Although Tissandra does not have an official poverty measure, the [[Cromby Jamestree Foundation]] and the [[Social Metrics Commission]] estimate, based on government data, that there are 5 million people in poverty in Tissandra. 1.5 million people experienced destitution in 2017.

===Tourism ===
[[File:Copenhagen Theatre and Opera.jpg|left|thumb|259x259px|[[His Majesty's Theatre Hall]] on the [[La Girona Deltas]]]]
[[File:Copenhagen Theatre and Opera.jpg|left|thumb|259x259px|[[His Majesty's Theatre Hall]] on the [[La Girona Deltas]]]]
Tourism is very important to the Tissandran economy; with over 12 million tourists ariving in 2018, Tissandra is considered as one of the major tourist destination in Urth and [[Creçore]] has the most international visitors of any city in the country. There are 360 hotel chains in Tissandra, operating at least 5,000 facility throughout the nation. Apart from historical atractions, there are geological atractions on the Yasterian Mountains, and sea shore atractions, across Tissandra's southern coasts. The Yasterian Ranges main atractions are the [[Falls of Eleana]] that are constituted by five small waterfalls,each named after the Philosopher Kings.
Tourism is very important to the Tissandran economy; with over 12 million tourists ariving in 2018, Tissandra is considered as one of the major tourist destination in Urth and [[Creçore]] has the most international visitors of any city in the country. There are 360 hotel chains in Tissandra, operating at least 5,000 facility throughout the nation. Apart from historical atractions, there are geological atractions on the Yasterian Mountains, and sea shore atractions, across Tissandra's southern coasts. The Yasterian Ranges main atractions are the [[Falls of Eleana]] that are constituted by five small waterfalls,each named after the Philosopher Kings.
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The falls fed the [[La Girona River]] that runs through Anuriel before touching the sea in the famous La Girona Delta, where [[His Majesty's Theatre Hall]] located. Annual music and drama festivals are conducted inside the buildings, and sometimes on the surrounding delta islets. The most famous of the festivals including the [[National Jazz Concert]], the [[Purple Tissandra Month]], and the much televised [[His Majesty's Drama Competition]] where biggest theatrical bands from the nation and abroad competes for the [[Best Actors Thropy|Best Actors]] and the [[Best Writer thropy|Best Writer thropies]]. Creçore boasts the largest ammount of hotels and resorts, with 5 five stars hotels in the city, and 3 five stars beach resorts. The city also became the center spot for vacations to the gulf, or to the ranges.Visits to Anuriel are mostly business in nature, as the city is the main economic hub of the country. Foreign holiday cruise ships can directly docks on both Anuriel and Creçore, while Port August is exclusively for trade goods and fishing industries. The nation owns three international airport, [[Eranorth International Airport|Eranorth International]], [[Anuriel International Airport|Anuriel International]], and [[Creçore International]]. International flights must come to these three airports before they can go into other airports.
The falls fed the [[La Girona River]] that runs through Anuriel before touching the sea in the famous La Girona Delta, where [[His Majesty's Theatre Hall]] located. Annual music and drama festivals are conducted inside the buildings, and sometimes on the surrounding delta islets. The most famous of the festivals including the [[National Jazz Concert]], the [[Purple Tissandra Month]], and the much televised [[His Majesty's Drama Competition]] where biggest theatrical bands from the nation and abroad competes for the [[Best Actors Thropy|Best Actors]] and the [[Best Writer thropy|Best Writer thropies]]. Creçore boasts the largest ammount of hotels and resorts, with 5 five stars hotels in the city, and 3 five stars beach resorts. The city also became the center spot for vacations to the gulf, or to the ranges.Visits to Anuriel are mostly business in nature, as the city is the main economic hub of the country. Foreign holiday cruise ships can directly docks on both Anuriel and Creçore, while Port August is exclusively for trade goods and fishing industries. The nation owns three international airport, [[Eranorth International Airport|Eranorth International]], [[Anuriel International Airport|Anuriel International]], and [[Creçore International]]. International flights must come to these three airports before they can go into other airports.

