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Around the same time, Tretrid waged a number of wars against Norgsveldet to limit Norgsveltian influence over Novaris and to halt the spread of Gustafic Asatru.
===19th century===
In 1804, Eadgyð II commenced sweeping reforms of the Tretridian government with the proclamation of the Charter of Privileges, which was in essence the Tretridian constitution. The Charter expanded the role of the Witan to take up most of the duties of day-to-day governance of Tretrid, and also mandated elections to the Folkmoot. As Eadgyð continued to retain command of the military and to dictate foreign policy, her reign has been argued to employ an early form of [[royalistic populism]].
Eadgyð II's rule saw Tretrid once again turning to West Novaris, which had changed since the last time Tretrid waged war there in the 1750s. Tretrid started maintaining closer diplomatic ties to the nations in modern-day Aponivia, while still plying a large amount of influence over Seccera despite the Tretridian-Secceran personal union having ended with the death of Bada II in 1802. Tretrid's main concern in the Aponivi regions were the maintenance of a stable balance of power as to best maintain the connection between Tretrid, Seccera, and Northrenpynt. This mainly presented itself in Tretrid aiding the active decline of Dallacqua as it slowly lost territories to Lamanwasser and Tavaris. At the same time, the government quietly instituted a gradual expansion of the Tretridian navy as to better contend with Lapinumbian power in South Novaris.
The creation of the Charter proved fatal to the Eorlist faction as it existed throughout the 18th century, as their support for the rather unpopular traditional landed nobility of Tretrid lead to many Eorlists to be voted out in the newly instated elections, while Cynists would be elected in waves due to public enthusiasm for the monarchy as a result of the democratization of Tretrid. While the Cynist faction briefly enjoyed total control of the Witan, however, they ended up splintering from infighting on the subject of possible reforms into the Liberal Party (later the Liberal Democratic Party) and the Conservative Party by the 1816 elections. The Eorlist faction's last seats in the Folkmoot were lost in 1824, though they would continue to have members in the Athelmoot for decades afterwards.
EadgyðNow II'swith rulea sawworkable Tretriddomestic oncepower again turning to West Novarisbase, whichEadgyð hadII changedwas sinceable theto lastturn timeto Tretridmatters wagedof warforeign therepolicy in theWest 1750sNovaris. Tretrid started maintaining closer diplomatic ties to the nations in modern-day Aponivia, while still plying a large amount of influence over Seccera despite the Tretridian-Secceran personal union having ended with the death of Bada II in 1802. Tretrid's main concern in the Aponivi regions were the maintenance of a stable balance of power as to best maintain the connection between Tretrid, Seccera, and Northrenpynt. This mainly presented itself in Tretrid aiding the active decline of Dallacqua as it slowly lost territories to Lamanwasser and Tavaris. At the same time, the government quietly instituted a gradual expansion of the Tretridian navy as to better contend with Lapinumbian power in South Novaris.
While South Novaris remained tense, West Novaris would remain stable until the 1840s, when a series of events occurred that would significantly shift the balance of power in the continent. Firstly, a revanchist Dallacqua started attacking its neighbors, leading to the [[First Dallacquan War]]. The war would see Dallacqua occupied by an alliance between Tretrid (and Seccera by extension), Lamanwasser, Beorhmere, New Aloysia, and Tavaris. This joint occupation would last until 1849, when a peace treaty was signed that reconstituted Dallacqua as a sovereign state, though with significantly less territory and as a constitutional monarchy.
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These intensified Tretridio-Lapinumbian tensions would boil over in 1867 as war broke out between the two South Novaran powers. The [[Tretridio-Lapinumbian War|resulting war]] lasted for two years, in which a land campaign ended up extremely inconclusive. However, the naval dimension of the war proved to be extremely important, as the Tretridian fleet incurred heavy losses on the aging Lapinumbian navy, and at one point was even able to fire upon and severly damage the naval shipyards in Vecitania itself. The war ended without any territorial changes, but it marked Lapinumbia's decline as one of the Novaran great powers. Lapinumbia would no longer be an obstacle to Tretridian naval might.
The political situation would continue to develop back in Tretrid, as the Social Democratic Party of Tretrid (SDÞ) was founded by a group of trade unionists in 1879 to try to establish socialism through democratic means. The party rapidly grew due to discontent within the Tretridian working class to the point where the government had to create welfare programs to make it harder for the nascent party to attract people. Despite efforts made by the other parties, by the end of the 19th century, the SDÞ had become one of the largest political parties in Tretrid.
===Great War===
{{Main|Great War|Novaran Theater (Great War)}}
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