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== History ==
=== Prehistory and antiquity ===
The earliest evidence of human habitation in Phoenixia dates back to approximately 140,000 years ago. The region was characterized by its mild tropical climate, flat landscapes, and long rivers, which made it an ideal place for settlement. However, the earliest known agricultural settlements are those of Tyrsol, which date back to 5000 BCE. In the east-central area of modern-day Phoenixia, known as [[Plana Viridis]], settlers established communities around the second millennium BCE.
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The Ari were an agrarian tribe who focused on growing crops like mangoes and sugar cane, while the Foris were a nomadic tribe of hunters and fishermen who lived along the coasts. The Ranubian, although not as well-known as the other two tribes, played an important role in the region's history as skilled metalworkers and traders.
=== Ancient Arafors People ===
As trade and the need for defense against hostile groups grew, a mixing process began between the Ari and Foris tribes, leading to the formation of the ancient Arafors people. These new people spread throughout the region, forming independent city-states united by their polytheistic religion.
=== Impelantan Colonization ===
The Implenta Empire was a powerful empire that colonized Arafors in the 4th century CE to control trade routes and strategic outposts. The empire enforced its control over the region through a combination of alliances with city-states and conquest. This led to a significant impact on the local culture, which, in turn, shaped the region's identity. The empire's rule was successful initially, but by the 5th century CE, Implenta's hold over Arafors dwindled, leading to a fragmented region.
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The fall of the Optian Empire opened a new era for Arafors and left a power vacuum that led to the rise of new duchies and regional powers. This fragmented political landscape favored the conquest of the Araforsian region in the 1300s by the Commonwealth of Arsal. The Commonwealth ruled over the region for five centuries until its collapse in 1740, leading to the emergence of new kingdoms.
=== Modern AraforsEarly Modern ===
In the 17th century, Almodarian merchants from the Kingdom of Tuvaria, located in modern-day northern Almodaria, began traveling through naval and ground routes across the Arcturian continent. They crossed paths with Araforsian navigators, and over the following centuries, their trade relations strengthened.
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These policies helped to stabilize the economy, create jobs, and boost economic growth. Economic growth resumes and the Kingdom of Arafors becomes one of the leading Arcturian industrial powers of the time.
=== Expansionism ===
In the early 20th century, the Kingdom of Arafors and the Grand Duchy of Tyrsol had a strained relationship due to several factors such as trade tariffs, territorial disputes, and cultural differences. This, combined with King David III's ambition to expand Arafors' control of trade routes, increase its sphere of influence, and establish military dominance, led to the launch of a military campaign against the Grand Duchy in April 1900.
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=== Federal Republic ===
Following the end of the civil war in September 1944, a provisional government was established, and the people were called upon to vote on whether to abolish the monarchy or establish a republic. The vote was held in October of that year, and the majority of the people chose to establish a republic. From March 1945 to December 1947, a Constituent Assembly was established to draft the new Constitution of Phoenixia. This constitution was officially implemented on January 1st, 1948, exactly 100 years after the enactment of the Kingdom of Arafors Constitution, the Theodor Statute.
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In 1953, large oil fields were discovered in the central area of the Optio Sea. The government responded by creating the [[Phoenixia National Fund|Phoenixian National Fund]], which was designed to invest the oil proceeds in infrastructure projects. Several joint-venture companies, such as the Arafors & Tregriva Company, were created in the late 1950s to facilitate maritime trade.
===First Dømin War ===
In the late 1960s, tensions began to arise between the Afragola Dømin, and the Yallo minorities. The disagreements were marked by various tension and disputes, reaching a climax in January 1968, with the suspension and eventual ban of the ultra-nationalist C'Vert Party and the restriction on its members from holding public office.
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The construction work involved the demolition of many historic areas, monuments, and iconic locations in Afragola, particularly in the Yallo regions. The new construction projects included the building of highways, subways, and shopping malls.
=== EconomyLiberal boomperiod ===
In 1979 the Phoenixian goverment implemented an economic liberalization policy, which brought significant changes to the Phoenixian economy, transforming it into a more market-oriented system. The policy allowed individuals to acquire large stakes in many of the country's enterprises, giving rise to a new class of wealthy business owners. The government also encouraged foreign investors to enter the domestic market, resulting in increased foreign direct investment.
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The government of Phoenixia increasingly concerned about safety and public order, intensified its efforts to crack down on organized crime in the region. Law enforcement officials conducted numerous raids and arrests, targeting key figures within the Marmotta Clan and other criminal organizations operating in the area, and were ultimately successful in bringing an end to the conflict.
=== 2022Contemporary Age elections ===
''Coming soon...very very soon''
== Geography and environment==


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