Tavari-Banian Rapprochement: Difference between revisions

Moving forward the cage match by 20 years because we wanna fight NOW
(Created page with "{{WIP}} The '''Tavari-Banian Rapprochement''' is a on-going diplomatic process between Tavari Union and the Republic of Bana. The rapprochement officially started in 16th January 2024, during a multinational conference held in République C.D, Federation of the Southern Coast of Lapérouse led by FPM Jeanne Pierre. The conference being the first international visit by the new Banian PM Abayomrunkoje...")
m (Moving forward the cage match by 20 years because we wanna fight NOW)
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|Banian-Tavari Grand Cage Match
|[[Nuvrenon]], [[Tavaris]]
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=== [[Tavari Union]] ===
The Tavari government had last conducted a programme of significant outreach to the Banians during the tenure of [[Shano Tuvria]], including the restoration of official diplomatic relations between the two in 2019. Those efforts, referred to by the Tavari as a "normalisation," were initially seen as successful, though in 2020 protests at the newly opened Banian embassy in Nuvrenon were the largest protests in the Tavari capital in 20 years, with some 80,000-90,000 people showing up to protest and 89 people being arrested after the protests turned violent.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://forum.theeastpacific.com/t/the-nuvrenon-news-news-from-tavaris/14492/9?u=acronis|title='Banians Go Home': Protest at Newly Opened Banian Embassy Turns Violent|date=September 25, 2020|website=The Nuvrenon News}}</ref> Later, the announcement of the Tavari nuclear programme decidedly closed the door on further dialogue in light of strong Banian disapproval, and the later revelation of Banian involvement in disrupting the 2021 Acronian independence referendum and funding the religious terrorist network known as the Fist of the Moon during the Division Crisis drove a further wedge between the two, rapidly changing what had been a moment of exceptionally good ties between the two rivals to their worst in decades.
The 2024 rapprochement has been hailed by the Tavari government, especially Prime Minister [[Žarís Nevran Alandar]], as a "tremendous opportunity for lasting peace." Mrs. Nevran Alandar said in response to questions at a session of the Tavari Diet that while she "insisted from the very first on a formal apology from Bana for their role in the Division Crisis," she reported that she was surprised to actually receive one, and said to the legislature "I believe this is a genuine, good faith attempt at putting the past behind us as best we can, and I intend to seize upon this opportunity not just to make us safer but for the sake of the Banians, too." There has been significant pushback against the rapprochement from the right wing, including in the Prime Minister's confidence-and-supply partners, the Tavari National Party, but overwhelming support from opposition parties on the left. Bills in the Diet to allocate funding for the upcoming sports tournament passed with healthy majorities with opposition support. Mrs. Nevran Alandar also reported she was "quite impressed, even emotionally moved" at the Banian proposals for a sports tournament as an opportunity for building ties, noting that she herself is an athlete and saying "I know first-hand just how powerful sport can be at bringing people together." The Prime Minister has stated that "We still have much to discuss with Bana, and I can't promise that all of our discussions will be happy or pleasant ones, but what is most important is that now we are moving forward with a real intention of building not just tolerance but peace and goodwill with one another."
Public opinion in Tavaris has been mixed, but trending positive. [[Ranzalar Holdings|Ranzalar Media Research]] has so far conducted three nationwide opinion surveys on relations with Bana—in January, March, and May of 2024—and found that while in January only 36% of Tavari people supported closer ties with Bana, that number rose to 45% in March and 49% in May. In these results, the percentage of those who "strongly approve" of closer ties has remained relatively steady (15% in January compared to 17% in May), with the bulk of the growth coming from those who say they simply "agree." At the same time, the percentage of those who "strongly disapprove" of the rapprochement has fallen from 20% in January to 11% in May. The Banian apology has been the primary motivator in changes of opinion, with almost half of all respondents in May answering "yes" to the question "Has Bana's apology for their role in supporting terrorism during the Division Crisis caused you to improve your opinion of Bana?" In comparison, 30% of people answered "yes" to a similar question, "Has the January 2024 international summit between the Tavari Union and Bana in the Southern Coast caused you to improve your opinion of Bana?" and only 10% said the same about Bana's change in government structure motivating a change in their opinion.