=== Agriculture ===
[[File:Farm in Volkia.jpg|thumb|271x271px|A farm in the [[Eastern Plains]].]]Agriculture is intensive, highly mechanized and efficient by Urthian standards, producing about 60 % of food needs with less than 1.6 % of the labour force (614,128 workers). Around two-thirds of production is devoted to arable corps, one-third to livestock. The majority of irrigation were an upgraded form of the older irrigation system dating back to the Clintinian era. Farmers are managed under local [[Farmer's Working Group]] that lies under the [[Ministry of Industry and Agriculture of Tissandra|Ministry of Industry and Agriculture]]'s jurisdiction. Since 1999, there were certain government subsidies for national farming. The [[Farmer Tax Act of 2000]] reduced the land tax farmers need to pay from a whole 10% of 75% of the revenue, to just 10% of 50% of the revenue. This resulted in a boom of forest clearing throughout the 2000 - 2010. The government finally passed the [[Land Clearing Act of 2010]] that gives sanction for people who cleared forest without the aproval of local area planner. The government also introduced specific use forests areas for paper industry and furniture, while also enlarging the protected areas a bit more. Tissandra retains a significant, though much reduced fishing industry, with Port August became the main fishing port in the country. The nation produced 36,000 tonnes of fish, with 75% of them came from fish farms throughout the coasts. The fisihing industries also get subsidized by the government through the [[Fisheries Act of 2012]], which obliged insurance companies to gives lower insurance premium for fishermen.
[[File:Farm in Volkia.jpg|thumb|271x271px|A farm in the [[Eastern Plains]].]]Agriculture is intensive, highly mechanized and efficient by Urthian standards, producing about 60 % of food needs with less than 1.6 % of the labour force (614,128 workers). Around two-thirds of production is devoted to arable corps, one-third to livestock. The majority of irrigation were an upgraded form of the older irrigation system dating back to the Clintinian era. Farmers are managed under local [[Farmer's Working Group]] that lies under the [[Ministry of Industry and Agriculture of Tissandra|Ministry of Industry and Agriculture]]'s jurisdiction. Since 1999, there were certain government subsidies for national farming. The [[Farmer Tax Act of 2000]] reduced the land tax farmers need to pay from a whole 10% of 75% of the revenue, to just 10% of 50% of the revenue. This resulted in a boom of forest clearing throughout the 2000 - 2010. The government finally passed the [[Land Clearing Act of 2010]] that gives sanction for people who cleared forest without the aproval of local area planner. The government also introduced specific use forests areas for paper industry and furniture, while also enlarging the protected areas a bit more. Tissandra retains a significant, though much reduced fishing industry, with Port August became the main fishing port in the country. The nation produced 36,000 tonnes of fish, with 75% of them came from fish farms throughout the coasts. The fisihing industries also get subsidized by the government through the [[Fisheries Act of 2012]], which obliged insurance companies to gives lower insurance premium for fishermen.

=== Energy ===
[[File:VenturaOilFieldDrilling.jpg|left|thumb|222x222px|An oil drilling site near [[Yasterian Range]].]]Tissandra biggest export after manufactured goods is refined oil. Oil made up about 16% of the total exports, and generating almost ₣46 billion for the economy. The government owned [[Cornellius Oil Company]] produced 46% of the national oil outlift in 2019. Other major oil mining companies are [[Teltex]], [[Urmina Mining]], and [[Bless Drill]]. The revenue from oil and oil related income are primarily used for Tissandra's wellfare programs. It is also rich in a number of natural resources including coal, petroleum, natural gas, tin, limestone, iron ore, salt, clay, chalk, gypsum, lead, silica and an abundance of arable land.
[[File:VenturaOilFieldDrilling.jpg|left|thumb|222x222px|An oil drilling site near [[Yasterian Range]].]]Tissandra biggest export after manufactured goods is refined oil. Oil made up about 16% of the total exports, and generating almost ₣46 billion for the economy. The government owned [[Cornellius Oil Company]] produced 46% of the national oil outlift in 2019. Other major oil mining companies are [[Teltex]], [[Urmina Mining]], and [[Bless Drill]]. The revenue from oil and oil related income are primarily used for Tissandra's wellfare programs. It is also rich in a number of natural resources including coal, petroleum, natural gas, tin, limestone, iron ore, salt, clay, chalk, gypsum, lead, silica and an abundance of arable land.

Tissandra do not relies to much on [[Hydroelectric power plant|hydroelectric power plants]] as the country lacks huge river. The nation still relies heavily on coal and gas power plants, as the nation still have a huge abundance on both fuels. The country's renewable energy comes mostly from wind farms that has been built on Tissandra's coasts. The location of Tissandra is perfect for [[Wind farm|wind farms]], as it's located where the the easterly winds collide with Yasteria. Apart from winds, [[solar farm]] are begining to show up on Tissandran territory as the nation is pretty arid with pretty long summer (that can last up to 4 months). The nation's renewable energy projects is led by [[Green Tissandra]] that lies under the [[Ministry of Public Work]]'s jurisdiction.
Tissandra do not relies to much on [[Hydroelectric power plant|hydroelectric power plants]] as the country lacks huge river. The nation still relies heavily on coal and gas power plants, as the nation still have a huge abundance on both fuels. The country's renewable energy comes mostly from wind farms that has been built on Tissandra's coasts. The location of Tissandra is perfect for [[Wind farm|wind farms]], as it's located where the the easterly winds collide with Yasteria. Apart from winds, [[solar farm]] are begining to show up on Tissandran territory as the nation is pretty arid with pretty long summer (that can last up to 4 months). The nation's renewable energy projects is led by [[Green Tissandra]] that lies under the [[Ministry of Public Work]]'s jurisdiction.

