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== History ==
=== Prehistory and antiquityAntiquity ===
The earliest evidence of human habitation in Phoenixia dates back to approximately 140,000 years ago. The region was characterized by its mild tropical climate, flat landscapes, and long rivers, which made it an ideal place for settlement. However, the earliest known agricultural settlements are those of Tyrsol, which date back to 5000 BCE. In the east-central area of modern-day Phoenixia, known as [[Plana Viridis]], settlers established communities around the second millennium BCE.
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As a result of these invasions, territories once controlled by the empire were divided among various tribes and nations. In 1250, Hopium Terrae was sacked, and Emperor Giuliano Carlo was deposed, marking the final downfall of the Optian Empire.
=== ArsalicMiddle ConquestAges ===
The fall of the Optian Empire opened a new era for Arafors and left a power vacuum that led to the rise of new duchies and regional powers. This fragmented political landscape favored the conquest of the Araforsian region in the 1300s by the Commonwealth of Arsal. The Commonwealth ruled over the region for five centuries until its collapse in 1740, leading to the emergence of new kingdoms.
=== Early Modern ===
In the 17th century, Almodarian merchants from the Kingdom of Tuvaria, located in modern-day northern Almodaria, began traveling through naval and ground routes across the Arcturian continent. They crossed paths with Araforsian navigators, and over the following centuries, their trade relations strengthened.
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These policies helped to stabilize the economy, create jobs, and boost economic growth. Economic growth resumes and the Kingdom of Arafors becomes one of the leading Arcturian industrial powers of the time.
On 15 April 1913, while the RAR-class liner Grand Dukess was crossing the Gulf of Afragola, it was suddenly hit by a torpedo. Out of 1345 passengers on board, only 466 managed to escape the clutches of the sinking vessel.
In the early 20th century, the Kingdom of Arafors and the Grand Duchy of Tyrsol had a strained relationship due to several factors such as trade tariffs, territorial disputes, and cultural differences. This, combined with King David III's ambition to expand Arafors' control of trade routes, increase its sphere of influence, and establish military dominance, led to the launch of a military campaign against the Grand Duchy in April 1900.
The sinking of the Grand Duchess had a significant impact on trade routes in the area. Transit through the gulf was restricted and a temporary blockade was imposed.
The conflict was brief and resulted in a decisive victory for the Kingdom of Arafors. One of the most notable moments during the war was the Battle of Maltova in May 1900, where Sergeant Major Markus Albard led the Royal Army to successfully defend a strategic bridge against the opposing forces of the Grand Duchy of Tyrsol. This allowed the Royal Army to cross the Rover River and encircle the enemy, putting them at a significant disadvantage.
Although the exact origin of the torpedo remained uncertain, suspicions spread that it pointed towards the Grand Duchy of Tyrsol.
Sergeant Major Albard's bravery and strategic leadership during the battle earned him great recognition among the people of Arafors and boosted the morale of the troops throughout the rest of the campaign. Two other key battles of the campaign were the Battle of Balloria and the Battle of La Fossa, which saw the Royal Army gain more ground and put additional pressure on the Grand Duchy of Tyrsol. Finally, in 1901, after months of intense fighting, the Grand Duchy of Tyrsol was officially annexed to the Kingdom of Arafors.
The already strained relations between Tyrsol and Arafors reached breaking point, sparking a conflict.
In December 1905 King David III died at 56 years old due to a severe lung disease, which was exacerbated by his heavy smoking habit.
King David III, wanting to expand the kingdom's territories and end the maritime rivalry with Tyrsol, seized on the popular indignation and appointed General Francesco Balloria to lead the army.
On 26 April 1913, the Royal Army of Arafors breached the border of the Grand Duchy. The War lasted about a month and a half , ending with the annexation of the Grand Duchy.
Following King David III's death, his oldest son, Pietro VI prince of Joralshire, succeeded to the throne of the Araforsian Kingdom in January 1906, and was immediately faced with a pressing challenge.
The Ranubian Federation, a state located on the kingdom's northeast border, had become a safe haven for pirates operating in the Marus Gulf and posed a significant threat to the
security and stability of the Kingdom's trades and ships. In response to this situation, King Pietro VI appointed his trusted general, Francesco Gambatonda, to lead a military campaign against the Ranubian Federation.
The campaign, which took place between 1907 and 19081914, was successful, resulting in
in the defeat of the federation and the end of the pirate threat in the Marus Gulf.
In 1909, King PeterDavid VIIII implemented a significant reform by granting universal male suffrage in the general elections, making voting rights accessible to all men, regardless of their wealth or status. This marked a major shift in the political landscape of the kingdom, as voting was no longer limited to wealthy nobles.
The conservative coalition emerged victorious in the general elections, and the first elected government was formed under the leadership of Jerome Derrymon. However, the Derrymon government faced a motion of no confidence from the Landsraad in December 1912, leading to its downfall.
On March 1913 Matthew Charlie Cox was appointed as the new prime minister. He led a liberal coalition comprising various centrist parties.
In response, King Pietro VI appointed Matthew Charlie Cox as the new prime minister, who went on to lead the social liberal Cox government. Cox won the 1914 election and remained in power until 1920. This period marked a significant shift towards greater political and social equality in the kingdom, as well as a move towards more progressive policies.
In December 19051914 King David III died at 5654 years old due to a severe lung disease, which was exacerbated by his heavy smoking habit. His oldest son, Pietro VI prince of Joralshire, succeeded to the throne in January 1915.
Cox went on winning the 1916 election and remained in power until 1920.
Michela Marie Ferrè became the first female prime minister of the kingdom in 1921, leading a progressive party coalition government. During her time in office, Ferrè implemented a range of policies aimed at promoting social and economic equality, including expanding access to education and healthcare, increasing workers' rights, and improving social welfare programs.
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The Neauro government represented a shift away from the more progressive policies of the Ferrè government, as it reversed some reforms introduced by its predecessor. The government increased funding for law enforcement agencies, implemented stricter penalties for criminal offenses, and introduced new measures aimed at improving public safety. These efforts were aimed at reducing crime and increasing public confidence in the government.
The government remained in power until 1928, when it was voted out ofby the Landsraad, leading to a officesnap inelection the generalfollowing electionsyear.
=== Red Crisis ===


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