Tawusian elections

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Subpage of Tawuse

Tawusian National Congress constituencies (as of 2020)
Tawusian National Risolveré constituencies (as of 2020)

Tawusian elections occur quinquennially, with both the National Congress and National Risolveré elections occurring simultaneously. The party or coalition that obtains a majority in congress, wins presidency with the president acting as the main representative of Tawuse on foreign diplomatic missions as well as having the ability to introduce executive orders.

The National Congress

The National congress of Tawuse consists of 150 representatives which represent 100,000 people per constituency (-/+ 10%). Representatives within congress draft bills of potential laws and amendments. A successful vote in the Congress is then passed into the National Risolveré to be voted upon. If confirmed, signed into law by the acting president.

The National Risolveré

The National Risolveré of Tawuse acts as the upper house of Tawusian law-making. Consisting of 30 seats, each Risolvan is elected within broader consistencies of 500,000 (-/+ 2%). bills passed by the National Risolveré are subsequently signed into law by the acting president.