=== Industry and Manufacturing ===
===Industry and Manufacturing===
[[File:Bush-fairfax.jpg|thumb|Prime Minister [[William Dampsey IX]] visiting [[Meaton]] facility in [[Anuriel]]<nowiki/>in 2012.]]
[[File:Bush-fairfax.jpg|thumb|Prime Minister [[William Dampsey IX]] visiting [[Meaton]] facility in [[Anuriel]]<nowiki/>in 2012.]]
The [[First Industrial Revolution]] started in Tissandra with an initial concentration on the textile industry, followed by other heavy industries such as shipbuilding, coal mining and steelmaking. Tissandran merchants, shippers and bankers developed overwhelming advantage over those of other nations allowing Tissandra to participate in international trade in the 19th century. As other nations industrialised, Tissandra began to lose its competitive advantage and heavy industry declined, by degrees, throughout the 20th century. Manufacturing remains a significant part of the economy but accounted for only 19% of national output in 2003.
The [[First Industrial Revolution]] started in Tissandra with an initial concentration on the textile industry, followed by other heavy industries such as shipbuilding, coal mining and steelmaking. Tissandran merchants, shippers and bankers developed overwhelming advantage over those of other nations allowing Tissandra to participate in international trade in the 19th century. As other nations industrialised, Tissandra began to lose its competitive advantage and heavy industry declined, by degrees, throughout the 20th century. Manufacturing remains a significant part of the economy but accounted for only 19% of national output in 2003.
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The aerospace industry of Tissandra is one of the biggest on Urth and has an annual turnover of around ₣30 billion. The wings for the [[Airlift A380]] and the [[A350 XWB]] are designed and manufactured at [[Airlift Tissandra]]'s Almiere facility, whilst over a quarter of the value of the Airlift 787 comes from Tissandra manufacturers including [[Meaton]], [[Merry-Burgress-Delli]] and [[Le-Joyce]]. Tissandra space industry was worth ₣9.1bn in 2011 and employed 29,000 people. It is growing at a rate of 7.5 % annually, according to its umbrella organisation, [[Tissandra Space Agency]]. In 2013, the Tissandran Government pledged ₣60 m to the [[Skynorth project]]: this investment will provide support at a "crucial stage" to allow a full-scale prototype of the [[LSC]] (Life Supporting Compartments) engine to be built.
The aerospace industry of Tissandra is one of the biggest on Urth and has an annual turnover of around ₣30 billion. The wings for the [[Airlift A380]] and the [[A350 XWB]] are designed and manufactured at [[Airlift Tissandra]]'s Almiere facility, whilst over a quarter of the value of the Airlift 787 comes from Tissandra manufacturers including [[Meaton]], [[Merry-Burgress-Delli]] and [[Le-Joyce]]. Tissandra space industry was worth ₣9.1bn in 2011 and employed 29,000 people. It is growing at a rate of 7.5 % annually, according to its umbrella organisation, [[Tissandra Space Agency]]. In 2013, the Tissandran Government pledged ₣60 m to the [[Skynorth project]]: this investment will provide support at a "crucial stage" to allow a full-scale prototype of the [[LSC]] (Life Supporting Compartments) engine to be built.

==Demographics ==

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Apart from the two ethnicities, there are considerable number of Packilvanian citizen living inside Tissandra, especially around the borders between the two nations. These Packilvanian are mostly foreign expats and students that visits the nation for education or works on limited times. But up to 26% of Packilvanian inside Tissandra gained Residency status, and some 3% are undergoing or has undergone naturalization process. After the Packilvanian, there are about 5% of various other ethnicities, all from aboard. Tissandra has a very loose immigration policies and going inside the nation is considerably easy compared to other nations in Urth. Visa is needed for temporary visits with time restrictions ranging between a two day visit to two months. Transfer visits do not need any form of documents, but police and airport officials still has the right to check anyone inside the airport area.
Apart from the two ethnicities, there are considerable number of Packilvanian citizen living inside Tissandra, especially around the borders between the two nations. These Packilvanian are mostly foreign expats and students that visits the nation for education or works on limited times. But up to 26% of Packilvanian inside Tissandra gained Residency status, and some 3% are undergoing or has undergone naturalization process. After the Packilvanian, there are about 5% of various other ethnicities, all from aboard. Tissandra has a very loose immigration policies and going inside the nation is considerably easy compared to other nations in Urth. Visa is needed for temporary visits with time restrictions ranging between a two day visit to two months. Transfer visits do not need any form of documents, but police and airport officials still has the right to check anyone inside the airport area.

