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The period from the 11th Century to the unification of Tretrid in the 13th Century has been named the "Triarchy" by historians.
===Unification and expansion===
[[File:Tret1256.png|thumb|Tretrid at the time of its unification]]
The newly-unified Tretrid had a significant amount of power, and so Tretrid clashed with [[Dallacqua]], at that time the dominant power in West Novaris. Tretrid managed to gain a series of territorial concessions in a series of wars from the late 13th Century to the 14th Century.
The advent of gunpowder and firearms tipped the balance in favor of Tretrid, leading to Tretrid seizing all Dallacquan land west of the Nalpians, and also lead Tretrid to seize ports on the coast of both Dallacqua and its ally [[Volscina]]. Tretrid would consolidate these overseas gains under [[Tretridian West Novaris]].
Tretrid was largely the dominant power of Novaris from the 15th century to the 17th century, and it largely interfered with the affairs of its neighbors in that period, including, most infamously, the [[War of Seven Emperors]], where Tretridian West Novaris annexed a significant amount of territory from Volscina.
To solidify its control over West Novaris, as well as to ensure its control over West Novaran Trade, Tretrid established a series of trading posts along the west coast of Novaris, and some of these ports developed into cities. Eventually, this network of trade posts had developed into a full colony, known as [[Tretridian West Novaris]].
===War of the Tretridian Succession===
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