==== Tissandran ====
[[File:Arabian Sea people.jpg|thumb|337x337px|Tissandran kid playing in the [[Grune Beach]], Creçore.]]
[[File:Arabian Sea people.jpg|thumb|337x337px|Tissandran kid playing in the [[Grune Beach]], Creçore.]]
Tissandran people are the descendants of the coastal tribes of Yasteria, related to Packilvanian people. The true concept of Tissandran has already been ascribed since the times of Eleana, and was already been used to called the coastal tribes descendants since the Hellenistic period, interchangibly with Hellenic, or the later Clintinian. During the hundred states period, Tissandran is the main adjective used to refers the disparates states' citizens. Different from the native yasterian, Tissandran in average is a bit taller than their native counterparts, and whiter in complexion. On average, Tissandran height ranges between 140 - 170 centimeters, but some can be as high as 2 meters, with women averaging between 130 -160 centimeters, and men between 150 - 180 centimeters.They have a high brow and a unique eye construction; Tissandran eyes are a bit more seperated than the native yasterian. Tissandran usually has black hairs, but there are some with blonde hairs, mainly those who lives near the coasts, and even some with red hairs.
Tissandran people are the descendants of the coastal tribes of Yasteria, related to Packilvanian people. The true concept of Tissandran has already been ascribed since the times of Eleana, and was already been used to called the coastal tribes descendants since the Hellenistic period, interchangibly with Hellenic, or the later Clintinian. During the hundred states period, Tissandran is the main adjective used to refers the disparates states' citizens. Different from the native yasterian, Tissandran in average is a bit taller than their native counterparts, and whiter in complexion. On average, Tissandran height ranges between 140 - 170 centimeters, but some can be as high as 2 meters, with women averaging between 130 -160 centimeters, and men between 150 - 180 centimeters.They have a high brow and a unique eye construction; Tissandran eyes are a bit more seperated than the native yasterian. Tissandran usually has black hairs, but there are some with blonde hairs, mainly those who lives near the coasts, and even some with red hairs.
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Apart from these small differences, Tissandran, Native Yasterian and Packilvanian have the same ancestry and similar in both face complexion and body structure. Some people even going as far as to ditch the terms Tissandran, Native Yasterian, and Packilvanian and use Yasterian instead, referring to the single ancestral line, and the same physical resemblance. But in general the three ethnicities are considered different, and government censuses still includes the queries for identifying citizens between the three ethnic groups, even though citizen can still choose not to reveals their ethnicity by just chosing the fourth query of the ethnicity queries, which simply categorize them as other ethnicities.
Apart from these small differences, Tissandran, Native Yasterian and Packilvanian have the same ancestry and similar in both face complexion and body structure. Some people even going as far as to ditch the terms Tissandran, Native Yasterian, and Packilvanian and use Yasterian instead, referring to the single ancestral line, and the same physical resemblance. But in general the three ethnicities are considered different, and government censuses still includes the queries for identifying citizens between the three ethnic groups, even though citizen can still choose not to reveals their ethnicity by just chosing the fourth query of the ethnicity queries, which simply categorize them as other ethnicities.

==== Native Yasterian ====
====Native Yasterian====
Native Yasterian predominantly lives together with Tissandran, although there are few designated reserves that had been established for them. Due to historical factor, they reside mostly in inner Tissandra, especially in Byshlia and throughout the Yasterian Range. Native culture is still perfectly preserved in the reserves, while contemporary Tissandran arts began to draw inspiration from the natives. Most of the nafives still worships some form of Hellenism, but as of 2020, 24% of natives declared themselves as spiritual only.

==== Packilvanian in Tissandra ====
====Packilvanian in Tissandra====
Due to the bordering and the historical expansion of the Hellenic Civilization, there are approximately 45,000 Packilvanian, and more than 750,000 Packilvanian descended Tissandran living inside Tissandras borders. The Packilvanian resides over the coastal and southern regions of Tissandra, seeking warmer climate.

===Languages ===

The Children of Abraham, or simply called The Children is the biggest religion of Tissandra with 64% of citizens are adherents. It is followed by Hellenism, which is more popular among native population.

Tissandra's health care system is handled by the National Healthcare Organization, which is one of the offices of the Ministry of Health and Social Justice. In Tissandra, healthcare is partially funded by the government through government issued low premium insurances such as the DHM (Dienechen Hulicari Multi) or Hospital Healthcare Package, which covers up to 100% costs according to patient's financial capability. Private insurance firms are also took part in the system, mainly for hospitals in urban and rich areas. Tissandran hospitals are properly stocked and staffed. However, in rural areas, quality of service may still differ from city hospitals. The government allocated around 15.4 billion.

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=== Media===
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